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Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Caged in Books

Jun 21, 2019  
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dr. Sayer Altair is a neuroscientist, investigating the brains of serial killers for the FBI. But when the police find a young girl, dead, after being locked in a cage and left to starve, Sayer is called on to lead the murder investigation. The case intensifies when it turns out she's the daughter of a famous Senator. Soon another girl is missing and Sayer feels the pressure of the case surrounding her. Can she find this next victim before it's too late? And can she find the horrible person who is doing this--before they strike again?

This one had been on my shelf for a bit, and I picked it up as part of my self-imposed #readwhatyouown challenge. I also have the second book, Buried, coming up soon and wanted to read the first Sayer Altair book in the series.

I found Caged to be a quick, compelling read, and I warmed to Sayer immediately. She's a smart, complicated protagonist with her own set of issues, but also an endearing love of hot dogs, actual dogs, and a deep desire to solve her cases and help her victims. I had a slight sense of deja vu starting this one as I'd just recently read a book about another Ph.D. who was studying the brains of serial killers (The Killer on the Wall). What are the odds, right? (Fairly small, I suppose, when you read a ton of thrillers.)

This was a fast read--a race against time aided by short, quick chapters. I actually had a pretty good feeling about who our sicko killer was, but it didn't stop me from finding the entire book very compelling. The novel is a dark read, with the idea of a killer conducting experiments on caged girls very creepy. There's a lot going on--ties to mythology, Sayer's research, some mentions of Sayer's past (she's lost a loved one), office politics, Sayer's (wonderfully feisty) grandmother popping up, and more. At times, it's a bit much and some of the pieces don't feel fully explored, but overall, I enjoyed all the various plot lines.

Sayer is assisted by a great supporting cast (Ezra, one of her researchers, was my favorite, along with her FBI partner). Her grandmother, as mentioned, is also pretty fun. The thread of strong women in this one is interesting, and it's nice to have a main character whom--while obviously flawed--is still really tough and really smart. I'll read about them any day.

"'I think you might just be a badass, Sayer Altair.'"

I sometimes found the writing to be a little simplistic, especially when depicting Sayer's thoughts and feelings (along the lines of a little more telling versus showing). Still, it was well-written for a debut novel and well-done from a forensic and crime perspective--the author's background (Ph.D., murder investigator, and more) shows.

Overall, this was a very enjoyable read. I'm always up for a good mystery that holds my interest, especially one featuring a strong female protagonist. I'm looking forward to reading Buried soon. 3.5+ stars.
All These Beautiful Strangers
All These Beautiful Strangers
Elizabeth Klehfoth | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review can also be found on

A beautiful story about families, love, betrayal, the difference between the rich and poor, and a girl that tries to discover what happened to her missing mother, while discovering herself.

Charlie Calloway has a life most people would kill for – a tight-knit family, a loyal set of friends, and top grades a privileged boarding school. But Charlie’s never been interested in what most people want. Like all Calloways, she’s been taught that she’s different, special – better. So when her school’s super-exclusive secret society extends a mysterious invitation, Charlie’s determination to get in is matched only by her conviction that she belongs there.

But their secrets go deeper than she knows.

Charlie finds herself thrust into the centre of a decades-old mystery – one that implicates her family in not one terrible crime, but two. Uncovering their past may destroy everything she knows – or give her the answer she’s always craved: Who or what was behind her mother’s disappearance ten years ago?

I haven’t heard about this book until I received it as a birthday gift from my sister. The cover is just – gorgeous! You can feel the raindrops on the cover, and the sides are painted black, and you can read out ”I KNOW”. They have been thinking of all the little details.

The story is a bit slow at the beginning. It took me a while to get into it, as they delay the plot for a while, but once you get past that little hill of boredom, it gets better and better. I could imagine myself climbing a mountain with my bike, struggling while climbing, just so I can enjoy the great fast downhill and wind in my face.

The story is told by many people’s perspective, and it changes after each chapter. The amazing thing was, the stories go back in the past as well, but the story keeps flowing in one direction, event by event, which I really enjoyed. If this was poorly made, the book would’ve been so confusing, but fortunately, it wasn’t.

Even though I didn’t expect, this turned out to be a great mystery-solving novel, with wonderful and unexpected plot-twists, and a cliffhanger until the end. Is the mother dead or alive?
Many of the topics covered are very relatable. The difference between children raised in rich families versus the children raised in not-s-rich families. Their thoughts and mindsets, their beliefs, and the people they hang out with. And when a girl like Charlie, who has a father from a rich family and a mother from a poor family, is on the cross-road, it is amazing to see this character develop and make choices for herself, that reflect on both her backgrounds.

A lovely read, fast-paced novel, with a beautiful cover and even more beautiful reading material, this is one of the stories that I would recommend for you to read on a rainy day, covered in a blanket, with a hot chocolate – despite the summer theme on the cover, this was a winter book for me.

