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Veronica Pena (690 KP) rated Why Did I Get Married Too (2010) in Movies

Mar 5, 2020 (Updated Mar 5, 2020)  
Why Did I Get Married Too (2010)
Why Did I Get Married Too (2010)
2010 | Comedy, Drama
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Part of me almost likes this film more than the first one. I feel like we know the couples a little more, versus the first movie where we meet them in the middle of their marriages, fighting, trying to find each other again. We come out of that film into this one and we see the growth but we still see some problems. You have a better understanding of their dynamics but still questioning some things. The overall arc of this film wasn't very clear and I'm not sure if I like that or if I found it frustrating - I think somewhere in between. I don't like the inconsistency of the characters, it just felt like the whole situation with Patricia and Gavin came out of left field and then we never really got anywhere with it. And then the scene where Gavin is drunk? Just uncomfortable to watch. I feel like that was supposed to be a scene that really meant something, we were supposed to see Gavin and Patricia's disconnect or Gavin's pain or Patricia's lack of pain, I don't know. That all feels like speculation that isn't quite hitting the mark. It was just an unnecessary scene and one that is wildly uncomfortable to watch.

I'm torn about this film. I like it, I think it's good. The plot is just a bit weird and the various relationships and the ways that they function are obviously unhealthy. I also hate the ending. I think it was horrible and then DJ? WEIRD. I think in writing this review I've realized I like the first one more, this one was sucky. Patricia was the character that made me feel it the most. I don't know. I'll end up watching this film again whenever I watch the first one. *facepalm*
It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
1946 | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy

"It’s corny but dark, dark, dark in spots. It was really dark when Jimmy Stewart is having his existential breakdown, wandering the town, having been given a chance to see what the world would be like had he not been there. We all kind of wonder that on some level — if not consciously, it’s probably part of what’s inside us. Something that is interesting about that film, there’s a character actor named H.B. Warner — he’s in all Capra films, playing a wide variety of roles. In this one, he plays the drunken druggist Mr. Gower. There’s a scene early on where Jimmy Stewart’s not even in the film yet. Young George has injured his ear in a sledding accident and Mr. Gower, drunk and depressed, accidentally sends George out with a prescription of poison to give a patient. When he figures it out and goes back, Mr. Gower is incensed, and beats him savagely. He hits him in the ear, and then when Mr. Gower realizes that the kid has saved this woman’s life and come back and he’s made a horrible mistake, he tries to embrace the boy. The boy’s fighting and the druggist is trying to comfort him, and himself at the same time. It’s a scene that if I think too hard about it, I’ll weep. It’s such a beautiful moment between two human beings. The kid was a great kid actor, but H.B. Warner is such a master, and I relate to character actors in a lot of ways. He was this guy who just bounced around from project to project, making everything he does, every story, richer for his presence. I have a lot of respect for that."

Dumbo (1941)
Dumbo (1941)
1941 | Animation, Classics, Family
Great Story Despite is Flaws
A young circus elephant discovers that his worst attribute is actually his greatest gift. I’ve gotten slack on the Disney animated journey I’ve been traveling, but remembering Dumbo makes me want to dedicate my time once again to the daunting task of watching each and every single movie.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10
You can’t help but love little innocent Dumbo, hated for something he can’t help. He’s the perfect hero you want to get behind. His story is one that stays in our hearts, aided by a solid group of supporting characters.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10

Entertainment Value: 10
A story that’s teeming with originality, it’s hard not to get wrapped up in the story of Dumbo. From the moment the circus rolls into town, you expect something interesting to go down. Less than twenty minutes in, things go awry keeping you engaged in the story.

Memorability: 10
Is it the message? The colorful visuals? the creativity? There is something about Dumbo that holds you and makes you want to watch it repeatedly. It still holds up as one of the best animated films ever made.

Pace: 10

Plot: 9
I could’ve done without the elephants on parade in the drunk sequence and the crows were a bit of a sore spot, but the story is magnificent overall. Sometimes you have to overlook a couple things to recognize how good something truly is. Dumbo is a unique story you won’t find anywhere else.

Resolution: 10
Cute ending that ties the message up in a nice little bow. An inspiration for adults and kids alike. Great finale.

Overall: 99
Dumbo shows us that the thing that makes us different makes us special. It’s one of a thousand reasons we loving having Disney+ in our homes. Dumbo still holds up as an animated classic.

