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The Last Command (Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy, #3)
The Last Command (Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy, #3)
Timothy Zahn | 1993 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The final part of Timothy Zahn's 'Heir to the Empire' trilogy, which I first read way back in the early to mid 1990s ('94, '95, thereabouts).

So we're talking before the Prequel trilogy, never mind the Sequel trilogy. Before even the 'Special Editions' of the original movies.

And, talking of the Sequel Trilogy: I'm of the opinion that these would have been a better basis for those films than the disjointed mess we eventually got: there's a clear overall arc to the plot here, it doesn't disrespect the core characters (Han, Luke, Leia) while also does both deepen and expand upon the original trilogy, and introduces certain characters and locations that later made their way into the mainline movies: Coruscant? Grand Admiral Thrawn? The Noghri? All have their first appearances in these novels. I'm still waiting for Mara Jade to make her live-action debut, though ...

That's not to say that changes would have been needed: The Clone Wars mentioned here, for example, here has the Clones as the villains of the piece, and makes absolutely no reference to the Droid armies of the Trade Federation (understandably, as - remember - this was released way before 1999s 'The Phantom Menace').

All in all, this is a strong trilogy of novels that laid the groundwork for what would later become known as the Expanded Universe- later renamed as Legends - and of which parts are now being cherry-picked to fit into the main story lines following Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm back in (roughly) 2012 or so.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2145 KP) rated Six Feet Deep Dish in Books

Dec 14, 2023 (Updated Dec 14, 2023)  
Six Feet Deep Dish
Six Feet Deep Dish
Mindy Quigley | 2022 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Delilah Finds Some Deep Trouble at Her Opening
Delilah O’Leary is delighted to be opening her new deep dish pizza restaurant in the resort town of Geneva Bay, Wisconsin. However, the day of her soft opening/grand opening party doesn’t go well. First, she gets into a fight with her fiancé, who is financing everything, and he storms out. Then, in the middle of the party, she sees her aunt standing over a dead body holding the murder weapon; a weapon she admits is hers. With the official opening on hold, can Delilah figure out what is really going on?

I’ll admit the first chapter had me a bit worried, giving us lots of background on the characters. But the data dumps didn’t last for long, and we soon had a great mystery on our hands. The plot had plenty of twists and didn’t fall into a familiar plot pattern, something the author pulled off well. The climax answered all my questions. Delilah might have been an annoying character in less capable hands, but I really liked her right off, and that only grew as I got further into the book. The rest of the regulars are great, and I already love the community that Delilah is building. The setting is charming, and I wish I could visit in person. All the talk about pizza made me crave it. If that’s you, too, you’ll be happy with the recipes at the end. This debut left me hungry for the next course.
Krysten Ritter | 2017 | Crime, Mystery
6.9 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was first posted on <I><a href=""; target="new">The Ghastly Grimoire</a></I>.

After completing this book, I think it’s safe to say that my reading slump has finally come to an end. I devoured Krysten Ritter’s debut novel, Bonfire, with a hunger I haven’t felt in months. If you take into account that I’m from a small town of a whopping fifteen hundred people, it’s easier to realize how much I am able to relate to the main character of this book, Abigail Williams. That, and Ritter hits on some nostalgia too, because in a way, Bonfire reads like Erin Brokovich meets Sweet Home Alabama, with distinctly darker notes.

Character development plays a vital role in how a book turns out. If your cast is too flat, it makes the book a total bore. On the other hand, if you’ve got characters that are dynamic and, in the case of several individuals in Bonfire, two-faced, the book is far more likely to entertain. In this area, Ritter has excelled at creating that small-town feel with many of the types of people those living in small towns meet. Let’s face it, even with Abigail moving to Chicago, there’s always those people who get out. Sometimes they come back, sometimes they’re gone for good. (In my case, I chose to come back.)

Plotwise, Ritter keeps the ball rolling. I didn’t feel like the story was dragging at any point. In fact, it’s the way that the story continues to unfold that kept me up until three this morning finishing it. Bonfire plays host to a story within a story, taking the corrupt corporations one step beyond contamination and into a far deeper, far worse crime. Just when things appear over, an entirely new turn keeps the story going. I won’t lie: I nearly bawled last night while I finished reading it.

There is only one aspect of this book that truly miffed me, and it sorta deals with the romance aspect. As many of my readers know, I abhor romance plots. Especially those that seem forced, rather than natural. That said, I really don’t want to divulge any spoilers, but I will say this: for being such a strong, independent character, there are some actions that Abigail Williams takes in this book that simply aren’t natural. They feel incredibly forced and out of character, and I can’t help but think it’s there more as a cop-out for the final twist in the story than going about it in some other clever manner.

That said, after finishing Bonfire, I feel it is safe to say that this debut novel is worth reading. Initially, I nearly forgot I had it until I saw it was one of the options for this month’s Book of the Month Club. Considering I’m very particular, I almost chose it before realizing I already had it technically. So if you’re wanting to pick it up cheap, there you go. (I’m actually still debating grabbing it through Book of the Month Club myself, because hey! I loved it.)