Ross (3282 KP) rated The Traitor God in Books

Jun 19, 2019  
The Traitor God
The Traitor God
Cameron Johnston | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic gritty dark magical fantasy
The Traitor God is a book set in a world which has seen its fair share of turmoil. The once powerful Escharric empire crumbled centuries ago and their achievements and discoveries are still sought after. Magic plays a large part in this world, with some people born with a Gift (an affinity for a certain strain of magic), able to work their way up through the ranks (assuming they survive their tests) and hope for a place in leadership of Setharis, the most civilised of the remaining cities.
The magic used here feels similar to that in Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series, with some people able to increase their strength or size, manipulate fire, water or air, or in Edrin Walker's case - control people's minds.
Walker starts off the story in a far flung city on the run from magical bounty hunter beasts and savage invaders. There is a "bad thing" in his past that he has only a vague memory of (like anyone who has woken up fully clothed with a dreadful hangover), and though he knows he cannot return to Setharis, he finds himself compelled to.
The book follows Walker's investigation to identify his friend's killer, and he gradually reveals a plot to destroy the city. As his power would normally see him imprisoned as a tyrant, he has to keep his abilities under wraps as much as possible. I have seen a few fantasy tales recently try to have more of a mystery angle, almost being a crime novel in a fantasy setting. This is the first time I have seen it delivered so well that it manages to cover both genres without compromise.
The story and writing here are truly fantastic. It has been quite some time since I have been able to rattle through a book with an amazing narrative tone, excellent gritty dialogue and a thrilling story. You are never more than a few pages away from a major revelation or exciting conflict.
I have the follow-up book to read and will delve into that with relish very soon.
Big Lies in a Small Town
Big Lies in a Small Town
Diane Chamberlain | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Morgan Christopher is shocked when she's plucked from prison and told she will be released early, as long as she perform a certain task: restore an old mural from the 1940s. Morgan, an art school dropout, has no restoration skills, but she is desperate to leave prison, where she is imprisoned for a crime she didn't commit. Once released, she finds herself captivated by the mural and what she finds underneath the layers of grime. Meanwhile, in 1940, young Anna Dale, an artist from New Jersey wins a contest to paint a mural for the post office in Edenton, North Carolina. She travels there to learn more about the town that she needs to capture. But once there, Anna is confronted both by kindness and deep-set prejudice.

I've never read a book by Diane Chamberlain before, and I really enjoyed this one. It's oddly captivating for centering on a painting from the 1940s. The point-of-view switches between Morgan and Anna and each are compelling narrators in their own right. This was one of those books where I found myself desperately wishing I could read faster, as I wanted to find out what happened to Anna (we're told early on she "went crazy").

I applaud Chamberlain for her original plot. It's odd, but not in a bad way, as it had me interested the entire time. She does a wonderful job of creating two completely different worlds: Anna's in the 40s and Morgan's in near present-day. She deftly weaves in art aspects; Morgan's drunk driving conviction and her past in prison; Anna's possible mental illness; and Morgan's benefactor, so to speak, Lisa, who springs her out of prison to fulfill the wishes of her late father, Jesse, a famous artist.

While this novel is mainly fiction, there are some great twists and turns, especially as we learn what happened to Anna. Chamberlain delves into race relations, as Anna confronts the prejudices of the south in the 1940s. Her writing style is easy, making you want to keep reading, and overall, I quite enjoyed this one. 4 stars.
Deadly Class
Deadly Class
2019 | Action, Drama
8.3 (6 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
characters pop with personality and individuality, the action and violence, really awesome motion comic scenes (0 more)
OMG!!, Why would they cancel this show after 1 season, might not be for everyone, a little too over the top when it comes down to it (0 more)
Teenage Angst, Romance & The Deadly Arts - 8/10
Deadly Class is a tv series airing on SYFY based on the graphic novel created by Rick Remander and Wesley Craig and published by Image Comics. Developed by by Miles Orion Feldscott and produced by the Russo brothers, it's set in a much more macabre late 1980's San Francisco. For me this show has been addicting and is easy to get swept up in the chaos of the halls of Kong's Dominion.

Marcus (Benjamin Wadsworth) is a recently homeless orphan who is inducted into a boarding school of elite assassins called King's Dominion. Recruited off the streets by a gang of students, mainly Saya (Lana Condor), on orders by the headmaster Master Lin (Benedict Wong). He must learn the deadly arts while navigating the perilous halls and vicious social cliques in the free-for-all that is King's Dominion. The institution's a place where the world's top mob and crime families send their children to become better killers and it's graduates include serial killers and government assassins.

