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The Loneliest Girl in the Universe
The Loneliest Girl in the Universe
Lauren James | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is not AT ALL what I expected. As others pointed out, the summary sounds like a Sci-fi romance. This is totally not what the book is.

But I loved it.

When her parents died, 11 year old Romy became the commander of The Infinity, a space shift with the mission to create a community of humans on Earth II. Flash forward 6 years, and she struggles to keep the ship afloat as the ONLY person on her ship. So when NASA says they're launching a new ship to catch up with her and keep her company. she's eager to meet its crew. Then she begins receiving emails from J, the lone crew member out of stasis on the other ship, The Eternity.

But something doesn't feel right and eventually, all sorts of crazzzzyyyy stuff happens that makes he wonder about J, Earth, and her future.....which seems further away than the planet she's never lived on.

There's so much that went on in this book, that I may have to read it again, but I liked how unique Romy is and how she handled the situations thrown at her. Breadcrumbs of the past are peppered throughout the story, making me unable to put it down until I knew what was going to happen.

Like Romy, I was on edge and waiting for the world to shatter.
And I didn't see the end coming.

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    Woodturning Magazine

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Siren Song (The Chameleon Effect #3)
Siren Song (The Chameleon Effect #3)
Alex Hayes | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Siren Song is the third book in The Chameleon Effect series, and although we still have Idris and Cadi, Rowan and Connell take the front. They were a matched pair but were separated, neither of them old enough to properly remember the other. When Cadi and Rowan end up going to LA to meet up with Idris, Rowan feels the pull of her crystal and searches for her other half. Unfortunately, due to circumstances in book two, Rowan suffers from PTSD which does have consequences for her.

This is the third book in the series, and definitely needs to be read as such. Trust me, it won't make much sense if you just start with this one. However, if you do read the first two, you will re-enter a world of Livrans, and lost children, soul mates and crystals.

It is perfectly paced, with plenty of build up and action. You stay with Idris and Cadi as their relationship progresses, and yet there is plenty of time for Rowan and Connell. An excellent story with a cast of characters that you will both like and loathe.

A brilliant addition to the series and definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Wake in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
Anna Hope | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

<i>Wake</i> is a historical, debut novel by the British author, Anna Hope. Set in 1920 the story spans itself over five days, from Sunday 7th November until Thursday 11th November – Armistice Day. It is a story about the aftermath of the First World War and how individuals deal with the loss of loved ones, as well as their relationships with those around them.

The novel tells the story of three different women. None of them know of each other, nor even meet during the course of the narrative. However, they are connected through relationships and acquaintances with other people. There is Hettie, a young woman who works as a dance instructress at the Hammersmith Palais. Her brother fought in and survived the war only to return shell shocked and unable to cope. Evelyn, just short of 30, lost someone dear to her. Her brother, however, survived but he is also greatly affected by what he has done. Finally, there is Ada, a mother of a soldier who died from his wounds. Unable to let go of tragedy she is slowly, unknowingly, pushing her husband away.

The title of the novel initially gives an indication of what the story may contain. The most common definition is about waking up – emerging from sleep. There is slightly less focus on this meaning, nevertheless, toward the end of the book Ada is, in a way, waking up out of the past and concentrating on the here and now. Wake is also the term for a ritual of the dead. The story takes place in the days leading up to Armistice Day, the day when the Unknown Warrior was brought to England and buried in London. The final meaning, and most important in terms of this novel’s content, is consequence or aftermath. Every character, not just the three women, is dealing with the repercussions of war.

Hope has conducted in-depth research with the result that <i>Wake</i> gives a powerful insight into the lives of Londoners at that difficult time. It shocks the reader by revealing the awfulness and pain – emotionally and physically – people went through. As well as war, the book heavily focuses on family and romantic relationships, and even encompasses a hint of mystery, not in the crime thriller sense, but enough to keep the reader engaged and eager to discover the truth.

Admittedly, the beginning did not appear to have a clear plot line, but once the secrets and revelations begin cropping up, the book takes off and becomes an enjoyable read.
Empress of All Seasons
Empress of All Seasons
Emiko Jean | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (2 more)
Japanese mythology
Old, tired tropes (0 more)
I am so torn on this book. I'm really tired of the trope of "batch of girls competing to win a dude" that seems to be so popular lately. But this is an Asian take on the trope, so I don't want to come down too hard on it for that. I attended a panel at the last Baltimore Book Festival about old tropes being resurrected by minority authors, and I agree that just because a trope might seem old and played out, putting a new spin on it with minority characters and themes deserves its own time. That is definitely valid. But they were talking about tropes like vampires and zombies and retold classics like Pride and Prejudice and Alice in Wonderland. I'm not sure the trope of "girls competing to win a dude" deserves more time in any form. (To be fair, I kind of equally hate guys competing to win the hand of the princess. No one should be obligated to marry someone just because they won an arbitrary competition. There are all kinds of consent issues there.)

