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Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino by Arctic Monkeys in Music

May 14, 2018 (Updated May 15, 2018)  
Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino by Arctic Monkeys
Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino by Arctic Monkeys
2018 | Indie, Rock
Production (0 more)
Everything else (0 more)
So the new Arctic Monkeys album is finally here, after half a decade of speculation and anticipation and I don't think it's what anybody wanted. Most fans expected another guitar led record to follow up 2013's AM but this instead record sounds a bit like the smiths or pulp, but not as good as either of them and with a significantly less amount of guitar.

Music critics seem afraid to commit one way or the other, with most reviews from popular publications containing a verbal bashing in the body of the review, before summing it up with a positive conclusion and overall score. It's as if they don't like it on the surface, but deep down they don't have the heart to give an Arctics album a bad review.

Personally, I have a love/hate relationship with the Arctic Monkeys' music. I adore their first album so much. For me, that record was a beacon of light in a murky, mediocre musical landscape when it dropped and I genuinely thought these lads were going to be the next Oasis. I was then let down consecutively by every subsequent release as I watched this band squander their potential to become one of the most overrated groups in the industry. I did like Don't Sit Down from Suck It and See and I am a fan of Alex Turner's side project, the Last Shadow Puppets and despite my better nature, every time the Arctics release a new record I vainly get my hopes up only to be inevitably let down upon hearing it.

This album is basically the polar opposite of Whatever People Say I Am, which I fell in love with because it was an album for belting out while banging on the table with a pint in your hand at the pub. This album is for sitting with a glass of wine on your posh veranda of self indulgence.

In terms of his vocal performance, he sounds great on some tracks and elsewhere, the cheap Bowie impression really starts to grate, with 4 Out Of Five being the worst offender.
The worst thing is, it isn't a bad album, it's just painfully mediocre, which isn't really good enough. They kept their fans waiting for 5 years, didn't release any singles before the album and cryptically teased us for ages, to release this? A weak, bland rag of mediocrity?

After a few listens through, I like some elements of it. The mixing is nice and some of the hooks are pretty clever, but overall I can see what they were trying to do here and they just missed the mark. There is a difference between challenging your listeners and being tone deaf to what it is that they want to hear.
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Not a "horror" movie, but a tense, taught, suspense film
There are many things the new film A QUIET PLACE is. What it is NOT is a "horror" film (as it is being promoted). What this film is is tense, suspenseful, well written, acted & directed, and quite good.

Co-written and Directed by John Krasinski (THE OFFICE) and starring Krasinski and his real-life wife, Emily Blunt (LIVE, DIE, REPEAT, the upcoming MARY POPPINS RETURNS), A QUIET PLACE tells the story of an Earth that has been overrun by aliens who hunt humans as food. These creatures are blind and have limited olfactory senses, but what they do have is extremely good hearing, so to stay alive, you must stay quiet.

We are introduced to this world by a family of 5 that have, thus far, survived. It consists of a Mother (Blunt) and Father (Kasinski) and their 3 children, one of whom is deaf. They have learned how to live in this world and we watch them struggle to stay alive - and stay together as a family unit.

This is the Directorial debut of Kasinski and he acquits himself quite well. This film is strongly paced with a sure eye for what this film should look and feel like. His handling of the actors is strong and he is smart enough to realize that this film could wear it's welcome out, so he keeps things short and to the point.

The acting of the children are good and Krasinski is very good in his role, but it is the work of Emily Blunt that really pulls this film along. As the matriarch of the family, you can see the care and concern on her face, her futility in trying to hold things together. Someone get this actress an Oscar already! Maybe not for this film...but...she is an Oscar-caliber actress showing off her abilities. is the silence that is the differentiating factor of this cinematic experience.

Because of the nature of the premise, this film - by necessity - is (in essence) a silent film. Because of this, an interesting thing happened in the movie theater I was in. At the beginning of the film, I could hear wrappers being handled and popcorn being eaten and drinks being drunk. But...after about 10 minutes, the theater became just as silent as the screen and you were pulled into the silent world of the film.

All in all, a fantastic, unique time at the cinema. As I said, I would not classify this as a "horror" film, but rather a taught, tense, suspense film that had me jumping out of my seat on more than one occasion.

Letter Grade: A-

8 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Guarding His Melody (Enhacned World #1)
Guarding His Melody (Enhacned World #1)
Victoria Sue | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved this addition to this world!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is billed as book 1 in the Enhanced World Standalones series, but you don't need to have red the 3 books in the main series, before this one. I have listened to book one, Five More Minutes, and am currently part way through book two, Who We Truly are and will get to Beneath This Mask after that. Mild spoilers, is all. and a hint at what I have to come.

