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Suswatibasu (1702 KP) rated 2001: A Space Odyssey in Books
Oct 16, 2017
But the main element is the eeriness which HAL brings to the book. At times you think the isolation is making the protagonist Dr Bowman hallucinate, and at times you think the machine really has become self-aware. No one can forget that epic monolith, and the symbolism that it brings - is it a metaphor for God or something much larger than oneself? The final chapter haunts me to this day.
There are a few obvious changes such as when Bowman visits Saturn rather than Jupiter, which Clarke explains is because of what could be feasibly built on set. So for fans of the film, definitely read the book.

Goddess in the Stacks (553 KP) rated Circe in Books
Apr 26, 2018
This is actually going to be a pretty short review because I'm just in awe of this book. Circe begins as a somewhat naive child in her father's household, unaware of her own power until her brother points it out to her. For those powers, she is banished to a deserted island, but her powers only grow from there. We meet many figures of Greek mythology - from gods and goddesses to mortals and monsters like Scylla and the Minotaur.
I just don't even know how to properly review this book other than it was amazing. If you like Greek mythology at ALL, you should read this book. It's captivating.
You can find all my reviews at http://goddessinthestacks.wordpress.com

Andy K (10823 KP) rated Schindler's List (1993) in Movies
May 16, 2018
The film ended up being unbelievable, breathtaking, emotional, inspirational, epic and a must watch for everyone. I know a lot of people watch in school these days. While I'm glad they are seeing, watching among other teenagers while broken up into 40 minute segments is not the way to go.
I always see different details when I have gone back and rewatched which makes the film even greater. I remember seeing a documentary a few years ago where they talked to relatives of German Nazi officers and they had talked to a descendant of Amon Goeth who wouldn't stop crying. I can't even even imagine having that type of ancestry within your family.
Needless to say, you must watch Schindler's List. Please say you will.

Andy K (10823 KP) rated Justice League (2017) in Movies
May 19, 2018
Having my expectations low, I actually enjoyed the film. Certainly has its flaws, but I was never bored while watching. The whole Superman mustache thing I thought was a little blown out of proportion, or maybe not as noticeable on a smaller screen.
The film is certainly carried by the larger-than-life perfect castings of Henry Cavill and Gal Gadot who continue their masterful portrayals of Superman and Wonder Woman. Ben Affleck looked bored throughout and the others didn't matter.
I was waiting the whole time for Aquaman to do something actually Aquamanish and he never did. Not even make a group of sharks go attack someone. I was surprised by that.
My main criticism is the film just feels small, meaning not epic. The final resolution was satisfying, but that's about it. Sort of anticlimactic I thought.
Still enjoyed a lot.

Andy K (10823 KP) rated Scarface (1983) in Movies
Feb 7, 2019
A role written for Al Pacino by Oliver Stone, the story is a basic one I suppose, the rise of a Cuban drug lord. The old replaced by the new. Gruesome violence (a lot of which isn't actually seen, but heard and implied).
The film still holds up as a tour de force performance by Pacino and an epic drug gangster film that has not been equaled.
The cinematography and beautiful look of the film is also interesting in that it seems to capture the locale well even though they only filmed in south Florida for a few weeks (the locals heard about the making of the film and decided they didn't like the idea of it before even seeing).
One of my all time favorites!