Despite that, I really enjoyed this book. I loved the characters, the variety of yõkai, the bits of myth interspersed throughout the book. I do question Akira being trained to be a master of shuriken in a matter of days - like, really? And I wish instead of summarizing a ton in the epilogue, she'd just written a sequel, because I think there's enough material to do it. You'd think, with so much I didn't like about the book, that my overall opinion would be negative - but it's not. Even with all of those bad points, this book was enthralling and kept me reading right to the end.

Empress of all Seasons is a great Japanese-inspired fantasy that relies a little too much on old tropes. Set your inner critic to the side and just enjoy the ride, because the story is fantastic.

You can find all my reviews at

ArecRain (8 KP) rated Maid to Match in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
Maid to Match
Maid to Match
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was so completely enchanted by this novel that I was sad when I finished. In fact, I didn't even know that I was close to the end until I turned the page and there wasn't any more text. When I requested this novel from Goodread's book swap, I didn't expect to love it so much. I'm not a fan of Christian novels, but I didn't even know that it was such until I looked up more about the author. There were numerous references to the Christian god, and the character's relying on him for strength and guidance. However, the story was more about the characters and their relationships rather than their god.

I immediately fell in love with the characters. Tillie was so simple in her ambitions that I couldn't help but envy her. All she wanted in the entire world was to be a lady's maid and help those less fortunate than her. Then there is Mack, whose only concern is getting his sister out of a horrible orphanage and returning to his home in the mountains. Both Mack and Tillie have their own agendas and they don't plan on letting anything ruin those plans. In fact, in the beginning when Tillie discovers she is up to lady's maid, she tells her own brother that not even someone in love with her is going to stop her from attaining the position.

Things don't exactly happen that way. Through determination and some sacrifice both end up getting what they wish, but by then, they aren't sure it is what they really want.

Gist delighted me in so many ways. The characters were simple in their aspirations yet had such much....well character. The world as we know it wasn't threaten by anything more than man's selfishness. The heroine wasn't some great hero who had amazing powers or was the only one who could save the world. I loved Gist's style. She really knew how to say something so perfectly to give it a certain feel or to come across a certain way.

I was surprised I loved this book as much as I did, but it was a treasure I couldn't believe I found. An instant favorite.
Second Verse
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I first saw this book on Goodreads, and I knew I had to have it when I read the word "haunted" in the book synopsis. I'm so happy I had a chance to read this book because it was awesome!

I think the blurb is fantastically written! It definitely made me want to read the book, and I like how it doesn't even mention the tiniest spoiler which I love.

I'm not a big fan of the title simply because it make me think of a book about someone's struggle with music. It doesn't really give off the whole ghostly mystery book vibe.

I also don't really care for the cover simply because based on just the cover, it never made me want to pick up the book to read it. I would've liked to have had a creepier looking cover for this book even if the cover photo is, what I think, supposed to be the picture Lange drew.

I did enjoy the world building very much. I felt that the world of Second Verse definitely had solid building. I was experiencing everything that Lange was, or at least, it felt that way. As for the setting, I was a bit confused at the very beginning about the type of school they were in. It was mentioned they had a creative period and there was talk about music, but it never really talked about them being in a music school. Perhaps it was implied, and I just couldn't work it out at the beginning or maybe I just read about it and forgot.

The pacing was only slow for about the first 5 or so pages. After that, the pacing picks up and holds your attention for the rest of the book only letting you go once the book comes to an end. I was super enthralled throughout the entire book (with the exception of the first few pages).

I really enjoyed the plot! There is a major element in this plot that I won't talk about due to spoilers, but it wasn't mentioned in the book's blurb. I would've never guessed it was a book on that theme. Trust me, I'd elaborate if I could, but I don't want to spoil it for those that may wish to read this book. There is a plot twist that I never saw coming, and the ending was just wow! I will say that the ending does leave this book open for a sequel.

The characters felt very real. I enjoyed the character of Lange. It was interesting to see how she reacted to everything around her. I felt as if I probably would've made the same choices if I was in her shoes. Vaughn is also a likable character, and I loved how he was always trying to make Lange feel safe. They were such a cute couple! Even though Ginny wasn't an actual character, it was still interesting to read about her and her love for her beau.

The dialogue flowed very smoothly, and the character interactions felt real. The language used works for this book and its genre.

Overall, Second Verse is a fantastic read that incorporates a bit of mystery, paranormal, and romance. It definitely held my attention, and I was sad when I had come to the end of the book because I didn't want it to end.

I'd recommend this book to those aged 14+ who enjoy paranormal, mystery, and romance books and those who love great plot twists.

<b>I'd give Second Verse by Jennifer Walkup a 4.5 out of 5.</b>

(I received a free paperback copy of this book from the tour host in exchange for a fair and honest review).