After getting meningitis as a child, Seb is left deaf. Throw in mark of the Enhanced that appeared when he was 12, and life has thrown him a double whammy. When there are death threats, Seb hires Gray as a bodyguard. But the Threat is getting worse, after the death of his previous bodyguard and that of his music teacher. If Seb could shake these crippling headaches, and just play his piano, he'll be happy.

I'm really enjoying these books! They are different and different is always good in my book!

Seb is pretty much housebound, but the first thing Gray does, is drag him out of bed at stoopid o'clock to do Tia-Chi in the garden. Helped him, so gotta be worth a try, right?? And that there, is what I particularly LOVED about this book.

The HINTS at what Gray suffered. You don't get the FULL story, not at all, just hints and clues along the way that make you put together a picture, a bigger picture at what Gray suffered, HOW much he suffered and how he got through it. But you just know, that someone else will put together a different picture, with the same clues. And I LOVED that!

Seb's threat isn't who I thought it was, but it was just as bad. I do love being proven wrong!

The chemistry between Gray and Seb bubbles along for much of the book, and I did, at one point, think we wouldn't get to the main event, but we do, and it is glorious!

Talon and Finn (Five Minutes Longer) pop up at the end, and the others are mentioned at various places in the book, so ties the books together.

The Enhanced status of Seb plays very much second fiddle to his deafness.
But I'm not left wanting to LISTEN to this book. Nick J Russo narrates the other books, and I hope he does this one too. I'm eager to see how Seb's voice comes across.

I originally wrote 4 stars at the top of the page (and yes, i do WRITE them up by hand before I post them!) but, actually, I can't find anything to knock that star off, so...

5 full stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Winner's Curse (The Winner's Trilogy, #1)
The Winner's Curse (The Winner's Trilogy, #1)
Marie Rutkoski | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
You never know what kinds of books you'll find when you take your time at the library.

<i>The Winner's Curse</i>, to say the least, is perhaps one of the best, if not <i>the</i> best, book I've read so far in 2015. The characters, the writing, the world, the plot – I loved it all (or most of it, but technically it's still all of it).

Kestrel may be one of my favorite characters – I just love how she resists (flouting them may be more accurate) her father's and society's rules, values, and expectations throughout the entire book, and even how she resists being bossed around by Cheat near the end.
<blockquote>"If a woman can fight and die for the empire, why can't a woman walk alone?"</blockquote>
Frankly, it's fantastic. It's fantastic how she doesn't really care too much about what society thinks of her relationship with Arin, despite the fact the rumors weren't true at the time. And it's even more fantastic how loyal Jess and Ronan are to Kestrel – they stick around even while Kestrel's reputation is obviously going down the drain with each action she takes that society looks down upon (though Ronan may be questionable).
<blockquote>"It doesn't matter what they think. Dance with me."</blockquote>
Then there's the writing – it's beautiful. The parallel structure the author uses occasionally throughout seems almost poetic, or if not poetic, then there seems to be a rhythm every so often.
<blockquote>She would have stopped him. She would have wished herself deaf, blind, made of unfeeling smoke. She would have stopped his words out of terror, longing.</blockquote>
I'm also not typically a fan of authors revealing what really happens through another character (while another character hears differently), but with <i>The Winner's Curse</i>, I find I rather enjoy Rutkoski revealing what really happens through Arin while Kestrel hears something else. Perhaps it's just the character itself, as Arin <i>is</i> an intriguing character and seems to have an air of mystery about him right when he is first sold to Kestrel – the author reveals that there's something up with him, but is vague enough not to give too much away.

The ending to <i>The Winner's Curse</i> is full of tension – with the second book already released or being released soon, I <i>really</i> want to read the next book, in hopes the sequel is as wonderfully written and unpredictable as the first to the <i>Winner's Trilogy</i> is.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
White Dolphin
White Dolphin
Gill Lewis | 2013
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I decided to read this book when I saw a confirmation from the author posted on Facebook, confirming that one of the characters shared my disability, Hemiplegia. My disability is often overlooked in representation as people mainly go for deaf, blind, wheelchair user or someone with down syndrome. So I was intrigued to find out how well Gill Lewis had done it.

