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The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988)
The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988)
1988 | Drama, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"A testament to how sexy and personal a film about politics can be. Though the film could have been preachy or shrill, the story’s aperture stays tightly focused on the shifting feelings of its protagonists, how their understanding of the politics around them begins to change, how they feel about themselves and, in turn, how willing they are to love with abandon. And finally, it showed me how valuable a small gem of comedy is: Daniel Day-Lewis telling beautiful women to take off their clothes because he is a doctor (a lie) serves as a touchstone of rakish charm throughout the most dire moments of the movie."

I enjoyed this. It is exactly as described: a mystery/romantic comedy.

She may not have been the P.I. in the world in this, but it gave me plenty of laughs when she fell out of the tree and got chased by a man being investigated for fraud.

I also liked the romance aspect of it. Nick was not going to give up in his pursuit of Addison and Addison really should have just ripped his clothes off all those times she wanted to. Pity they never actually got round to doing the deed; interruptions were a plenty.

Definitely going to read the rest of the series!
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Inconsistent addition to an overrated canon
I'll be brief: I'm not a star wars fan and never have been. Emperor's New Clothes Strikes Back. Other than the excellent Rogue One, every star wars movie has been mediocre at best, and Jar Jar Binks at worst. The Last Jedi suffers from too many plot lines and characters, an overdramatic yet limp baddie and a hero who needs to get over himself. On the plus side, the cinematography is excellent as are the set pieces, but frankly if a movie has lost your attention to the point that you start admiring the cinematography, that kind of sums up the problem.

Andy K (10821 KP) Jun 6, 2018


Magic Bites (Kate Daniels, #1)
Magic Bites (Kate Daniels, #1)
Ilona Andrews | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal
7.7 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a free copy of this book after winning a goodreads contest. It was a decent book; interesting enough to keep me reading, but not enough to have me hooked and reading through the night to find out what happened next.

I am left with a lot of questions at the end. What is Kate? What's up with her blood? If it's so sacred, why did she perform a blood ritual in front of a virtual stranger in her apartment? Why did she leave said stranger in her apartment with access to her bloody clothes while she went to take a shower?

Hopefully the other books in the series will answer some of my questions.
Funko pop! Keychain: game of thrones - jon snow beyond the wall
Funko pop! Keychain: game of thrones - jon snow beyond the wall
2015 | Adventure
8.3 (9 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Level of detail (0 more)
Very small (0 more)
Fun keyring
I won this cute keyring through a Smashbomb giveaway and I was quite excited to receive it. I do own other Funko Pop keyrings so I was interested to see how it would compare. First impressions, it is a little smaller than I expected but I guess it has to be to be functional as a keyring. I am a fan of Game of Thrones and I was quite impressed by the little details on the Jon Snow keyring. I liked the little scars on his face and the detail on his clothes. All in all, I think this is a really fun little product.
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
Gail Honeyman | 2017 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (80 Ratings)
Book Rating
Winner of the Costa First Novel Award, this story will appeal to any fans of Jojo Moyes or Liane Moriarty. Our eponymous central character leads a very solitary, structured life, same clothes, same food, same two bottles of vodka each weekend. Eleanor exists but has not fully grasped how to live. This tale follows her as she tackles life and gradually reveals the deeply buried reasons behind her behaviour. This book is funny yet poignant and heart breaking. Honeyman has tackled the topic of loneliness, isolation and how our social interactions help form our understanding of others. This book will be the well-thumbed fodder of many a book group in years to come.
The Rite Of Spring by Igor Stravinsky
The Rite Of Spring by Igor Stravinsky
2012 | Classical
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I probably first encountered this when Neil Tennant sang [sings]: "I feel like taking all my clothes off / Dancing to The Rite Of Spring / When I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing" and I thought "ah, well if Neil Tennant wants to take all his clothes off and dance to The Rite Of Spring, I ought to as well". He's one of my idols also - I couldn't put any of the albums in, because they're not as good as the hit singles, but I do love the Pet Shop Boys. I do love Stravinsky as well, and The Rite Of Spring, if you were going to sum up the history of humans and music, this might be the thing that you end up showing off as the absolute zenith of achievement. I remember on the Walt Disney film Fantasia, they had a bit of this and they animated it with dinosaurs and volcanos, and although it was a bit silly, I kind of knew what they were driving at: this music sounded like it existed before humans and after humans! It's like the earth itself is kind of grumbling! He wrote it for a ballet about tribal rites, pre-history, people being human sacrifices, but it says even more than that to me - it's almost nightmarish, although it's got so much virility and astonishing, complex rhythms going on and some great, great tunes. And you can never beat the opening - it's actually a bassoon played up really, really high, going [hums melody] - it's like the eeriest thing I've ever heard!"

The Magnificent Seven (1960)
The Magnificent Seven (1960)
1960 | Action, Adventure, Western
Classic western only misses out on a 10 because it's not quite as good as the Kurosawa version. Mexican peasants in improbably clean clothes (the Mexican government insisted) hire a septet of gunmen to defend them from marauding bandits; Bernstein's famous theme gets played a lot. I mean, A LOT.

Enduringly and deservedly popular, both as a piece of entertainment and a source of discussions down the pub (Horst Bucholz and Brad Dexter are the names everyone struggles to remember). Loses some of the subtlety and depth of characterisation from the original Japanese version, but also scores by building up the character of the bandit leader (Wallach). Possibly not the greatest western ever, but still iconic and immensely influential. One for the ages.

Joni Thomas (33 KP) rated Instagram in Apps

Aug 10, 2018  
Communication, Photo & Video, Social Networking
8.2 (362 Ratings)
App Rating
Fun interactive social media app
I use this app to connect with alot of youtube vloggers because this seems to be their preferred social media. I can spend hours scrolling through the stories feature.
I use the explore tab to find new people to follow and I also realized that there are quite a few videos that feature clips from movies and tv shows and I have found a lot of good movie I otherwise would not have watched through the explore tab on instagram.
I also follow a lot of people who sell second hand books, clothes and toys on their page. Its always a surprise what I can find and its also a part of instagram that not many people seem to know about.
In the Air (The City, #1)
In the Air (The City, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

I liked reading about their dancing and how their relationship started with a spark from how well they worked together. Of course, it wasn't always smooth sailing as Natalia found Samson to be an arrogant ass and tried to have as little contact with him as possible while he wanted to get to know her.

I cant decide if I liked Kingsley. Sometimes she came across as a bit of a b*tch and other times she was cool and there for Natalia when she needed her. Wren sounds like my sort of guy, looks wise, no preppy clothes for him.

As for the change in POV from chapter to chapter, I'm more of a one POV fan.