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8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am actually giving this play a 3.5 star review, not a 4 star review. This is the third or fourth time I have had to read this play; the second time for college alone. Oh, and this review may have spoilers to the plot of this play, so if by some chance you haven't read it yet and do not want to know any of the plot points, read at your own risk.

I used to absolutely love this play. It used to be one of my favorite Shakespearean comedies, but I think I've had to study it so many times that I'm getting tired of it.

The class that I am reading it for, my Approaches to Shakespeare class, is really fun. I feel like I am going to start liking the book more the more I study it in this class because we are not just reading it for plot. The first day we were studying it, we went line by line for the first scene and talked about the various possible meanings each word could have meant and that was so much fun to me!

Also, I love the title: Twelfth Night: Or What You Will. It makes Shakespeare seem like he's saying, "Twelfth Night: Or Whatever." I don't know why, but that cracks me up.

I love looking at a text in a new way, and this class is definitely doing that. We are looking at dress and identity, sexuality and identity, the nature of love, setting the scene, the problem of Malvolio, and clown and comedy in the next few weeks that we are studying the play. I think my favorite parts to study are going to be the dress and identity and the problem of Malvolio.

Dress and identity are main aspects of the play. I mean, the entire think is about mistaken identities and disguises, so of course that would be heavily shown throughout the play. But even with this, we are going to look at connections within the characters to see if there are even more layers to this.

The problem of Malvolio is also very important. He is the loose cannon of this play because he does not necessarily fit with the comedic structure. Most of the time in comedies, everything is wrapped up and everyone is happy, but not in this comedy. In this, he seeks revenge on those who messed with him, but why did Shakespeare go so dark with this ending? Especially since he did not do this for the other comedies. That is what I can't wait to find out in my class.

I may do an update after we finish studying this book just in case I get an answer for that question, but that will only be seen in the future.

Overall, this play will always have a place in my heart, but I need to see if time will let it come back to the higher spot it used to have before.
The Bazaar of Bad Dreams
The Bazaar of Bad Dreams
Stephen King | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
8.3 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Author commentary (2 more)
Plenty of dark humor
The handful of good stories were really great
Much of the collection simply fell flat (1 more)
Mix of genres was sometimes disjointing
An underwhelming collection from the King
The Bazaar of Bad Dreams is a large collection of novellas and short stories that include a wide variety of genres. Each time I turned the page to the next story it would be kind of a wild card and I never knew what to expect which was both good and bad. While it was nice that the variety keeps things fresh, it also made the collection feel disorganized. The stories in the anthology don’t fit any particular theme, instead they just seemed like odds and ends thrown into a master volume. This will probably not be a big deal to many, but for me it just broke the flow.

On a more positive note, one of my favorite aspects of King’s writing is the incredibly dark humor that is present in much of his work. I think the addition of comedy helps to break some of the tension from the otherwise horrific stories and I found myself chuckling several times while reading. The anecdotes before each story were fun to read and gave some interesting insight into King’s writing processes and the things that inspire him. These personal little notes were one of the major highlights of the collection since it serves as a way of connecting the reader to the writer. King to me just has a likable voice and I enjoy reading or listening to his talks.

My favorite story out of the entire collection was no contest, there was one story that stood out to me more than the others: Under the Weather. The short is just so well paced and filled me with so much dread from start to finish that I was in awe. It really showcased King’s mastery of the technical aspects of writing and how to build tension and suspense. Other notable stories were Mile 81, Batman and Robin Have an Altercation, The Dune, Under the Weather, The Little Green God of Agony, and Summer Thunder.

Despite all of my praise, it was difficult for me to decide how I wanted to rate this collection. The stories are decent, there are even a few really good ones in the collection, but overall it was nowhere near King’s best. When I closed the book I felt relieved to finally be done, which is not the best feeling to have after finishing a book. Many of the stories seemed to be either love or hate to me and so it was really a mixed bag. Even after I’d finish a story I enjoyed and put the book down for the night, I’d find that I had no motivation to pick the book back up again the next day. Because of this I ended up taking a full month to read this collection which is slower than my average. I had actually been thinking of rating this book lower but the strong final stories drove me to push my rating up a little higher.
Ready or Not (2019)
Ready or Not (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
I’ve always loved playing games, board games, role playing games, computer games…whatever. I remember as a kid most of the games we played were played outside, whether it was a game of capture the flag, tag, or the always entertaining game of Hide and Seek. All the games I have ever played have been played in fun, with no real stakes involved outside of maybe some pride or some friendly competition. What if there was more at stake than simply having to sit out the game for the rest of the time? What if hiding and surviving until dawn was the only way you were going to live to see the next day? I don’t know about you, but I’d make sure it was the best game of Hide and Seek I’d ever played, or it would end up being my last. Ready or Not, a dark comedy from Fox Searchlight (now Walt Disney Studios) and directed by Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett, explores what happens when a ruthless business man sells his soul to the devil for the sake of a board game empire.

