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    Archer Cat is back!
 The Cat Kingdom suffering from the evil curse placed by a Witch. There just...

Superman: Action Comics, Vol. 1: Invisible Mafia
Superman: Action Comics, Vol. 1: Invisible Mafia
Brian Michael Bendis | 2019 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Crime, Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, I am still plowing through the Bendis SUPERMAN stuff, as I took full advantage of the Superman sale that Comixology is running until this Monday (6/22) Hella good deals, bringing me on board for all the Bendis goodness! Yup, I said "Bendis goodness"! This guy seems to be just what DC neeeded! He really truly cares about the character, bringing a sense of heroism back to him, making him truly stand for Truth, Justice, and the American Way (not "Trump AmeriKKKa" either!)!

There's a lot of set-up/world building going on, with a lot set-up for much that is to come during Bendis' run with the Big 'S'. There's some fun, much appreciated typical Jimmy Olsen dialogue. There's some introduction of new "big bad" in Metropolis. And, best of all, Clark Kent is Clark Kent, Superman is Superman, and his beloved Lois Lane is back! Yup, sounds like a heck of a good start for the new run!

Bendis is given some tip-top talent to work with on ACTION COMICS! It starts out with Patrick Gleason, then Yanick Paquette, and finishes it out with Ryan Sook. All three artists compliment each other's style, offering a flawless transition all the way through to the end. Solid work, lads!

It is a good read, one that leaves the wheels a'turnin' in yer mind, as it offers much potential in the next arc, "Leviathan Rising", which sets up the next big Event! Read it, fellow Superman fans, as you will not be disappointed in any way!

Merissa (11869 KP) rated The Seven Spires in Books

Feb 3, 2021 (Updated Aug 7, 2023)  
The Seven Spires
The Seven Spires
Russell Archey | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE SEVEN SPIRES is a high fantasy novel where you only learn the characters' names right at the end. Until that point, they are all known as the Warrior, the Knight, the Blue Prince, the Maiden, you get the idea. The world has seven kingdoms, each kingdom having a spire. The Maiden meets first with the Knight, followed by the Blue Prince, but then goes home. That would be okay except she is followed by a dragon-child who wants what she has, although she has no idea what that is. And so the story begins...

This was a well-written fantasy that travels the length and breadth of the kingdom, giving the reader glimpses into each kingdom. The plot becomes intricate once you find out there is a dragon-child for each kingdom, and some are 'good', and some are 'bad'. The characters were a bit two-dimensional, to begin with, but fleshed out as their adventures continued. The pacing is smooth as it leads to the ultimate climax, with a satisfying epilogue to let us know how the characters get on once the book ends.

If you are a fan of high fantasy, then I have no hesitation in recommending this novel to you.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 3, 2021
Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of Ashardalon Board Game
Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of Ashardalon Board Game
2011 | Adventure, Exploration, Fantasy, Miniatures
Can be expanded with other games in this series. (3 more)
Is set in the world of D&D
Can be played as 1 player
Easy to learn
Not much depth to the game itself (3 more)
No real character progression
Badly moulded miniatures
1 Player mode is very tedious
Good but not great.
This is the first "standalone" tabletop game I have bought from Wizards of The Coast.

I am a D&D fan, so was quite looking forward to playing this, the packaging and content of the game really caught my attention when the game arrived, I was definitely very excited to start playing.

I read through the rules fairly quickly and set the game up ready to play, the first run through was OK although I messed up the rules a little and felt it would be better to start again, after a quick re-read I was ready to go again. Just bare in mind, the rules are easy, but there are a few things you end up forgetting, so it is handy to read them through a couple of times and have them handy when playing.

I carried on through the game a little longer and soon realised it was quite a tedious process, as I was playing on my own and not with others the game needed to keep me entertained, and it really didn't do that.. I was actually starting to wish it would end (I am someone who has to finish a game and can't stop half way through) and when I finally died, I was actually quite relieved.

