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I Knew Her Well (Io la conoscevo bene) (1965)
I Knew Her Well (Io la conoscevo bene) (1965)
1965 | International, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"A cautionary tale of a sexy girl on the go in swinging Rome. Nineteen-year-old Stefania Sandrelli imbues her bubbly ingenue with undertones of desolation. The camera stays very close to her and records every nuance of her passing moods in a palpable way, as she is exploited over and over while managing to maintain a fragile dignity."

Derek Landy | 2019 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Travel, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Part two as good as part one
Desolation continues where Demon Road left off. Cinematic demon filled road trip adventure. Its good vs evil, road trip, fantasy adventure. but anyway. I am not going to write a massive review. You need to read Demon Road first then you will already be aware how good this is and will already be reading this

Zola Jesus recommended Pitfall (1962) in Movies (curated)

Pitfall (1962)
Pitfall (1962)
1962 | Crime, Drama, Fantasy
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The Teshigahara box set is so invaluable to my collection. Those three films have taught me so much about the power of collaboration. In tandem with Kobo Abe, Toru Takemitsu, and Toshi Ichiyanagi, Teshigahara was able to manifest three very disparate yet cohesive worlds. I was most surprised by Pitfall, which I find to be more overlooked than the other two films (Woman in the Dunes and The Face of Another). The existential desolation of this film is all-consuming."

The Lighthouse (2019)
The Lighthouse (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror
Incredible acting (0 more)
Tiny square of film (0 more)
Hell ride
It's true that many of the men manning lighthouses when stark raving mad in their desolation and being so close with another person many did end up hating or falling in love with one another.

The lighthouse is influenced by 1930s cinema. It's black and white and filmed squarely. You can pause the screen at any point and the image is like an arty print. The acting is incredible and it all is imagined to represent the bleak dark cold wetness they live in.

Thus is a journey into madness.

Pete Buttigieg recommended My Name is Red in Books (curated)

My Name is Red
My Name is Red
Orhan Pamuk, Erdag M. Goknar | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Ah, the days when Hollywood harbored existentialistic realists, and the entirety of America—from its back roads and highway saloons to its hinterland betting subcultures, working-class desolation, gone-wild farm fields, and small-town cafeterias—was a metaphor for itself, and for all of our postwar lostness. Monte Hellman’s career peak is easily the greatest film I never even heard of as a film-hungry 1970s kid, vanished and hardly ever TV-broadcast, even as I thought the sobering, grown-up likes of Deliverance and Chinatown and Scarecrow were emblematic of an American cinema that had finally reached adulthood. Then came Star Wars."

Get Carter (2000)
Get Carter (2000)
2000 | Action, Drama, Mystery
5.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Clumsy, uninspired, and - let's be honest - pointless and redundant remake of the British gangster classic. Stallone is as clumpingly inarticulate as ever as a gangster seeking the truth about his brother's death; various surprisingly good actors are roped in but get virtually nothing to do. For appearance's sake Michael Caine comes back, in the not-exactly-plum role of Cliff Brumby.

The plot is mostly just the same as in the original movie, although the magnificent desolation of north-east England is replaced by somewhere nondescript and American, and bleak nihilism is gone too, as that's not what Stallone's audience wants: instead there's a dull old plot about a man out for redemption. It's all sort of watchable, but it's hard to really think of a reason why you'd want to.
A Wrinkle in the Skin
A Wrinkle in the Skin
John Christopher | 1965 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Almost relentlessly bleak SF-disaster novel. An immense series of global earthquakes destroys civilisation overnight, leaving only a handful of survivors. The protagonist has previously been emotionally self-sufficient, but can he maintain this attitude in the face of the horror and desolation around him?

Worlds away from the 'cosy catastrophe' label which this kind of book is occasionally lumbered with, this anticipates The Road in many ways: the central image is of a man and a boy making their way across the devastated landscape, scavenging to survive and trying to avoid lawless mobs of other survivors. Christopher's ideas about human nature are crushingly cynical but unpleasantly compelling; the psychological depth of this book makes most similar works of fiction look frivolous and lightweight. Still, for all the skill with which it is written, this story is both tragic and depressing (the book does a good job of making you realise the difference between the two). It's telling that while it concludes on the promise of hope, it's only a promise: an actual happy ending would feel grotesquely inappropriate. Not without its strengths, but a tough read in many ways - other apocalypses are much more fun.

