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Buffy the Vampire Slayer  - Season 5
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 5
2000 | Horror
The Body (2 more)
Anya Speech
The Gift
DAWN! (0 more)
The lets kick you in the feels season
Whilst I hate the introduction of Dawn I really enjoyed this series there where two absolute sound out episode first being:

The Body- This is without a doubt one of the best ever episode ive seen dealing with greif and death the episode is heart breaking from start to finish Anya's speech is the most powerful moment for me.

"I don't understand how this all happens. How we go through this. I mean, I knew her, and then she's- There's just a body, and I don't understand why she just can't get back in it and not be dead anymore. It's stupid. It's mortal and stupid. And-and Xander's crying and not talking, and-and I was having fruit punch, and I thought, well, Joyce will never have any more fruit punch ever, and she'll never have eggs, or yawn or brush her hair, not ever, and no one will explain to me why."

However ever character had a part that was monumental in explain death I also liked Tara explanation of its always sudden even if expected. Xander's need for violent outburst WIllow's need for changing clothes. This is one of the most memorable episode of Buffy.

The second stand out episode is The Gift:

"Dawn, listen to me. Listen. I love you. I will *always* love you. But this is the work that I have to do. Tell Giles... tell Giles I figured it out. And, and I'm okay. And give my love to my friends. You have to take care of them now. You have to take care of each other. You have to be strong. Dawn, the hardest thing in this world... is to live in it. Be brave. Live. For me."

The thing that got to me most this episode was Spike face in the last scene
The Rules of Burken
The Rules of Burken
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Twenty-four-year-old Charlotte Stahl would do anything for her older brother, Ian. After all, he’d done everything for her growing up.He played Burken with her—a hide-and-seek game they made up as kids.He comforted her when their mom deserted them. He raised her when their dad went to prison for murder. To Charlotte, Ian is the only reason she’s still alive—he’s her rock. So when Ian asks her to play Burken in the isolated woods of Cadillac, Michigan, Charlotte feels she could use the nostalgia and agrees. Burken—it’s the one thing that never changes…
...until Ian threatens to kill her in the middle of the game.
More than the rules have changed as Brother turns to Predator, Sister turns to Prey, and she’s navigating the forests of Northern Michigan on foot with nothing but the clothes—and a target—on her back.
If Charlotte wants to stay alive, she knows she has to untangle the web of her haunting past to find out where things went wrong, and at what point she lost sight of reality. With no other choice but to reopen old wounds—and with Ian hot on her trail—Charlotte learns that sometimes evil has to manifest in order for good to succeed. Which makes her wonder…
Is Ian really a monster? Or her savior?

WOW!! This was a totally dark and twisted thriller that will keep you riveted until the very end.
This story was nothing that I expected.
I was literally on the edge of my seat while reading right from the start.
This book reveals in horrifying detail the unraveling of a seriously toxic family. Toxic for each other and those who come into contact with them.
The characters are intriguing and complicated. The plot is full of twists.
The ending I did not see coming Could not put down nor did I want to.
Highly Recommend!!!

Many Thanks to the Publisher and NetGalley for a surprisingly superb read!!!
Classic, awesome, brilliant RPG system
Where can I start with 2nd Edition....

For about 10-15 years, 2nd edition D&D was THE game for role playing. For many thousands of people, it is still THE game for role playing.

Dont get me wrong, there are some elements which can seem counter-intuitive; the best armour class is a negative value (so, a normal person standing in normal clothes is AC 10. A fully plate-armoured knight, with a shield, is AC1, but may be 0 or a negative value). But, when you look at the wider picture, it starts to make sense - the main attack measure is THAC0 (To Hit Armour Class 0) and starts at 20, and drops at a varying rate depending on the class. So a level 1 fighter would need to roll a 10 to hit the person mentioned earlier (AC10). To hit the knight, at AC1, the fighter would need to roll a 19.

2nd Ed, for me, is the last D&D which doesnt have a computer game feel. The Proficiency system, which is optional, is one of my favourite bits - it acknowledges that people (even heroes) aren't going to be skilled at everything, and even something mundane like reading would not be necessarily be a common skill.