First thing I will say, in the book she doesn't make the particular disability, just referring to Cerebral Palsey, an umbrella term which covers a number of physical disabilities. Though it would have been nice to see the name dropped, I can understand why this is. The book is aimed at an audience aged around 11, and throwing up technical terms and explainations might be too much. Most children through osmosis know what Cerebral Palsey is, and if they don't, they've learned something. Plus, with the confirmation from the author, be and the knowledge of what Hemiplegia looks like it was obvious from the start that this is what it was meant to be.

But a novel is more than just a one aspect of a character, and so how did the story fair. At first I worried it might turn out to be a Free Willy rip off. But without going into detail, while there are elements of that in here it is just one part of the whole. There was a lot going on, ans not only were we seeing it act out through the eyes of a girl dealing with real issues, Kara felt incredibly real to me. I was surprised how psychologically deep Lewis was able to make her characters, and this kept me reading on. Never once did I feel Felix (the disabled character that had attracted me to the book in the first place) as a one dimensional character. More often than not fictional disabled people are flanderised so that their disability is their personality. This was not Felix. Sure, he had his frustrations with life due to his disability, but that was just a part of his personality. Nor was his narrative solely that of overcoming his disability. A chapter before Felix becomes joint hero with Kara, we have a scene where he's struggling to walk up a flight of outside steps because the rail stops short (something I personally have experienced too many times!) Emphasising and reminding the reader that while he is able to excel in one area, life can still be a frustration elsewhere.

I'm really glad I picked this book up. And will definitely be encouring my Goddaughters to read it - especially as they are currently the demographic this book is aimed at.
Into the Drowning Deep: Rolling in the Deep Book 1
Into the Drowning Deep: Rolling in the Deep Book 1
Mira Grant | 2017 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
WOW. I don't typically read horror, but this was fantasy horror, and WOW. I picked up the novella precursor to this sometime last year - I never reviewed it here, probably because it was barely over 100 pages, but it was fascinating and haunting all the same. Rolling in the Deep told the story of the Atargatis, a ship sent out to the Mariana Trench to stage a mockumentary - supposedly looking for mermaids, but equipped with actors who could swim with mermaid tails. They never planned to find anything. Except they did. And they all died. One by one at first, a few people picked off, then the entire ship swarmed and eaten. The reader sees this happen, but to anyone not on the ship, the only thing they find is some footage on an abandoned ship.

Into the Drowning Deep fast forwards a few years; the production company, Imagine Network, is not doing so well, and they want to prove that the footage wasn't a hoax. So they assemble a new mission, this one with a lot more security. (Though they still picked security with an eye for what would look good on TV, rather than what would be effective, which was a poor choice.) The reader, of course, knows that the mermaids are real, and that they are dangerous, so you spend much of the first part of the book in a state of suspense waiting for them to show up. (I actually thought it took a little too long for them to finally show up, but the time was used for character-building.)

The book is very Lovecraftian, actually - from the strong, building sense of foreboding doom to the creatures that should not exist, to the kind of gibbering insanity near the end. It's probably why I liked the book so much; Lovecraft is about the only kind of horror writing I like, and I get the same feeling from Grant's writing.

So yes, the book is about mermaids. But these aren't mermaids as you've seen them before. They're not cute, they're not seductive, they don't want to live on land, and they're definitely not friendly. These mermaids are predators. Intelligent predators, but predators. And humans, apparently, are delicious.

Most of the characters in the book are scientists trying to prove mermaids exist, so there's a lot of science happening aboard the ship, and Grant doesn't shy away from it happening on the page as well. She also includes a pair of deaf scientist twins, and their interpreter sibling, which is important because the mermaids use a form of sign language as well. Most of the main characters are women, which is also great to see in such a large concentration of fictional scientists.

If you like fantasy horror, i.e. Lovecraft, you should definitely pick this up. Rolling in the Deep is also worth reading first - I think it definitely adds another layer to the sense of foreboding doom.

You can find all my reviews at
Sound of Metal (2019)
Sound of Metal (2019)
2019 | Drama, Music
Acting by Riz Ahmed, Paul Raci AND Olivia Cooke (2 more)
Wonderful story: show not tell!
Sound design is simply epic
When I was young, I remember being scared to death by an old black and white movie about a woman who went blind.... I remember she was travelling on a bus and the movie simulated the view through her eyes as her vision dimmed and then went black. (I've googled this without joy, so can't place the movie!) I found the concept of suddenly losing one of your key senses to be utterly terrifying. So, I was fully engaged with Ruben's issues in this movie.

I thought the movie was going to be downbeat and depressing. But, both with it's positive portrayal of the deaf community and with the extraordinary ending, I found it to be a wonderfully heart-warming tale.

