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Lead Me Home
Lead Me Home
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lead Me Home by C.S. Savage instantly reminded me of The Blind by A.F. Brady, The Binding Song by Elodie Harper, and The Foster Child by Jenny Blackhurst all of which also feature an overworked NHS psychiatrist struggling to cope with their demanding roles, who end up going beyond the call of duty in order to protect the most vulnerable.

In this book, Dr Clancy Mclean has her suspicions about a couple of her psychotic patients. One of which, Beth, is convinced she is being stalked and her health is declining rapidly. Feeling forced to take it upon herself to protect Beth, Clancy irresponsibly brings Beth home to stay with her and her daughter, Rowan. Er, not allowed!

But teenager Rowan is having troubles of her own, in the form of an abusive ex-boyfriend who will not leave her alone. When she meets her new boyfriend, an older and more mature man, she is so smitten she decides to keep him a secret to prevent her mother interfering ~ at least until she gets to know him better. After all, she met him online. Her mother would never approve.

Would you?

The story is narrated by four characters. Clancy, her daughter Rowan, Beth who is one of Clancy’s patients and an unknown, deranged psycho, who shares his murderous plans in great (and very gruesome) detail.

Reading ‘Lead Me Home’ was like watching an episode of ‘The Wire in the Blood’, based on Val McDermid’s book of the same name ~ tense, gripping and oh, so horrific I could hardly breathe as I raced through to the end.

In fact, this is such a fast-paced, well-written, creepy read, it’s without a doubt one of my favourite psychological thriller’s this year. The psycho’s scenes totally freaked me out and I don’t think I’ve ever read a book quite as fast as this one!

When one person fell victim of the psycho, I felt absolutely, and emotionally, sucker-punched! Really, how could the author do that to me? Is this really C.S Savage’s debut novel, because I have to say I can hardly believe that is the case! I loved every minute of reading this. I’ll certainly be looking out for more by this author, and so should you!

Needless to say, I heartily recommend ‘Lead Me Home’, to other lovers of well-written crime fiction! Love creepy, psychological thrillers heavily steeped in horror? Then grab a copy of this book and prepare for a scare!
Full Bodied Murder
Full Bodied Murder
Christine M. Blum | 2017 | Mystery
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Uneven Debut
Annie “Halsey” Hall has moved from New York City to Southern California, buying a house on Rose Avenue just a couple miles south of Santa Monica. She’s excited about her new neighborhood, except for her snooping next-door neighbor, and pleased to have been invited to join the Rose Avenue Wine Club. On her way to her first meeting, Halsey and her puppy, Bardot, stumble into the wrong house and find a dead body in the backyard. Even though Halsey has never met the victim, the police consider her their prime suspect. With the help of her new friends, Halsey begins to investigate. But with everything happening in the neighborhood, will they be able to figure out what really happened in time to clear Halsey?

Even though I don’t drink wine, I decided to give this book a try after meeting the author. I wanted to like it since it is set in Southern California, and I got a kick out of seeing the characters going to places I’m familiar with. However, I found the book was just a bit too unfocused to really work well. I thought there were timeline issues early on until I began to realize that the book takes place over several months. This wasn’t obvious early on, so maybe it helped explain some of the timeline issues I thought I saw. While Halsey is developed as a main character, many of the rest are still fairly flat. They can certainly develop as the series progresses, so I’m not too concerned about that yet. The book has a couple of interesting sub-plots, but they take over at times, and too much happens in them over the course of the book. It would have been better to stretch them out over the course of several books. The mystery plot has a lot going on, but it worked to keep me guessing until the very end. However, one key piece of evidence made me shake my head. It would have made more sense if the book took place over a week instead of many months. There is quite a bit of foul language for a cozy, even compared to some of the cozies and traditional books I read that are pushing the boundaries. Overall, this reads more like an early draft that needed some polish to find the gem inside, because there is certainly a gem here. Since I already have the second book, I might find some time to read it to see if the issues resolve themselves as the series progresses.
Close To Me
Close To Me
Amanda Reynolds | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm

<a href=""; target="_blank"><img src=""; border="0" alt=" photo BookReview_zpsdq9da8x6.jpg"/></a>

Really enjoyed Close To Me by Amanda Reynolds, wasn't sure what to expect this being a debut author but I certainly wasn't disappointed.
Close To Me tells the story of Jo Harding after she falls down stairs hitting her head and losing her memory of the past year.
On coming home things feel different and disjointed, Jo feels there is an undercurrent of deceit, secrets being kept from her by her husband and children and as she unravels the mysteries of the past year things escalate to a shocking conclusion.
So this was a great psychological read, it kept my interest and pulled me in, the writing was superb, and the storyline very easy to follow.
Close to me is told in two parts, real-time and snippets of the past year, though it has a slow build this is not a bad thing as you get to understand Jo's life and how she is the person she is.
The characters here felt real and human, some you could sympathise with others not so much.
If I had to pick my least favourite person in this, it would have to be the daughter I found her very self-centred and immature, but she's a product of her overindulged upbringing.
I myself have grown up children there is no way on this planet I would be paying for their accommodation.
what a right spoilt brat Sash is.

