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Fred (860 KP) rated Inside in Video Games

Mar 2, 2019  
2017 | Action
One of the best looking games of all time (3 more)
Creepy and atmospheric.
Good puzzler, but not too hard.
Beautiful music sets the mood for the scenes wonderfully.
A bit short. (1 more)
No platinum trophy on PS4.
A fantastic experience
If you liked the game Limbo, you'll love this. Playdead, the company behind Limbo goes the same route with a side-scrolling, puzzled based platformer. But it's kicked up a notch with it's beautiful design. Just like Limbo, you play as a boy & that's all the info you're given. You run, hide, push things, and jump. Throughout the game, you come across mindless, zombie-like clones who you are able to control, who you'll need to solve the many puzzles. There are many puzzles, and some you may get stuck on for a while, but they're not hard enough that you'll quit or run to the internet to figure out.

I don't want to tell you anymore, as it's something you need to experience for yourself. The story gets real deep & builds to an exciting ending. Yes, the game is short, but you'll probably replay it, if only to find the hidden orbs. Play it, play it, play it. NOW!
Antebellum (2020)
Antebellum (2020)
2020 | Thriller
A Jordan Peele movie wouldn't have made the third act gore so tame, just sayin'. In fact there's a lot wrong with this movie, including but not limited to tacky dialogue and the fact that there's not really an actual plot that happens. But it's definitely weird, ambitious, attractive, and intriguing enough to suffice. Jack Huston and - in particular - Gabourey Sidibe are great in it too, and honestly listening to her talk about what the film represents and how much it means to her ( [8:07]) was very powerful and sort of solidified my positive rating for it in the end. Because on the one hand I think what this movie tried to convey is both admirable and depressingly timely - just muddled a ton by its scattershot approach. Though on the other hand I kind of feel as though its bizarre narrative structure gives it some nuance that it otherwise would have missed out on in the age of slow-burn horror indie clones. It's impossible to talk about this comprehensively without blowing its twist - and it's a good one - but just know this is a vastly better Janelle Monรกe slave movie than ๐˜๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜ฆ๐˜ต.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated the Xbox 360 version of Doom in Video Games

Mar 20, 2020  
1993 | Action, Horror, Shooter
The BFG (0 more)
Kick Some Ass
Doom- such a classic to all, I personally didnt play doom until the 360. Yes you read that right, i didnt play this game until the 360. So lets talk about it.

The gameplay:

Doom is a first-person shooter presented with early 3D graphics. The player controls an unnamed space marineโ€”later termed the Doomguyโ€”through a series of levels set in military bases on the moons of Mars and in Hell. To finish a level, the player must traverse through the area to reach a marked exit room. Levels are grouped together into named episodes, with the final level focusing on a boss fight with a particularly difficult enemy.

While traversing the levels, the player must fight a variety of enemies, including demons and possessed undead humans, while managing supplies of ammunition, health, and armor. Enemies often appear in large groups, and the game features five difficulty levels which increase the quantity and damage done by enemies, with enemies respawning upon death and moving faster than normal on the hardest difficulty setting.

Levels can also include pits of toxic waste, ceilings that lower and crush anything below them, and locked doors which require a keycard, skull-shaped key device, or a remote switch to be opened.

The plot:

Doom is divided into three episodes: "Knee-Deep in the Dead", "The Shores of Hell", and "Inferno". A fourth episode, "Thy Flesh Consumed", was added in an expanded version of the game, The Ultimate Doom. The game itself contains very few plot elements, with the minimal story instead given in the instruction manual and short text segues between episodes.

 In the future, the player character (an unnamed space marine) has been punitively posted to Mars after assaulting a superior officer, who ordered his unit to fire on civilians. Players assume the role of a space marine, popularly known as "Doomguy", fighting his way through hordes of invading demons from Hell.

The Impact/Legacy:

Doom helped define the FPS genre and inspired numerous similar games, known as "Doom clones". It is one of the most significant games in video game history, and is frequently cited as one of the greatest games of all time. It pioneered online distribution and technologies including 3D graphics, networked multiplayer gaming, and support for customized modifications via packaged files (WADs). However, its graphic violence and hellish imagery also made it a subject of controversy.

Doom was influential and dozens of new first-person shooter titles appeared following Doom's release, and they were often referred to as "Doom clones" rather than "first-person shooters". The term "Doom clone" was used to describe the style of gameplay in Doom-style games. While the term was initially popular, it was, after 1996, gradually replaced by "first-person shooter", and the phrase "first-person shooter" had firmly superseded "Doom clone" around 1998. Some of these were certainly "clones", hastily assembled and quickly forgotten, while others explored new grounds of the genre and were highly acclaimed. Many of the games closely imitated features in Doom such as the selection of weapons and cheat codes.

Devoted players have spent years creating speedruns for Doom, competing for the quickest completion times and sharing knowledge about routes through the levels and how to exploit bugs in the Doom engine for shortcuts. Achievements include the completion of both Doom and Doom II on the "Ultra-Violence" difficulty setting in less than 30 minutes each. In addition, a few players have also managed to complete Doom II in a single run on the difficulty setting "Nightmare!", on which monsters are more aggressive, launch faster projectiles (or, in the case of the Pinky Demon, simply move faster), and respawn roughly 30 seconds after they have been killed (level designer John Romero characterized the idea of such a run as "[just having to be] impossible").