Early on we are introduced to Grace. She spent her childhood bouncing from foster home to foster home, wanting a family but just never quite getting one. When she finally finds the man of her dreams Alex (Mark O’Brien) who also is one of the heirs to a giant gaming empire, she believes that all her longing for a family, even one as messed up as his, is finally paying off. Not long after the wedding it is revealed that part of the tradition to joining the family is to play a game. Alex reassures her that the game could be something as simple as checkers or possibly as complex as chess. He doesn’t know as it’s up to a special box, imbued with mystical powers that selects the game that she will be forced to play.

Upon placing the card in the box, and withdrawing it, three little words are inscribed upon it…Hide and Seek. Thinking this is simply a game, and with no further instructions, the family puts on the Hide and Seek record and begin counting to 100. Once the count is up, weapons are handed out to the “seekers” and the game begins.

Not long after finding her hiding spot, Grace quickly becomes bored of playing and comes out admitting defeat. It is only after a series of unfortunate events resulting in the deaths of some of the key players does Grace finally understand that this family plays for keeps. With the help of an unlikely ally from Alex’s brother Daniel (Adam Brody), she not only is given an opportunity to survive the night, but also learns of the pact with the devil that was made which allowed the family to acquire its great fortune. Unless they can satisfy the curse, the entire family will not live to see the sunrise.

Ready or Not takes an outstanding cast and provides them with an equally fantastic setting. Andie MacDowell portrays the creepy mother-in-law Becky, along with her equally creepy and even more unhinged husband Tony (Henry Czerny). Each character plays out their roles in the most over-the-top performances imaginable, an they pull them off more believably then I think they even had intended. Whether its Kristian Bunn as the bumbling Fitch, who is forced to YouTube how to use a crossbow and googles whether pacts with the devil are real or BS…or Elyse Levesque as the stoic Charity, who has absolutely no problem killing someone, if it means she gets to maintain her lavish lifestyle. The cast is truly what pulls the movie off, with their ability to take the absurdity and make it almost feel normal.

Ready or Not does have the occasional jump scare and is literally coated in blood throughout, but it’s the dark comedy that really sets this movie apart from many that have come before it. I don’t know if it’s wrong to laugh at things that should be completely taboo as much as I did. Ready or Not tries to make you think it’s serious, even when you know it is intentionally not. While some of the dialog might fall a bit flat, you’d be hard pressed to notice between your bursts of laughter. You know a movie does something right, when you find yourself quoting it not only immediately after it finishes, but into the next day (and at this rate probably beyond).

Ready or Not is a fun film, that’s the best way to describe it. It’s gruesome and of course violent, but it doesn’t take itself seriously and asks the same of the audience. There have been other movies who have taken this genre too seriously in the past, and lead to mixed results. Ready or Not wants you to laugh at its absurdity and take glee in the events that take place. Based on the individual characters, it’s amazing that the family has survived as long as it has…must be because that card doesn’t come up very often. If you are looking for a fun film, one that you want to laugh at (and with) you could certainly do worse than Ready or Not. It is one of the best dark comedies to come out in years, and it makes me long for the days when movies were still unique and weren’t simply attempting to reboot everything.
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Thor-oughly entertaining.
Thor has always come across as the weaker of the Marvel film series’. The first film was well made, but never really demanded a repeat watch. The second, whilst not as bad as some people will attest, still felt more like a stop gap filler. You can’t blame the casting for the feeling of nonchalance that the films, so far, have delivered. Hemsworth is great in the role, and the support cast have always given their all, from Hiddleston as Loki, to Anthony Hopkins as Odin. But the stories have just felt superfluous, generic, and lacking in anything fantastical or mystical. In addition they have made the same error that DC made when they adapted Green Lantern – they spent too much time on Earth! You see, there are enough super-hero films that focus on a threat to Earth, so even though you could argue that it is faithful to the comics to have Thor defending Midgard against some mythical enemy, it has the unfortunate effect of making it seem just a little too…familiar. Wisely the decision was made for this third film to break away from Midgard, and go ‘cosmic’ with the story – and the end result is a damn sight better as a result.