<a href=""; target="_blank"><img src=""; border="0" alt=" photo 056f5b7_zps2sesp0wq.jpg"/></a>

Close to me delves into the dynamics of family and the resulting aftermath when things ultimately implode.
I did kind of guess where this was going but it didn't detract from my overall enjoyment reading this.
Would I recommend this? Hell Yeah!!!
It was an engaging read.
Thank you to NetGalley, publisher and the author for providing me with an arc of Close to me
This is my own honest unbiased opinion.

<a href=""; target="_blank"><img src=""; border="0" alt=" photo Happy-Reading-1_zpsvky3whcs.png"/></a>

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
The Hate u Give
The Hate u Give
Angie Thomas | 2017 | Children
8.4 (54 Ratings)
Book Rating
Starr Carter lives a divided life. At sixteen, she spends part of her life in her impoverished inner city neighborhood and another portion in the suburbs, attending an elite prep school, where she is one of a handful of African American students. Starr feels like she is two Starrs, and she keeps these two people very separate, with a different set of friends and personas for each world. But her careful facade is threatened when her childhood best friend, Khalil, is killed by a police officer. Starr is with Khalil when he is shot--unarmed--and her life will never be the same. In the aftermath, the media begins to call Khalil a drug dealer and a gang member. But speaking up about what she saw isn't so simple, especially when not everyone wants to hear the truth.

You've probably heard about Thomas' debut novel by now--it's been getting a lot of coverage and truly, deservedly so. This is definitely a <i>powerful, eye-opening, and timely story. </i> Thomas has created an excellent main character in Starr, whose voice shines clear and strong in the book. Her struggle to fit into two worlds is one many can relate to: Starr's just happens to have life and death consequences. Starr has wonderful, supportive parents and two humorous brothers who fill out the book with a realism and warmth that's hard to describe. Thomas is superb in capturing her characters' voices, and I found myself easily able to picture Starr and her family. I especially loved such snippets that made them jump off the pages--for instance, the family settling down to watch NBA basketball, complete with all their little superstitions (I've definitely been there) was perfect.

Starr's story isn't always easy to read (nor should it be), but it offered strong insight into the systemic problems facing African American communities--much of it framed by Starr's pragmatic parents. I thought some things tied up too easily, but I was still very profoundly affected by the story. I loved Starr and her tough yet vulnerable self. I loved her parents, their love, and their history. Her brothers cracked me up. At its core, this is a story about family, as well as identity and race. It's important, serious, heartbreaking, and yet sometimes really funny. It's also beautiful, powerful, and definitely worth a read.

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Hard To Let Go (Haven&#039;s Cove #1)
Hard To Let Go (Haven's Cove #1)
Jaclyn Quinn | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Jumping straight in, cos this is gonna be hard to write, so bare with me, okay??

Freaking LOVED this book! And if THIS class of writing is what a first time author can produce, I so very much want to be on the end of the next book!

Because, let me tell ya, there I was, merrily plodding along, reading away, thinking 4 stars, balancing across between 4 and 5, back to 4. Great book, extremely well written from both Owen and Brody's point of view.
Some sexy parts, some emotional parts, even a few funny ones, with Owen's female family members. A good book, just not quite hitting THAT spot yet, you know??

And then it hits, FULL in the face, just why Brody is back in town. I mean, I READ why he was there, I KNEW why he was there, but for some reason it didn't really sink in, you know?? Am I making sense?? Probably not, but I read the words, and then shit got real. And I was faced with a sledgehammer upside the head and I sobbed my bloody socks off. Because I've been there, where Brody was, that dark place, waiting, waiting. You know what's coming, there ain't nothing you can do to stop that freight train, but Lord you wish you could. Just one more day, one more hug. Just one MORE, you know? And its been 11 years, ELEVEN years since I had to sit through that and still, here I am, sobbing while writing this.

I've read two, very different, emotionally heavy books that connected to me on a very personal level. I had two very fluffy romance books before them, and stoopid me wrote the fluffy reviews before tackling these two heavier ones. So I've spent most of this afternoon in tears!

So, when you've read a book that you CANNOT fault, a book that grabs your heart, chews it up, and spits it out again, a book that does that to its characters too. A book that is FLAWLESS in its delivery, its flow. A book that lays out, very nicely, thank you very much, a view of the second book: a window into what's to come, and please Lord let me get the chance to read it, because Gabe and Nate have a story to tell that I really wanna read.

A book such as that can only get.....