The plethora of resources available for 2nd Ed is amazing; from the jungles of Chult, to the sprawling Sword Coast, to the stars with Spelljammer, to a homebrew campaign - all you need are three books; the Players Handbook, the DM guide, and the Monstrous Manual, and even that is optional. It is totally possible to play an absence-of-magic settling, and have all players and enemies being humans, or all dwarves, or anything else.

I have heard people say that the latest edition (5th) is all the best bits from 2nd, 3.5, and 4th, but from what I have seen, it might shine a candle to 2nd ed, but it will not claim the crown.
Good Time Cowboy (Gold Valley, #3)
Good Time Cowboy (Gold Valley, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another 5 star read from Maisey Yates, I wanna move to Gold Valley.

Lindy Parker is a strong woman. She wants what she wants when she wants it. She does NOT want Wyatt Dodge. Yet the same man occupies her every waking thought, her dreams and everything in between. She can’t believe she is attracted to a bull rider.

Wyatt Dodge has been attracted to Lindy Parker for 5 years. Since the first day he saw her walking toward him only to kiss his friend Damien and get introduced as his wife. He can’t do anything about said attraction with his ranch on the line. He has to find a way to work with her on the upcoming grand opening of his dude ranch or it will all be for nothing.

Lindy likes to be in charge, she likes order and structure. Everything Wyatt is not. Working with him is going to test her patience in more ways than one. Now if she can only stop thinking about ripping his clothes off that’d be great.

Wyatt treats Lindy like a kid with a crush, teasing her and proverbially pulling her pigtails. He makes and effort to call her Melinda, because no one else does. He finds the verbal sparring keeps his mind off of wanting to kiss her senseless. He has to stay focused on saving the ranch.

Lindy and Wyatt dance around their attraction like a Friday night hoedown but will they find out they work better as a team, in all areas of their relationship?

As with most of the books I’ve read by Maisey Yates, Good Time Cowboy makes me want to move to Gold Valley and find these families. Ms. Yates writes such realistic characters that you can’t help but feel every part of the story as if you were side by side in the thick of things. I received a copy of this story without expectation for review. Any and all opinions expressed are my own.
The Switch (2010)
The Switch (2010)
2010 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
7.3 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I had one thought when I entered the movie theater to see “The Switch”: what a hodge-podge cast. Leading lady, Jennifer Aniston (Kassie Larson), why she was once the face of 1990’s television! Jeff Goldblum (Leonard), I still think of him each time I encounter the subject of Dinosaurs. And Juliette Lewis (Debbie), she was in that Roller Derby flick, “Whip It” with the girl from Juno. How was a cast like this, enhanced by Arrested Development’s Jason Bateman, as male lead Wally Mars, going to make a film about a woman deciding to have a baby on her own?

None of the characters are perfect and the clothes are less than dazzling but the content and execution of “The Switch” is so honestly human that it manages to be subtly touching. Moreover, “The Switch” provides a new film perspective on love in New York City avoiding the overdone glitz and glamour of say “Sex and the City”.

But what is important to emphasize here is laughter. I didn’t expect to laugh as much as I did. Keep in mind there have been a number of comedic films that have attempted to touch on the subject of single women who choose to have and raise children on their own. I assumed films such as “The Back-Up Plan” and “Baby Mama” had completely covered the topic’s comedic angles, but l was wrong. This film is funny.

Still there were some scenes that could have been cut. The action could have moved at a quicker pace and it takes the first fifteen minutes of the film for the audience to connect with these imperfect characters.