John Krasinski recommended The Verdict (1982) in Movies (curated)

The Verdict (1982)
The Verdict (1982)
1982 | Drama

"I think it’s probably one of the most inspirational movies for me because of Paul Newman‘s performance. I think that is, to me, some of the best, [most] controlled acting in a movie. I think that he has this incredible likability. Even though he’s a drunk, washed-up lawyer, you’re still rooting for him from the very beginning. I’m that sort of weird guy who will watch a movie almost every day if I can. It’s harder when you’re working on the show. I buy a lot of movies on used DVD so I can have certain scenes. I was really looking for things to inspire me. When I got out of college I was waiting tables professionally [and] couldn’t afford to go the theater [every] night. I think those great movies can actually make you feel a certain way. Not only emotionally, but if you’re in this business, it’s one of those things where you see someone do something that good and it buys you a year of energy. That’s what I was really looking for. It sounds so cliché,[but I wanted] to bask in the glow some of these amazing performances, like [those of] Dustin Hoffman and Marlon Brando. But it was also fun. To get back to what I was saying before, that 1970s raw energy, it’s almost frustrating now that people aren’t making more movies like that because people won’t go see them. Even Away We Go is, in a way, a tribute to the 1970s movies, too, but more of the Hal Ashby thing. Again, I don’t think people are making movies like this, so for Sam to do it is incredibly cool. And the fact that my name’s on the poster is totally surreal."

The Last House on Needless Street
The Last House on Needless Street
Catriona Ward | 2021 | Crime
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ted is a depressed drunk who lives with his daughter, Lauren, and cat, Olivia. Years ago, a young girl disappeared at a nearby lake and Ted was blamed, but later exonerated by his alibi. Now Dee, the girl's sister is back in town, looking for justice for her little sister. But Ted and his family may still be hiding secrets--and Dee's return threatens to uncover them all.

"Today is the anniversary of Little Girl With Popsicle. It happened by the lake, eleven years ago--she was there, and then she wasn't. So it's already a bad day when I discover that there is a Murderer among us."

This is an incredibly wild read that is both mesmerizing and befuddling, as you never know exactly what is going on. You get Ted's point of view, as well as Dee's and even Olivia the cat's. I spent most of the book coming up with theories and feeling frustrated at times, because I was not sure what was happening! If you are someone who always wants to know what is happening, you may not enjoy this book.

It's definitely best to go in blind, as all the other reviews state, because the twists and turns will take you by surprise. And there are twists galore! When this ended, I realized I probably needed to read the book again, just to completely take in everything that happened. Did I fully enjoy HOUSE? Probably not. But I still feel it was worth the read. It was intricate and fascinating and at the end, when you take in the full depth of what you've read--well, it's pretty awe inspiring. Definitely read the author's note at the end, too. 4+ stars.
111 of 220
It’s A Wonderful Midlife Crisis ( Good to the last death 1)
By Robyn Peterman

Whoever said life begins at forty must have been heavily medicated, drunk, or delusional.

Thirty-nine was a fantastic year. I was married to the man I loved. I had a body that worked without creaking. My grandma, who raised me, was still healthy, and life was pretty damned good.

But as they say, all good things come to an end. I’d honestly love to know who ’they’ are and rip them a new one. One year later, I’m a widow. My joints are starting to ache. Gram is in the nursing home, and dead people think my home is some kind of supernatural bed and breakfast. Gluing body parts onto semi-transparent people has become a side job—deceased people I’m not even sure are actually there. I think they need my help, but since I don’t speak dead, we’re having a few issues.

To add to the heap of trouble, there’s a new dangerously smokin’ hot lawyer at the firm who won't stop giving me the eye. My BFF is thrilled with her new frozen face, thanks to her plastic surgeon, her alimony check, and the miracle of Botox. And then there’s the little conundrum that I’m becoming way too attached to my ghostly squatters… Like Cher, I'd like to turn back time. Now.

No can do.

Whatever. I have wine, good friends, and an industrial sized box of superglue. What could possibly go wrong?

Everything, apparently.

This was really good. It was witty, funny, heartwarming and sad all at once. A lighthearted read quick read. Definitely can’t wait to read the next one.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cameron was that typical jock who only cared about his sexy girlfriend and how soon she'd let him sleep with her. He got drunk and insulted his pretty waitress—which was a bad idea because she turned out to be a witch of sorts. She laid a curse on him out of spite: Every day, he grew to be one year older.

As he aged rapidly he was faced with a reality check: His life would end in a few short weeks. He would never see his graduation. His girlfriend breaks up with him and goes back to her ex. He's not sure if his parents love him or hate him. And they're not sure either.

Then he meets Leisel. And Leisel had her own secret.

The first third of the book frustrated me because Cameron was stupid, rude, immature, irresponsible, and disrespectful. But further in, I started to feel for him a little more. Near the last third of the book I was really enjoying it, I liked all the characters more (or less, in his girlfriend's case) and I was hooked on the story. It was fast-paced and interesting. I think the part I liked most was watching Cameron change from an obnoxious jerk into someone who had some depth and good qualities. It was what I wanted to see, and it made me happy to see him change.

