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Dreams of Gods and Monsters (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #3)
Dreams of Gods and Monsters (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #3)
Laini Taylor | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.9 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I finished the third and final book in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series and I have to say, bravo! It really was such a good read, longer, which is more to my taste and such a lovely way to finish of such a good trilogy. Luckily for me I only read books 1 & 2 this year so unlike other readers the story was all still incredibly fresh in my mind. It picks up before the end of book 2 and explains some of the finer details to bring the story up to scratch. I won’t go into further details encase people haven’t read book 2 yet.

This is such a well-structured trilogy and you can see the authors develop as well as the characters, without it seeming to ‘after thought’ish, in this final edition to the series. I will say I was not overly keen on the edition of an unknown character as a narrator at this stage (which is surprising considering I read Game of Thrones). One of the only real dislikes I had was Eliza’s first few chapters I just couldn’t see how or why she fits into the grand scheme of things. Which she does in the end in such a brilliant way, I think a second reading at some point will allow a better appreciation of her chapters now.

Whilst I thoroughly loved and enjoyed this book I do have to say that towards the end it felt almost like and ‘opps we haven’t really said what’s going on with these characters or this area’. I think the book would have been perfect finished at around 94% the last 6% did feel a bit padded.

I would like to finish by adding that Zuzana is such a bright star of a character in a story that could get pulled down with seriousness. She is right there with such quick funny lines that at times I did laugh out loud. I could hear her sarcastic little voice and I loved getting to her chapters. I also wonder if at some point Laini Taylor may revisit this world as I can almost feel the rest of the story unfolding in my own head.
Dune 2 (2024)
Dune 2 (2024)
2024 | Sci-Fi
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Dennis Villeneuve averred Part 2 of a single book, part 1 viewed as a risk released in the middle of a COVID pandemic and with no guarantee there would ever be a part 2 (which was then further delayed by an actors strike), this very much benefits from having all the world (galaxy) building done in the previous installment.

This picks up almost exactly from the end of Part 1, with Paul Atreides and his mother Jessica having survived the Harkonnen attack on his family and now in the company of the Fremen of Arrakis.

So there's more time for intergalactic politicking and action sequences this time round - some of which are very impressive - as Paul and Jessica seek to assimilate into the Fremen culture and with Paul initially fighting against their belief he could be their Messiah (I kept thinking "he's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy") but also still seeking revenge in the Harkonnens and on the Emperor who precipitated/allowed the attack in the first place.

I also kept seeing where that *other* space opera got their inspiration for the Empire and the Rebellion from.
The Forgotten Kingdom (The Lost Queen Trilogy #2)
The Forgotten Kingdom (The Lost Queen Trilogy #2)
Signe Pike | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Better than book 1
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. The opinions are entirely my own, and any quotes are taken from the ARC and may be different in the final published copy.

The Forgotten Kingdom by Signe Pike is the 2nd novel in The Lost Queen Trilogy. To give a fair review, I read the first book, The Lost Queen.

This novel is told by 3 points of view, unlike the 1st novel, which had two. We continue to follow Langoureth and Lailoken and are introduced to Langoureth's daughter, Angharad.

The Forgotten Kingdom opens with Languoreth still locked in her chamber, awaiting news of her husband and son who have ridden to wage war with her brother, the love of her life, and the rest of the Dragon Warriors. While you could start reading the trilogy with this part, Pike beautifully sets up the world, allies, and enemies in book one. Reading it would give a clear understanding of the actions in book two.

Rarely does it happen, but I enjoyed this sequel more than book one. Pike's writing is detailed but not overly done. She built a vibrant world that is as magical as the characters within.

Unlike book one, the story could end after book 2, but with the introduction of Arthur to Merlin, who would want it to stop? Goodreads does not list a release date for book three.

This 200-word review was published on on 9/24/20.
Brom | 2012 | Horror
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A dark fairytale with occasional illustrations
Let's head into Christmas with something out of the ordinary, shall we? This was one heck of a dark fairytale, set in West Virginia, in a town where everyone knows everyone and the head of police is in cahoots with the local crime lord.

The story opens on Christmas Eve with Jesse Walker, failed husband and father, depressed, alone, and contemplating suicide, until he sees Santa Claus attacked and fleeing into the sky, leaving behind his magic sack. What he doesn't know is that Santa's attackers are mostly after the magic sack, and what he thinks is his salvation turns out to be what traps him into everything that follows.