This show might not be for everyone but I have found it really enjoyable. It's very cliche at times and definitely has it's standard archetypes but the characters pop with personality especially when the show goes into these really awesome motion comic scenes when delving into their personal backgrounds. The action is definitely top class and keeps the show going but it's not able to always keep that tension when not in the halls or classrooms of the school where anything can happen. By the 1st or 2nd episode you'll know if it's for you. I particularly like how the main group is a bunch of misfits who come together and the progression of the main character. Like i said, I give it a 8/10.
No Good Reason
No Good Reason
Cari Hunter | 2015 | Crime, LGBTQ+, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cari Hunter is most definitely as top notch a writer as you are going to find in crime/thriller writing.
Cari Hunter’s Dark Peak crime series, starting with No Good Reason, was recommended to me by a Lesfic author. I reckon you have to be pretty good for your peers to claim you are ‘top notch’ and after reading four of her books in quick succession I can guarantee that Cari is most definitely as top notch a writer as you are going to find in crime/thriller writing.

Let me admit to you that I generally find crime novels too much hard work to follow. I like my books to be romances, and the sexier the better. I’m surprised as all get out to find I love Cari’s thrilling ride through these Police stroke Hospital novels. Especially as there is almost no juicy sex to lubricate the grit. The infrequency of sex scenes is because the main characters, Sanne and Meg, aren’t officially a couple. Or maybe they are. It’s entirely possible everyone knows they are, except themselves.

The story isn't necessarily about their sexual tension, but it was always in the back of my mind that they would see sense in the end and I patiently waited them out.

I have found in the last few years that there are many padded-out books on the market by well-respected authors, where you can skip through whole pages at a time without losing any real sense of the plot. Not so with No Good Reason which kept me riveted through each paragraph and exquisite word right from the tense prologue.

Cari definitely makes every single word count and I felt engaged in the story and with her main characters within the first few pages.

I’d already read Snowbound, which was a fantastic debut novel, but the characters in No Good Reason are one smidge more sophisticatedly written.

Sanne and Meg go back a very long time, from before their first kiss at the age of twelve, and they know each other better than they know themselves. They have generated a world around them where they are each others’ support and comfort. They are BFFs, they are Friends With Benefits, but somehow Cari has written them as even more than these things. They are each others’ absolute other halves.

These two girls have aches and bruises, and tears and emotions, and genuine exhaustion from their ridiculously long work hours.

They do things like accidentally drop perishable shopping on the floor, but eat it anyway; burn their tea; and turn the shower off when the toilet flushes for fear of being scalded.

I love details like these. I love that they can have a discussion about putting the bins out and HobNobs can fall in their tea the same as they do for you and me, without making the whole book boring and mundane. It simply endears the characters to me all the more.

They made me smile a lot. Meg prefers ham and quaver butties, for goodness sake, what’s not to love?

It doesn’t take long for Cari to completely draw you into their world in Northern England, around the Manchester area, and mainly in the Peak District which is where Cari lives and I feel like I have travelled the hills and crunched the snow and tramped through the same streets as she has now.

This area has its own accent, Northern English, and it is noticeable that she uses phrases and words particular to there. I can’t remember which words I picked up on first, probably some dialogue, but you quickly become used to the fact this is not written by an American. It’s refreshing to have only regional UK main characters: no Londoners; no Americans.

Don’t let the idea of a local accent and local characters put you off, there is nothing in the book you wouldn’t understand, it is still all ‘plain English’ and if you come across a word you can’t decipher I will more than happily translate for you!

Other than the almost-a-romance-but-so-much-more between the two girls there is also this whole other kidnapping / crime malarkey going on. Sanne is a little too personally involved in the case right from the beginning, being caught up in the initial rescue of the victim. She and her police partner, the sensitive, caring, supportive, gorgeously written Nelson, are embroiled in working the case together. Needless to say they spend a lot of time visiting Meg in her role as A&E Doctor in the local hospital for one reason or another. Nelson is a beautiful soul and just the kind of partner Sanne needs, but that writers seldom allow their straight characters to be, especially in Police fiction.

The kidnapping plot is fast paced and exciting. The characters on both sides of the investigation were all believable and there was an audible ‘Huh!’ out of me with the final twist at the end. I really didn’t see that coming. Such a simple way to pull the whole plot together. Chilling!

Cari has a remarkable flair for descriptive writing and she pays particular attention to details like sounds and how things feel against skin. You are left in no doubt every time a character is sore, almost feeling the pain and peeling off the scabs with them.

Sometimes you have to reread a passage to understand the gist of what an author means, or furrow your brow over a combination of words because they just don’t make sense or even belong together, but with Cari Hunter the only thing I can point out to her is ‘Try feeding goldfinches niger seeds instead of nuts.’ That’s it. No other tweaking or corrections required. Nothing. Cari Hunter writes sheer perfection.

My favourite line in the book is the first one I stopped at, blinked appreciatively and re-read.

“Sanne ran her fingertips across the gritstone, letting it wear away her skin like an over-keen emery board.”

From that point on I knew I was going to love not only the book, but also Cari’s style and I wasn’t disappointed with further chapters.

I have a simple test for new authors, to find out how much I like them. The test is ‘how sick has this author made me?’ By that I mean - how long did they keep me awake reading when I ought to have been asleep for work the next day. If I am awake too long it makes me sick for several days after - it shouldn’t be something I am proud of but