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The Phantom Forest
Liz Kerin | 2019
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>The author/publisher provided a free copy of the book for review purposes - thank you! Receiving a review copy does not guarantee a positive review and therefore do not affect the opinion or content of the review.</i></b>

So when I sat down to write my review for <em>The Phantom Forest</em>, all I wanted to write is this:
  <li>Protect this character</li>
  <li>Seriously, protect this character</li>
  <li>Take them away from Liz Kerin; it's the only way to protect them</li>
But uh, that doesn't work as a review (maybe one day). Anyways.

<em style="background-color: initial; font-size: 24px; letter-spacing: 1px;"><strong>The Phantom</strong></em><strong style="background-color: initial; font-size: 24px; letter-spacing: 1px;"><em> Forest</em> is haunting.</strong>
Kerin's debut is <em>creepy</em>, everyone. The world here is atmospheric and brings a chill or two, even when the story isn't in the Underworld. In a world ruled by the Coalition where one practicing their belief in gods or superstition results in death, General Simeon overlooks a village with tight control. He keeps the people under his authority by taking a religious ritual where only criminals are sacrifices to one where anyone can be chosen.

I wanted General Simeon to choke on sharp pineapples while reading.

Since her father died, Seycia lives in hiding with her younger brother Miko in the village. It's not long before General Simeon makes her a target and she becomes the next village sacrifice, sending her to the Underworld where she joins forces with Haben.

<h2><strong>Interesting Characters Arcs</strong></h2>
I find myself most invested in Haben's story and wanted to keep reading to find out what happens to Seycia and him as they journey across the Underworld. While <em>The Phantom Forest</em> has a multitude of POVs, most are from Seycia, Haben and Miko.

The story seems to focus on one character with the others sitting in the backseat, undergoing the most development. However, I do feel this is only the beginning, and there is more to come for both Seycia and Miko. Their story seems to stand in the back of the room, but they'll likely develop in future books. I want to see what Kerin has in store even if I only want to protect Haben.

<h2><strong>There are slow moments in <em>The Phantom Forest</em></strong></h2>
Kerin builds a world and plot that captures my attention from early in the novel. However, there are moments where I felt the scenes were maybe irrelevant and unnecessary. While it was a rough patch to go through, it was well worth it. I wanted to see to the end of the story, and I had a lot of questions that won my curiosity. By the end of <em>The Phantom Forest</em>, I still have plenty of questions, but I'm sure there will be answers eventually.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
This book is a genteel 'Regency' style book with a dash of magic - imagine Pride & Prejudice with glamour. Imagine a world where as well as improving her sewing, painting and pianoforte, a young lady had to opportunity to decorate and embellish, with the help of glamours. Unfortunately, due to the times, this is only allowed in home (where it is encouraged) but never, for a lady, can it become anything else.

This is a world where ladies are still set to 'marry well', come out in Society and become spinsters if they are not married within a seemly time. Jane is roughly the age where she can be a chaperone, rather than being chaperoned, and she is quite content with this although she does have her eye set on someone. Unfortunately he seems rather more attracted to her sister, the beautiful Melody. However, as we all know, although the surface may be calm in these books, the passion runs deep. Before she knows it, Jane is at the heart of secrets and trying to do her best by everyone.

I thought this book was very well written, which characters that you can associate with. You are left guessing right until the end as to how this will work out for everyone. Mary Robinette Kowal has done a wonderful job of keeping the story moving along but still giving you time to adjust to the period in which it is set. A lovely light read perfect for any historical fiction fans out there.
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019)
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019)
2019 | Animation
The heating in the screen for this was broken so I was sitting with my scarf wrapped up tight around my face... which came in very handy to soak up all the tears at that ending.

I can't tell you the last time I watched the original two movies, what I can tell you is that Toothless is a comedic genius and should probably just be allowed in every animated film... live action ones too... I might have to start a campaign for that.

This review has the potential to be a massive contradiction. I loved it, I'd totally see it again, but it isn't great for a couple of reasons. We've got a very bland bad guy who should be menacing but manages to stop somewhere at forgettable, then to top it off the storyline isn't great. I've seen a couple of people on Letterboxd refer to it as Thor: Ragnarok... and they're basically right.

Those things aside though it's still a funny and entertaining film. The animation is beautiful and the different landscapes they had to create came together as one world really well. Everything is also accompanied by a wonderful score, when they first come across the hidden world it's particularly dramatic.

