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8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
These books were originally called Boyfriend/Girlfriends.

Zoey has grown up on a small Maine island and is feeling a bit restless. Then, Lucas, the guy who went to jail for killing her boyfriend's older brother in a drunk driving accident comes back to the island.

Zoey is with Jake
Jake hates Lucas
Lucas used to be with Claire
Claire used to go out with Lucas, is now dating Benjamin, and teams up with Jake to try and get rid of Lucas
Benjamin is Zoey's brother
Nina is Claire's sister and has a crush on Benjamin
Aisha is relatively new to the island and is frantically trying NOT to be pursued by the determined Christopher.

Miguel Arteta recommended Dodes'ka-den (1970) in Movies (curated)

Dodes'ka-den (1970)
Dodes'ka-den (1970)
1970 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This is a flawed film from the master, and I read in his autobiography that after it tanked, he tried to kill himself and did not make a film for five years. I love it! Such gorgeous vignettes, like the man who stops talking and loses all the color in his flesh after he finds out his wife cheated on him! Or the drunk couples who swap partners every night! He built a whole artificial dumpster on a stage and painted it in radiant colors, and then went about telling the most heartbreaking short stories of madness and despair in it. It’s like Raymond Carver on some very good acid, taking no prisoners!"

Small Town Crime (2017)
Small Town Crime (2017)
2017 | Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
nice flow, good characters, clever story (0 more)
An ex-cop seeking redemption
Contains spoilers, click to show
When an ex-cop who is thrown of the force for being drunk on duty when his partner is killed in a shootout, he seeks a way to redeem himself. Finding a woman who has been badly battered and beaten and left for dead he attempts to save her and takes her to the hospital. After she dies he takes it upon himself to find the killer. His journey takes him to seedier parts of his own town and he meets and deals with characters that hide dark secrets. In the end he must decide on his ambition or his family. What follows is a nice pacy thriller with a few twists and turns.

Erik Stolhanske recommended Husbands (1970) in Movies (curated)

Husbands (1970)
Husbands (1970)
1970 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"One summer, they were doing a ’70s movie revival at the Film Forum in New York, and Soter and I would go see double features; you pay for one, you see two. All ’70s movies. It was great, so we’d go there all the time. One of my favorites was John Cassavetes‘ Husbands. That was a great, funny movie; first of all, it was cool because a lot of it was improvised. There’s Peter Falk, Ben Gazzara, John Cassavetes…one of their buddies dies, so they basically decide life’s too short and they’re going to go get drunk one night and reflect on life. So it’s one night of these guys going out and drinking, but then they end up going to London."

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
2011 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
6.3 (30 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Drunk Johnny Part 4
This one is good, just not as good as the trilogy, it does return Jack Sparrow and his adventures to get more drunk, im kidding. But actually its true. So is Will Turner in it, nope, is Elizabeth Swan in it, nope, is Davy Jones in it, nope. So who's in this Barbossa of course he is. I like Barbossa he's a good anti-hero. So who's the villian this time, Blackbread played by the excellent Ian McShane, so how is he in this film, well he's good. Just I miss Bill Nighy as Davy Jones he was excellent in the role and as the charcter he had a arc that was in two films. Blackbread is okay as a villian just not the same.

The Plot: The checkered past of Capt. Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) catches up to him when he encounters Angelica (Penélope Cruz), a beautiful pirate that Jack once loved then left. Angelica forces him to accompany her to the Queen Anne's Revenge, the ship of the notorious Blackbeard (Ian McShane). Accompanied by a zombie crew, the trio sets sail to find the legendary Fountain of Youth. However, Jack's rival, Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush), also seeks the fountain, as does a ship from Spain.

Ahh so this time its Jack Sparrow's adventure to the fountian of youth. A plus is that Keith Richards is back playing Jack Sparrow's father, wait did we need that? Probley not, but we got it anyways.

So you watch this film, yes if you like the other ones, you'll like this one. Just dont watch the 5th one.