And what follows is a thrillride! Jesse is roped into being one of Krampus' servants, along with his belsnickels, people Krampus has lent a portion of his magic to. The magic twists them into fur-covered monsters, but also grants them healing and near-immortality.

Between trying to rekindle the lost traditions of Yule and hunting down Santa Claus to end him for good, Jesse also struggles to save his wife and daughter from the possibly-murderous cop they're living with.

By the end of the book I wasn't sure who to cheer for, other than Jesse and one of the belsnickels, Isabel. But Krampus? He might be right, but is he good? I'm not sure. Similarly, except for his millennia-past misdeeds, Santa is good NOW. But I'm not sure he's right. In an ideal world, the two of them could come to some compromise and apologize to each other, but this is a dark fairytale, so of course that's not the case!

I enjoyed this book, even if there wasn't a lot of happiness in it. It definitely embodies the Appalachia Gothic idea.

You can find all my reviews at

ClareR (5632 KP) rated Gun Island in Books

May 21, 2021  
Gun Island
Gun Island
Amitav Ghosh | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gun Island is a beautifully written story about a rare book dealer Deen Datta, and how his trip to a small island in the Sunderbans sets in motion a series of events that affect him deeply, opening his eyes to the world around him - a world far beyond his own experience. His journey takes in history, folklore, magic, climate change and ecological disasters. We see how climate change has an effect not just on animals, but also on people - causing the refugee crisis and the consequent reaction of Europe - especially those countries who feel they’re most at risk of being overwhelmed by the flood of refugees.

Deen Datta certainly gets around on his journey. From New York where he lives, to the Sunderbans in India, then onto a California on fire and a more flooded than usual Venice. This could have been a book that preached about the perils of climate change, but it didn’t. It did lay the stark reality out for the reader, but this was just as much a part of the story as the relationships Deen has with the people he meets, and his friends. There is a real feeling that Deen doesn’t have a firm identity: he’s detached from his Bengali roots, and he doesn’t fit in to New York either. But I think he does feel a sense of belonging by the end of the book, with the help of his friends. Cinta, a Venetian, is an old friend, and someone who always seems to push him into doing what’s good for him. Then there are his Indian friends, Piya and Tipu who help him to learn new things about himself and the world he lives in.

I loved this book. It ticked a lot of boxes on my favourite themes list: the environment, India, history, folklore, the search for identity. It’s such a thought provoking, magical novel.
Reign of the Fallen
Reign of the Fallen
Sarah Glenn Marsh | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reign of the Fallen has a pretty interesting premise - there are a few different school of magic in this world, and our main character is a necromancer. (One of the side characters is a Beast Master, and another is a Healer. We also see Weather Mages.) Necromancers, far from being the mysterious evil mages we see in most fantasy, are revered and noble in this world; they bring souls back from the Deadlands, when they can, so they can continue "living" in the real world. "Living" is a loose term - they must make sure they are completely covered at all times - if a living person sees any of their flesh, they turn - immediately - into terrifying monsters that hunt and kill both the living and the Dead. And the more they kill, the more powerful they become. Thankfully, people are very, very careful, and so Shades are very rare! .....or they were. Now that someone has started to purposefully make them, shit's hitting the fan.

Odessa and her friends - three other Necromancers, a Healer, a Beast Master, and a Princess - set out to solve this mystery and take out the shades wreaking havoc on the kingdom. Entwined in that plot is the near-breaking of Odessa's spirit when one of her friends dies, and the recovery from that, as well as romances with people of both genders. Yay for bisexual representation! (One of her Necromancer friends is also in a homosexual relationship with the Healer, and it's all perfectly normal. I love seeing so many fantasy YA books these days not treating that as something special or other. Yay for culture changing! Maybe someday it won't even be so out-of-the-ordinary that I'll feel the need to point it out!)

The book had a few technical problems - a few scenes where I was confused how a character had gotten someplace when I thought they were somewhere else, some confusion in how a scene was described - but those could be overlooked with how wonderful the rest of the book was.

The plot was wrapped up very nicely by the end of the book, so I don't know if there will be a sequel or not, but I really enjoyed the world and would definitely read one if she writes it!

You can find all my reviews at