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Michael Packner (32 KP) rated Halloween (2018) in Movies

Jun 15, 2019 (Updated Jun 15, 2019)  
Halloween (2018)
Halloween (2018)
2018 | Horror
The film starts off really good. The first half of the film is definitely quality. (1 more)
The strongest point of the film is an absolutely beautiful and brutal tracking shot that lasts about two minutes. Really epic stuff.
The second half of the film. At about halfway the film hits a wall and freefalls from there. (3 more)
Vicki's death scene is played for cheap laughs when the scene should've been dead serious. This is the start of the freefall.
The twist with the "New Loomis" is BRUTALLY awful.
The "epic" final act and long awaited showdown between Laurie and Michael is epically meh.
Before I start I want to qualify this by saying other than the first two films which are classics, I really do not like this series. It's overrated and boring and truthfully everything past part 2 is mediocre to crap, so I went into this honestly expecting to hate it and watched it more for my wife than myself. That being said, the first half hour I felt like I was right, but then it did get better. This was a better sequel than the previous ones. Michael is evil again and he is BRUTAL. The use of comedy in this film was overdone to a huge fault, especially one kill scene where they used comedy to absolutely kill the tension and the scene came off absolutely disrespectful and just mean spirited in a bad way. The new Loomis subplot was awful. Why? Just why? A father with his son makes the dumbest decision ever in a horror movie and that's ok, but people forgive it because it's this franchise. I did enjoy the final showdown between Michael and Laurie though so that's a positive. I rank the film as at least 3 or 4 in the franchise so there's that. At least I had fun and enjoyed it for the most part. Never let a comedian write a horror movie ever again.
Hearts on Air (Hearts, #6)
Hearts on Air (Hearts, #6)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog

This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited library.

Well, first things first. You DO NOT have to read book #5.5, One Epic Night, to understand this as it is included at the beginning of this book.

Then the story continues where that one left off. Trevor is now a TV star in a free-running show that follows him and a handful of other free runners as they do stunts around London and other big cities. One difference now is that Reya is not in his life. Chapters go back and forth a few times so we see what happened in the months following their "one epic night" and how things didn't end so well with them.

It's been about 2 years since then and Trevor suddenly turns up in Reya's life again wanting to be friends again and asking if she'll fill in for one of their pregnant PA's while she's off on maternity. Reya is wary of letting Trev back into her life but eventually agrees and they travel to several cities around Europe with the group doing stunts and free running in pretty parks and some well known places. As they spend time together, they grow closer once more and before long those feelings from two years ago are creeping back in.

One thing that was driving me a little mad was the Leanne and Callum thing. I know they get their own book in a different series but seeing their love/hate relationship and the arguments and tender moments and NOT KNOWING what was happening was driving me a little mad. I will definitely be getting their book at some point.

I also liked how we saw pretty much every other character from the series in this one towards the end. I had honestly forgot how they all connected but seeing them in those last few chapters was really nice.

Definitely should be read if you've enjoyed previous books in the series.
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