- There is just SOOO much depth to this story: a character torn from his familiar world and struggling to adapt to the changes. It's fundamentally a movie about acceptance of self. The last two minutes of the screen time are momentous: one of the best endings of a movie I can remember in recent memory. A truly religious experience.

- "Sound of Metal" won the BAFTA at the weekend for Sound, and deservedly so. It's another leading character in the film, with the editing deftly weaving between the soundscape that most of us live in and Ruben's perception. Apparently, the sound team used a hyper-sensitive microphone in Ahmed's mouth to pick up the inner noises of his body.

- Both Riz Ahmed and Paul Raci are nominated for Oscars. Simply stunning performances from both of them.

- Although not nominated, I'd lob Olivia Cooke's name into that frame too. It's almost IMPOSSIBLE to see the same actress who played "Pixie" in the body of Lou. It's a transformation akin to Charlize Theron's in "Monster". (In fact, it took me until the Paris scenes to actually recognize her!)

- Director Darius Marder - IN HIS DIRECTORIAL FEATURE DEBUT! - delivers a fabulous example of "show not tell". All of the detail is present in the film to tell the story if you look for it. You don't need dialogue to give Lou's backstory: just a casual shot of her lower arm is enough.

- It's a VERY minor quibble but, with a 2 hour running length, the Paris scenes dragged just a little for me. I might have chosen to do a few nips and tucks there in the 'party' scenes. But I wouldn't have wanted to lose much.

"Sound of Metal" has - I'm sure - a guaranteed slot in my Films of the Year list. Simply stunning and highly recommended, this is currently showing in the UK on Amazon Prime.

(For the full graphical review, please check out the One Mann's Movies review here - )
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Like many parents, Lee (John Krasinski), and Evelyn (Emily Blunt), have an overwhelming urge to keep their children safe in the world and protect them at all costs. In the new film “A Quiet Place”, that maternal drive is taken to extreme levels as the world has been attacked by vicious creatures who hunt by sound alone.

The slightest loud noise will bring a rapid moving creature in moments that will destroy whatever made the sound instantly. As such, Lee and Evelyn have gone to great lengths to live as quietly as possible and even have a system for their home and supply runs to be as safe as possible.

When tragedy strikes, it causes a division between Lee and their only daughter Regan (Millicent Simmonds), who although deaf herself believes she is being blamed for the tragedy and the guilt has only grown over time.

The family continues on and the film jumps forward in time to show that Lee is studying as much about the creatures as he can in an effort to find a weakness they can use as well as to provide more security for his family.

Of course even the best plans do not always work and what follows is a very intense and raw struggle for survival which shows just how far a person is willing to go for their family.

Krasinski not only stars in the film but also directed it and helped to write the screenplay. Working with his actual wife worked very well as they have a fantastic chemistry which helps them convey the emotions and thoughts of the film well which is amazing considering how little dialogue there is in the film as gestures and sign language are the most common form of communication.

The film is very intense in moments and a fantastic extended sequence with Blunt had my wife squeezing my hand tightly and afraid to utter a sound as it left her holding her breath.

The film is a very fresh take on the creature genre and the quality of the performances lifts the film to a level rarely seen in a suspense film. The film did play a bit fast and loose with some aspects such as the history of the creatures and the state of the world around them as it is largely conveyed through newspaper headlines left lying around. As such I found myself wondering why certain defensive options and offensive tactics were not used as to me they seemed to be common sense approaches. For a film with such a fresh premise and strong performances, the ending did seem to depend a bit too much on some of the usual Hollywood stereotypes but it did not keep the film from being highly entertaining and effective. As I watched the film I kept thinking that there could be a connection to “Cloverfield” especially based on aspects of the creatures. The film was made for a very small budget so hopefully we will be seeing a sequel in the near future as “A Quiet Place” was a very enjoyable film and one of the best surprises of the year.
A Quiet Kind of Thunder
A Quiet Kind of Thunder
Sara Barnard | 2017 | Children
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion*

I have been anticipating this book for months and couldn’t wait to read it. I read Beautiful Broken Things last year and really enjoyed Sara Barnard’s style of writing and how she captures teenage relationships/friendship perfectly. This book is exceptional and has blown Beautiful Broken Things out of the water.

Steffi has a condition called selective mutism, crippling shyness and anxiety, this has been her life since she can remember. Unable to find the words to communicate to people at school or in public has left her somewhat lonely especially as her best friend has left to attend a different college.

