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Fall to Pieces
Fall to Pieces
Becky Flade | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved the back seat the romance takes!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I liked this book, I liked it a lot!

Xavier is sent to assess Alexandra's mental capacity to do her job, following the suicide of her detective husband. But things are not as they seem and Xavier and Alex are soon fighting her department as well as a child killer hellbent on driving Alex mad.

This is a dark book. Suicide, child murder and abuse. How cops deal with stress. And I liked that. I liked that it made me think about those things. I have no triggers though, and some readers might not like it.

Both Alex and Xavier have a say, and they have a lot to say about a lot of things! Both of them are suffering from things that happened but while Alex' is (mostly) clear from the start, it takes time to get the whole picture. Xavier's pain is far deeper and we don't get the whole picture there til much later. I like being made to wait.

The romance between Alex and Xavier takes a back seat to the crime aspect of the book and I loved the twist that took. I did think Alex would push Xavier away more than once and, Lord she tries! But Xavier is strong and even though the reasons he comes into Alex' life are beyond his control, keeping her safe is within his control and he will do that.

I liked this, a lot. It's the first I've read of this author, I would like to read more.

4 stars

*same worded review ill appear elsewhere
From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
1996 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Bloody Brilliant!
Seth and Richie Gecko are criminals who have escaped Prison and are on the run. They are staying in a Hotel trying to think of a way to get into Mexico, where a criminal friend is waiting for them at a Bar, and from there they are starting a new life. At the Hotel there is a Pastor and his Son and Daughter who have arrived in a Mobile Home; Seth sees this and holds the family hostage until he's met with his friend at the Bar over the border. They just manage by the skin of their teeth to get past the Mexican border and are onward to the Bar... which turns out to be a sleazy Biker Bar called the Titty Twister. When they get into the Titty Twister; the Gecko Brothers love this place, full of fighting, Tequila and topless dancing women. But when a violent and bloody confrontation between the Gecko Brothers and the Titty Twister Security happens, the many members of Staff show their true colours... and it means the Brothers and his hostages are going to have to fight for their lives the whole night.

I LOVE From Dusk Till Dawn. I've seen it so many times now and I think it's amazing everytime. Robert Rodriguez has given a unique lease of life to Horror and teamed it with quite the "Cops 'N' Robbers" storyline. It's an extremely visual movie; especially when you get into the Titty Twister and all the chaos happens, and speaking of that, I love how chaotic it is in the Titty Twister. It seems like there's always something happening and there's little background details that you pick up everytime you watch it. It's a wonderful, wonderful Horror Movie and I will definitely be watching it again and again. Bloodcurlingly awesome!!
The Nightlife: New York (The Nightlife #1)
The Nightlife: New York (The Nightlife #1)
Travis Luedke | 2012 | Contemporary, Erotica, Paranormal, Romance
6.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
When Aaron sees a beautiful woman being shaken down by two corrupt cops on the streets of New York he steps in to try to help her. But Michelle does not need his help and is well able to deal with the police. However in the fracas Aaron is accidentally shot and fatally wounded. Michelle feels guilty and feels she has to save his life the only way she can - by turning him into what she is. A vampire.

Michelle teaches Aaron about his superhuman powers and how he has to live now but there is trouble brewing as Aaron comes to terms with his new life, the control Michelle has over him and letting go his old existence, the two corrupt police officers are determined to track Michelle down and make her pay.

Along the way there is plenty of sex. Vampires have always been sexy and the recent romantic resurgence of vampires has only emphasised this. Luedke takes this one step further. Vampire bites induce sexual arousal in their victims and Michelle teaches Aaron to use this with care, except when they are together when they are able to withstand each other's bites.

It would have been easy for the sex scenes to overwhelm the book but Luedke manages to keep everything as an integral part of the plot which evolves neatly throughout the course of the book as the various plot strands come together.

There are some terrific action scenes too with the vampires' hightened abilities resulting in some sequences that reminded me of The Matrix complete with 'bullet time'.

So if you want your vampires sexy and powerful and your stories thrilling and full of action this is the story for you.

Rated: Scenes of sex and violence. Frequent swearing.
The Wolves of Christmas
The Wolves of Christmas
Sandy Dengler | 2019 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This Christmas Will Not Be Completely Festive
Phoenix Homicide Cops Joe, Tom, and Gretchen’s boss, Jerry, has announced that his retirement has been put on hold since someone has stolen his retirement investment. The fraud division of the police department is going to look into it, but Joe and Tom have just been given a case that may tie in. A dead body was found in Salt River Canyon, but since the victim lived in Phoenix, the case has been transferred to these two. The connection? He worked for the investment firm where Jerry had his money. Could the two tie together?

The book starts out well, but it gets a bit unfocused as it goes along with too many sub-plots. This is especially true when we learn that Tom’s cousin, and Joe’s infatuation, has been brutally raped and left for dead. The two fly over to Ireland to be by her side and help solve the crime, but we also get updates on what is happening in Phoenix thanks to scenes with Gretchen. I did enjoy the main mystery, and I found myself caught up in it, but I wish the book had been a little more focused. This is definitely more serious than the cozies I normally read, but we don’t get too many needless details. Since this is book eight in the series, I really do love the characters, and it was great to spend Christmas with them. In fact, the book stretches from mid-December into the New Year, so we get some nice holiday scenes. The early books in the series were written in the mid-90’s, and the author has kept that time period for the books, as this one makes very clear. All told, I was left smiling when I finished the book.

JT (287 KP) rated Safe (2012) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Safe (2012)
Safe (2012)
2012 | Action, Drama
7.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
There doesn’t seem to be a lot that Jason Statham cannot do, if he’s not leaping from building to building he’s punching bad guys through walls, as someone told me once “it’s all chewing gum for the mind.”

Safe is pretty much that, Statham plays Luke Wright an ex-cage fighter among other things whose family are murdered after he fails to throw a fight for a Russian mob boss. Instead of sending him to the grave the Russians’ warn Statham that anyone he gets close to they’ll kill. So he becomes a drifter, a homeless loner. That is until he comes across Mei, a young girl with a mathematical mind who has memorized some numbers for the Triads.

The numbers are the combination to a safe containing a $3om haul. However, it seems that the Russian Mafia have taken an interest in Mei as well as a group of corrupt NYPD cops. The film plays out as you would expect it to, with Statham taking the girl under his wing and gets given the chance to kick some ass once again. “You, the garbage collector?” wails one poor Russian, ” I never collected the garbage, I disposed of it” quips Statham.

Safe carries on at cat and mouse pace with everyone after Statham and the girl. There are some great action set pieces as you would expect, and they are performed with ferocious ferocity and cool like choreography. There isn’t anything unusual here really, the supporting cast amble along but stand back far enough to let The Stath do his thing.

The relationship with Mei is formed well and has a believable level of trust between the pair as Wright attempts to play the three chasing parties off against each other. It’s what you’d expect and there is no question of being short changed here.