I ended up putting it away and not coming back to it for a while.. until one day when a couple of friends were over and we weren't in the mood for a really intense style game, I decided to pull it out and see how it played with others. It was certainly a much different experience, it seemed to flow better and just having the others there to have a bit of fun with definitely made the game much more enjoyable.

I would say it is worth buying the game to play with your friends but as a solo game, I really wouldn't bother.
The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire
The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire
2016 | Civilization, Dice Game, Economic, Environmental, Business / Industrial
Excellent Work Placement Game
The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire- is a excellent work placement game. I love work placement games and this one is one of them. Lets talk more about the game.

Players sit in the roles of countries trying to develop industry and energy production over a period of time roughly from the end of World War II to the present day. Throughout the game, players will construct buildings, power plants as dice, and manage the pollution in their environment with the aim of scoring the most points.

To begin play, the main board for Energy Empire is seeded with starting Building cards. These are divided into three different sectors: Government spaces, Industry spaces, and Commerce spaces. A set of pollution tokens, depending on the number of players, is also stacked on a track as the game timer.

Once the game begins, it flows continuously without rounds. Each player chooses, on their turn, to take a Work Turn or a Generate Turn.

Work Turn- During this type of turn, players must place a single worker on the main board on one of the spaces which represent activities and resources to collect. For example, this may be gaining science, steel, or purchasing oil. Afterwards, depending on which sector the player placed their worker, they can activate any previously purchased buildings, assuming they have enough workers and/or energy. Players can also activate their nation card and move up on the United Nations track, which is a pure competition for end game points. Energy is also used if a player wishes to place a worker on a space occupied by another worker. The player must place additional energy under the worker until their placement stack is larger than any other already placed.

Generate Turn: This type of turn represents the player resetting their work potential for a new set of placing workers. They do this by first potentially collecting an achievement which represents end game points for a variety of goals. They then recall any workers to their Player Mat and discard all Energy tokens. Players can also spend any oil resources to gain oil power plant dice. Finally the player rolls any or all power plant dice they have. This might include Solar/Wind (green dice), Hydro Power (blue dice, limited to one per player), Coal (black dice), and Nuclear (yellow dice). The resulting number of lightning bolts on the dice are delivered as energy tokens to the player. If a clean energy source rolled the highest cardinal number, the player does not collect pollution. If coal, oil, or nuclear dice resulted in the highest number, then the player places a single pollution token into their environment. Players continue this process one after another until a predesignated number of pollution tokens are removed from the game. Players get one final turn and then points are tallied. Players receive points for keeping their player mat free of pollution, building power plants, the United Nations track, and various points for each building constructed.

The most engaging part of the game and the main reason to seek it out, comes from the theme of global power intrigue. The building cards show off the exceptional art in the game.

Manhattan Project: Energy Empire Cards
The global impact cards for the first half of the game are green with a milder impact. Once they go red, prepare for some serious negative events. On top of this theme, the actions associated with everything in the game fit just right. The concept in game actions connect directly to the theme concept. In addition, the country actions to move up on the United Nations track also represent the tone and success formulas for those countries. The mechanism for rolling dice to gain energy and how much pollution is delivered feels just perfect given the competing goals of clean environments and high energy production.

The worker placement mechanism itself (largest stack among existing workers) is not new, but it is just the right mechanism to promote the overall feeling of energy competition. Choosing the space on which to place a worker is highly engaging and the choices tense to maximize efficiency. It is easy to connect with both strategy and tactics in this game.

Even with this engagement, it is also easy to see optimal routes for gaining points assuming opponents follow their strategies. It’s not “easy”, but it is possible to not even worry about opponents blocking a particular path to victory with low numbers of players.

Its a excellent work placement game. One i highly recordmend getting and play.
The Best Horror of the Year Volume 1
The Best Horror of the Year Volume 1
Ellen Datlow | 2009 | Crime, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
56 of 250
The Best Horror of the Year Volume 1
Edited by Ellen Datlow

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments!

