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Heathski (173 KP) rated Bitstrips in Apps

Feb 9, 2019  
Social Networking
9.0 (3 Ratings)
App Rating
Making comics of your day/feelings etc (2 more)
Funny meme
Fully customisable
No longer exists (0 more)
Loved it
This was a brilliant app. You could add someone else to the comic, making it more personal on social networks.
The Punisher - Season 1
The Punisher - Season 1
2017 | Action
Pretty Close to thr comics. Great acting Great story line (0 more)
First few episodes are kind of slow (0 more)
The Punisher is a great show. A little slow to start but picks up. Looking forward to season 2.
    The Letters Page

    The Letters Page

    (0 Ratings) Rate It


    Christopher Badell and Adam Rebottaro discuss characters and events from their hit game, Sentinels...

The Walking Dead, Compendium 1
The Walking Dead, Compendium 1
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Very gripping, page Turner (0 more)
Read after watching TV series. I found it very different, very hard to put down, great characters! This is one of the first comics I have read and have thoroughly enjoyed it.