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Tales from the Thousand and One Nights
Tales from the Thousand and One Nights
William Harvey | 1973 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I even dared to think that the marvels recounted by Scheherazade really happened in the daily life of her time, and stopped happening because of the incredulity and realistic cowardice of subsequent generations. By the same token, it seemed impossible that anyone from our time would ever believe again that you could fly over cities and mountains on a carpet, or that a slave from Cartagena de Indias would live for two hundred years in a bottle as a punishment, unless the author of the story could make his readers believe it."


Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) created a post in Smashbomb Feedback

Jun 24, 2019  
I rated something in my daily task list and really wanted to review it but that's not an option when doing the list and I can't review something I've rated for a few months by which time I'll forget what I want to say. How about a way to rate something and review it separately, whether it's within the hour, the next week, whatever. There are some things that I can rate with a number but it takes a while to sort my thoughts about why I gave it that rating.

Bird (1700 KP) Jun 24, 2019

Hi @Dianne Robbins - thanks for the feedback.

When you add a rating on the Daily Mission carousel, that rating is added to your profile.

Clicking 'Add reviews to my ratings' will take you to your latest ratings, where clicking 'Edit' will allow you to add a review to your rating.

Is this what you are looking to do? Please correct me if I've misunderstood.

Thanks. 😊

IMDb Movies & TV
IMDb Movies & TV
Entertainment, Lifestyle, Reference
8.6 (116 Ratings)
App Rating
Intuitive (1 more)
Indispensible Reference!
I couldn't get by without IMDb! I've had the app for as long as I've had a smartphone, and open it almost daily. What lesser-known projects have my favorite stars been involved in? Who's that up-and-comer who put in such a moving performance in my last watch? Which movies by the directors I follow are essential to be able to understand their repertoire? If you're even a very casual film buff, this is sure to be indispensable to you as you navigate movie culture!

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Thea and Denise in Books

Aug 18, 2022  
Thea and Denise
Thea and Denise
Caroline Bond | 2022 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Two women with two very different lives, Thea and Denise had both had enough of their daily grind. Thea is divorced, her daughter wants to live with her father and his new family, and Denise is treated like a servant by her husband and sons. I’d be in that car and on that road trip pretty fast if my family treated me like Denise’s, I can tell you.

I really enjoyed Thea and Denise’s road trip, their adventures and growing friendship. I particularly liked Denise’s mum!

I read this on The Pigeonhole.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.2 (101 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is one you can read time and time, again. Simultaneously beautiful and tragic. It details growing up, suicide, puberty, depression, anxiety, relationships, sex, drugs, and secrets. Told by way of secret letters in a diary style, each one showing more and more clearly the daily life of Charlie, a strange outcast who wants to belong but also just wants to observe. I highly recommend putting yourself through this wonderfully written adventure. Get ready to be heart broken by almost every page and uplifted by the moments of elation as though they were your own.

Smashbomb (4683 KP) created a post in Friends of Smashbomb

Apr 1, 2019  
Day to Day!

We are excited to announce our latest Publisher Partner: 'Day to Day' run by Smashbomber @Sonofdel

You can visit the blog here:

'Day to Day' is a personal blog surrounding living life with CMT. It involves daily updates and really helps to understand the face behind the book and film reviews. Perfect for those who want to read more in-depth into reviews and possibly even make a friend.

Social links:

Smashbomb: @Sonofdel

Vegas (725 KP) rated Unrest (2017) in Movies

Oct 16, 2019  
Unrest (2017)
Unrest (2017)
2017 | Documentary
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Well made and an insight into people's struggles (0 more)
Nothing, except it is a challenging and difficult documentary to watch (0 more)
Suffering from CFS I can partially relate to the people featured in this documentary, their daily struggles, how it affects people around them and the support they get. It also makes you realise that however bad you feel personally, there are people out there who are suffering in ways you cannot even begin to imagine.
It isn't an easy documentary to watch and certainly isn't a rainbows and pink unicorns film, don't watch if you want some light entertainment, but highly recommended for information...

