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Kyera (8 KP) rated Caraval in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Stephanie Garber | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (97 Ratings)
Book Rating
"Whatever you've heard about Caraval, it doesn't compare to the reality. It's more than just a game or a performance. It's the closest you'll ever find to magic in this world . . ." Caraval is this indescribable world that you just need to fall into whole-heartedly.

The setting is so vividly described from the colours, to the buildings, and the people populating the game that you are instantly transported into the game yourself. Legend's Island comes alive in your mind from the moment Scarlett passes through its gates until the final words of the epilogue. Caraval draws you in and doesn't let go.

We are introduced to two sisters, Scarlett and Donatella who have always dreamt of seeing Caraval but they never thought it would truly happen. Stuck on their island with an overbearing father and no desire to cross him, they could only wish. Imagine their surprise when, finally, they receive a response and are invited to partake in the greatest game of mystery, illusions and intrigue - Caraval.

We are faced with the same questions that Scarlett is, who is Legend, where is Tella and will she be able to complete the game? The stakes of this year's game are greater than the past, this year players must find Tella. As many race to discover the clues and don't always behave in the most respectable manner - Scarlett must win without succumbing to the debauchery of the game or else she may never see her sister again.

The author keeps you guessing about each character's motivation and desires, as Caraval sweeps you away. This book has frequently been compared to the Night Circus and while it has similarities, they are very different stories. Caraval is its own unique take on a story that's magical, mysterious and expansive. It is also more fast-paced than the Night Circus. While I believe that readers who enjoy the Night Circus will also enjoy this novel, don't expect it to be the same.

My favourite aspect of this book was the world building, as I mentioned previously. I am so impressed by the detail and love poured into this story, which is made even more impressive because this is a debut novel. The author's writing sounds more like a seasoned writer than a debut novel and it's fantastic.

The characters were well developed and diverse, adding to the atmosphere of the story. Scarlett is determined and likable, even if she occasionally makes poor decisions. You feel for her character and root for her success. Julian is enticing, but you never really know where he stands and what his motivations are so it makes it difficult to trust him. Even so, I still loved his character. Tella is less likable, in my opinion than Scarlett so I had trouble connecting to her throughout the story.

Make sure you give yourself time to read because once you pick it up, you're not going to put it down. Highly recommended to young adult/teen readers who enjoy magic, fantasy, mysteries, and truly well written and expansive world building.
The Missing Barbegazi
The Missing Barbegazi
H. S. Norup | 2018 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lovely Christmas novel (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
This is Helle Norup's debut novel and was featured as a Sunday Times Children's Book of the Year. It is magical and the perfect book to read as you curl up in your pyjamas with a cup of hot chocolate.

A Barbegazi, in case you are wondering as I did, is a type of Swiss mountain/snow elf with a long beard that can only live in freezing conditions and has a severe intolerance to iron. The story is told from the point of view of Tessa, a young skier and Gaiwon, a barbegazi who is hunting for his missing sister. No-one believes the barbegazi exist anymore except Tessa. The only other believer was her recently deceased opa (grandad) and a professor who wrote about them years before. The barbegazi, for their part, rescue humans who have been trapped and injured in avalanches, erasing their memories afterwards. They are extremely mistrusting of humans.

Norup's passion for skiing, the Alps and magic are clear throughout the novel and I think this is what makes the story so captivating. I loved the development of Tessa from grieving for her grandfather and wanting everybody to believe he was right about the barbegazi to realising that fame and proving a point are less important than trust and friendship. She never wavers in her faith that the barbegazi still exist and is a headstrong and loveable character.

The highlight for me was definitely reading about the barbegazi themselves. I particularly love that despite being more than a hundred old, Gaiwon's parents still treat him like a child. I loved the argument between Gaiwon and his father as Gaiwon shouts "I cannot wait to get my own cave" and his father retorts:
"You can build one right now. And take your sesquicentennial hormones with you." This highlights that Norup doesn't 'write down' to the target audience but includes wide ranging vocabulary, as well as her own inventions, such as 'potzblitz', an emphatic expression of the barbegazi.

There is peril throughout the book though this is very mild. Tessa learns that people are not always as trustworthy as they seem. I always love the text-book sections that punctuate the novel (see photo below), describing features and traits of the barbegazi.

