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The Evening and the Morning
From the bestselling author Ken Follett, The Evening and the Morning is a historical epic that ends...

Shaun Collins (3 KP) rated Doctor Who: Orbis (The New Eighth Doctor Adventures) in Books
Jan 12, 2018
While not as epic as the previous 2 parts, this "coda" does a nice job of hitting the reset button for the 8th Doctor (who apparently, is the amnesia king having had it The Movie, several of the books, Big Finish's divergent universe AND again here).
Sure, the jelly fish and the mollusks are a bit silly and nearly panto, but it makes for a nice change of pace from the heaviness of Morbius before it. But it's the tragic ending that sells this for me. The idea that the Doctor screws up...
For our full review see
Sure, the jelly fish and the mollusks are a bit silly and nearly panto, but it makes for a nice change of pace from the heaviness of Morbius before it. But it's the tragic ending that sells this for me. The idea that the Doctor screws up...
For our full review see

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Dunkirk (2017) in Movies
Jul 24, 2017
Cast (4 more)
Sound Design
Narrative structure
A return to form
I personally didn't love Nolan's last two efforts, (Interstellar and The Dark Rises,) but this is a return to form. This isn't Nolan telling an overly ambitious story about interdimensional space travel or a billionaire crime fighter, this is a story that actually happened. Although it feels epic in scope, this movie takes place in one location and it benefits from it. We get to see personal dramas and intimate conflicts and we feel like we are right there alongside the men on that beach. Also the sound design is utterly incredible.

Sadie Brown (3 KP) rated Thor: Ragnarok (2017) in Movies
May 4, 2018
Thor Ragnarok
Out of all the Thor movies released to date, Ragnarok is my favorite. Before Thor just was either simply annoying to me or wasnt able to hold my attention. Ragnarok begins fleshing out of his character. He may be a god, but his flaws and foibles make him more realistic and relatable. We get to see his struggles. We get to see facets of his sense of humor. Oh, and he makes fight scenes EPIC.

Mariafrancesca (30 KP) rated Illuminae: The Illuminae Files: Book 1 in Books
Mar 30, 2019
Unique narrative style (1 more)
Human-AI relationship
This book is ****ing epic!
The unique format and the eventful plot are just part of the reasons that make Illuminae an incredible reading.
The struggle of the cold logic of an AI that tries to stay true to its core programming but still finds itself evolving, trying to grasp human nature, even feeling emotions that it cannot completely understand (envy, rage, love, fear) reaches peaks that have something of the lyric typical of literary fiction shelf.
And this is just one of the plot line!
I can't wait to find out what's next.
The unique format and the eventful plot are just part of the reasons that make Illuminae an incredible reading.
The struggle of the cold logic of an AI that tries to stay true to its core programming but still finds itself evolving, trying to grasp human nature, even feeling emotions that it cannot completely understand (envy, rage, love, fear) reaches peaks that have something of the lyric typical of literary fiction shelf.
And this is just one of the plot line!
I can't wait to find out what's next.
This is what I would call an epic adventure through different worlds. Starting from page 1 you are thrown in, quite confused, into a new world. In this new world pretty much anything you believe or can dream up can show up. Step in a teenager who doesn't believe in magic and a little girl who believes with her whole heart and you have a book.
I enjoyed the world building and the fact that this was not like any book I had read before. The fantasy and characters were unique but there were a lot of them to keep track of.
I enjoyed the world building and the fact that this was not like any book I had read before. The fantasy and characters were unique but there were a lot of them to keep track of.

tommylank (31 KP) rated Ready Player One (2018) in Movies
May 19, 2019
Action (2 more)
Amazing nod to my childhood
Wow, simple as that!
Was so excited for this film and can safely say it didn't disappoint me. The storyline is brilliant and well thought out. The characters are likeable without being irritating. The most amazing part for me was watching the film over and over looking out for all the hidden characters from my childhood.
The icing on the cake was the epic battle with the Iron Giant, Mecha Godzilla and Gundam Wing!!!!!!!
Must watch for anyone born in 80s or 90s who loves games and fantasy.
Was so excited for this film and can safely say it didn't disappoint me. The storyline is brilliant and well thought out. The characters are likeable without being irritating. The most amazing part for me was watching the film over and over looking out for all the hidden characters from my childhood.
The icing on the cake was the epic battle with the Iron Giant, Mecha Godzilla and Gundam Wing!!!!!!!
Must watch for anyone born in 80s or 90s who loves games and fantasy.

Donnyboy (6 KP) rated Avengers: Endgame (2019) in Movies
May 26, 2019
Acting (1 more)
A superhero film worthy of an oscar
Epic. It's the best word to describe this movie.
Nice ideas, good use of characters and some great set pieces.
After speculation of how this would pan out for months, the writers and directors have handled this extremely well.
For the first time a movie made me laugh, fill up and cheer out loud ( in public)
A great end to a 22 movie run.
It just shows DC how it should have been done with Justice League, slow build introduce all the parts and then the team ups.
Amazing....absolutely love it
Nice ideas, good use of characters and some great set pieces.
After speculation of how this would pan out for months, the writers and directors have handled this extremely well.
For the first time a movie made me laugh, fill up and cheer out loud ( in public)
A great end to a 22 movie run.
It just shows DC how it should have been done with Justice League, slow build introduce all the parts and then the team ups.
Amazing....absolutely love it

The Marinated Meeple (1853 KP) rated Fistful of Dollars (1964) in Movies
Mar 23, 2018
Storyline/Plot (1 more)
Clint Eastwood
American Western remake of Yojimbo, and a damn good one.
See this movie, it's worth it, but th reason it's a 9, and not a ten is because the Samurai version by Akira Kurosawa; Yojimbo is just better. If you can see that one first, if not follow it up and prepare to see two master storytellers use the same idea in two different genres, kinda like hearing a Nirvanna song being done by Johnny Cash. or an Alicia Keys version of a Cher song. Fundamentally the same, but so different in presentation. Both are epic masterpieces.

Rachel Howser Roberts (96 KP) rated American Gods in Books
Jun 22, 2018
Original story (1 more)
One of my top 10
This novel was one of the most original works I have read. It combines mythology from all over the world into an epic journey within the dirty underside of the melting pot that is America. The main characters are well fleshed out. An interesting aspect of the book is the “coming to America” chapters that give the backstory on how the old gods in the novel came to be in America. This novel definitely focuses more on the journey to get to the climax rather than the climax itself.