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Young Frankenstein (1974)
Young Frankenstein (1974)
1974 | Classics, Comedy, Horror

"The next movie would probably be Young Frankenstein. I remember going to see that as a kid. Because I loved all the Universal horror films, but I had only seem them on TV, like on Creature Double Feature on Friday afternoons. By that point I loved Gene Wilder, because I made the connection like, “Oh, that guy was in Willy Wonka. Now he’s in Young Frankenstein.” So that movie blew me away. And even to this day, I watch it all the time. It’s such an incredible movie because it’s really, really funny, with such incredible performances, but it’s so beautifully made. Nobody would spend the time now to make a comedy that well. Visually and technically, it’s so incredible. It doesn’t date; it holds up. Peter Boyle’s perfect, and Madeline Kahn and Gene Wilder, and everybody. It’s just an incredible movie. It really captured the feel of those Universal films, like Bride of Frankenstein, yet it is really funny. It’s something that almost never works. You know, kind of look at the Munsters on TV, and the Addams family, where you could get into it and they have the art direction there and everyone’s funny, but it almost never works. It’s almost always a disaster, and that film is just so perfect. I think the fact that people were brave enough back then to release black-and-white movies."

Underwater (2020)
Underwater (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Wish I saw it in theaters (0 more)
Below The Surface
Underwater- is a highly entertaining sci-fi horror movie. Mixing sci-fi with horror with a underwater creature. The cast was really good, i liked Kristen Stewart, T.J. Miller, Vincent Cassel and John Gallagher Jr. The downfall was Jessica Henwick she was really annoying. He charcter was really annoying and wouldnt shut up. The plot/story was intresting, the sci-fi was good and the horror was just there/not really though.

The plot: Disaster strikes more than six miles below the ocean surface when water crashes through the walls of a drilling station. Led by their captain, the survivors realize that their only hope is to walk across the sea floor to reach the main part of the facility. But they soon find themselves in a fight for their lives when they come under attack from mysterious and deadly creatures that no one has ever seen.

Like i said a good movie.

Jon Cryer recommended Apocalypse Now (1979) in Movies (curated)

Apocalypse Now (1979)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
1979 | Action, Drama, War

"Apocalypse Now is sort of a fever dream of a movie. When you watch the documentary about the making of Apocalypse Now, you suddenly understand what everybody went through while they were making that thing, and what a huge, unruly beast they got involved with, not even knowing what the movie was going to be. Everybody just decided to be a part of it even though it was just this evolving daily disaster. That being said, it is an amazing tribute to the film, that the beautiful cohesive piece that it is, is what emerged from that craziness. So many scenes that are just so memorable, the amazing lines, and how it just totally transformed war movies because it would have those incredibly realistic moments but also, you know, the huge “Ride of the Valkyries” helicopter attack. And it’s amazing that it worked at all, you know, besides the fact that it actually managed to work beautifully."

Greenland (2020)
Greenland (2020)
2020 | Action, Thriller
A disaster movie starring Gerard Butler? Of course I was desperate to see it!

John Garrity has a golden ticket to survive the incoming apocalypse. A comet is heading to Earth and debris is wreaking havoc, but no one truly knew the trouble the world was facing. As the clock ticks down, it's a race for survival.

While the big plot point of this film was the disaster, it was actually quite heavily focused on the family drama... and I'm not going to lie, that made me a little disappointed early on.

I think it's best not to query certain things in Greenland... yeah, probably a lot of things you shouldn't think about really.

Greenland reminds me of Volcano in some instances. The ups and downs of what happens to the people in the disaster can be seen, though in this instance the focus is on the Garrity family and we see little of peripheral characters directly. But never the less, you're able to follow that rollercoaster of emotions as you go through the film and feel the highs and lows, as well as the hope and devastation.

Obviously Gerard Butler in a disaster films screams five stars. I loved Geo-Storm and watch it frequently, so I was fairly confident that this was going to be an instant favourite. Butler in an action film does call to me, and I like him with a bit of humour, but this was a solid drama and he nailed it. He gets several moments that perfectly show the character's emotional journey, and I felt that impact (pun intended?).