5 full stars! Outstanding debut novel from Ms Quinn!
The Girl in The Tower: The Winternight Trilogy
The Girl in The Tower: The Winternight Trilogy
Katherine Arden | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Girl in the Tower is the second in the Winternight Trilogy, after the acclaimed debut novel, The Bear and the Nightingale. It's always hard to talk about sequels without giving too much away about the preceding books, so forgive me if I'm vague. One advantage to waiting so long to read The Bear and the Nightingale was that I got to jump straight into the sequel! Now I have to several months for the third.

The Girl in the Tower revisits our heroine, Vasya, from the first book. Now she has left home to begin her adventures - though her travels are curtailed pretty quickly, and she's roped into going to Moscow with her brother and the Grand Prince, while disguised as a boy. While in Moscow she learns a little bit more about her family history, and I'm hoping the rest will be revealed in the third book this summer. (The Winter of the Witch is scheduled to release in August 2018.)

In this second book, Vasya has done some growing, and has learned to make use of the spirits she sees - she knows the hearth spirits can always find their families, and uses that trait to track a kidnapped girl when no one else can. So long as no one realizes what she's doing, she's fine. But Rus is in the crossover period between the old ways and the new, and if she's found talking to spirits, she'll be branded a witch all over again. She keeps her masquerade going through the first two-thirds of the book, but it's obvious it's going to fail eventually. The way in which it does is sudden and unexpected, and the repercussions are harsh.

And then there's Morozko, the Frost Demon, the god of death. I love Morozko. He's by necessity enigmatic - and in a rough position. I want he and Vasya to fall in love and have a happy ending - the attraction between them is impossible to miss - but immortal beings, in this world, can't love. If they love they lose their immortality. And, possibly, their lives entirely. I hope the author has a solution in mind for these two, because I currently don't see one.

I actually liked this one more than the first book, which is unusual. I liked the first one, but I wasn't blown away. This one pulled me in and didn't let me go. Amazing sequel, and I hope the third one lives up to this standard!

You can find all my reviews at
Killing Floor: (Jack Reacher 1)
Killing Floor: (Jack Reacher 1)
Lee Child | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.2 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
OK characterisation (1 more)
Good mystery build up
A slow burn, didn't exactly leave me with a desire to run out to get the next book, but enough to give it a go. (0 more)
Intriguiging lead character.
I wasn't sure about this book when I first started it. I had heard great things about it, but I like to make my own mind up. Although it had some action from the start, it was still quite slow but once I got into it, I really enjoyed it. A really good read, I passed onto my mum to read too! We quite like reading the same books sometimes so we can discuss it after reading. Its quite a nice mum/daughter activity.

I know the Jack Reacher series is quite old, and now has to movies but I guess I was quite late to the party. I have managed to avoid hearing much about the series, other than lots of positive comments about the books. So I was quite excited to get started.

The debut Jack Reacher novel kicks off with a good mystery and an intriguing character. I did find it was quite slow, and even though Jack is meant to be a bit of a mystery, I finished the book still not really feeling connected to the character, and for me, when reading its about feeling connected to the characters and the books which makes me carry on reading a series.
Although, I didn't fully connected with Jack Reacher, I did like the story and some of the background characters.

I like fiction, and I am a fan of Harry Potter and sci-fi and lots of things that dispel belief, but I like it in that context when you are expecting magic and some things to not make sense. The idea of why Jack was in Margate, Georgia and his connection the dead body felt a little strange. It added a level of something to the story but I am not sure why. This was my only issue with it, and I have only read the first book, so maybe more will be explained as the series goes on. I am giving it the benefit of the doubt, as overall I did really enjoy the book.

It's an 'ok' start to a series, and Jack Reachers mysterious life kept me intrigued enough to want to carry on with the series and pass it onto my mum. I am excited to move onto book 2.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Sea Witch in Books

Jun 24, 2018  
Sea Witch
Sea Witch
Sarah Henning | 2018 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Everyone knows the story of The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen, or at least Disney’s version with Ariel and her friends Sebastian and Flounder. People will also recall the evil sea witch (Disney’s Ursula) but has anyone ever wondered how the octopus-human hybrid came into being? Why is she considered evil? Why is she alone under the sea? Sarah Henning, a journalist from the US has asked these questions and come up with an answer in her debut novel Sea Witch.

The story begins on a ship many years ago in part of Denmark with the crown prince’s birthday party. Narrated by Evie, a commoner who also happens to be the prince’s best friend, the story flits between present day and four years previously when Evie and Prince Nik’s friend Anna drowned. Whilst Nik is celebrating his sixteenth birthday, Anna should have been celebrating her fifteenth, therefore, when Evie sees a face peering through the porthole of Nik’s ship, she believes it is only in her imagination that it resembled her long lost friend.

