
Mistress of All Evil: A Tale of the Dark Fairy (Villains #4)
The tale is told as if it's happening once upon a dream: the lovely maiden meets her handsome prince...

The Craggus (360 KP) rated Greta (2019) in Movies
Apr 25, 2019
Greta (2019) is a dark urban feminist fairy tale masquerading as a B-movie potboiler.
Neil Jordan has taken the streets of New York City and turned them into the sinister forest of a dark urban fairy tale only this time, it’s the evil witch herself leaving the trail of breadcrumbs across the city – in the form of emerald green handbags – all the better to lure the unwary children to her home for (spiked) milk and cookies. It riffs on fairy tale tropes from Hansel and Gretel to Sleeping Beauty, with the magnificent (maleficent?) Isabelle Huppert weaving her terrible and terribly camp spell at the core of this poisoned Big Apple...

Paige (428 KP) rated The City of Lost Children (1995) in Movies
Jul 28, 2017

Martina Dewey (1 KP) rated To Kill a Kingdom in Books
Apr 10, 2018
Love the plot smashup (1 more)
Non traditional
I like the concept of the story , but if you are a fan of th fairy tale sweet versions these dark ones might really not be for you. I didn’t expect to like to much . Better than I thought it would be.

Tigers are Not Afraid (2017)
Movie Watch
A dark fairy tale about a gang of five children trying to survive the horrific violence of the...

Freeway II: Confessions of a Trickbaby (1999)
Movie Watch
A teenage prostitute escapes from a juvenile prison with a 16-year-old serial killer and both go on...