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Coconut Layer Cake Murder
Coconut Layer Cake Murder
Joanne Fluke | 2020 | Mystery
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Clearing Lonnie
Hannah Swensen, owner of The Cookie Jar, has been ordered to rest – it came straight from Doc himself. But a trip to California to help a friend pack up is cut short when Hannah’s younger sister, Michelle, calls in a panic. There’s been another murder in Lake Eden, and Michelle’s boyfriend, Lonnie, is the prime suspect. After a night out with friends, Lonnie took a drunk woman home only to pass out on her couch. The next morning, he wakes up to find her dead in her bedroom with no memory of anything after he passed out. Since Lonnie is a detective with the police department, most of them can’t investigate since they are friends with the suspect. Naturally, Hannah immediately flies home, but can she figure out who is the killer?

If you haven’t read the last few books, be aware this one spoils some pretty major things by necessity since they had a major impact on Hannah’s life. Those up to date on the series will be happy to learn we get an answer to the cliffhanger from the last book early on. This book is a return to the status quo of a few entries ago. After a slow start, the pacing gets better once Hannah returns home. There is still plenty of talk about cooking, however, but we get clues and red herrings until we reach the climax. The characters are all here, and I enjoyed seeing them, but there is little in the way of actual character development. That includes the love triangle, which is back in play here. We get another nineteen recipes, and I think I gained weight reading about them. They certainly sound delicious. Fans who have stuck with this series will enjoy this outing. If you are new, don’t jump in here but go back to the beginning to see why we love these characters.

Holly Johnson recommended Dare by The Human League in Music (curated)

Dare by The Human League
Dare by The Human League
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Dare was amazing. It came out around the same time as Soft Cell's Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret. You can't not mention Soft Cell, and you can't not mention Gary Numan either, in popularising electronic music. I'd seen The Human League perform at Eric's in front of three people - me, Jane Casey and some drunk lying on the floor - and it was in the Martyn Ware era, with Phil Oakey looking amazing with his asymmetric haircut, and the fabulous slides and the little constructed archways which had the synthesizers, which looked - I suppose - rather Kraftwerk. And you know, ""Listen to the voice of Buddha"" [on 'Being Boiled'], the Travelogue album, was amazing and groundbreaking in many ways. It was not commercially successful at all, and I remember in particular their version of 'You've Lost That Loving Feeling' being incredible. But when Dare came, it was an attempt at global pop superstardom and ABBA-ness, as well as being groundbreaking and electronic. It was time I became aware of the Linn drum machine, and the programming on that album is fantastic. The engineer Dave Allen at night time would be editing instrumentals together and that became The League Unlimited Orchestra album [1982's Love And Dancing], which was also incredible to dance to in seedy gay nightclubs, which I also did [laughs]. I was then more aware of technology by this point and had been working in a recording studio with the TR-808 drum machine which, although a plastic instrument, seemed slightly paltry to the meaty sounds of the sampled bass and snare of Dare, which was the Linn LM-1. It sounded like a real drummer but obviously wasn't and was intrinsic to the sound of that album. My favourite was 'Love Action', not 'Don't You Want Me', which is always cited and is the most successful. 'Love Action' was always the one for me."


Otway93 (567 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Assassin's Creed Valhalla in Video Games

Feb 13, 2021  
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
2020 | Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Gameplay (4 more)
Easter Eggs
Mini-Arcs (3 more)
Dull ending
Repetitive, and a disappointing end to the trilogy.
After getting my hopes up, and initially thoroughly enjoying it, what an absolute stinker this game has turned out to be.

It could have been a great game, but the story, inside and out of the animus, has really let it down.

Firstly, the gameplay is fun, archery, swinging away with axes, beheading everyone in sight, and the mysteries, the new side missions, are an excellent addition, very fun with a great variety, and contain some great little pop cultures references and Easter eggs. The characters are also great, and probably some of the most memorable.

But now the negatives. The first, and for most a deal-breaker, the story. The story is made up of mini-arcs, which all involve gaining allies for your settlement. These tend to be very repetitive in most cases. But of course there are the two main arcs, Eivor's arc, and Layla's arc, the star of the previous two games.

Eivor's arc while very typical, has some really interesting ideas that will blow you away. But don't get too excited, we have no DLC yet, but so far all these awesome ideas and revelations seem to have been forgotten about by the end of the game. The end of his main arc is incredibly dull and predictable.

Layla's arc, unfortunately, while having a good twist, still remains dull, predictable, and comes to a dull, unsatisfactory ending that could have been (and probably was) written in a lunch break.

Finally, the bugs. From day one, this game has had quite a few bugs, ranging from fatal bugs resulting in lost game progress, and preventing the story from progressing, and minor things like being stuck in walls and on viewpoints, horses running out of control (while riding), and being permanently, totally drunk.

Overall, a huge disappointment.