The party comes to a sudden end with a storm causing guests to flee below decks, leaving Evie, Nik and his cousin Iker to try to steer the ship to safety. In a terrible moment, Nik is swept overboard by a rogue wave and Evie fears he will be lost forever. Fortunately, Nik is found washed up on shore, but Evie is sure she saw a mermaid hovering over him.

Things become stranger for Evie when a homeless girl arrives on the beach a few days later. Claiming to have run away from home, Evie is startled by the girl’s appearance – she looks just like Anna. To make things even odder, the girl’s name is Annemette, a name so similar to Evie’s missing friend.

Evie and Annemette quickly become firm friends and both catch the eyes of the Princes Nik and Iker. With romance, Evie wonders if both girls will get their happily ever after. However, there is dark magic in the air and not everything is as true as it appears.

With a dark twist at the end, Sea Witch is a story full of magic, secrets and love. Although the blurb hints of the connection to The Little Mermaid, it is unclear until the very end what characters tally up. Unpredictable and exciting, Sea Witch is a story for those with a sense of adventure, a lover of fairytales, a romantic or a history buff, however, remember, not all fairytales have happy endings.
See What I Have Done
See What I Have Done
Sarah Schmidt | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the Publisher Grove Atlantic in exchange for an honest review*

I do like reading Historical Fiction but even more so when the book is based on a true story. This is the story following the murders of Andrew and Abby Borden. They were found with their skulls smashed in by their daughter Lizzie. Lizzie and Emma Borden are spinsters and still live with their father, step-mother and Bridget the maid. They seemed to have a sheltered life and been well-kept by their father. This story delves in to the lives of the Bordens and what happened behind closed doors of this well-respected family.

<b>"Lizzie Borden took an axe, And gave her mother forty whacks; When she saw what she had done, She gave her father forty-one,"</b>

I am going to be truthful and say that this book was ok but nothing really blew me away. I don’t think that there was much added to this story than what you could actually read on Wikipedia. The story was repetitive, slow and didn’t always hold my attention. The problem with stories like these are you know how they are going to end you don’t have that thrill of finding out who done it. I liked the writing style of this book and the way she wrote Lizzie’s character.

The story is told from four perspectives, Lizzie, Emma, Bridget and Benjamin.It was through them that the story was told of the events leading up to the murders and afterwards. The character that stuck out the me was Lizzie, she was spoilt, childish, rude and clearly deluded. Benjamin was the only character that was added to put a bit of a spin on the story but really didn’t come to anything and a bit pointless.

How easy it was to get away with murder though in the 1800’s, there was no DNA testing, no blood spatter analysis or proper interrogations in those days, yet in there were times in the story when I wanted the police to grasp onto something and for them to start piecing it altogether. Lizzie’s statement of what happened was fragmented,not making sense and was taken as shock, whereas nowadays this would be deemed as suspicious behaviour and you would be arrested at the drop of a hat.

In conclusion I think this is a good debut novel by Sarah Schmidt but it didn’t really bring anything new to the table.

I rated this 3 out of 5 stars

Louise (64 KP) rated You in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Caroline Kepnes | 2014 | Crime, Mystery
8.0 (27 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is a great debut novel for Kepnes, I haven’t read a stalker book before and was intrigued, however in parts it felt a bit repetitive, I didn’t like any of the characters in the book and I was starting to get a little bored with the story. The book is written in such a way that it feels like Joe is actually talking about you….ha ha ha see what I did there!*hangs head* So it can be a very creepy book depending on how you read it.

Joe is a total psychopath! I didn’t like him at all, he stalks Beck to no-end, he has Facebook, twitter, email accounts and watching her every move. He is obsessed with Beck and is determined to be her boyfriend and nothing will get in his way.The thing that shocked me the most was that he didn’t believe he had issues and that he was actually protecting her from her friends and other men that looked her way.

Beck is so annoying I really didn’t like her, she was an attention seeking little cow-bag, she had her own issues but would flaunt around with no bra on and get dressed in front of her window that had no blinds or curtains. Flirt with pretty much anyone. And I know this is probably awful to say but she brought a lot of this on herself. She is such a user as well, she was stringing Joe along at times just for odd job duties and I was starting to feel sorry for him, but I had to remind myself that he was the one in the wrong and I shouldnt be feeling like this.

I felt the story went on a little too long and I was getting bored in places, it was sometimes just him constantly checking email updates and tweets to see if beck was thinking about him. It was a bit predictable as well, even though I haven’t read a stalker book I figured it out pretty early on.

This is a book that will make you step back and have a reality check, there could be someone stalking you but you just don’t know it. With all the social media and how easy it is for people to access the information is very scary.

This is an adult book and does contain explicit language and sexual scenes so it will not be for everyone or a younger audience.

Overall I rated this 3.5 stars out of 5.