This is really effective with ambitious vocabulary for children and introduces them to another style of writing, combining fictive and non-fiction styles.
The book is set between Boxing Day and New Year's Eve, that magical time when you don't know what day it really is and we are all enjoying the post-Christmas days where we live in our pyjamas, eat too much and don't really do much of anything except relax and catch up. It was simply the most perfect time to read this book and imagine I was in a gorgeous Alpine ski lodge, surrounded by magical folk who will keep me safe in the snow.
This is a fantastic debut novel and I really can't wait to see what Norup offers up next. Thanks for making my Christmas even more magical, Helle!
The Second Love of My Life
The Second Love of My Life
Victoria Walters | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Victoria Walters’ debut novel, <i>The Second Love of My Life</i>, is a must read for fans of women’s fiction. Set in a coastal village in Cornwall, Walters explores themes of love, grief and survival in this satisfying narrative.

Rose Walker was once known in her small village for being an up-and-coming artist, however now she is branded as the woman who was widowed at twenty four. The story begins two years after the tragic event involving a car collision between her husband, Lucas, and a drunk driver. Since then Rose has wallowed in her grief and not picked up a paintbrush; therefore the upcoming village fair will be the last time she ever sells her paintings.

A stranger, Robert Green, shocks both Rose and the community by purchasing all of her remaining artwork for an extortionate amount of money. Intrigued by this mysterious man, Rose begins to creep back out of her shell, exploring feelings she has not felt for quite some time. However, just as she believes she cold fall in love again, Robert reveals he is not the man she thought he was.

In a way there are two focuses of this novel. One is Rose’s love life and the other is her artwork. The former is obvious from the title alone. “<i>The Second Love of My Life</i>” suggests that the protagonist has been in love before, and falls in love again. There was a danger of this story becoming predictable: girl is heartbroken, girl meets man, girl falls in love, something bad happens, bad thing is resolved; however the inclusion of Rose’s (former) passion for art gives the book a unique streak.

Many artists will be able to relate to (even if they have never been brokenhearted) the feeling of being unable to produce work – a mental block. <i>The Second Love of My Life</i> reveals the trials Rose goes through in order to get her life back together by forcing herself through the barriers her mind has created in order to deal with her deeper emotions. Although it was Robert that inspired Rose to begin painting again, she does this mostly by herself, showing the reader that she is a strong, capable woman who does not need a man to save her – getting the man is an added bonus.

Whether because this is a first novel, or whether it is Walters’ writing style, there are times when it is difficult to tell what is speech and what is the main character’s internal monologue. Occasionally I found myself wondering whether the lack of speech marks was an editing error or intentional.

<i>The Second Love of My Life</i> has been likened to the works of Cecelia Ahern (author of <i>P.S. I Love You</i>), which is admittedly the reason I chose to read it. Whilst Walters’ writing is not quite up there with the popular authors, there is no doubt that one-day she will be. This is an impressive debut and definitely an author to look out for.
The Mason Brothers (2017)
The Mason Brothers (2017)
2017 |
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It has been some time since I sat down to watch a good heist movie, so when I received The Mason Brothers and read things like ‘Inspired by films like The Untouchables and Reservoir Dogs’ well call me an old romantic for those films in particular but I will give this one a shot for sure.

I’m going to put something right on front street when it comes to this movie. When it says inspired by Reservoir Dogs it means inspired by… However as my esteemed podcast co-host said “there are worse movies to be inspired by”.

The Mason Brothers is the story of a group of Bank Robbers who as you may imagine are also brothers. We join the crew right after a heist has just gone really wrong and we witness the aftermath where one of the brothers dies. We then spend the night with the other 3 as they hide out waiting for an associate to track down the members of the other crew who screwed them over. The story is given to us in present time and flashbacks, so as the night unfolds and we start to find out who exactly set the guys up, caused there brother to die and wants the cash for themselves. Meanwhile via flashbacks we find out how they planned the job, who they cut into the deal and motivations for why and who did this to the brothers. That about covers it…. Obviously there are twisty turn-y things but hey No Spoilers here.

Keith Sutliff in his Directorial debut has hit upon something great here. He has assembled a good cast with some great chemistry and like most first time directors even throws himself into the mix on acting duties. Sutliff has a real flair for dialogue and it flows throughout. Sometimes screaming ‘you do love a Tarantino flick, dont you!!’ but at the same time freshening up a genre that often feels stale. I was real impressed with this as a Debut movie because it looks great has some real interesting choices with the editing and camera work but everything fits and the movie never loses sight of itself.