Garrity's wife is played by the wonderful Morena Baccarin. She also has the opportunity for some powerful moments, and one of them hits you like a dump truck. Along with Butler they work as impressive and strong leads to the individual stems of the film.

Unusually I found all the additional cast to be good too, there's normally someone that isn't quite my cup of tea, but I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't find that here. There wasn't a moment that took me out of the film at all. While the rest of the acting takes a back seat to the leads once the acting started there were a few amazing moments early on from the Garrity's neighbours. Claire Bronson as Debra (I really hope I got the right actress here) has one of the most incredible moments, and it truly got to me. There were so many moments that made me cry or hold my breath, even the second time around... I really can't fault the acting.

When it comes to the effects I get really sad. In the trailer you see a piece of debris crash into the planet and some of the following scene plays out. That moment in full is incredible to watch, the build up to it and the ripple effects it causes are such a strong moment that helped to cement the severity of the situation... I felt it from my TV, hell, I felt it when I watch it from my iPad... but I couldn't help but think about how amazing it would have been to experience that at the cinema.

As cheesy as some disaster film effects can be, and let's face it, there are some truly dire disaster films out there if you know where to look, there wasn't a moment in Greenland where it felt unrealistic. The effects all looked natural (within the scope of my knowledge in the real world... and crappy made for TV disaster movies) and that really helped with the drama.

How can I sum up Greenland? The emotional performances, the effects, the colour palette of the film... it all combined for an excellent watch. I've seen it twice already, and I'll absolutely be watching it again.

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Troy Aker (6 KP) rated Super 8 (2011) in Movies

Dec 13, 2017  
Super 8 (2011)
Super 8 (2011)
2011 | Action, Sci-Fi
connection to the characters, time period, kids (0 more)
lapses in logic (0 more)
Much fun from JJ Abrams
With Super 8, JJ Abrams did something I feel is rare in cinema. It was a monster movie in which you actually care about the people involved. Way too often in movies it becomes easy to cheer on the monster because the people involved just aren't likable, or that not enough time is spent on them to create a connection with the characters. A character driven monster-disaster movie is rare. This movie is the anti-Michael Bay movie. Which is part of the reason why I love it so much.
Another reason I enjoy it so much is because of the period of the film. It is a very believable 1979, and though the kids in the movie are a little bit older than me, I still felt a connection to them and what they did in their lives. I remember working on various projects with friends as kids, when we would do everything we could to make our silly and fun little projects seem more adult. There is a certain rush to compete, when hormones start kicking in, with older and more mature kids, but still wanting to hold on to the fun things that makes the group enjoyable. This was all conveyed very well during the movie, and it helps create a connection with the characters.
The movie brings to mine some absolutely wonderful movies about groups of friends that go through a life-changing journey together, like E.T., The Goonies, and Stand By Me.
This being said, I think that people that grew up in the late 70's and early to mid-80's will enjoy this movie for different reasons than somebody that grew up after that. There was a certain level of nostalgia that hooked me in this movie. Someone who can't necessarily relate to the characters that way can certainly relate to them as far as a group of friends having a shifting dynamic as the teen years come barreling down at you.
Then for the action fans, the movie has one of, if not the best, crash scene I have ever seen. The monster action through most of the movie is quick cuts, loud sounds and then you see the aftermath. As the movie progresses, you do start to see more and more of the monster, so be patient. It won't be hidden forever. Seeing a little town of 12,000 people turn into a war zone was crazy as the military gets progressively involved as well.
This movie was not perfect though. There were a couple jumps in logic I felt. The kind where you sit there and think, "No way that it would happen like that." And another where you wonder why certain things are happening and others there are not. Also, towards the end, there was a certain amount of sappiness. Maybe not uncalled for due to the extraordinary circumstances that this town was put through though. But all this is easy to move past because the movie it self is so enjoyable.
The War of the Worlds
The War of the Worlds
H.G. Wells | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (22 Ratings)
Book Rating
Through the first 2/3 of this book, I thought I was going to be disappointed - in fact, given how far I'd gotten without feeling particularly engaged, I think I can say I was in fact disappointed. But in the end, Wells makes up for it: not with any extreme plot twists or cheap literary tricks, but with a sense of profundity, with a moral. War of the Worlds isn't the Hollywood movie that came after it, or even the notorious radio show that caused the panic of a nation - instead, it's a novel about a man and his thoughts in the face of the worst disaster. It's a discussion of humanity, psychology, and morality, disguised as an alien adventure.
Twister (1996)
Twister (1996)
1996 | Action, Drama
Special effects (0 more)
Just rewatched this and was amazed by how well the special effects held up. I enjoyed going down memory lane and seeing Gary England on the TV (even if it was for like 2 seconds).
The film tells a slightly accurate if over exaggerated story about weather chasers. Some of the acting is over the top, and a few of the scenes are incredulous (like the flying cow, but that has happened before) with the main characters evading being killed and the plot gets a bit lost as they focus more on the tornadoes and the destruction they can cause. Love it or hate to like it, it's a disaster movie through and through that highlights the power and suddenness of the twister.
Snowpiercer (2013)
Snowpiercer (2013)
2013 | Sci-Fi
Dystopian sci-fi movie from the director of Parasite and that film about the giant pig. After an ecological disaster, the last remnants of humanity are stuck on a train doing endless circuits of the world. What will they do when the sausage rolls and toilet paper run out?

