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John Lydon recommended Nevermind by Nirvana in Music (curated)

Nevermind by Nirvana
Nevermind by Nirvana
1991 | Alternative, Rock

"I remember being very angry at their album title being Nevermind. I thought Nevermind? Have you lost your bollocks or something? I was drawing a line on it all, perhaps too sharply, but I have to say “Smells Like Teen Spirit” is one of pop music’s all-time greatest. That song is firmly embedded in my psyche. So, I forgive them. Most bands can’t come up with one complete song, and sometimes one is enough. By “Heart-Shaped Box,” it was all starting to sound a bit suicidal. I felt it coming."

Welcome Mr. Marshall (1953)
Welcome Mr. Marshall (1953)
1953 | Comedy
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Movie Favorite

"It was co-written by my uncle [Juan Antonio Bardem]. It’s with the director [Luis García] Berlanga, and I think it’s a masterpiece of a movie about the Franco regime era in Spain. It is [about] a visit that is going to be paid by the American government into our country and how the little country town is preparing that welcome for the committee, the American committee. And it really is a great drawing on what it was like in the Franco regime era in Spain, it’s a masterful movie."

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