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Merissa (11935 KP) rated The Pig Wars in Books

Jan 18, 2022  
The Pig Wars
The Pig Wars
M.K. Theodoratus | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE PIG WARS is a standalone fantasy set in a world of Elves, Half-Elves, and Humans, although it does feel as though this is a follow-on or spin-off from a previous set of stories. Our main female, Renna, is a Half-Elf and a strong warrior who has hung up her sword after a long and heart-breaking battle. Gorsfeld is human and wants to rule the Marches, either by marrying Renna or taking over her lands. He's not bothered which. Renna has a dodgy leg from birth which is used as the reason she is still alone.

As the title suggests, the whole book is about the two of them fighting over pigs. Renna is supposed to be the smart, strong, and silent type, but she is not quiet in her mind. There is always a monologue going on, usually about how upset she is because someone is riding roughshod over her, even though she makes no attempt to stand up for herself (apart from in her mind.) Gorsfeld has his fair share of monologues too, so I guess that's fair. Renna's character didn't do much for me. In fact, most of them didn't. There is a lot going on and her friends leave a lot to be desired. Because of some of the rants and situations, it makes me question if I have missed another story in this world. I felt as though I had dropped into a world already established where intrigue and political gains had already been explained.

There were some grammatical errors in the story, not enough to disrupt the flow, but enough so you notice. There is a hint of romance at the end, leading you to believe there might be another book in the making. This was a different book that I did enjoy, but I'm not sure I will be continuing if another story does come out.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Novice (Summoner Book 1)
The Novice (Summoner Book 1)
Taran Matharu | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fletcher Wulf & Ignatius (2 more)
Dwarfs & Elves
Magic & Demons
War (2 more)
Race Issues
A new favorite...
Can I say this book took me by surprise? This has been on my TBR for a bit and was going to be an ebook purchase until I came across the paperback copy at B&N. What became a read out of interest with not much for expectations has become a new favorite for me.

Now, there are some issues I do have. It's well written. The characters are very well fleshed out to where we get to know them (though I kept having to turn to the back to refer to things because I got confused which was a bummer). I love and hate the fact how some parts were detailed and others were. However it is well paced in a way where even when I felt I didn't need anymore info I wasn't bored and put off. I was still able to read about and stay into the world written.

I liked how with Fletcher we have no clue was his past because he has no clue. It leaves it all open for so many possibilities as to how Fletcher is a Battlemage/Summoner without leading us to one idea where we can guess everything before it happens. Which is the best part because little surprise are peppered through as well as bits of what could be. Actually I enjoyed the idea of nobles get the better treatment while those who are lowborn have to struggle because it was referred to where those who have been taught all their life may have an understanding of the basic and seem ahead of those who are only learning now will have better control where they'll succeeded in other ways. I thought there would only be the orcs and humans. I had no clue about the elves and the dwarves so it was a great surprise.

All the conflict, possible looming of other wars, and all chaos possible overall it made for a good book. Fletcher is a brilliant character who has faults and is human as anyone else yet he makes up for it by being a decent human being and his quirky ideas. That's what makes this book great. I recommend to those who like fantasy books with magic heavily involved.
Onward (2020)
Onward (2020)
2020 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Fun...but..."lesser" PIxar
I am a big fan of the PIXAR films. I am a big fan of Chris Pratt and Tom Holland. I am a big fan of Fantasy films (wizards, elves, dwarves and so on...) So when I heard there was going to be a Pixar flick featuring the voice talents of Pratt and Holland about characters in a Fantasy world, I was excited to check it out.

I should have lowered my expectations.

Don't get me wrong, ONWARD is a good film. It is whimsical, fantastic and fun. It just could have been better.

Set in a time where Elves, Faeries, Unicorns and Wizards exist, but they exist as "regular" people, going to jobs, going to school, living their lives...ONWARD tells the tale of 2 brothers (Pratt and Holland) who go on a magical quest to bring back their dead father - at least for one night.

It's a fun romp, but it's not a REALLY fun romp. And that's the issue with this film. It is all lower case - where the film could have been UPPER CASE (if you know what I mean). Holland and Pratt are good together, they are not GREAT together (like Tom Hanks and Tim Allen in TOY STORY or Billy Crystal and John Goodman in MONSTER'S INC.). Julia Louis-Dreyfuss is off-beat as their mother, but she isn't over-the-top WACKY as the mother. Octavio Spencer is "octane" as a former mythical creature that aids the boys - but she's not HIGH-OCTANE.

You get the drift.

I lay the fault of this on Director Dam Scanlon who's other Pixar Directorial effort, MONSTER'S UNIVERSITY suffered from a similar malaise. It was fun...not AWESOME FUN. The pacing of the film doesn't really help as there is no strong push to the goal in this film. I caught myself stirring in my seat as the film progressed...never a good sign.

