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How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019)
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019)
2019 | Animation
Visually stunning and exhilarating, great to be back in the world of Berk (0 more)
Kinda not as epic feeling in scope, in comparison to the previous 2 films, something felt missing just a bit. (0 more)
Flying On Fumes: Bittersweet End to Dragons - 7/10
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World is the final installment in the trilogy of films based on the books by Cressidia Cowell. It was written and directed by Dean Deblois, produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Universal. With a returning cast starring Jay Burachel, America Ferrera, Cate Blanchett, and Craig Ferguson.

One year after (How To Train Your Dragon 2) Hiccup (Jay Burachel) and friends defended Berk from the threat of Drago Bludvist; the group is still rescuing dragons and relocating them back to their village. Now however the villagers are dealing with a problem of overcrowding and overpopulation of dragons. Hiccup begins the process of finding a new home for everyone to relocate to, the fabled "Hidden World" of the dragons. The conflict of the film enters when the Vikings whose dragons Hiccup has been freeing, seek the help of Grimmel the Grisly (F. Murray Abraham), a dragon hunter responsible for the eradication and near extermination of all Night Furies. And also Toothless being enamoured with the discovery of a female White Fury dragon.

This movie was really good and while watching I had fun seeing the whole group dynamic and how everyone interacted with each other. It felt awesome seeing them again and how they all grew up a little over the last year. When comparing this movie to the others in the series, it felt like it fell short especially for being the last movie in the trilogy. I guess it was hard to surpass how great the last film was. While visually stunning and exhilarating at times it failed to be as great as it could have and felt like something was missing in this conclusion to an epic series. The atmosphere of the movie felt like it never quite matched the tone that they were trying to set with the seriousness of the plot. It's like only the main character felt the weight of the world on his shoulders but it is a kids movie after all. Like I said certainly enjoyable, I give it a 7/10.
Lost and Found
Lost and Found
Orson Scott Card | 2019 | Contemporary, Crime, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Plot (4 more)
Small focus (1 more)
Plot coincidences
A smaller-scale story by the master of epic sci-fi
"Lost and Found" is a story about micropowers - small, seemingly useless powers that are almost the opposite of superpowers.

The main character, Ezekiel, can touch something that is lost and sense who and where the owner is. A lost toy on the ground might call out to him, asking to be returned to its five-year-old owner. Or a lost shoe might give him the impulse to track down a businessman. The power sounds useful, but since everyone assumes he is a thief (how else would he know where these items belong?), it is more of a burden than a blessing.

Everything changes when a police officer asks Ezekiel to help find a missing child. Could his "power" actually be useful? Or is it impossible to find a person who is "lost?" That's the main story of the book, and it is an intriguing concept, especially when Ezekiel meets other people with odd micropowers.

After saying all of that, how is the book? It's good! It isn't quite as engaging as some of Card's other books, but only because it is smaller in scale and scope. The Ender saga (which is up to approximately 12 books by now) feels important. The themes, moral dilemmas, and human interactions all have weight to them because of how epic the story is.

"Lost and Found" has a bit of adventure and danger, but it is much more grounded. It is focused on (almost) regular humans living their lives in contemporary times. So it is a touch lighter, a touch simpler than some of Card's other books.

Having said that, I thoroughly enjoyed the book from beginning to end and would love to find out more about micropowers and just how inane they might be. The world-building is good enough to make me crave more.

One last note: the micropowers discussed actually *do* relate to the Ender saga, because they seem to be based (intentionally or not) on philotic rays. The main character can "feel" a connection between lost items and their owners. Another character can "feel" where spiders are. And one can "feel" other peoples' navels. It instantly reminded me of the ansible, the hive queen, and philotic webs. So that's something.
    Eagle Simulator

    Eagle Simulator

    Games and Education

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    Soar through the skies and live life as a majestic Bald Eagle! Survive on a massive island filled...

    3D Motor Bike Stunt Mania

    3D Motor Bike Stunt Mania

    Games and Entertainment

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    Description Ready for the most epic motor dirt bike challenge? 3D Motor Bike Stunt Mania is a...

Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
A good but sadly inferior sequel
This film suffers from what 95% of sequels all suffer from; they never live up to the originals. The problem with The Golden Circle is that it has a lot to live up to. The original Kingsman film came out of nowhere, with little expectations & it was truly marvellous. And sadly the sequel doesn't quite live up to this.

As sequels go, it's still pretty good. The action scenes were great, the plot was interesting and Julianne Moore makes for an interesting baddie. Even the addition of the Statesman was a smart move & added something different, and it's always good to see Colin Firth back

The problem however is that this film has a far more serious tone than the first. There's humour, just not as much. And the action scenes although good (especially those with Whiskey), none of them could live up to that epic church scene from the first film. Theres also the issue that a lot of the film had been shown in the various trailers, and finally, it could've done with a little more Channing Tatum and a little less Elton John.
Throne of Glass
Throne of Glass
Sarah J. Maas | 2012 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (91 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (1 more)
Slow Beginning (0 more)
Unexpected Start, Engaging Content, Epic Story
Contains spoilers, click to show
I am going to be completely honest when I started Throne of Glass, I was a little bored. The beginning of the book had a slow start and I had trouble getting started with the book. Boy am I glad that I stuck with it!! The story revolves around 3 Main Characters to Start Celaena Sardothien, Prince Dorian Havilliard, and Captain Chaol Westfall.

***** SPOILERS BELOW!! ******

Dorian starts by getting Celaena out of Prison, Where she was placed for being an Assassin by Dorian's father. Dorian enlists Celaena to become his assassin in a competition given by his father. She must beat all other contestants and then serve as the King's Assassin for 5 years to gain her freedom. The book has intrigue, action, little bit of love, and it keeps you hooked to the page.

Once the story gets going you will not be able to put the book down. I'll let you know to buy all of the series at once if you can because You will immediately want to pick up the next book in the series once you are done the first.
The Blues Brothers (1980)
The Blues Brothers (1980)
1980 | Action, Comedy
cast, cameos, music, (0 more)
Brought to life from Saturady Night Live the Blues Brothers Joliet Jake (Belushi) and Elwood (Aykroyd) were in a music band. The opening shows Jake getting of out a 3 yr stint a joliet prison and begin thier journey together rebuilding thier lives. They are tasked with getting money to help the orphanage that they grew up in and after a stop off at a mass at a local church they belive they are on "A Mission from God" and they must do this with out fail. They relaize the only way this is gonna be accomplished is by getting thier band back together and off begins a wild ride of action,fun and music. Cameos from Carrie Fisher (RIP) Cab Calloway (RIP) John Candy (RIP) Ray Charles (RIP) and other greats makes this movie all the more fun. The movie has two fantastic fun car chase scenes one of which is through a mall. I could go on and on about this movie but then why watch it if I tell you everything. Watch and enjoy a laugh filled fun ride