I would like to thank Penguin’s First to Read program for providing me with a copy of this book for the purpose of unbiased review.
The Binding Song
The Binding Song
Elodie Harper | 2017 | Horror, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>Trigger warning:</b> this book contains descriptions of rape

There are very few psychological thrillers/ horrors set in the prison environment, so when I read the synopsis for this book, I was really excited to read it. This book is one you’ll find yourself racing through, it’s so quick and exciting you’ll be determined to not put it down.

Elodie Harper was the 2016 winner of Stephen King’s short story competition, and this is her debut full length novel (not of the same story). I’m surprised to find this one is a debut because it’s so well put together and feels like the writing of someone more prolific and comfortable writing 300 page novels. There is no fault with Harper’s writing, that I could find. This book is creepy and moody in tone throughout and is certainly the kind of book you want to read with the lights on!

Our main character, Janet, is a hard headed woman in the prison industry, with a fiery temper, but also a softer side we get to see often throughout the story. Normally I find these sort of characters get a little annoying and either too big for their boots, or become too soppy, but Janet stayed as a great lead throughout the book. I did have one issue with her character, to do with her relationship, at the end of the novel, but I will talk about that in a spoiler section at the bottom.

As for the other side characters, I thought they were very well developed. My only issue was with Steven, who 1) felt a little unneeded for the plot, and 2) a bit unbelievable, but I still enjoyed his character nonetheless.

The plot is certainly different to others and I really enjoyed this uniqueness. While I had my ideas as to what we happening, I still was non-the-wiser until it all came to light, so it’s great to have a book that’s given me a shock twist. Each chapter in this book ends on a small cliffhanger, it’s so hard to ever out it down because you just want to know where the story is going next.

<b>I'm going to hide this next paragraph as a spoiler, but it is extremely minor. It does not ruin the mystery, twist or plot in any way.</b>

<spoiler>My one big issue with the whole book was the resolution of Janet and Arun’s relationship. The fact that she didn’t even have to think over getting back together with him after he cheated on her made my blood boil. After her being this strong lead all the way through, it seemed such a shame for her to go back to a man who cheated on her after 1 day of being on a “break” all because she wanted to keep her job. It was an arrogant and selfish thing of him to have done and I’m not happy that she forgave him for it so easily.</spoiler>

Overall, I really enjoyed this book all the way through, despite there being one or two choices I would have made differently towards the end. I’m certainly going to keep my eye out for more of Harper’s work in the future as she’s already proved to be a great story teller and character builder.
Sunflowers in February
Sunflowers in February
Phyllida Shrimpton | 2018 | Contemporary, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First and foremost thank you to readers first for supplying me a copy of this book, it truly looks better in the flesh.

This is a UK YA debut novel by Phyllida Shrimpton and very reminiscent of the lovely bones by Alice Sebold. When I read the synopsis of this book I knew that I was going to have to read it. The exploration of life after death fascinates me, are there spirits? is there really life after death? This book had depth to it and has some very important messages, it covers a lot on grief and guilt.

Our story starts out pretty much as the synopsis states…Lily is 15 years old and is on a bank of grass and has no idea how she got there. The first thing she notices is her purple converse laying in a puddle, her mum is going to be so mad that she has ruined them especially as she begged and pleaded with her for them. Thankfully the Police turn up just in time, hopefully they will be able to take her home, It’s only when they ignore her that she starts becoming alarmed, she can’t seem to touch them or communicate with them. One of the policemen radio in that they have found her, but it can’t be her as they keep ignoring her, when she looks in the same direction as the Police she sees herself lying in a ditch DEAD! For some reason Lily is still around in spirit, she stands next to her mother and father when they identify her body, she even attends her funeral. Being a spirit is pretty lonely, watching everyone grieving for her not being able to console them but worst of all is being emotionally numb, it’s only one evening when her twin brother has an out-of-body experience in the night that she finds she can actually communicate to the outside world. She wants one chance to say goodbye to everyone properly and then maybe she will finally rest in peace.

This was a very ambitious concept to try to pull off for a debut novel and I think she might have just done it. There were some aspects of this book that I was sceptical of, but other than that it was an enjoyable read. I liked how much grief was tackled and the ways in which people cope.The way she was drawn to people when they were thinking about her was a nice touch which meant we got to see several characters which broke any monotony up. This did delve in the stages of grief. We had Denial, anger,guilt,depression and acceptance and you could see each of these stages in the characters throughout the book. I also liked the message of not taking things for granted because you never know when your life might end and you wish you could have done things differently. Lily could see her family falling apart and her mission was to stop that from happening – they needed to be together and move on with their lives but she also need to learn to forgive so she too could move on.

Overall I enjoyed this book it had a lot of important messages and dealt with a delicate subject pretty well. I would say this is the YA of ‘The Lovely Bones’.