However, “The Switch” is a very layered film; both human and well written while at the same time sharply funny. Moreover, this film is the much-anticipated proof that Jason Bateman does have what it takes to captivate as a lead on the big screen, so long as he has a strange son figure by his side
TinkerBell and the Legend of the NeverBeast (2014)
TinkerBell and the Legend of the NeverBeast (2014)
2014 | Action, Animation, Family
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
To its Credit, Not Bad
As the scout fairies fear the Neverbeast will destroy Pixie Hollow, Fawn has to convince them that the creature is actually a gentle giant.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10

Characters: 5

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
I have to give credit where it’s due. I have watched all three of the Tinker Bell movies that made it to theaters (not in theaters) and every movie saw improved visuals. It was kind of like watching the Toy Story movies get better over time. By the time they got to the third, the attention that went into just Lotso’s fur was unreal. I love the attention to detail in this Tinker Bell installment from the lush world to the unique creatures.

Conflict: 10

Entertainment Value: 8
At a very quick 76 minutes, this movie manages to do a lot in a little bit. I was very surprised at how much I got into it. The story flows smoothly and you’re rooting for the characters that are driving it.

Memorability: 4

Pace: 10
It should go without saying, but any movie that can tell a story in 76 minutes will not get any negative marks on the pace side from me. As previously mentioned, a lot happens in a little bit of time. I must also say that nothing ever felt rushed or forced, rather it was a natural pacing of story.

Plot: 2

Resolution: 10
Cute ending that put a bit of a smile on my face. The overall story was a hot mess, but at least it ended well. I was definitely satisfied when it was all said and done.

Overall: 79
Tinker Bell and the Legend of the Neverbeast suffers from a weak story that was obviously made for kids. Had they put a bit more time and energy into the plot aspect of things, the score would have been a lot higher. As it stands, it doesn’t quite get out of the “Folding Clothes Movie” category.

Johnny Marr recommended track Philadelphia by Magazine in The Correct Use Of Soap by Magazine in Music (curated)

The Correct Use Of Soap by Magazine
The Correct Use Of Soap by Magazine
1980 | Alternative, Punk, Rock
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Philadelphia by Magazine

(0 Ratings)


"The reason I picked ‘Philadelphia’ is because of the relatively unsung brilliance of John McGeoch on the guitar during that period, the album The Correct Use of Soap is my favourite of anything that Martin Hannett produced and again, that it came from Manchester was a huge bonus. It’s a really subjective one, for myself and my girlfriend at the time Angie, who’s now my wife, it made a soundtrack to our spring when it came out in 1980, when I was working in a clothes shop. “Every song on the record is great and no one really puts a song across in the same way as Howard Devoto, one or two people have tried, but most people wouldn’t even bother, because it’s so idiosyncratic and impossible to pull off without sounding ridiculous. I can hear Alice Cooper in there and his effect on that generation in the delivery of the vocals. There’s also the literary influences in the concepts of the songs, which are really brilliant. Whether it’s Sartre, Dostoevsky, The Situationists or feminism, whatever kind of perversity is going on there, there was a really great, mysterious manifesto in the lyrics. “It was art school that managed to rock without the need for laptops, sequencers or extra musicians onstage. They could really play but they were delivering art rock music and that’s why they’ve inspired me, especially in my solo career, on the first two records The Messenger and Playland Magazine were a really big inspiration for me and the band. “John McGeoch is someone I’m more than happy to pay tribute to and it’s only really in later years that I’ve realised what a big influence he was. The fact that he joined Public Image Ltd made total sense to me, because the other guitar player of his generation who was as inventive as him was Keith Levene. He obviously had a bit of wanderlust in him as a guitar player too, and I can relate to that!"

Under Siege (1992)
Under Siege (1992)
1992 | Action
Cheesy But Leaves An Impact
A short order cook on a navy ship has to fight off terrorists that have taken control.

Acting: 6
When I think acting chops, please believe I’m not referring to Steven Seagal. It’s rough watching him spit out lines. The majority of the other actors aren’t really any better save for an underrated performance by Tommy Lee Jones. If you’re looking for quality thespians, look elsewhere.

Beginning: 6

Characters: 7

Cinematography/Visuals: 6
There are some quality shots here, although things are a bit jumbled at times. I do have to give credit to Andrew Davis as I’m sure it was a challenge doing a movie solely below deck of a ship. I definitely wouldn’t want that challenge. Not much to be desired, I appreciated he did the best he could with the little he was given.