The film spends the first act tying up some loose ends from the previous film, and returning Thor to Asgard. There he finds things are not as he left, and pretty soon Hela (Cate Blanchett) arrives to take control of Asgard, and threaten all the kingdoms with her army. Thor himself finds himself stranded on a remote junk-planet called Sakaar, where he finds himself thrown into gladiatorial combat against…well…an old friend. Can Thor unite an army to return to Asgard and save his people?

To say the film is immense fun would be an understatement! Director Taika Waititi, known for comedy dramas such as Hunt for the Wilderpeople and What We Do In The Shadows, definitely had an aim to explore the somewhat sillier side of the character, and the film is funny from the outset. Thor, who has always been a little naïve and shown some more awkward moments, is really given a lot of great lines, jibes, and clumsy aspects to round him out as more than just a ‘dumb, cocky Asgardian’. Throughout the film, characters quip and riff on ideas, creating genuine laughs and quotable moments, with even the newer characters getting their moments to impress on the audience. Amongst those newer additions, Karl Urban as Skurge, Jeff Goldblum as Grandmaster, and Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie steal any moments they appear on screen (Goldblum in particular just needs to have a wry grin and a raised eyebrow and all focus is on him). But Waititi himself gets to play with the best new addition to the cast, and one we will apparently see more of in the future, as Korg, a Kronan warrior.

So far, so entertaining, but is it all comedy and no substance? Far from it! The comedy serves well to balance against the dark drama of the story. This is titled Ragnarok, and Hela’s assault on Asgard is chilling indeed. In addition, the weaving in of elements from the Planet Hulk storyline, to give the mid-point journey part of the film some meat, ensures that there is never any dip in the tale, and there is plenty going on. The delicate balance of drama, emotion, and comedy is very reminiscent of the Guardians of the Galaxy films, and the franchise is so much better for it. After all, Asgardians are an alien race, so why not explore the cosmos a little with them? Even the soundtrack feels a little ‘Guardians-esque’ in style, with Led Zeppelin’s fabulous Immigrant Song being utilised perfectly for battle moments, but a somewhat electro-pop-synth score resonating throughout the film.

This is a film that flies by in run time (130 minutes, but never dragging), and finally gives Thor an identity in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As the end credits finish rolling, the immediate desire is to watch it all again – which is not a feeling that the other two films left in me at all. Jostling for position in the top three Marvel films to date (Avengers and Guardians for those who are curious – yes, I know Winter Soldier and Civil War are damned good too, but these films are just fun). Thor: Ragnarok looks amazing, and entertains thoroughly. Ragnarok may mean the end of Asgard according to myth and legend, but it signals the true start of Thor as a character in his own right. All of that positive without even mentioning Ruffalo as Hulk (which you just knew was going to be great anyway)! Just watch the film for yourself, and enjoy.

Scott Tostik (389 KP) rated Holliston in TV

Dec 17, 2017  
2012 | Comedy, Drama, Horror
7.3 (9 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Some good writing (2 more)
Great cast
What would happen if Friends met Hatchet in a dark alley
A horror/comedy series that leaves you begging for more
I love Adam Green!!!! The man has proven with this series that he can wear many hats in the industry. As can co-star Joe Lynch (director of Mayhem).
This show is everything a horror fan needs wrapped up in a 45 minute(first season) and 22 minute(second season) episodes. Some great dialogue and brilliant acting by co-stars Corri English (country band Brokedown Cadillac) and Laura Ortiz (The Hills Have Eyes remake) make this show easy to swallow and a fun time for even the mildest of horror watchers.
Don't forget some great guest appearances by Kane Hodder(Hatchet), Danielle Harris(Halloween 4 & 5), Derek Mears (Friday the 13th remake), Colton Dunn(hatchet 2), Ray Wise(Digging Up the Marrow and TV's Twin Peaks), Tony Todd(Candyman) and David Naughton(An American Werewolf in London) who all go to lengths to prove that horror is not the only genre they belong in.
Twisted Sister's Dee Snider is a series regular as Cable Station Managere Lance Rockett and provides the viewer with some great one liners and laugh filled on screen moments that can not be easily forgotten. Dave Brockie or Oderus Urungas as he was better known to metal fans as the lead singer of the band Gwar also appeared regularly as Adam's imaginary friend who lived in his closet and came out occasionally to give words of wisdom, advice and shots to the nuts. Sadly Dave lost his life in April of 2014 causing Adam to put the series on hold for the time being because of the death of his longtime friend.
Holliston is nothing short of brilliance to people who not only love the horror genre. it is nothing short of amazing. With laughs, scares and even a few tears shed during its brief interlude on This show will forever remain in my heart and mind as one of the best sitcom/horror shows I have ever watched. Give it a try people
St. Vincent (2014)
St. Vincent (2014)
2014 | Comedy
7.8 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Another Murray Classic
When a single mother moves into a new neighborhood and gets overwhelmed with her taxing job, she relies on her crude, foul-mouthed neighbor Vincent (Bill Murray) to watch over her kid while she's gone.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 6

