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Hush (2016)
Hush (2016)
2016 | Horror, Thriller
7.9 (28 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Shh Be Quiet
Oh my god this movie was excellent, i heard about it for couple of years now and i never watched it, until now. Holy crap this movie is good. The suspense, the intensity, the psychological espect and the plot.

The plot: A deaf writer who retreated into the woods to live a solitary life must fight for her life in silence when a masked killer appears in her window.

Hush is a excellent horror film, and a must watch, if you havent seen it yet.
Hush (2016)
Hush (2016)
2016 | Horror, Thriller
7.9 (28 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Great tension builder (0 more)
Flawed in places (0 more)
Silent suspense
Maddie (Kate Siegel) is a deaf writer, living a “quiet” life in the woods, secluded and alone, trying to heal after the breakdown of her last relationship.

Queue the bad guy played by John Gallagher Jr... and what follows is an 82 minute, interesting game of cat and mouse.

 It’s a fresh take on the standard home invasion/slasher movie genre with the added element of her disability. Expect some great scenes, good acting from the small cast involved and no complicated storyline.

Try to overlook the inconsistencies, the plot holes and occasional predictability.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2099 KP) rated Right to Remain Silent in Books

May 2, 2021 (Updated May 2, 2021)  
Right to Remain Silent
Right to Remain Silent
Penny Warner | 1998 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I Won’t Remain Silent About This Book
Sparkle Bodie was declared dead, but then came back to life at the funeral home. She’s rushed to the hospital where she dies for real – smothered by a pillow. The sheriff thinks that Sparkle’s son, Caleb, is responsible for her murder – the son that is deaf and has had very little interaction with anyone else. Connor is asked by Sparkle’s other son to try to communicate with his brother and find out what really happened. That is proving to be a challenge even before someone lets Caleb out of jail. Can she prove he is innocent?

This is a strong third book in the series. Connor being deaf herself makes her a unique main character, but I love how she navigates life. The other characters, series regulars or suspects, are strong and help make the book compelling. The mystery contains enough red herrings to keep me guessing. I did feel the climax was a bit convoluted at first, but the more Connor explained things, the more it made sense. The paperback originally came out in the late 1990’s, so there are some dated elements in the book, and since that’s what I read, I don’t know if the ebook was updated. As long as you know that going in, you should be okay. There’s a smattering of foul language, but this is worth noting in passing. I’m glad I’m finally reading about Connor and am hoping I can continue the series soon.
The Silence (2019)
The Silence (2019)
2019 | Horror
Stanley Tucci & Kiernan Shipka (0 more)
The ending (0 more)
A quiet place part 2
Contains spoilers, click to show
So this film is exactly like A quiet place. So much so its bordering on plagiarism! It follows a family and the teenage daughter is deaf. Cue weird monsters that kill people and the only way to stay safe is to be quiet - sound familiar? The only difference is the inclusion of a weird religious cult. In general its really well put together and the acting is top notch especially Stanley Tucci & the very good Kiernan Shipka. The biggest problem with this is that it builds up ok towards a climax that is over before it starts. Seriously the most rushed ending ever. So an ok film with a crappy ending.
A Quiet Place: Part II (2021)
A Quiet Place: Part II (2021)
2021 | Horror, Thriller
A Good, Maybe Very Good, But Not Great Sequel
Did you enjoy the first A QUIET PLACE film? This horror/thriller from 2018 was unique in that it emphasized the suspense portion of the horror genre while relying, heavily, on sound (or the lack thereof).

The inevitable sequel picks up right where the first film ends, following the survivors of the first film as they make their way to a new “Quiet Place”…and, while not as unique as the first film, certainly holds its own as an entertainment and if you enjoyed the first one, you’ll enjoy this, the 2nd of what is promised to be a Trilogy.

Written and Directed by John Krasinski (who wrote and directed the first one) A QUIET PLACE PART II has an opening sequence (pre-credits) that is as good of an opening sequence as I have seen for quite some time (maybe all the way back to SAVING PRIVATE RYAN - it’s that good of an opening sequence). Again, Krasinski infuses sound (and the lack thereof) as he changes the focus of this opening scene from a deaf character (with the lack of sound) to non-deaf characters (with LOTS of sound). It is this juxtaposition of sound (and not sound) that makes an indelible impression. This opening scene is worth the price of admission all by itself.

And…that’s important… for the rest of the film is good, maybe even very good, but not great. Emily Blunt returns and is a formidable screen presence, but since this film focuses as much (if not more) on the 2 kids (Noah Jupe and Millicent Simmonds - more on them later), Blunt is relegated to a co-starring (and maybe a supporting) role, which is too little Emily Blunt in this film for my taste.

The always dependable Cillian Murphy is along for the ride this time around as a fellow survivor who has to work through some cowardice issues. While, at first, it looked like Murphy was putting in a “workmanlike, but unspectacular” performance, by the end of the film it becomes much, much better. A good, maybe even very good, but not great, performance.

As for the kids, Noah Jupe does a good, maybe even very good (but not great) performance, but that might be because Millicent Simmonds as the deaf child (she is a deaf actress herself) is REMARKABLE in her role - and this is needed for a large portion of this film follows her journey - and it is a journey worth watching. I hope this young actress gets a ton more work after these series of movies. I am going to be very interested in seeing her do other things.

Director Krasinski pulls many of the right levers in stringing out the audience - and the tension - throughout the film (though, as is often the case in these types of films, I wanted to yell at the screen a couple of times when characters did stupid things that you knew were gonna end up poorly for them). He, again, relies on suspense (and not gore) in scaring his audience and succeeds much more than he fails in this flim.