Elif Shafak recommended The Captive Mind in Books (curated)

The Captive Mind
The Captive Mind
Czeslaw Milosz | 2001 | History & Politics
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Much has been written about authoritarianism and its multiple manifestations, but little has been said about the ways in which people, even the most educated, seemingly open-minded people, internalise authoritarianism in their daily life. What happens to politics and politicians under a corrupt system is obvious. But what happens to a society and a culture under authoritarianism is a question less understood. The Polish poet, essayist and thinker Milosz wrote extensively about home, homeland, exile, memory, history…. As a writer who comes from a turbulent land of collective amnesia, I have always read him with a sense of affinity."

Angry Optimist: The Life and Times of Jon Stewart
Angry Optimist: The Life and Times of Jon Stewart
Lisa Rogak | 2014 | Biography
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Insight into a beloved but flawed role model
So I’m a little ambivalent about this book. Jon Stewart took over at The Daily Show the same year I graduated high school. I was 16 and only starting to pay attention to politics. I was also raised quite conservative Christian – the pundit we listened to the most was Rush Limbaugh. And here was a man saying things that were the total opposite of what I’d been taught – but also things that resonated a lot more with me. Many years later, when The Daily Show and Jon Stewart were labeled the most trusted voices in news media, I had no trouble at all believing it. He not only knew how to speak to my generation, he also spoke for us. All the things we were thinking, he was out there shouting. He was our window into this grown up, corrupted world of politics, and we loved him for it.

Not to say he’s perfect. I’d heard – and Angry Optimist mentions – that he can occasionally be a rage-filled asshole. That the staff of The Daily Show has a woman problem. (As in, not enough of them, and can’t keep them.) So while I do admire the man, I am not blind to his flaws.

The book is interesting – I learned more about his early life and career – but nothing really game-changing. And perhaps that says something about Stewart. There aren’t really any skeletons in his closet, or scandalous stories. He’s just an angry Jewish comedian.

Rogak’s style of writing is easily consumed; I read the entire book in about three hours. Perhaps part of why I find it so anticlimactic is that she ends it with this sense of not knowing what Stewart might be up to next, and whether, if he does decide to leave The Daily Show eventually, if the show will end with him – and we know those answers now, three years after the book was published. Stewart has retired (barring the occasional appearance on Colbert’s show) and Trevor Noah is doing an admirable job of holding down the fort after Stewart’s exit. (With less anger, and a little more befuddlement, which is a fun change.) I was also a little disappointed that she mentions Stewart’s friendship with Anthony Weiner – but doesn’t say anything about how he took the ribbing from Stewart over Weiner’s rather unglamorous exit from politics.

I have also heard that the audio book is not good – apparently the narrator is boring. So I’d recommend the print book over the audio, if you choose to read it.

You can find all my reviews at
Bait (2019)
Bait (2019)
2019 | Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Blow the man down
Bait is a beautiful disorientating gem of a movie about how we failure to understand and communicate with each other on a daily basis. Set in an old fishing village that's having to change with the times while leaving its locals struggling to make a living. bait is loaded with conflict and tension as tourists and locals cross paths and confront each other on a daily basis. Watching bait is a constant visual treat it's scratchy, jumpy, weathered and seemingly missing vital scenes giving it not only a sense of nostalgia but great authenticity too. Dialog is stiff, seemingly mismatched and layered in an almost hazy dream like way adding brilliantly to the overall atmosphere, harsh themes and knife point tension. Acting is tip top too with every single character seething with realistic portrayals of frustration, jealousy, anger and #hatred these along with close up shots of clenched fists and faces showing eyes of sheer boredom add superbly to a film that feels so relatable and incredibly British. Bait is by no means a happy watch with its intense close up imagery, pulsing scratchy film reel and defining silence that accompanies all the constant drama and conflict but theres something so pure, heart warming and nostalgic in all it's damn fine riveting hopelessness that rewards all that stay till it's haunting and mezmerising conclusion.