Rhys is the new guy starting at Windham sixth form, Rhys is deaf, as Steffi knows British Sign Language (BSL) they are introduced and Steffi is to be his guide for the time being until he gets to know his way around.

Being thrusted into Rhys’ world, Steffi finds another way of communicating and starts to embrace her problems head on and starts to realise she has so many possibilities out there….one of them being LOVE!

There was just so many aspects of this book that I loved for example; this is the best interpretation of anxiety I have read about in YA fiction. There is a part in the book where you get to witness Steffi’s thought process when she is anxious and it was spot on and I could really empathise with her. I also appreciated the fact that Sara Barnard didn’t use the popular trope of ‘anxiety being cured because of a boy’.

    ‘I don’t want a boy to be the reason I get better, what would that say about me if it is?’

I was so glad that this young girl despite her anxiety and mutism was really level-headed and wanted the change to be her doing. The topic of medication comes up several times and not once was it put in a negative light. I think anyone that suffers with anxiety will find this book relatable and show non sufferers just how much anxiety takes over your life.

The relationships in this book are freaking awesome, the family relationship was great,I loved the dynamics of the family and the different roles in which they played. The friendship between Steffi and Tem was really relatable, with them sharing gossip and worries about boys. There were so many emotional moments in this book, that had me turning the pages wanting more. The relationship between Steffi and Rhys was brilliant and cute and all things fluffy and the development is fantastic.

This book is so diverse, what with mental health, POC and disability, it was so beautifully written and had a perfect blend of them all that nothing was overshadowed.

This book is really easy read and uses different formats such as IM’s and text messages between Steffi, Rhys and Tem. There are also some lists which makes it much more fun to read.

This is a wonderful coming of age story with tons of diversity and a realistic portrayal of mental health and relationships.

I rated this 4.5/5 stars
Unfriended: Dark Web (2018)
Unfriended: Dark Web (2018)
2018 | Horror
It seems no matter where you look these days, there’s some reference to the “Dark Web”. These references range from credit card or Social Security numbers being traded to all sorts of heinous acts that would not only be frowned upon but outright illegal in most countries. The Dark Web and all the nefarious secrets it holds sets the stage for the stand-alone sequel to Blumhouse Productions original film Unfriended.

Unfriended: Dark Web stars Colin Woodell as Matias, a man in his early twenties who is hard at work on an App that he hopes will allow him to better communicate with his deaf girlfriend Amaya (Stephanie Nogueras). His dedication to the app and his insistence on utilizing technology versus simply learning sign language has driven a wedge in their relationship and that lack of ability to communicate plays an important role in the film.

On what seems to be a typical game night of Cards Against Humanity (played on Skype because it’s too difficult for the gang to meet in person), Matias reveals that he has purchased a “new” laptop off Craigslist. While it is clearer and much faster than his previous computer, it regularly hangs and crashes while they are trying to play the game. While investigating the cause of the hang-ups, Matias uncovers a treasure trove of films that are hidden on the laptop. His curiosity gets the best of him and he begins to watch the films only to realize that he has fallen into a den of horror where people pay a lot of money to kill people off in very specific ways. Unfortunately, not only is he sharing what he has discovered with all his friends, but there are also other participants watching his every move.

Unfriended: Dark Web uses much of the same camera tricks that the original used. The entire movie is shot from the perspective of the audience watching the events unfold on the screen as if each were on their own laptop. The action takes place over Facebook Messenger, Skype, and Google and the fact that most people are familiar with these tools helps the audience feel like they are part of the events even more. By the end of the movie it is clear that you are as much of a participant in the horror that unfolds as the individuals participating via the Dark Web. I enjoyed the use of the various technologies to draw the viewer in as much as I did in the original Unfriended. It’s a very interesting and unique way to tell a story.

Unfriended: Dark Web certainly kept my interest throughout the film. I felt it took a little while to find it’s footing, but like a roller coaster with an extremely high climb, once you get over the hump it’s an exhilarating and fulfilling ride. While the technology used may be a bit exaggerated, it is realistic enough to give you that uneasy feeling that this could really happen. While it would take the uttermost bad luck for the events to happen in the perfect way as they do in the film, I enjoyed watching it all unfold. Even though I am still more afraid of my credit card information being sold on the Dark Web than the events of Unfriended happening, I would recommend this film to anyone who’s a fan of the genre.

What I liked: Interesting premise, Unique perspective

What I liked less: Characters were a bit too stereotypical, Really no connection to the first film other than the name