Quick word on the cast. As stated Sutliff plays brother Ren Mason, the planner, the mastermind and the strong silent type. Brandon Sean Pearson plays Jesse Mason the full blooded aggravated hot head of the crew. Personally I thought Pearson was the shining light of this Flick. Matthew Webb is Gage, a member of the group but not actually a Mason, I thought right the way through Gage was a wild card and I like to think that was a conscious decision. Rounding off the team is Micheal Ryan Whelan as Orion Mason who we only really see during the flashbacks but has some great little monologue-y scenes. Other supporters include Julien Cesario (Sons of Anarchy), Tim Park (Matador, Sons of Anarchy) and Nazo Bravo (Vigilante Diaries).

Yeah I would say this is a recommend from us here, The script is nice and wordy (something I love) the core cast all deliver in a pretty well paced heist movie gone wrong.
See how they run (2022)
See how they run (2022)
2022 | Comedy, Crime
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Despite a miscast Sam Rockwell - it works well...enough
The British Comedy/Murder Mystery SEE HOW THEY RUN came and went in movie theaters (at least in the U.S.) pretty quickly last fall and, consequently, most folks missed that this was even a thing.

The good news is that it is now streaming on multiple streaming services so as people gather for the Holidays there is a fun, family friendly (but good for adults) film that young and old alike could gather around the TV to watch together.

Written by Mark Chappell and Directed by Tom George (both of whom who have quite a few BBC TV Series under their belts, but it looks like this is the Major Motion Picture debut for them both), SEE HOW THEY RUN is a comedic look at the British Murder Mystery with a frumpy detective, a victim who “deserved it” and a plethora of potential suspects who are all brought into a room by the Detective on a “dark and stormy” night to reveal “whodunnit”.

Normally, with these types of films, it comes down to the casting and while there are some very good - and fun - actors in many of the roles, one of the roles is terribly miscast and that brings down the quality of this film quite a bit.

So, let’s start with what works - the central murder mystery is clever…enough…(for this sort of thing) and is wonderfully constructed around the London Stage debut of the long-running Agatha Christie murder mystery play THE MOUSETRAP in the 1950’s and, thus, this film is a period piece and that atmosphere adds - in a positive way - to the look and feel of this movie.

Saoirse Ronan, as always, is very good as the young Policewoman who is brought in to aide the main detective and proves out to be quite the Detective herself. She really holds this film together tightly in the middle. Adrien Brody, Ruth Wilson, David Oyelowo and Harris Dickinson all bring something to the film in their characters (and suspects) that add color and life to the central mystery.

Unfortunately, the usually good Sam Rockwell is miscast as the lead sleuth on this case. His frumpy, disheveled Detective was reminiscent of Columbo and just didn’t fit in this British Murder Mystery. While this performance is not a distraction to this film, it doesn’t elevate or lift this movie either, and - in a murder mystery - the detective solving the mystery is a major cog in the movie machine and this cog just isn’t that interesting.

Rockwell is not helped by a green Director and Writer who are looking to make the leap from television to film and this film feels more like a made for TV film, than a major motion picture.

Which is why this film is a good one to catch on one of the streaming services it is currently on. It is a fun enough film that will entertain young and old alike over the Holidays.

Letter Grade: B-

6 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Beasts Made of Night
Beasts Made of Night
Tochi Onyebuchi | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a free ARC of this book from for an unbiased opinion.

Tochi Onyebuchi's debut novel definitely shows a balance of light and dark in all it's themes.

The story is of a city ruled by a royal family, their top advisers called Mages. The Mages use children called "aki" to literally eat the sins of others, the sins branding their skin like tattoos after they've consumed them. The main character, Taj, is a cocky teenage aki who is desperate to provide for the family he was forced to leave behind. After defeating a sin-beast of the King's, he finds himself in the employment of the royal family. Unlike most aki, his tattoos never fade and almost all of his skin is branded from one sin or the next.

I felt like the story was very interesting. The different classes within the city, as well as the different characters within each class were well developed. Around half way through the book, the ability to put it down went out the window...I had to see how things ended...

And then they didn't.

I'm not sure if Onyebuchi's plan is to write a second book, or if we, as readers, are meant to decide for ourselves what the future of Kos is. What still lies ahead for the city, the palace, the aki, Taj. I suppose either is an option. But I, personally, like a strong ending, and leaving off where it did left me feeling wronged as a reader. I really enjoyed the book until that.