So overall Doom is a epic game, and started the first person shooter genre, started speedrunning and started the franchise as we know today. So thank you id software and John Ramero for this game.

Dean (6925 KP) Mar 20, 2020

I played this on the Sega Megadrive 32x ๐Ÿ˜

Replication: The Jason Experiment
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Replication: the Jason Experiment has many different components that make it an excellent book.

The plot is intricately woven, exciting, fast-paced, and realistic. Yes it's about clones, but Williamson does an excellent job of keeping it from feeling ridiculous and impossible. She builds her world realistically and believably. The story starts off compelling, keeps you interested the whole time, and ends with potential. I like the ending because it doesn't feel like happyland syndrome (even though it's a happy ending) because it's an open ending: Williamson doesn't write everything down, but you pretty much know what happens, and it makes you feel so happy.

The characters are very complex. Abby is a Christian, but she's not perfect by any stretch. The youth pastor is a good guy, but he's not perfect either. Abby's relationship with God is realistic, her relationship with her father (who isn't saved) is hard to watch, but she tries to stay above reproach in the way she deals with his misunderstandings of her. I would have liked to know more about how Abby came to know Christ, but not knowing didn't take away from her story or her character. And maybe that's a story for another time.

Even though all the Jason's are clones, they are all very different. There are similar things about them, like their expressions (and probably their likes and dislikes) but they all have very unique characters. This story tackles the concept that yes we are born with DNA that determines a lot about us, but the way we grow up and the lifestyle we have and the influences around us also seriously impact our thoughts and choices. It's a balancing act; Williamson exposes it.

This book is a Christian novel, but it doesn't feel preachy (I call this Fictional Preaching), nor does it feel like a girl with a perfect almost sappy relationship with God. It's realistic. Abby fails, Abby sins, but she keeps going the right direction and she doesn't give up.

Lastly, the romance between the characters starts off subtle enough that you don't think anything of it, and stays real. It's not about the physicalโ€”so many teen romances start off that way. In fact, this novel says a lot about love: it's about them as people seeing examples of the love of Christ in each other! and because they love Christ, they love each other. And that's the way love is supposed to be: We love because He first loved us. It's a beautiful picture, and an excellent execution.

This novel was exciting, fast-paced, realistic, encouraging, and inspiring. On top of it all, it was totally clean. I recommend this one to anyone. Seriously. Read it. You won't regret it.

Check out the interview with Jill Williamson and the giveaway for a copy of the novel!
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
2015 | Action, Sci-Fi
Has the feel of original series (2 more)
Hans Solo and Princess/ Genral Leia are back
Star wars for a new generation
The force awaken opens up star wars for a whole new generation whilst the original trilogy had the world enraputed with this epic adventure series and revolutionized the way we see Sci Fi, Fantasy today Phathom menace, attack of the clones and revenge of the sith, didnt quiet capture the sprirt of the original trilogy. However Force awakens come out swinging.

Not only do we see our old favorites of Han solo Cewbacca Princess now General Leia the new characters leave a force of there own you cant help but admire Rey strength and determination. Fall in love with little BB-8. Finn ability to feel even though hes a storm trooper bring up a whole new level of meaning to established characters from the series.

Ive always like the dark side more than the light as my friendtell me i only ever like assholes so obviously Darth Vader is my favorite star wars character however Kylo Ren is no Darth Vader. However much he may wish to be and although the ending cements his darkness between Vader and Kylo there no choice who i think is the better villian so this film get a 9/10 rather than 10/10

Tonybillson999 (2 KP) Dec 13, 2017

Not what I expected, hand solo dying was a bad idea

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
1997 | Drama, Horror
The cast (4 more)
The story
The humour
Holds up well for it's age.
Returning to watch Buffy after quite a few years, fully expecting the nostalgic feeling I had towards it to be ruined by it not aging well. I actually found it still held the same appeal and could easily have been made a couple of years ago, the humour, action and cast chemistry make it a joy to watch, even now.

The idea (for those who don't know) is one girl, being the chosen one, The Slayer who fights the forces of darkness, secretly, with the aid of a mentor "The Watcher" brilliantly played by Anthony Head. Except, Buffy is a bit different from other previous Slayers... She has a life, friends, relationship issues and so the "secret" part of the the task at hand isn't quite so secret... With help and hindrance in almost equal measure from humans, vampires, daemons, military, and witches to name but a few...

The 2 main watchers we encounter during the series are superbly played and could almost be clones of each other and Spike is still one of the best characters of all time on TV...

If you haven't seen it, it is really worth a go and if you haven't seen it for some time, spare a little time for a classic...

Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated Game of Death (1978) in Movies

Jun 23, 2019 (Updated Jun 23, 2019)  
Game of Death (1978)
Game of Death (1978)
1978 | Action, Crime, International
6.8 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
'Game of Death' was the film Bruce Lee was working on when he died. He had stopped working on this to work on 'Enter the Dragon' and never had the opportunity to complete โ€˜Game of Death.โ€™ The good news is that Lee shot a good 100 minutes worth of footage (only around 30 mins survived, the other 70 mins are lost) for 'Game of Death' (they only used around 12 minutes of this footage in the actual film). The bad news is Robert Clouse came around and tried to make an entire film leading up to the Bruce Lee footage that was shot including Bruce Lee look-a-likes and a cardboard cutout. The entire film is pretty awful since the story is lame and the acting is over dramatic.

The archived footage of Bruce Lee just seems forced and thrown in to try and make a buck while the actual footage of Lee's funeral feels tasteless and inconsiderate. Clouse would unfortunately give birth to something that would spawn many films including Bruce Lee clones starring the likes of Bruce Li; a lukewarm sensation known as Bruceploitation. The actual Bruce Lee footage is some of his best, but is only shown in its entirety in the documentary "A Warrior's Journey" included in the two-disc special edition DVD of โ€˜Enter the Dragon.โ€™ So the film itself honestly isnโ€™t worth your time unless you really just want to see Sammo Hungโ€™s brief appearance.
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
One good twist! (0 more)
Acting (4 more)
A rushed ending to something special.
Well, this film has felt like a long time coming, but the disappointment took far less time.

Poor acting and poor CGI work make this film bad enough, but with a predictable plot and an awful script, it makes it in my opinion the worst Star Wars film ever made (so far), and made me wish I'd stayed at home and watched Attack of the Clones.

Daisy Ridley's acting was pretty poor in the more dramatic moments, and the CGI, particularly bad during large explosions, detracted from the feeling a Star Wars film usually brings. I'm talking Sharknado level CGI at some points, but at least that was supposed to be bad...

The characters, some of them turning out to be a completely pointless addition to the trilogy, learn absolutely nothing about themselves, with a couple of exceptions of course, but all of them with poorly written characteristics.

The ending is of course predictable, as it was always going to be realistically, but as for that, I'll let you guys judge for yourself!

The only redeeming feature is a nice little twist or two, but I'm obviously not going to tell you that!

Of course, some things are better the second time around, so maybe I'll watch again when the DVD is released and update my review...or not update it if that be the case.

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated The Crush (1993) in Movies

Sep 19, 2020 (Updated Sep 19, 2020)  
The Crush (1993)
The Crush (1993)
1993 | Drama, Mystery
Men are shit and teenagers are psychopaths. Point-blank absurd, pure trash, and an outright blast - ๐˜“๐˜ฐ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ต๐˜ข as one of the goofier and more fun beat-for-beat ๐˜๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ข๐˜ญ ๐˜ˆ๐˜ต๐˜ต๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ clones out there. What more of any value can I even say? This is exactly as advertised - checks off every bulletpoint for stalker flicks of the era but does so with a sublime verve and hearty layer of blunt sleaze. Alicia Silverstone is phenomenal, and the whole thing just looks fantastic, I mean really it's shot perfectly and has a real dope soundtrack to it as well. But apparently the director based the lead on a real girl he knew and just didn't change the name so he was legally forced to alter it; then he just swapped the place of one letter after it was completed and every time she's mentioned it's switched with some of the most hilariously shoddy dubbing since... damn, ๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜š๐˜ฏ๐˜ฐ๐˜ธ๐˜ฎ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ? Lmao, love it. Also the carousel is just as hilarious and out-of-place as everyone has mentioned. Features no shortage of delightfully raucous segments but imo the best way to frame this is as a sick man being forced to be haunted by his own pedophilic tendencies over and over again, an endless cycle of pathetic men being rightfully tortured by the girls they (and society) prey upon. Helps that all these characters except for Silverstone are dumb as rocks. ๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜Ž๐˜ฐ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฅ ๐˜‹๐˜ข๐˜ถ๐˜จ๐˜ฉ๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ.
Following the now-infamous Disney acquisition of Star Wars (which saw the abolition of the old Expanded Universe), I'm actually no-longer sure where this sits in the hierarchy of canon: is this 'Legends' (i.e pre acquisition) material, or is it stil canon?

This is set between the events of 'Attack of the Clones' and 'Revenge of the Sith' - actually leading directly into that movie, with Anakin and Obi-Wan jetting off back to Coruscant - and, in many ways, seeks to bolster the reputation of one of the missed opportunities from that movie: that of General Grievious (not his face on the cover ...).

I'm also not sure where it sits alongside the Genndy Tartakovsy animation which also seeked to do exactly that, though the latter portion of the novel does seem to describesome of the actions shown in that animation (the surprise attack on Coruscant, and the capturing of Senator Palpatine) in prose form.

This is also the first of the so-called 'Dark Lord' trilogy (comprising of this, [b:Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith|35458|Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith|Matthew Woodring Stover||476816] and [b:The Rise of Darth Vader|359848|The Rise of Darth Vader (Star Wars The Dark Lord Trilogy, #3)|James Luceno||574260]); while I have previously read - and enjoyed - the middle of those three, I now feel like reading the series in its entirity, from start to finish.