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 7

Conflict: 9
Vincent basically creates conflict everywhere he goes. Between his actions, decisions, and mouth, something is always getting him into trouble with those around him. It's hard to watch at times, funny during other times. His life is crumbling, but he brings most of it on himself. Throw in Maggie's (Melissa McCarthy) custody battle for her son and the film gives you more than enough conflict to drive the story.

Genre: 9
St. Vincent hails itself as a comedy. It's certainly going to make you laugh, but it succeeds in how dark and truthful it can be at times. I love that the film never cuts corners with Vincent's character. His life is cringeworthy and sad, yet the audience is still given avenues to laughter.

Memorability: 8
Once again, Murray manages to make a film memorable with his character alone. He doesn't care about the people he hurts or at least that's what he would have you believe. His destructive attitude oftentimes results in a finished product that will either make you shake your head or bust out laughing. I enjoyed watching the relationship develop between him and Oliver (Jaeden Lieberher). They were made for each other yet neither one of them realize it at first. The film as a whole makes you contemplate what constitutes being a good person versus a bad person.

Pace: 10

Plot: 10
Even as Vincent's life tailspins out of control, he manages to touch the lives of those around them in ways they never imagined. He is a ball of chaos, but in the heart of that chaos, the plot shows the semblance of a good man. Again, it's ugly but real at the same time. And that's what makes it beautiful.

Resolution: 10

Overall: 89
If nothing else, St. Vincent shows us that sometimes the funniest things are those mired in reality. Another Murray classic.
The Conqueror's Shadow
The Conqueror's Shadow
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Anti heroes join this great plot
I haven’t read a good fantasy in such a long time! And this one was excellent! It’s fun to see a bunch of misfit anti heroes come together to try and save the world because not only did they leave on bad terms back then in the day, Corvis actually had the galls to come back to ask them for favors (we all had that one friend didn’t we?)

Each of the characters have their distinct quirk and personality. Also they’re not afraid to tell Corvis how it is (and he surprisingly takes it...which makes them a more fun bunch to read) I can’t really say I have a favorite although I admit I was disappointed in Khanda towards the last half of the book. He definitely had the best and more fun personality to read on but he just *had* to do it didn’t he? (you’ll see when you finish the book)

The plot had a steady pace and it was good. I was actually surprised as to who the Serpent really was as you’d think it was obvious. It was a good surprise and the action in the last third of the book was massive with lots of action. Although it gets pretty dark at times and Corvis isn’t a hero per se (more like a terrorizing horrible despot who decimates towns and villages to his liking) it has black comedy elements in it and overall because of this provides a ‘lightness’ to the story. It helps that the cast of characters have witty retorts and comebacks which also provides a few laughs here and there.

The world building and setting is pretty much your standard fantasy setting that is portrayed in most novels of the genre out there. Nevertheless it doesn’t take away from the novel and still provides a good foundation for it.