Merissa (11869 KP) rated Finding You in Books

Sep 20, 2017  
Finding You
Finding You
Lydia Albano | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Finding You by Lydia Albano
Finding You is set in a world similar, yet different, to our own, with a possible historical/steampunk type setting. Isla and Tam have been best friends for years, yet Isla can't help but hope for more. Those hopes are dashed when Tam announces that he is signing on to the army, as it means his family will have food for the coming winter. She goes to the station to say goodbye to him, and is literally snatched off the streets. Horror and degradation follow, with her constantly hoping that Tam will rescue her. Once she realises that she has to do this own her own, the pace picks up slightly and the story quickly evolves.

This is a very good debut, with action and story aplenty. Isla is forced to do things that she would never have dreamed possible; that she never thought she would be strong enough for; simply because of the circumstances she found herself in.

With plenty of characters to keep your attention, this is very well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow. The pace was smooth, and the scenes flowed from one to the next.

A thoroughly entertaining read (some of it quite dark) that I have no hesitation in recommending.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dead School
Dead School
Laura Gia West | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A quick, enjoyable, quirky read that does not fit into the usual slots for describing a book.
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

Dead School by Laura Gia West was described by reviewer David Nora on Goodreads as "Harry Potter meets Beetlejuice". I would not agree completely with the description but it is close.

Tina Crocker hates Valentine's Day and school. She failed at life, love, and everything else she has tried except for playing her guitar. She decides to participate in the school's talent school, kills it, and dies on stage. She is transported to Dead School where she finds out just how much of a failure she has been. Can she pass Dead School or will she fail at this too?

Dead School is not a dark novel and many reviewers did not like the book because they expected it to be. Reading the description shows it is not. In her debut novel, West takes a different look at being dead. Her main character is a failure, sarcastic, flawed person in life and the hereafter but she is likeable.

Dead School is a quick, enjoyable, quirky read that does not fit into the usual slots for describing a book. Go into this with an open mind and just enjoy it.

I am looking forward to reading more from Laura Gia West.

Review published on, Smashbomb, Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble on 3/2/19.
He'll do anything to protect his secrets. She'll stop at nothing to expose the truth.
It only takes one person to break the silence.
When solicitor Finn Fitzpatrick is approached by a man to investigate the death of his daughter, her first instinct is to refuse.
The father is grieving, and unable to accept that his daughter committed suicide. And yet something about the man’s story chimes with Finn.
Why did a bright, confident, beautiful young girl suddenly drop out of school? Could the answer lie in her relationship with Ireland's most famous film director?
The deeper Finn goes into the case, the more dark, twisted and dangerous the picture becomes.
Because these are powerful people she is trying to expose. And they're willing to do anything to keep the truth hidden.

This is a brilliant crime thriller debut from Catherine Kirwan featuring Finola 'Finn' Fitzpatrick, a solicitor, set in the small town of Cork in Ireland
This is a fast-paced and gripping novel.
This one's written from a really interesting perspective of a slightly eccentric solicitor rather than a cop.
The story is written very well and the characters are interesting and jump off the page.
Kirwan hits on one of the hottest issues in our contemporary world, and handles it sensitively as she weaves a hugely compelling novel around it.
Definitely a worthwhile read and I look forward to reading more by this author.

Many thanks to Netgalley/Catherine Kirwan/Random House UK, Cornerstone for a digital copy of this title.

Zuky the BookBum (15 KP) rated Idaho in Books

Mar 15, 2018  
Emily Ruskovich | 2017 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read me review here:

<i><b>Take your picture off the wall
So I won’t have to see your eyes
And maybe soon I won’t recall
The painful things that once were nice</i></b>

This is one of those pieces of literature that is so beautiful and so emotional that it’s hard to get your words out. I’m stuck on how to convey the beauty and excellence of this book.

Told through several different perspectives over several different years, this novel is a character study of how one event can affect so many different people. If you’re into slow paced, character focused novels with little mystery and action, then this novel is going to become one of your favourites.

Without going through every single character and scene, I feel like it’s not easy to comment on this novel, but I don’t really want to give anything away because I think this is a book you should start off with, not knowing much about it. If Ruskovich wanted you to know more about this piece of work, she’d have written a different synopsis.

All I can say about this book is that it’s a <b>must read</b> debut for 2017. I’m looking forward to more of Ruskovich’s work.

<i>Thanks to Netgalley and Random House, Vintage Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>