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Austin Garrick recommended Blow Out (1981) in Movies (curated)

Blow Out (1981)
Blow Out (1981)
1981 | Mystery

"Two films from the same year, each the start of my favorite run of movies from its director. Brian De Palma is my favorite director of all time, in the sense that I get more “if I was making films, I’d want them to look and feel like this” moments watching his movies than anyone else’s. For me, it’s with Dressed to Kill and then Blow Out that De Palma really homed in on the look, feel, and all-around aesthetic that I love from him and it’s something he brought with him to his next two films, Scarface and Body Double (which, along with Carlito’s Way, round out my favorites of his career to date). I love Thief for being Michael Mann’s incredible feature film debut as well as a blueprint of sorts for a number of films that came after it. It’s the first of my three favorites from him, rounded out by his next two films, the often panned but visually amazing The Keep (again with a great Tangerine Dream score) and Manhunter."


John Taylor recommended Monterey Pop (1968) in Movies (curated)

Monterey Pop (1968)
Monterey Pop (1968)
1968 |
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Take great care with this documentary film of an all-day concert staged by John Phillips in small-town Monterey, California, for it holds within it the greatest single performance by any electric-music instrumentalist you have ever seen, or are likely to: the U.S. debut of the Jimi Hendrix Experience. Known as the man who revolutionized the electric guitar, Jimi Hendrix appears onstage in this film a man possessed. As David Bowie sang in “Ziggy Stardust”: “He could lick ’em by smiling/ He could leave ’em to hang/ They came on so loaded, man/ Well hung and snow-white tan/ . . . He was the nazz/ With God-given ass/ He took it all too far/ But boy could he play guitar.” Never will you see a performance so sensual. There are many great films to be found of Jimi playing, but none to rival this. In Monterey Pop, there are many performances worth watching, seminal, even—Janis Joplin, Otis Redding among them—but they are all just warm-up acts to Jimi, the greatest rock-and-roll star to ever tread the boards."

Race the Darkness (Fatal Dreams #1)
Race the Darkness (Fatal Dreams #1)
Abbie Roads | 2016 | Paranormal, Romance, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Race the Darkness is a dark, paranormal, romance, suspense story, filled with connections, legends, and "bad stuff" that you wouldn't wish on anyone. Xander is our main male - an as*hole by his own admission. The trouble is, I can completely understand why he behaves the way he does. Even with his attitude, he wormed his way into my heart, and I only wanted the best for him. Isleen is almost ethereal, and not just because of her physical appearance.

This story is gripping from the very beginning, and it is hard to believe that this is Abbie Roads' debut novel! Exceedingly well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow. Race the Darkness flows so well, building up at certain points, before coming gently down, and then building up again.

I have no hesitation in recommending this to anyone who wants a slightly darker read, with plenty of 'character'. Absolutely wonderful.

* I received this book from The Book Garden / NetGalley in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Marc Riley recommended Marquee Moon by Television in Music (curated)

Marquee Moon by Television
Marquee Moon by Television
1977 | Rock
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I often say there's a fight going on for best debut album ever, it might be The Velvet Underground & Nico or it might be Marquee Moon… there's a constant scuffle going on. Marquee Moon is a masterpiece. To come out with that album at that time with punk kicking off… It was cerebral and virtuoso, largely everything that punk wasn't. I remember I went to see them doing the tour when it came to the Free Trade Hall, and they were just another one of those bands who were fully formed when punk happened. If you hear 'Little Johnny Jewel' – there's nothing like that song that comes from anywhere else. I went to see them when they opened for Patti Smith at the Academy and I spent most of the night just watching Lloyd's guitar work. He is one of the greatest guitarists ever; and he's a guitar teacher now in New York. It's just a remarkable album, filmic. This came out when I was 16 and I was a roadie for The Fall in 1977."

Christopher: A Tale of Seduction
Christopher: A Tale of Seduction
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Burnett's debut novel introduces us to us a most interesting protagonist - B. K. Troop - a heavy set, less than aesthetic, aging homosexual man who becomes obsessed with the title character. Christopher is young, handsome, naive and painfully straight. Despite the seemingly hopeless situation, B.K. believes that he can still turn the boy into a conquest by taking advantage of his delicate situation. Christopher is a freshly divorced English teacher who has run away from the pain of losing his ex and suffering his overbearing mother has put him through, in order to write his long suppressed novel. Burnett takes us on a bumpy ride as the relationship develops and changes throughout the year 1984. This character-driven story pulls the reader in, as we start out disgusted and then fascinated by the workings of B.K's mind and his less than savory tactics to reach his goal. Burnett uses the flamboyance of his narrator's personality to embellish his prose with quips and high-brow remarks, making it not only an intelligent read, but one that sparkles with wit and humor.
The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot (2018)
The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Drama
Just got through watching The Man Who Killed Hitler and then Bigfoot. I really had no idea what direction this movie was going to take going into it. While the title may sound silly, this movie is anything but. Sam Elliot delivers an amazing performance as a man whose adult life is bookended with being tasked to kill Hitler and Bigfoot, just as the title states, but the real story of the movie for me was the life of Sam Elliot's character in between those events, and how the worst kills for a soldier are the ones right at home in the deaths of relationships and such. Living a life of regrets and what if's, trying to move forward from your past, it's like walking through life with something stuck in your shoe poking your foot with each step. And to me, that's what this movie is really about. One regret you don't want in life, not watching Robert D. Krzykowski's feature directorial debut The Man Who Killed Hitler and then Bigfoot.