When you look at the characters beyond our villain nothing has really changed. Ruffnut was very amusing and one of her scenes had me laughing and realising I have friends just like her. Everyone else was just there... I can't say any of them did anything you wouldn't have expected them to. The only thing that I did find amusing was Hiccup getting the Captain America treatment at the end of the film.

The dragons are by far the most amusing part of the whole film and Toothless practicing his dance with his shadow was super cute. I personally would have been happy just to have a whole movie of dragon "behind the scenes" pieces or one that focused on everything from the dragons' point of view. Something that was a little more goofing off than trying to be an actual story.

Hidden World has lots of flaws but that doesn't stop it from being a lighthearted and amusing movie. I'm going to miss Toothless, I might have to hit Netflix and binge the series they have on there to get my fill.

What you should do

It's a great family film, definitely see it. It doesn't tax the brain and it'll leave you feeling entertained.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

If I could have a little panda dragon that would be wonderful. They don't get too big, right?
Secrets of a Fangirl
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
Hello, my name is Sophia, and I am a fangirl of many forms. A book with the word "fangirl" on it? YES PLEASE. You know you have my attention.

<h2><em><strong>Secrets of a Fangirl </strong></em><strong>is a book about a fangirl.</strong></h2>
AKA ME! And you, because you've got to be obsessed with something here. Maybe it's over a book or a show or even a movie.

(Are there secrets? Yes, but not deep, dark secrets.)

But namely, <em>Secrets of a Fangirl</em> is about Sarah Anne and her obsession with the MK Nightshade fandom, something she's been a fan of since she first discovered it. While her best friend Roxy has grown out of the series, Sarah Anne remains a fan secretly. She keeps her identity under wraps with a set of rules and continues to do so as she wins a place on a panel for a contest. But during the panel, she finds out her competition disregards her completely, and she wants to prove them wrong by winning the next part of the contest.

<h3><strong>Sarah Anne's parents are with her and I am all for it.</strong></h3>
I love how Sarah Anne's parents are with her the entire time. They show their support and they help her navigate the digital world as she makes her way through the contest. It's something that's important in a world of media, and I'm happy Dionne includes this in the novel.

<h2><strong>Dionne's latest novel is full of moods.</strong></h2>
I opened <em>Secrets of a Fangirl</em> and got swallowed up by the book (maybe it's the other way around). Dionne creates a protagonist all of us can relate to in some way. Throughout the book, Sarah Anne struggles with who she is and who she wants to be: does she embrace her inner nerd or continue stifling it? How can she continue to be who she is while not hiding a vital part of herself?

<em><strong>Secrets of a Fangirl</strong></em><strong> is a fun and quick read from Erin Dionne, with a protagonist that I cheered from the beginning of the novel to the end.</strong>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
    Yarn - Chat Fiction

    Yarn - Chat Fiction

    Book and Entertainment

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    Yarn - Text Stories Ever wanted to snoop through people’s conversations and not feel guilty for...

I think I'm reading books too fast for the following reasons:

~ It was spring break. I probably got cabin fever. 101°F most likely
~ It was short, compared to a lot of other books I typically really, which are usually 350+
~ It really was action-packed and suspenseful

The last part is a fact, and to my embarrassment, I didn't realize April Henry was the exact same author who wrote Girl, Stolen which I actually loved (I forgot if it was Book Battle, Truman Readers Award Nominee, or both). Or maybe I just forgot who the author was. Whoops.

The Body in the Woods follows multiple perspectives – Alexis, Nick, Ruby, and why yes, the murderer on the occasional basis of creepiness. e_e *ominous music* Alexis' is someone who doesn't let others become close to her (sounds like me) and has a delusional mother who hates her medication, Nick had no father figure for most of his life and tries getting attention just to fit in, and Ruby has interests no one else seems to understand. But while all of that is true, there seems to be one thing in common between the three: they're odd and simply want to fit in with the world.

All three are part of Portland's Search and Rescue, which is actually mainly made up of teen volunteers who search for missing people. While on the search for a missing man in Forest Park – no, not the one in Missouri where the Muny is at – they end up finding a girl... dead.

The multiple POVs actually had a handy advantage: it pretty much kept me at the edge of my seat. A chapter ends at a suspenseful part, I turn the page in hopes of finding out what happens and I end up with a different person entirely. Unfortunately though... there were these random POVs from other people that just seem to pop out of nowhere and proved to be a bit of a distraction from the main 4.

Well written and page turning, The Body in the Woods reminded me of CSI from a witnesses' and murderer's point of view instead of law enforcement. Not bad for April Henry's latest novel, even if I only read one other book. It'll be great for mystery peeps though!
ARC copy provided by publisher
Original review posted on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
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