The writing was a little frustrating only because there were ALL CAPS sprinkled in through the book. Now I understand why Rowe used all caps (If I woke up and looked like a thirty year old, I'd say everything in all caps too) but it still makes the editor in me cringe. Aside from that, I liked the writing and the style, I liked the pacing, I liked the humor, and I liked the dialogue. I don't often find a self-published book with good writing, so I'm wary to accept them. I'm glad I made an exception!

Content/Recommendation: Some language, some sexual references, no sex. Ages 16+
You Must Not Miss
You Must Not Miss
Katrina Leno | Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters, development, life lssues delt with (0 more)
Near (0 more)
LBYRpartners and The Novl gave me this arc in exchange for an honest review what follows is my thoughts and opinions

"Everybody has a reason to want to change their lives" -Magpie Lewis

Magpie has some of the best. We love stories of broken people and Magpie is a dark, hurt, twisted broken at the core person. After finding her father sleeping with her aunt, her drunk mother who can't even fend for her own well being and especially not Magpie's, her sister has moved away to college changed her number and never looked back, and losing her best friend you feel bad for Magpie very, very sad for her. Like any other teenager dealing with a host of big issues Magpie is dying to escape and one day she does, creating a world she controls. As the story continues you realize maybe you shouldn't have felt as bad for her as you originally had. Magpie starts to deal with her issues by shoving them into this new world and destroying them. She begins to do all the terrible and twisted things that have been done to her, much like a typical teenager may act out. This novel kept me interested and reading. Although, I felt a little bizarre about the new world it made sense that's how she chose to control things that were otherwise uncontrollable. I love how the novel ended feeling complete and tied up. I liked Magpie as a character and her new group of outcast friends after the terrible incident that lead her to lose her best friend. I was blown away by the topics covered in this novel and the way they were talked about from transgendered characters to sexual abuse were elegantly addressed. I would recommend this novel to anyone who loves a little sci-fi and contemporary mashups while dealing with grand scale issues.
The Festival (2018)
The Festival (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Mud spelt backwards
#thefestival #thefestivalmovie is overlong, overstuffed, unfunny, repetitive and out dated dribble. After enjoying all 3 seasons of #theInbetweeners I found by the time the films were released the formula was starting to become tiresome and predictable. So now along comes The #Festival and I'm sad to say nothing has changed at all. Within the first ten minutes I found myself exhausted by its relentless #humour and its need to shock, its all just far to simple/predictable and tries nothing new at all going for cheap #laughs over quality every time. Acting is also at times borderline atrocious with most scenes feeling far too scripted and forced. I found none of the characters likable and even during the standard ups and downs of the story you can see things coming from a mile off so I just couldnt sympathise or warm to any of them. Considering they are at a festival #music is not integrated well here, there's #famous hits blasted out over montages but very rarely are we treated to artists blaring from stages or shown bands on stage. This is #teenage humour at its most garish with no jokes hitting their mark/done better in other films and most out stay their welcome. Not many people were laughing in my screening either except one teen who was roaring from start to finish. I appreciate I may not be the target audience for this type of film any more but I cant help but feel with this kind of film now days once you've seen one you've seen them all. Overall it does nail the shit side of attending a festival extremely well but it lacks so much in atmosphere that its almost impossible to enjoy the cliched barebones story or care for its dull characters. A complete waste of my time and I just cant recommend it to anyone accept giggly #teens. #odeon #odeonlimitless #funny #silly #sex #camping #dj #joethomas #drunk #jermaineclement #noelfielding
#filmreview #filmbuff #filmcritic #inbetweeners #uk #british #joke #party #drinking
The Woman in the Window
The Woman in the Window
A.J. Finn | 2018 | Thriller
8.0 (42 Ratings)
Book Rating
Did that really happen?
Dr. Anna Fox has been in her house for the past ten months. After an accident involving her husband, daughter and herself, she became agoraphobic. She now spends her days staring out of her windows, spying on her neighbors and keeping up with all the comings and goings of the neighborhood. When a new family moves in across the park from her, she is immediately drawn to the mother and the son, a single child family like her own. They come over to introduce themselves and she feels an instant connection. But then Anna thinks she sees a crime being committed at the neighbors house. Did she really see something or is the combination of medications and alcohol blurring the lines of reality and fantasy? Will the authorities believe her or will they believe the family and the rest of the neighborhood that Dr. Fox is just a crazy, drunk, cooped up lady.

So many people I know have read and enjoyed this book. I loved it, it was so hard to put down. I was totally shocked by the twists and turns that this book dished out.

At first I was rooting for Anna. This poor lady devastated by the accident and her family leaving her because of it. I wanted her to be able to leave her house and live her life and have the opportunity to be with her husband and daughter again. Instead, she spends her days chatting with other agoraphobes and providing council to them, playing chess online and drinking lots of red wine while watching old movies.

When Anna's secrets are revealed I'm not sure if I felt sorry for her or was upset with myself for being on her side. I think this is a book all thriller fans will enjoy. If you haven't read this book, I highly recommend it.