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David McK (3496 KP) rated 1917 (2020) in Movies

Feb 13, 2020 (Updated Oct 17, 2020)  
1917 (2020)
1917 (2020)
2020 | Drama, War
The cinematography (0 more)
Requires a serious amount of 'buy-in' (0 more)
Sam Mendes World War One epic, which follows - in virtually one long tracking shot - two British soldiers sent on a mission across No Mans Land and enemy territory to deliver a message to stop their comrades (including one of the soldiers older brother) from walking into a trap.

Undeniably beautifully shot, showing the true horrors of the war - this does, however, require a serious amount of buy-in from the viewer: just why would a British General send only tow soldiers to deliver such an important message (especially against the clock), when it could have been delivered far quicker, easier and safer by the Royal Flying Corp??

Putting that aside for the moment, the only other recent movie I can think of that even attempts to show the trenches during World War One is 2017's 'Wonder Woman'. Remember the stand-out scene where Diana charges heroically across No Mans Land, under fire from the Germans the entire way? This is nothing like that.


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