Don't get me wrong, it is still a good film - the kids will like it. I just have come to expect more from PIXAR. I put Pixar films on 2 levels - GREAT Pixar films (the TOY STORY films, UP, WALL-E) and LESSER Pixar films (MONSTER'S UNIVERSITY, CARS 2, BRAVE).

I would put ONWARD in the LESSER category.

Letter Grade: B (even a "lesser" Pixar film is still above average)

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)
The Dragon Prince - Season 1
The Dragon Prince - Season 1
2018 | Adventure, Animation, Fantasy
Voice acting (2 more)
Surprisingly good
I was bored and decided to watch an episode to see if it was any good. I was hooked. I don't like anime, I like well drawn animation and this has pretty decent art.
Each characters design is unique and matches their personality.
Fans of the Avatar animated series might like this. Its created by the same person, Aaron Ehasz and has voice actor Jack De Sena. Its a world of magic, elves and dragons. Magic that is similar to airbending skills in Avatar. I dont want to give too much away, but i can tell you theres lots of funny parts without being cheesy. Theres lots of action and cool looking fight scenes. Touching emotional and dramatic moments. Its really well written, epicly rich world building, interesting history and lore.
Theres also sort of a moral theme running throughout.. "for the greater good" So whether they are likeable or not, you can see the motivations behind each characters actions as the story progresses.
And the story is pretty awsome. Its so compelling, I had to binge watch the entire season! I cannot wait till season 2.
This Case Is Gonna Kill Me (Linnet Ellery, #1)
This Case Is Gonna Kill Me (Linnet Ellery, #1)
Phillipa Bornikova | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was an unexpected delight. Lawyers? Meh. Even lawyers with paranormal spice.

But Linnet Ellery is no ordinary lawyer, even for a young lawyer in a White Fang law firm. She has no end of backbone and smarts, not to mention luck - or should I say Luck? Because fortune swirls around her like nobody else, making her a nexus of events and a little too conspicuous for her very discreet employers.

That's not to say that she doesn't make her share of mistakes - that wouldn't be any fun, now would it? She survives and learns from them, then helps others avoid the same.

Living in a world of vampires, werewolves, and Alfar (elves) might be intimidating to most humans, especially when those beings (Powers) are essentially in charge. Linnet doesn't let them intimidate her. She uses her contacts and plays to her strengths, winning more and more significant battles every time she goes to bat.

Bornikova sets things up very nicely for a sequel, and I am personally hungry to read more. I strongly suggest this book to anyone who enjoys paranormals, urban fantasy, or simply good, humorous fiction with a dollop of suspense and a strong heroine.
Brannog, who has been declared king of the Earthwrought despite being human, is hunting down the spawn of the evil city of Xennidhum that he helped destroy when he discovers something troubling. There are songs under the earth, beguiling the Earthwrought. Both his enemy turned ally Simon Wargallow and the rod of power held by Orhung have been captured. Who are the Earthwise and what do they want?

This was my introduction into the work of Adrian Cole, and it certainly impressed me. Firstly the tone is very much what would be described now as 'grimdark' with Wargallow being a particularly fine antihero. Secondly this is resolutely non-Tolkien and avoids so many fantasy tropes that were prevalent at the time. No orcs or elves. Instead we have altogether more imaginative creations - Children of the Mound, Deliverers.

This does start slow - it after all is part way through the saga and the characters are already established - but gradually builds to some fantastic set pieces, and a rather well executed and low key ending, setting up the fourth and final part of the series perfectly.
Of Shadow and Elves ( Of Goblin Kings 2)
Emma Hamm | 2023
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
151 of 235
Of Shadows and Elves ( Of Goblin Kings 2)
By Emma Hamm

Freya couldn't have known she would destroy the entire faerie court by beating the Goblin King. All she wanted was her sister back, not to imprison the king. But with her sister refusing to return home, Freya is left trapped in her own mess. She has to fix what she broke or the faerie realm will get infinitely more dangerous.

Bring the Goblin King back. Save the people she harmed. And do her best to avoid the temptation of falling into the Goblin King's arms. Considering the Goblin King is locked away in a magical prison, at least one of her goals may be impossible to achieve...

...unless she's willing to go through hardships unnumbered.

I needed this it was all magic and fantasy with kings queens hero’s and villains plus a few goblin creatures thrown in. It followed on from book one seamlessly and was a fun read. Freya is a sweet hero who has to reach deep in this one to go against her own nature all for her goblin king.
The Wrath of Siren (The Truth Teller #2)
The Wrath of Siren (The Truth Teller #2)
Kurt Chambers | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Following her adventures in The Truth Teller where Charlotte discovered she could travel to another realm inhabited by elves and dwarves, she has settled back into her normal life and dismissed it all as a bad dream. That is until the elf Elderfield travels to our world to find her to warn her that it is too dangerous to return.

The evil druid Siren has unleashed his Troll army and is laying the other realm to waste leaving the elves and dwarves to make a last desperate stand. But what they really need is the Truth Teller, will she ignore the warnings and come to help?