Conflict: 10

Entertainment Value: 7

Memorability: 7
Cheesy, but definitely leaves enough of an impact where I would watch it again. It’s a great movie to check out while folding clothes or doing any other mindless task. Steven Seagal definitely leaves behind some fun action moments that make the movie worthwhile.

Pace: 7

Plot: 7
Cheesy? Sure. Original? Absolutely. It sounds ridiculous but I have to give the story credit for trying to branch out and try something new, especially during the early 90’s when martial arts movies were all the rage. It’s not winning any Oscars, but I’ve seen worse stories from movies that have tried harder.

Resolution: 10
Great ending that brings the movie to a nice close. I like that it fits perfectly in line with the rest of the cheesiness of the movie. Great way to wrap things up.

Overall: 73
For what it’s worth, Under Siege doesn’t do anything exceptionally well, but it doesn’t do anything terribly bad either. It’s a fun movie if you have time to kill. Definitely one of my favorite Tommy Lee Jones roles.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is my second book by the author, the other being P.S. I Hate You which I read a few months ago and, if I'm honest, I wasn't all that impressed with. I blame it on the written letters in the book. I do like to try an author more than once, though, as it could just be the storyline that I couldn't get into so here's my second try of Winter Renshaw.

So Madden is a tattoo artist who gives Brighton her first very discreet tattoo, hidden so her parents don't give her the third degree/make her get it laser removed for daring to do something like that to herself. They are very...controlling, the type who make it known when they disagree with something you've said or done. Buy clothes for you to wear to outings. Want to know where you are at all times, etc. Anyway, Brighton gets the tattoo and becomes fascinated with the inkless artist, Madden, while Madden becomes obsessed with the pretty rich girl. And so their story begins.

I really liked this book. They try the whole friends-with-benefits-while-pretending-to-be-together thing and it works really well with them. They are actually really great together. But of course, feelings grow and the guy who told her not to fall for him starts to pull away.

I liked these two characters. They have a connected past that makes itself known towards the end and it's a little sad but they make it work--just not without being apart for a while. I actually really liked the fact that her dad got his comeuppance in the end.

I like how he dubbed her "The Girl with the Butterfly Tattoo" in his phone, too. Another plus for Madden.

So it seems that this book hit a lot of the right notes for me and I will be looking out for more books by this author in the future.
Suicide Squad (2016)
Suicide Squad (2016)
2016 | Action
Entirely crackbrained and nonsensical - I'm not even sure there's a single theme in either this nor the extended cut - but way better than 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 for the chief purposes that it doesn't look like pure ass and doesn't really try to act like it's anything more than religiously entertaining dirtpunk grit-fetish trash. It's just about as thinly-written as the former, but if you're going to make one-note characters and a bullshit plot I'd rather them sport this sort of wildly memorable, freakish cringe rather than the flat, market-tested cringe of most modern day Marvel. There's more meme-worthy, hilariously dumbass quotes in here than you can shake a stick at and the designwork on display is simply delicious imo - the lush, matted mess of CGI is actually quite stunning and the production is exquisite: the sickly makeup + vibrant costuming against the sets where you often see opulent golds and corporate lucre juxtaposed with a dank coat of dirt and graffiti - it's total eye candy. The image of Harley Quinn and Joker laughing in the chemical bath while Kehlani's "Gangster" blasts in the background and the colors from their clothes melt away is nothing less than a knockout piece of moving imagery. Smith is the weak link, not only horribly miscast but it also seems like he isn't even trying - otherwise everyone else does a bangup job from Jared Leto's "Pimp Daddy" chilling street tweaker Joker to Viola Davis' business-casual demon Waller to Cara Delevingne's gonzo, always sauntering, Meryl Streep-sounding Enchantress. Very dynamically idiotic in that random fun shit is just allowed to happen because it's clear this isn't at all concerned with making any sort of sense to begin with. All this and with a soundtrack that can only be described as epic, I truly believe this is a fascinating curio that got way too bad of a rap. As dumb as everyone says but also better than the last five MCU entries.