I will post in comments a short comment on each story!

An Air Force Loadmaster is menaced by strange sounds within his cargo; a man is asked to track down a childhood friend... who died years earlier; doomed pioneers forge a path westward as a young mother discovers her true nature; an alcoholic strikes a dangerous bargain with a gregarious stranger; urban explorers delve into a ruined book depository, finding more than they anticipated; residents of a rural Wisconsin town defend against a legendary monster; a woman wracked by survivor's guilt is haunted by the ghosts of a tragic crash; a detective strives to solve the mystery of a dismembered girl; an orphan returns to a wicked witch's candy house; a group of smugglers find themselves buried to the necks in sand; an unanticipated guest brings doom to a high-class party; a teacher attempts to lead his students to safety as the world comes to an end around them...

What frightens us, what unnerves us? What causes that delicious shiver of fear to travel the lengths of our spines? It seems the answer changes every year. Every year the bar is raised; the screw is tightened. Ellen Datlow knows what scares us; the twenty-one stories and poems included in this anthology were chosen from magazines, webzines, anthologies, literary journals, and single author collections to represent the best horror of the year.

Legendary editor Ellen Datlow (Poe: New Tales Inspired by Edgar Allan Poe), winner of multiple Hugo, Bram Stoker, and World Fantasy awards, joins Night Shade Books in presenting The Best Horror of the Year, Volume One.

1. Cargo by E.Michael Lewis
So chilling and so sad! This is short I dedication to the families of those children in Jonestown and the men and women who brought the bodies home.

2. If Angels Fight by Richard Bowes
This is about a man searching for his friend who was possessed by an Angel. On this journey you see and find out that this Angel left his friend and left a trail behind him to follow. His family never gave up he managed to find his friend and Angel Michael and return him to his home one last time. Only question was did he bring him home to find his sister to posses or to say goodbye to his mother?.

3. The Clay Party by Steve Duffy
A group of settlers embark on a journey for a new life in California in 1846, the journey does not go as expected. I was a bit bored at the beginning but certainly had a twist at the end.

4. Penguins of the Apocalypse by William Browning Spencer
This is brilliant! A man fighting his personal battles with alcohol! Now is the pulka and penguin freedom movement real or a fragment of his imagination while under the influence? Either way it was entertaining!

5. Esmeralda by Glen Hirshberg
This is a very strange little story involving the end of all books,pens and paper! Very odd!

6. The Hodog by Trent Hergenrader
A good old fashioned urban legend!

7. Very Low Flying Aircraft by Nicholas Royle
Not one for me didnt really grip me.

8. When the Gentlemen Go By. By Margaret Ronald
This was a bit chilling and I would love to have read more about these “Gentlemen” who come at night to make bargains!

9. The Lagerstatte by Laird Barron
Grief does strange things to our minds and body! This was quite chilling.

10. Harry and the Monkey by Euan Harvey

This really plays on every fear a parent has when their kids go missing especially in a place and time where children are vanishing!

11 Dress Circle by Miranda Siemeinowicz

12. The Rising River. By Daniel Kaysen
This was strange and after reading it I’m still not sure what’s happening 😂😂

13 Loup-Garou by R.B. Russell
I enjoyed this strange litte story set in my hometown of Birmingham. A little french film causes a little drama in this mans life.

14. Girl in pieces by Graham Edwards
This was my favourite! So far fetched into a world of monsters a detective helps a Golum save a girl cut to pieces! So much fun

15 It washed up by Joe R. Lonsdale
Wow how to pack a punch in 2 pages! Loved it!

16 The Man from the Peak by Adam Golaski
Brilliant short full of mystery blood and gore! Very well written.

17. The Narrows by Simon Bestwick
This actually chilled me I’d hate sending my child to school and have something like this happen which of course is totally possible.

I loved this book of small tales and discovering those writers I wouldn’t normally be exposed too!