Almost certainly the best Korean-Czech graphic novel adaptation ever made, and a pretty good film in all departments - a faint structural resemblence to The Matrix Reloaded may unsettle some viewers, but it just about holds together, and any holes in the plot are largely excused by the fact the film is clearly meant to be intepreted metaphorically. Fine cast, many interesting ideas, well-staged action; should have been a much bigger hit.
Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves (2023)
Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves (2023)
2023 | Fantasy
7.5 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Feature-length movie set in the D&D universe, this is much better than the 2000 travesty, with Chris Pine this time taking the lead, alongside Michelle Ridriguez and Hugh Grant and is set in the 'Forgotten Realms' campaign setting, with Baldurs Gate and Neverwinter both getting name-dropped.

(I must admit that, as large parts of it were filmed in my home of Northern Ireland, I did spend quite a bit of time playing 'spot the location').

It also has a refreshing low-stakes feel about it (there's no real 'end of the world' disaster to be averted), and I did also feel that it had elements of Monty Python around it (particularly in the talking to the dead graveyard bit)
Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
Ansel Elgort's Baby is Compelling and Well Acted (3 more)
The Criminals Each Have Interesting & Distinct Personalities
The Movie Drives to the Infectious Soundtrack
Punchy & Skillfuly Edited Cinematography
So-so Love Interest (1 more)
Ends With a Stereotypical Action Movie Climax
Edgar Wright Goes Fast & Furious (In a Good Way)
Edgar Wright has yet to direct a bad movie. Baby Driver doesn't ruin his streak, but it doesn't quite raise the bar. It does do something new, for Wright at least, in transposing his humor and musicality on top of more mature and serious subject matter. The issue is that the story isn't as original or creative as his previous works. Instead, the creativity and originality exists in the way the movie is executed. Bank heists, a getaway driver, and the shadowy mastermind are all well-worn tropes; but Wright sets it all to an eclectic and rhythmic soundtrack that drives the movie forward. Baby Driver is masterfully edited to sync up with the rhythm of the music, for the first two-thirds at least, until it devolved into a bit of a frantic mess. I almost wonder if that was intentional, however, as it perfectly mirrors Baby's situation. In the first two acts he is calm, in control, and driving to the music on his many iPods. In the third act, his predicament devolves into a disaster beyond his control, and he is knocked out of the rhythm he normally operates in. In the end, none of Baby Driver is bad or poorly done, it just isn't quite as memorable as the Cornetto Trilogy or Scott Pilgrim.