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Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong
Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong
Angela Saini | 2017 | Gender Studies, Science & Mathematics
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A superior book debunking gender stereotypes in the scientific community
There are times when a book comes along that is perfectly timed for the zeitgeist and that is true of Angela Saini's Inferior - How Science Got Women Wrong. Most of the educational and scientific community would protest their absolute lack of gender bias - but the fact remains that the scientific establishment is still predominantly run by men even if in some disciplines there are more female students than male. And some scientists tell us that there is evidence to underline why this is the natural order, due to brain differences between males and females.

Saini systemically pulls this assertion apart, showing how many of the apparent brain differences - and even physical modification of the brain - can be the result of cultural influences. She highlights that although there maybe some differences, they are significantly smaller between male to female, and that each individual should be looked at on a case by case basis.

After a shocking opening demonstrating just how recently women's brains were genuinely considered inferior - Saini quotes Darwin in a letter making it clear that even as a leading evolutionist, he also believed this to be the situation - which is why it's hardly surprising research continues to be skewed.

We also see remarkable bias in the development of anthropological ideas pushing through to the evolutionary field, discussing how men had been seen as hunter gatherers - though this clearly isn't the case in many closed societies. She leading scientists who have studied women's roles in tribes across China, South America and Africa, who completely turn this theory on its head.

What she shows is that any interpretation can be possible if you have an agenda, whether consciously or unconsciously, hence research needs to be scrutinised analytically from every perspective. A fascinating and essential read.
BlacKkKlansman (2018)
BlacKkKlansman (2018)
2018 | Biography, Comedy, Crime
#blackkklansman is an incredible & #fun tribute to the #art of #blaxsploitation film making with a #powerful & very serious #message to tell. Although i found this movie extremely entertaining i left the #cinema feeling extremely #sad & #emotionally shook by it too. What #spikelee has made here is a film that feels very much like a commercial mainstream #comedy film but one thats injected with so much depth & real world drama/issues that its hard not to watch it like its an #educational trip back in time. It really has your #emotions running all over the place especially with its very current & real portrayals of #racism/hate & how it corrupts the weak minded/uneducated while also showing how hate inevitably leads to inhuman & diabolical acts of violence. Infact id say the release of #blackkklansman couldn't of come at a more important time especially with all the hate marches going on in the world & even in my hometown recently. Filmed in such a cool way with an amazing #soundtrack i felt instantly transported back in time & fully immersed from the get go. Lee also uses so many darkly lit, raw & intimate close ups & old filters it makes the viewer feel like we are really there beside the characters really getting to know each & every one of them too. Much like last years #detroit (which i actually prefer) the time period is very well recreated & the overall message here is also just as important & unavoidable too. While not being a film i could recommend to everyone (I think some people may miss the point or fail to see under the films accessible surface) but those who do see it will come away feeling not only entertained but extreamly moved.
#odeon #odeonlimitless #filmbuff #filmcritic #wednesdaywisdom #racist #klukluxklan #lovenothate #blacklivesmatter #empowerment #hate #love #adamdriver #johndavidwashington

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Captive in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

<i>Captive</i> is the debut young adult thriller by British author A. J. Grainger. Set in contemporary Britain, sixteen-year-old Robyn, the daughter of the Prime Minister, is kidnapped and held hostage by three animal rights activists. Until the government agrees to release the person accused of the attempted assassination of the PM four month previously, they refuse to free Robyn from captivity. It soon becomes clear that a lot of lies and cover-ups have been occurring and it is difficult to know whom to trust.

The novel gets off to a great start with a lot of action as Robyn and her family is ambushed on their way to visit grandparents. The first half of the book is really exciting as the reader slowly gets to grips with what is going on.

Grainger writes really well with great use of descriptive words and phrases. To keep the reader engaged and to lengthen the story she includes other interesting details that are educational in a way – for example, knowledge about birds.

Unfortunately the second half of the book is not as exciting as the first. A relationship starts developing between Robyn and one of the captors, which is rather unoriginal and predictable.

One thing that I particularly liked about this novel was Robyn’s character. Naturally people may expect daughters of prime ministers to be snobbish and spoilt but Robyn was the complete opposite. She did not care about where her clothes came from or whether or not she went to parties. Robyn was the representation of the average teenage girl preparing for her GCSEs.

Despite the clichéd captor/hostage situation <i>Captive</i> is a very enjoyable novel with a few exhilarating twists in the plot.
Dreamland Burning
Dreamland Burning
Jennifer Latham | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great Subject to Read on
I noticed a large trend in these kinds of books where it’s half in the present, and half in the past. It’s not a trend I particularly like as I adore historical fiction and mixing it with things happening in present day takes away the historical aspect, but I gave this book a chance. This one grabbed my attention because of the subject which interests me. I have not heard of the Tulsa Race Riot until I grabbed this book. It was an eye opener, and definitely something that can’t be ignored or forgotten.

The switch between Rowan and William is seamless and flows throughout the novel. Rowan attempts to figure out the mystery behind the skeleton while William’s story not only gives you the background information but also gives you the sense and the climate on how it was for African Americans back in those times. The historical aspects of the book is well written and gives you a good general idea.

At first, William doesn’t seem that all a likable character. As the plot progresses though, you change your mind as his behavior and outlook changes to something much more favorable. Rowan’s side of the story is interesting too. She’s been pretty much sheltered in a good, privileged life who is also suddenly awakened by recent events affecting herself and others around her. She’s a well written character as well, but I’d have to say I prefer reading William’s side of the story more as I found Rowan’s point of view dragged in a few areas of the story.

The plot overall is well done and interesting. The mystery and historical elements of the story also keeps the plot engaging and it’s a good educational read. Definitely something to read more into and a good subject to write about.