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Amy Adams recommended Gone With the Wind (1939) in Movies (curated)

Gone With the Wind (1939)
Gone With the Wind (1939)
1939 | Drama, Romance, War

"Gone With the Wind, and The Wizard of Oz, were two movies that I grew up with and had a lasting effect on me. Scarlett O’Hara was a huge influence, unfortunately [laughs], and I had to break myself out of the habit of the sort of “fiddle-dee-dee” kind of thing. As I’ve gotten older and watched the movie, I love the cinematography; it was just such a groundbreaking movie. It’s interesting now to see, in looking back, how we approached race in Hollywood, and how it’s changed so much. It was just epic and romantic and sweeping at that time in my life — usually I pick the movies because of the time I watched them in my life and what they meant to me then. I saw Gone With the Wind when I was about 13, which is a dangerous time to show it to a young lady. [laughs] I was obsessed with it. It was so romantic: the gowns, the drama, the war? and I loved American history, as well; it was my favorite subject. I was a freak on Gone With the Wind."

The Last Samurai (2003)
The Last Samurai (2003)
2003 | Action, Drama, War
Who is The Last Samurai?
In the early noughties, following the success of Ridley Scott's 'Gladiator', there was a rash of historical epic films - 'Alexander', 'Troy', 'Kingdom of Heaven'.

And this.

Which is a strong contender for one of the best of those films.

The film stars Tom Cruise (who, for once, is not playing Tom Cruise) and Ken Wattanabe, with the former a world weary US Civil War veteran (suffering from PTSD?) who is hired to train the modernising Japanese army, and the latter a Samurai leader who thinks Japan is losing its identity; moving too fast into the future.

Captured by that Samurai leader following an early battle, Algren (Cruise's character) soon finds himself beginning to wonder is he fighting in the right side...

Yes, the plot is somewhat akin to 'Dances with Wolves' (or even 'Avatar'), and I've heard the charge of the film being a White Saviour story - a charge, I have to say, that I do NOT find any merit in: indeed, I would argue the opposite (that Cruise's character is saved rather than the one doing the saving) is more true.

Chayu (810 KP) rated Game Of Thrones - Season 8 in TV

Aug 31, 2019 (Updated Aug 31, 2019)  
Game Of Thrones - Season 8
Game Of Thrones - Season 8
2019 | Action, Drama, Fantasy
Arya Stark, Drogon (0 more)
Everything else (0 more)
They should have stopped after season 7
Where to begin...People claim that this was rushed, i don't agree. Producers just didn't care about the story anymore, nor did they have any ideas. All of the prophesies were washed down the toilet this season. There were hundreds fan ideas how this should end, and let me tell you, they were much better than what we got. I am a fan of our Dragon Queen, and been accused that i don't like this season, because i don't like how she ends. Well...let me tell you something, there was a fan theory that Dany would die at childbirth and later her body would hang from King's Landing walls. That would be epic, and in case it wasn't clear, i am a fan of Dany. That kind of death i would like to see. Fans had such great ideas for everything, but producers got lazy, wanted fast money i guess. Only two characters who did have an amazing story here, were Arya and Drogon. As someone jokingly said, the computer dragon had more emotional evolvement, than the real characters.
A Love Letter To Whiskey
A Love Letter To Whiskey
Kandi Steiner | 2016 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Get Drunk On All The Angst And Romance!
This is my second time reading ALLTW, and my thoughts have not changed: an absolutely addictive novel. Steiner has incredible talent to mix a perfect romance novel filled with angst, hope,and sexy characters.

The journey Brecks, aka B, takes us on, seeing her get drunk on whiskey, reading the vivid descriptions, truly made me feel buzzed just reading the story. As someone who is a big whiskey drinker, I could feel the slow, delicious burn this novel created between Jamie and B's characters. The possessive feel that I got from Jamie had me quivering for more of him.

This book brought out all the feels in me. Just like the first time reading it, I cried for them during their painful moments, I laughed with them for their fun moments, I was angry at them during their stupid moments. And, I absolutely loved them wholly through all their moments. This entire novel, nee, love letter, was soul deep, raw, and fantastically chiseled. Epic, 5 star worthy novel!

*I read this novel via Kindle Unlimited. All opinions, negative or postive, are my own. *
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    Turbo Dismount®

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