A plot rich with a variety of characters, good light banter, and some action is what makes up this book in a nutshell. I definitely recommend it as it was an enjoyable read.
Us (2019)
Us (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
A stab in the dark
#usmovie is a powerful, #political & psychological #horror that has so many strong messages to convay that it constantly intimates & frightens the viewer in ways that most mainstream horror films simply can't comprehend. ?THIS #REVIEW MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS? #jordanpeele manages to do it again this time around & while not quite to the quality of #getout #us manages to shine with its impressive direction & nerve shattering soundtrack. To start i want to talk about the messages that I think came across to me while viewing Us. For most of its runtime you could be fooled into thinking Peele has made a simple but very decent #80s #nostalgia/home invasion/#slasher movie but once we hit the final act it almost tests you to see how much of the finer details you been paying attention to by hitting you with the overall message its been trying to convey. This world is falling apart at the seems & we are the ones responsible, we create imaginary #borders, distance/alienate ourselves from one another day by day, weve stoped comunicating, #loving trusting in one another & we gradually grow our hatred & fuel our #social awkwardness with technology. Its highly #depressing stuff & when it finally sinks in this is whats at the movies core & how it relates so well to the world today the burden of it ways heavy as you leave the cinema. Cutting ties with one another is a strong theme here as well as how lack of comunication, childhood trauma & inner #demons can become toxic/contagious & lead to the destruction of a family. Acting is simply phenomenal with #LupitaNyongo giving a performance so nerve shattering yet so humble that she deserves an award for sure. Its not a flawless movie however as does have flaws, its a little drawn out at times & when the film feels the need to talk you through & explain itself i found it a little tedious but that being said it accomplishes a perfect balance of #comedy, horror & seriousness with a spine tingling score & #gorgeous cinematography making it well worth experiencing. #odeon #odeonlimitless #filmbuff #filmcritic #friyay #weekend #scary #black #gore #trump #america #usa
Venom (2018)
Venom (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
We arnt Venom
#venom is this years biggest flop. Inconsistent, #boring, generic & makes even #spiderman 3 look good in comparison. What wound me up most is the characters/the acting, every single person in this film underreacts not only to situations but to each others presence too. There's simply no #emotion towards anyone or anything, #sadness, shock, #horror & #panic all feel missing from everyone giving each of them a hollow & cartoonish feel. Characters also lack #motivation for any of their actions making a good chunk of them completely disposable. Tone wise its a mess with the sparce #horrific/#dark scenes edge taken away instantly because they are followed by such a #childish/out of place slapstick #comedy vibe. Infact Venoms tone felt more like watching #Jumanji rather than a 15 certificate #film with most of its runtime feeling like an over simplified dumbed down #family film. There's so many inconsistencies too like relationships going from hostile to fine with no explanation, characters figuring things out first time without having found evidence, people appear out of seemingly nowhere on multiple occasions & nobody ever notices any of the #death/destruction being caused around the city. Its all so obvious that it feels like either huge chunks of the film is either missing or someone was really bad at editing & keeping consistency. Action is poor, forgettable, generic & anticlimactic & the cgi #feels cheap, #lazy & unimaginative like a straight to dvd #movie. Plot is borderline offensive its that basic with so many early visual cues to whats going to happen that its really #inteligence insulting at times. #tomhardy is great as always & really seems like he's giving it his all but the bad writing & awful script kill what #charm & likability his character has completely & the interaction between him & Venom lacks punch & believability too. #Upgrade proved this year that you dont need a big budget to make a great film about losing control of yourself & yet Venom with all its backing doesnt even come close to doing anything right. Last years #life would of made a far better venom movie than this. #wednesdaywisdom #filmcritic #stanlee #mcu #comic #marvel
The Incredibles 2 (2018)
The Incredibles 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Comedy
#pixar #disney #incredibles2 is an exceptional #sequel with a much more mature tone & flawless #animation. After doing a double bill of the incredibles films today in #4k I found myself awe of the technical achievement on show. This #film is stunning & I mean visual #perfection, particle effects are complex & mesmerising, #eyes house tiny red veins, faces blush & cloths contain intricate stitching too with character animation also being fluid & #natural. Subject matter is dark this time around & deals with extremely #adult themes, parents might want to think twice before taking kids to see this one as id say almost 80% of the film is a heavily dialog driven #drama. I wont lie at times its incredibly intense, heavy going & hard work but its also always fascinating & higly rewarding housing many very real world/mature themes with great complexity & depth. With things getting very serious the film does break things up every now & again with just enough huge scale top notch memorable action set pieces & slick comedy to let your brain rest briefly (however I found most #Kids in my screening were getting restless & bored by then so parents may want to think twice before taking the #family). Themes of death, jealousy, trust, lies, parent roll reversal, balancing home #life & family with work, teaching kids to be themselves while also making sure they obey the law & fit in, as well as metaphors about technology enslaving us all & how superhero films are only pushed on us to distract us from real world problems & belief someone else will solve all our problems for us (this is not only refreshing but expertly handled & over flowing with intelligence giving the #film a more human, realistic & relevant tone). Voice work is simply top notch with #bobodenkirk being the most interesting & going the extra mile. Score & #sound design are also on point & at times I swear I thought #jackjack was a #kid in my screening running around behind me. The last 20mins felt a tad rushed but with such likeable & well fleshed out characters & a more mature story #incredibles 2 might just be the most intelligent & #fun #superhero film or the year. #odeon #odeonlimitless #beautiful #hero #super