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13 Reasons Why  - Season 1
13 Reasons Why - Season 1
2017 | Drama
The acting (1 more)
Potentially triggering (1 more)
Extremely controversial
While I found the show interesting and binge watched it over a few days, I agree that it is highly controversial and definitely not for everyone. There are some scenes that are extremely difficult to watch and if you're in a dark place yourself, I would not recommend watching this.

I personally admire how Thirteen Reasons Why was willing to tackle such a sensitive topic that needs more light shed upon it. Depression, bullying and generally feeling hopeless is something that cannot be ignored. Teens and others in these situations need to know that it's okay to talk to someone about these feelings before they get too much; before they end up in the place Hannah did.

Personally, I did enjoy Thirteen Reasons Why and look forward to seeing what season 2 brings, however, I do believe the direction in which this show goes could, perhaps, be fairly damaging some.
Tarzan and His Mate (1934)
Tarzan and His Mate (1934)
1934 | Action, Classics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This is the one. Notorious for it nude swimming scene and Jane’s revealing two piece number, this is the one which pushes the freedom of studios to breaking point and helped usher the Heyes code as it would be weaved into the fabric of American films for decades to come.

But this aside, this is a genuinely good sequel. More intense than the first, though as many of these films will, literally recycle action scenes from the first, the characters are developing, the story feels like it is progressing quite naturally from its predecessor and the tone is as erotic as it promises.

The kinky and untempered behavior of our leads is what the film is promising, an takes on life in the steamy jungle, away from the trappings of western life, certainly in the midst of the then, “Great Depression”. But this was where it was going to end as the studios wings were about to be clipped…

JSG87 (8 KP) rated Bird Box (2018) in Movies

Feb 22, 2019  
Bird Box (2018)
Bird Box (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
Great acting. (2 more)
Sandra Bullock
A very good film that isn't quite understood by the masses.
I went into this move blind (no pun intended). Didn't have a clue what it was about.

The best part about it is how you never see the monster.
Now I've seen all over the Internet how this is apparently try about mental disorders and depression but I'm not quite sure if i agree with those assumptions (which is all we have tbh).
The film makers did say that they originally had the monster visible in the movie but that it didn't fit and didn't quite convey what they wanted so they cut it in the end.

I think I prefer it that way though because it leaves the movie open to interpretation. I'd recommend this move to anyone who likes suspense and mystery. It can be quite slow at times but there's always enough through provoking stuff happening that you might not notice.
Maggie is trying to deal with what she saw and learned in Berlin while training future spies to help England during World War II. But when a friend gets in trouble, Maggie snaps out of her depression to help. Meanwhile, Japan and the US are not finding any common ground in November of 1941.

Fans of the series will appreciate the character development we get here with Maggie and some other series regulars. It feels like a slower book than normal, but it was needed and I never felt my interest waning. Maggie and the others take a back seat to the lead up to Pearl Harbor at times, but I found that part just as interesting, and I don't know how the author could have played it any differently for this series.

NOTE: I was sent an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Who Let the Gods Out?
Who Let the Gods Out?
Maz Evans | 2017 | Children
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Eliot, the troubled boy and his anarchic, dysfunctional foster-Gods...
Eliot is a boy with problems. A mum who is suffereing from crippling depression and mental health problems, a farm that is running to ruin since his grandparents died, and a school where the teachers know nothing about any of it. Facing repossession of his home and the looming threat of Social Services and being separated from his mum Eliot needs help: what he gets is a bunch of retired Greek Gods, minor deities and Zodiac characters who have spent millennia bickering over the small print and red-tape of running the Universe , or kicking their heels in cosy retirement.

After one of the Zodiac council crash-lands in his cowshed Eliot suddenly finds himself pulled into a quest to find power stones and defeat a wicked demon. Can he succeed, and can his squabbling new friends help him save his home & family?

A really engaging read for parents and kids.
13 Reasons Why  - Season 1
13 Reasons Why - Season 1
2017 | Drama
So many mixed reviews
I surround myself with mental health communities as I suffer myself and have seen so many mixed reviews for this show. But having had depression throughout my school years I think this was a raw and real problem with school kids these days. I think so much more awareness has come from this programme and it shows that things that could seem so small to others can have a huge impact on the people around us. I don't think it glorifies suicide as a lot of people have mentioned, it shows how real and how easily something can hurt somebody without anyone else knowing. The end episode, for me, was a huge trigger and I think a warning should have been put on that. I know that has changed for season 2 though.
I enjoyed watching this, it was hard to watch, raw and I went through so many emotions.

Sue (5 KP) rated Walk a Crooked Line in Books

Aug 13, 2018  
Walk a Crooked Line
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A young girl is found at the base of an old water tower deemed a suicide and Detective Jo Larsen is put on the case. What brought this girl to this place and caused her to end young life; abuse, neglect, bullying, loneliness, and/or depression. Upon further investigation through interviews with family and friends, Jo and her partner Hank try to put the pieces together and find that something horrible happened to Kelly causing her to take the fatal plunge.

In this well-written book by author Susan McBride, she draws you into a story about a girl that was failed by those that were supposed to look out for her and take care of her. It brings to light a factor that many young people face today concerning bullying, loneliness, and trying to fit in. Through the character of Jo, you see the story unfold as she investigates and discovers the parallels between her own childhood and that of the young girl she is investigating.
Darius the Great is Not Okay
Darius the Great is Not Okay
Adib Khorram | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
YA contemporary
For the most part I really enjoyed Darius the Great is Not Ok by Adib Khorram. This young adult contemporary novel was heart wrenching and at times heart breaking to read. At times I felt like the main character Darius was a little over the top with how sensitive he was but for the most part I was rooting for him to rise up. This was a great story showing the struggles of living with depression while trying to find yourself and dealing with the teenage awkwardness of growing up. I completely felt for Darius and could relate to a lot of his struggles throughout the book, especially with trying to see where he fit in with his culture and being the only one standing awkwardly to the side not understanding the language of his heritage. I really loved all of the characters and learning about this culture and I would definitely recommend.
A Room Away From the Wolves
A Room Away From the Wolves
Nova Ren Suma | 2018 | Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
So many things being represented! Like LGBTQ+, abuse, assualt, depression, etc. (1 more)
Ghosts + love + death + dark back story = recipe for the best book ever!
The beginning is a little confusing, but it ties up well in the second half. (0 more)
A wicked ghost story that will satisfy every need!
I absolutely loved this novel!! I couldn't get enough of it and didn't want it to end. There's LGBTQ+ representation, romance, death, mystery, family drama, talk of suicide and domestic violence. I mean A Room Away From the Wolves has it all!

The only reason why this novel isn't sitting at a 5-star rating is that it was a little confusing in the beginning. I didn't quite understand the story-line and plot and the characters seemed to be lacking. But once I actually delved deeper into the novel, I got my answers and everything became clear yet again.

Want to read more? Head over to my blog:

RavenclawPrincess913 (253 KP) created a post

Jan 31, 2019  
In new moon by Stephanie Meyer Edward leaves town which sends Bella into a depression until Jacob Black comes along. Throughout the book she spends a significant amount of time with him until something beyond his control happens. Later on Alice comes back to town and they have to go visit the Voultri. I love the book but both Edward and Jacob piss me off so much in it. Edward pissed me off when he left Bella there in the middle of the woods. Jacob also did when he went from talking to her daily to ignoring her just because he became a werewolf. Also when Alice showed up he threw a temper tantrum that was uncalled for because she was a "bloodsucker." Than they both pissed me off at the end when they were arguing over the treaty and being complete a**hats because they disliked each other for being werewolf and vampire.