All-in-all, a movie that would be a wise choice to bring you back into the Cineplex. The (albeit small) crowd that saw the film in the theater I watched it in had more than 1 time where we all jumped and screamed together - and I realized that I had missed that.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Mickey On The Move
Mickey On The Move
Michelle Wagner | 2021 | Children
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I found an excellent inspiring children's book about a little boy who deaf but not wholly. You wouldn't even know he seems to be like most children his age. The book is called "Mickey on the Move." I thought it was about him moving a lot. I was surprised why he had been to five different schools.

The book talks about his hard of hearing and how to go about his new school. His mom seems to help him through planning this first day of school, how his teachers support him, and his friends helping out if they can. They all seem to work for a way to help Mickey.

The book also talks about how Mickey wants to be growing up. There is a phrase that mentions throughout the book Mickey on the Move. Will one problem that his teacher brings up to his mom. Will they find a solution for the problem. Mickey can get what he needs while in school.

The pictures were done well by the author. It is about special needs kids and how to help and support them in their environment that they will need. This book is suitable for children to read and understand some deaf and hard of hearing children's needs. I would even support having this on library shelves and even school library shelves for children.

Parents can learn as well as children about hearing loss. However, that might be hard of hearing. Maybe get the child or children what they need to help them and support them. I know it is a hard thing. This author does it well.
Predator (1987)
Predator (1987)
1987 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
If a ever go deaf, it will be because of Predator!
I found a used Blu Ray at a local shop for $1.99 so I decided to upgrade my existing DVD and boy was it worth it. The picture and sound quality was amazing (deafening).

Almost everything about the film holds up given this is my 20+ viewing. Has to be in the top 5 action films of all time right along side Die Hard and Terminator 2: Judgement Day.

The remote setting, characters, musical score, tension, slow burn reveal and screenplay all lend to the pristine action and compelling storytelling here.

A have to admit a few optical effects and the Predator suit do look a bit dated now, but that does not impact my review.

Such a classic!

RəX Regent (349 KP) Feb 20, 2019

Yeah. I upgraded mine from DVD to the Ultimate Edition BD and it was great. Read a few complaints over the remastering of this disc, with many noting that the image has been smoothed out too much, removing almost all the grain. This is true but despite this, it is still a great image. But for those who want the grain intact, the 4K version has it all.


Kaz (232 KP) rated The Silence (2019) in Movies

Jul 6, 2019 (Updated Jul 7, 2019)  
The Silence (2019)
The Silence (2019)
2019 | Horror
The idea of the film (0 more)
The chemistry/development between the characters, the predictable story, the ending, the CGI (0 more)
A mediocre film
Contains spoilers, click to show
Even though 'The Silence' is based on a novel in its own right, it's impossible not to compare this to 'A Quiet Place'. Unfortunately, 'A Quiet Place' is a much better film.

The chemistry between the characters in 'A Quiet Place' was very good, I cared about what happened to them, which made that film successful. With 'The Silence', the characters felt one dimensional and, even thought they were a family, their relationship seemed very forced. I found some of the decisions that they made throughout the film, to be really implausible.

Also, what gave 'A Quiet Place' a sense of authenticity, was the fact that the deaf character in the story, was played be a deaf actress. In 'The Silence', this wasn't the case.

I thought that the plot at the beginning was predictable, but passable. However, towards the end of the film, a threat from a sect was inexplicably thrown in, and for me, the film completely unraveled.

'The Silence' had a few jump scares, but this film didn't keep me on the edge of my seat. The creatures themselves, were a cross between 'Gremlins' and dinosaurs from 'Jurassic Park' and it wasn't particularly scary, because of their bad CGI.

Despite its flaws, I stayed watching until the end of the film and to be honest, I wish I hadn't. The ending was rushed and unsatisfactory. It didn't have much of a resolution at all and left me wondering if I'd missed something, as everything was resolved so quickly.

If you want to watch an 'apocalyptic/monsters taking over the world 'type of a film, I don't recommend watching 'The Silence'. Watch 'A Quiet Place' instead.

Lori (9 KP) rated The Stand in Books

Jun 29, 2017  
The Stand
The Stand
Stephen King | 2016 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (51 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good vs evil. People of all ages, from all walks of life, coming together to "stand". (0 more)
The title says it all, on which side will you STAND?
I have loved​ this book from the first moment I picked it up and couldn't put it down, over 20 years ago . How could you not love a epic novel about the end of the world and the fight between good and evil? The characters are so very human, just a few on the side of good, the matriach, the unwed mother, the good ol' boy, the deaf mute, the judge, the soul singer. The demon/devil, ex-con, former cop, party girl, crazy arsonist are just a few on the dark side. They survive the plague and then have to take a "stand" (and pick a side) and survive the war between good and evil.

David McK (3251 KP) rated A Quiet Place (2018) in Movies

Aug 23, 2020 (Updated Jan 10, 2023)  
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
I'd heard good stuff about this film.

They lied.

Slow, plodding, and lacking any sense of peril or tension, this is set in a post-apocalyptic world where seemingly invulnerable blind monsters (which we're never told where they come from) hunt by sound, and sound alone - which explains why there's not even any bird song. This then follows a tight-knit family trying to survive in this new reality, complete with a deaf kid and a mother about to give birth.

Yes, all the cliches are here: creaking floorboards, jagged nails sticking up from the wood, a kid who blames herself for the loss of her younger sibling early on in the film ...

About the only good thing I can say is that this is short, with a running time of just over 1.5 hours.