Colin Farrell recommended Paris, Texas (1984) in Movies (curated)

Paris, Texas (1984)
Paris, Texas (1984)
1984 | International, Drama, Romance
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The whole feel of this film was something that woke me up to cinema in a way. Before this film it was very much an Amblin world for me. Lots of Indiana Jones and John Hughes and Willy Wonka (the original) and Van Damme action movies and Richard Pryor comedies like Brewster’s Millions, etc. Then a friend introduced me to Paris, Texas. The aching loneliness and sense of lost love that pervades the film from the arid desolation of the desert landscape to the haunting strings of Ry Cooder’s soundtrack just blew me away. Maybe I was 17 or 18 when I saw it, but it stayed with me, and I go back to it about once a year. It also has one of the most honest portrayals of the loss of love between a couple, and the inherent danger within the nature of obsession. This lost love is broken down for the audience in what, to me, is possibly most quietly powerful monologue ever delivered in any film I’ve seen; when Harry Dean Stanton’s character, Travis, finally sits with the woman he loved and lost, and he recounts their story to her. Travis has to turn the chair around, so he’s facing away from her while he speaks. I assume because it’s too much to look at her while he’s expressing where and how such love disintegrated. Yeah, it’s a beautiful, beautiful film."

The Hobbit Trilogy (2015)
The Hobbit Trilogy (2015)
2015 |
7.9 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In Decembers of 2012, 2013 and 2014 the three movies of The Hobbit came out, The Hobbit: an unexpected journey, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug and The Hobbit: Battle of the Five armies forming The Hobbit Trilogy. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayor and Newline Cinema each released part of the trilogy with Director Peter Jackson at the helm (he directed The Lord of the Rings trilogy too). The movies follow the book but have been expanded to include extra material from the Lord of the Rings appendices as well as having recurring characters from the Lord of the Rings Movies such as Gandalf (Sir Ian McKellen), Frodo Baggins (Elijah wood), Legolas (Orlando Bloom), Lord Elrond (Hugo Weaving), lady Galadriel (Cate Blanchett), Gollom/Smegol (Andy Sirkis) and Saruman (Sir Christopher Lee 1922-2015).

In my opinion whilst the movies were very good having pretty much been handled by the team who shot and produced The Lord of the Rings. It felt sort of stretched, I'm pretty sure they could have gotten away with having two movies maybe even just the one if they cut some of the extra material away. The Hobbit in my eyes was essentially its own story and having the extra material padding it up to three movies-whilst useful and giving us a glimpse of the world at large just clumped it a bit. Other than that it was a good set of movies and I'm grateful that the team behind the Lord of the Rings was behind these ones, kept a good thread of continuity going.
If I Die Before I Wake
If I Die Before I Wake
Emily Koch | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
7.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
An accomplished debut
A who-dunnit story with a difference; told completely from the perspective of Alex who is trapped within his own body and with only the ability to speak to himself inside his own head trying to piece together the clues from the snippets of conversations he can hear and from his own fragmented memory as to how he got where he is.

This was an intriguing read and I really enjoyed that it was told from Alex's point of view - the sense of complete frustration and, at times, desolation at being completely helpless - was excellent and, at times, heart-breaking. I imagine it was extremely difficult to write and it must have taken great restraint not to introduce other concepts or parts of the story that may have helped to move it on but would have reduced the impact of Alex's situation.

This is a very original psychological mystery told in a unique way and I did feel constant anticipation that something was going to happen but, unfortunately, it never really seemed to ... well not until the end that is. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it; it's a good book with great characters and I can't fault the writing style, the flow or the concept, but it just left me with a sense of "is that it?" when I finished when I feel it could have been a fantastic book.

Overall though, this is an accomplished debut novel for the author so if this book is anything to go by, I await the next with eager anticipation.

Many thanks to the publisher, Random House UK Vintage Publishing, via NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest and unbiased review.