This second book in the series carried on Chambers' tale to entice younger readers into reading fantasy stories. This installment is a little darker in tone, as might be expected as war sweeps across the land, but as usual there are touches of humour to lighten the tone. Charlotte's usage of neologisms and idioms to her bemused companions from the other world are always good ('It's doing my head in' and 'this is well creepy' for example). Plus we have the bonus of Elderfield seeing our world (and the chaos that ensues).

Siren makes a fairly convincing opponent, suitable nasty without becoming too pantomime. He's nasty work but not irrational, simply wanting to take over his world and if that involves a little death and destruction so much the better.

The tone is probably a shade darker than the first book, simply because there is a war rather than an individual journey and so a lot more people are threatened. But this is still firmly on the light side of fantasy with nothing particularly distressing.

My only negative point (and the only thing stopping this getting 5 stars) is that Siren's defeat is never really explained, it just happens. This is disappointing only from the point of view that it would perhaps have been nice to have a bit of closure. It has to be said that classic fantasy has its fair share of 'with one bound the heroes win against the odds' endings - look at The Lord of the Rings or The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. In the end the story is what matters, not what is in the end of the story and this is still a fantastic read.

Once again Chambers has set out to produce a modern day introduction to fantasy for young adult eyes and once again he has achieved this and in spades. Very much looking forward to the next book in the series.
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)
2014 | Action, Sci-Fi
7.4 (28 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It’s been thirteen years since Director Peter Jackson first took us to middle earth and showed movie

audiences that large scale fantasy could be done right on film with The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. And

now the final trek through middle earth is here with the third and final film in the Hobbit series.

Picking up at the climatic conclusion of 2013’s The Desolation of Smaug, The Battle of the Five Armies is

less about the journey and more about the war between the various armies of middles earth over the

massive riches in the mountain home they journeyed to reclaim. After the exciting beginning that serves

to tie up the previous film and sets to table for this one, we begin to see the brotherhood between the

dwarfs, a wizard, a few elves and a Hobbit that focuses on the bonds of friendship and loyalty. This

builds on itself as it leads to the climactic battle of the five armies. The battle is on the grand scale you

would come to expect from these middle earth films, only at times this battle seems to rely on a bit too

much CGI and thus almost plays out cartoonish. Granted, this is a fantasy world were Dwarfs, Elves and

Men are fighting Orcs so it is really not that hard to suspend disbelief in the first place. Thus the film is

entertaining in its own right as it wraps up one trilogy and bridges to another.

This bridge is what surprised me most. We received a bit more insight to some of the higher beings and

their understanding that villain in the Lord of the Rings trilogy is slowly returning to power. These

sequences are entertaining and great for fan service, but they seem to be handled a bit to simply as it

makes us wonder, if they knew this dark figure was alive, why did they wait so long (The Lord of the

Rings Trilogy) to do something about it. Still, it is nice to see the story wrapped up into one complete

adventure that viewer could connect all the way through.

In the end, those fans of the books and previous films will be pleased with the action, pace and way this

film wraps everything up. Other than the sequence of Bilbo’s interaction with Smaug in the last film, The

Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies is the best film in the Hobbit Series.

Merissa (11935 KP) rated The Wizard's Ward (Vale #1) in Books

Aug 1, 2022 (Updated Aug 2, 2023)  
The Wizard's Ward (Vale #1)
The Wizard's Ward (Vale #1)
Jules McAleese | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A twisted and intriguing story that will keep you turning the pages.
THE WIZARD'S WARD is the first book in the Vale series and we are introduced to a world divided - you have the mers, the elves, the mortals, and the witches. Only by combining these four races in equal measure, do you get a grey blood. Francis is such a unicorn, but she doesn't know it.

We start off with her life in the castle, as a ward to the wizard - in case the title didn't give it away! We learn of her friendship with X, the son of one of the military leaders, who disappears one day without saying goodbye. We learn of her role (sort of) in the castle, with those she likes and loves, and those she loathes. When Billington (the wizard) disappears, Francis is determined to find him and sets out, with X's help. Along the way, they meet friend and foe, but no one seems to be as they appear.

This is a twisted and intriguing story that will keep you turning the pages. Francis is a strong character who faces situations head-on, even if she knows she is at a disadvantage. She doesn't sit back and wait to be rescued. Instead, she forges bonds with others and does her best to help, no matter the circumstances.

X is a character that I thoroughly enjoyed. He is complex and dark, and I can't wait to see where he goes next. How he was, was NOT what I was expecting, so I loved that it caught me unawares.

I personally wish we had more details about the Rottentoes. I can see Ezrah and Cornelia, but Puck and Darwin seem to fade together. Cora is also a character with a lot of depth.

There are parts of this story that are full of world- and character-building, but there are other parts that almost seem skimmed over. I would have loved to have known more about the world itself, the elves' kingdom, and the geography.

As a debut book, I thought this was off to a brilliant start. The story is there and with great characters. I look forward to reading more by this author and continuing with this saga. Recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 26, 2022