Andy Gill recommended Hold My Liquor by Kanye West in Music (curated)

Hold My Liquor by Kanye West
Hold My Liquor by Kanye West
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Definitely my favourite song on that record [Yeezus]. I think it's a great record, if you can get past the ""bitches"" and what's that about Chinese pussy? Kanye, fucking grow up man, you're not 15. I was talking to Michael Azerrad, 'cause he's got me to do a couple of podcasts for him. And his clever little thing is to get musicians to review other albums. In conversation, I mentioned this track, and he said he got Lou Reed to write about the record. He said Lou Reed was in tears listening to this track. It's a very emotional track and it's very clever. He switches between making jokes and sounding very desperate indeed. One minute he's being very flippant, and I guess it's like being drunk and not drunk. The drink and the comedown, the hangover, whatever. Really beautiful, but also powerful, and quite punk in a way. And the arrangement is so clever and unexpected and unusual. He'll give you one thing and then give you something quite different, but it all works from section to section. I heard this while I was making What Happens Next and I was really impressed with the synth bass sounds, so I ended up having Thomas [McNeice] in, and we worked out where there would be a mixture of his bass playing and some electronic bass. You know, Lou Reed's point is that Kanye is demonstrating what he can get away with, which is good. I think there's quite a few ""I can do what I like moments"", including talking about ""sweet and sour pussy"" [sic]."

Last Splash by The Breeders
Last Splash by The Breeders
1993 | Rock
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I wasn't sure if I could pick Pixies as well as The Breeders, but fuck it! They're two different bands. I wanted to put this in here because seeing as this is the story of The Big Moon, as a band we have quite a broad range of music tastes. We all love bands and guitar music generally, but there are so many styles and it can go so many different ways. We all like a lot of the same bands but there aren't that many songs where we have that special cross-over moment and we find a song that we all adore. In the van, whoever’s driving gets to play whatever they want. Quite soon after we formed as a band we went round to Fern's house to try and think of a band name. We had this great night where we got really drunk and danced to Tom Jones. I seem to remember making quite a lot of mess, spilling drinks and stuff. It was just four girls getting very drunk together. We all realised that we loved this song and someone put it on the playlist. We were thinking about calling our band No Aloha after that, for about a week. We even wrote it in big letters on Fern's bedroom wall. We thought it'd be a really cool name, but then in the end we thought it'd be a bit of a mouthful to say on stage - "Hi, We're No Aloha!" - and we didn't want a lifetime of spelling it to people. But whenever it comes on in the van we're always like "yaaaay"!"

Big Hero 6 (2014)
Big Hero 6 (2014)
2014 | Animation, Family
Impossible not to love Baymax
There are way too many animated films released every year, and the majority of them are pretty awful. Despite Big Hero 6 being Disney, the trailer didn't really appeal. However after watching it, it's probably one of the best animated films I've seen in the past few years.

The character of Baymax is the real reason why this film excels. He's cuddly, adorable and so funny and matter of fact. Although the rest of the characters are likeable enough, it's really Baymax that makes this film. The plot is interesting and a slightly different take on the usual Disney story of loss and grief, and the animation is unsurprisingly top notch. Its also great to see (hear) Alan Tudyk as usual.

I love drunk/low battery Baymax:


HLD (99 KP) rated Uber in Apps

Mar 10, 2018  
Lifestyle, Travel
7.9 (15 Ratings)
App Rating
If you're like me and feel rude not talking to the driver but also suffer crippling social anxiety, you can offer a tip to let them know that the silence was just what you wanted (3 more)
During off-peak times it is almost always cheaper than ordering a taxi
If the GPS locates to the wrong house, you can just drag and drop the blue pin to your location
Sometimes a beat up ford Mondeo will be your chariot, but randomly, at 3 in the morning, a Mercedes might ferry you home.
The algorithm for upping prices during peak times can really bite you in the arse. Try refreshing the journey until a price you're comfortable with comes up (0 more)
Great for when you're too drunk to remember where you are
The Crossing Guard (1995)
The Crossing Guard (1995)
1995 | Drama
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The Crossing Guard. Not a comedy. [laughs] The Sean Penn film, with Jack Nicholson and Anjelica Huston. I just remember that taking my guts out of my stomach and pulling them. I remember being doubled over – I went to see a matinee – and I was doubled over, and I was just… The loss of the innocence of this little girl. And I forget the name of the actor who plays the drunk who hits this little girl, but he wakes up, he comes to in the jail, and he realizes that he’s hit this little girl and he killed her, and he bangs his head into the bars, and he has this indent in his head for the rest of the movie. Probably more background than you wanted!"