Merissa (11774 KP) rated Intelligence Check (Dungeons and Dating #3) in Books

May 17, 2022 (Updated Jun 19, 2023)  
Intelligence Check (Dungeons and Dating #3)
Intelligence Check (Dungeons and Dating #3)
Katherine McIntyre | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
INTELLIGENCE CHECK is the third book in the Dungeons and Dating series, and it's time for Mase and Hunter. I was 'slightly' excited at the thought of this book and, let me tell you, I was not disappointed.

Mase is a perfect little ray of sunshine... on the outside. Inside, he is dealing with the loss of his twin sister, all the feelings that encompasses, plus normal things like trying to finish school and pay all his bills. Hunter, on the other hand, keeps himself to himself. He doesn't ask much of anyone, knowing all too well the feeling of being let down.

These two! Oh, my days. I love them so much. Two perfect-for-each-other puzzle pieces that slot together with ease. Well, not too much ease, because there's the whole 'issues from the past' to contend with, but you get my meaning. They do have their issues to deal with but they do the mature thing, in that they give each other space when needed, no matter how painful it may be, and communicate with each other.

It's a slow-burn romance in that Hunter isn't prepared to take advantage of Mason when he's drunk. Mason thinks he's been rejected by Hunter, and then Hunter thinks the same when Mason doesn't mention it again. Remember I said they communicated? Yeah, well, maybe not so much to begin with! 😆

This was a fantastic addition to the series that also let me catch up with Roxie and Mel, plus Cal and Julian. Now, I just need to know what's going on with Kelly! A brilliant book that I have no hesitation in highly recommending!!!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 12, 2022
Before They are Hanged: The First Law: Book Two
Before They are Hanged: The First Law: Book Two
Joe Abercrombie | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
First of all, these were some of the longest books I’ve listened to in a while. I’ve been plugging away on these suckers for over a month. some of the tracks are an hour or longer. So if you like long books, it’s worth the time investment! this is a great series for a long road trip, a summer (winter) vacation, or to play in the background while you attack a major knitting project.

All three books have a part 1 and a part 2. Part 1 of the first book was spent introducing a huge variety of characters that didn’t seem to have anything to do with each other; in fact they didn’t even feel like they were living in the same world. I did put the story down and move away from it a few times, because there wasn’t much plot or connection between them. Even though it was interesting, funny, and well written, that first part seemed very disconnected.

I told myself I’d listen to one more track. So I did, and that one track was the one where everything started falling together. Not only were they in the same world, they would be going on the same adventure and working together to save the world from an evil king, a crazy wizard, and magical zombies.

I love a good war story.


Each story left off with a stunning finish that begged for more. Even the last one; though it was open enough that anything could happen, you’re pretty sure you know. All the loose ends are tied up: bad guys die, people get their revenge, the king gets married, the deserving are promoted, and the drunks get… less drunk than normal.

If you’re into action, adventure, fantasy, or bloody thrillers, this series will keep you busy for a good long time!

Content and Recommendation: Ages 18+. Some sex (I’ll tell you know it’s awkward not great, even worse when you’re listening to it, not reading it). Plenty of language. Lots of violence; war scenes, murder, and cutting off body parts. One of the main characters is a torturer, okay? This one isn’t for the faint of heart. And don’t listen to it while you’re eating.
The Night Visitors
The Night Visitors
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I just love Carol Goodman's books. She has eerie, creepy, Gothic writing down perfectly, and this book was certainly no exception. I was hooked from the beginning. This novel alternates between Mattie and Alice's perspectives. Mattie is older (fifties), living alone in her decrepit home, damaged by her past.

"When I told Anita that I didn't believe in God she'd pressed the medal into my hand and told me that I should just say a prayer to whatever I did believe in. So I say my prayers to Anita Esteban, who left her drunk, no-good husband, raised three children on her own, went back to school, and earned a law degree. She's what I believe in."

I took to her immediately. You know that there's definitely more to each woman's story than meets the eye, and it's fascinating to watch their stories unfold. Alice shows up with a story about running away from an abusive relationship. Oren, she claims, is all she cares about. Is that true? How much can we trust either of the women? What I loved was that the book had me guessing the entire time. It was incredibly captivating, and both women seemed so real.

As for Oren, he was great, too, and you immediately wanted to protect him. The novel definitely has some creepy and mysterious pieces to it. It's less about suspending disbelief than just engaging with the story--becoming a part of it. I certainly found myself spooked a few times. It's a compelling tale, which will keep you engaged, intrigued by the characters, and culminates is a really great twisty (and twisted) story. This one isn't necessarily for the faint of heart; there are some brutal moments here. But what I really loved is that while this can be a very dark story, it's also weirdly sweet, too. I was very touched in places--a true sign that I'd grown to love these characters.

Overall, another enjoyable book from Goodman. She has a way of sucking you into the landscape of her books--and suddenly you are engrossed by the story and its characters. This one was eerie, captivating, mysterious, and yet oddly heartwarming at times. 4+ stars.