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The Forever Purge (2021)
The Forever Purge (2021)
2021 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
6.0 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
At this point, we all know what we're getting when a new Purge film shuffles it's way into the harsh light of day. Lots of shooting, CGI blood spatters, characters looking super serious as their protective shutters roll over the windows and doors of their houses, and some vague message about society and the state of America. All of this is present and correct for the latest installment of this ever popular franchise, and to be quite honest, it's entertaining as hell. It may be predictable, it may be on the nose with what it's trying to say, but it pulls off some genuinely tense action scenes (there's one extended long shot in particular, later on in the runtime, that looks incredible), shakes up the formula by showing us what a Purge night may look like from the viewpoint of immigrants, and delivers a film that not only portrays America descending into absolute chaos, but does a good job at making it feel legit.
The Forever Purge is hardly breaking new ground, but still manages to feel somewhat fresh in a horror series that is 5 films deep. It's also a decent recovery after the last film seriously stumbled. All in all, a popcorn movie that will surely be a bucket of bloody fun if you leave your brain at the door.
The House Swap
The House Swap
Rebecca Fleet | 2018 | Thriller
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tension, tension, so much tension!
From start to finish The House Swap is a taut and edgy examination of the rocky marriage between a young English couple, Caroline and Francis. When the opportunity arises for them to swap their city flat in Leeds with someone else’s suburban home in Chiswick they eagerly plan a week-long getaway for two so they can focus on repairing their relationship. Caroline soon starts finding signs that the owner of the suburban home she and Francis are currently occupying may very well be the person she’s tried so desperately to put behind her: her ex-lover, Carl. Francis, who knows about Caroline’s past affair, begins to notice that his wife is acting strange and inattentive; it’s putting him on edge, which is no place for a former pill-popper like himself to be. With both of their past obsessions threatening to burst back into their lives, Caroline and Francis brace themselves for the ultimate test in their marriage.

This psychological thriller definitely delivers on nail-biting suspense, calculated misdirection, and hair-raising shocks. There were more than a couple of well-placed red herrings which made the plot twists all the more juicy and exciting. Some of the content was a bit difficult to stomach, but it added to the domestic noir feel of the novel. Overall, The House Swap is a solid option for anyone looking for a fast-paced and multilayered novel that goes behind closed doors.
The Last House Guest
The Last House Guest
Megan Miranda | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A stand-alone, slow-burn thriller by author of All the Missing Girls
‏I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

I discovered Megan Miranda a few months after her 2016 novel, All the Missing Girls, was published. Her latest, The Last House Guest, is the 3rd novel I read by her.

This slow-burn thriller is a story of a small, summer vacation town with a definite line dividing the haves and have nots with one exception, Avery Greer. Sadie Loman who only has to say who her family is and doors are opened and police look the other way befriends Avery. For a decade, they are inseparable each summer - until Sadie is found dead.

While it took a long time for me to get into the book, I am glad I kept reading. Told from Avery's point of view, using flashbacks, we are shown the summer of and the summer following Sadie's death.

Miranda is known for creating a small town with a lot of secrets. The Last House Guest is no exception. The characters are not what they first seem to be. She peppers her story with small details that can help you figure out secrets and the big reveal right before the characters.

According to Goodreads, we can expect to see more from Megan Miranda. I cannot wait!

This 200-word review was published on on 7/22/19.