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Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
I have to say Ubisoft truly redeemed themselves in my eyes with Black Flag. It seems they truly listened to the feedback from fans and Assassin's Creed IV was their heartfelt apology and I gladly accept it. I just finished the game and I loved every minute of it.

A Pirate's Life For Me!

The protagonist Edward Kenway is a great character because he starts off brash and a bit arrogant, but as his adventure continues he evolves into a smarter and more subtle man with a good heart. There are many other fantastic characters including some well known pirates; and lots of adventures on the high seas and around the vast world of this game. The main story is excellent and Edward is complex and interesting; he actually shows emotions and you feel the passion and bravado coming from him. The people he befriends are also memorable along with some pretty diabolical villains which makes for a great story all around.

There are also some great naval battles and here is where I sing the praises of the controls for the ship. They are 100% better than Assassin's Creed III. The controls are easier to use and respond faster too. You can upgrade the Jackdaw (Edward Kenway's ship) with some pretty spiffy hull armor, sails, rigging, weapons and be one hell of a badass with your glorious ship. You can even do some pretty epic battles taking down forts and taking them over. These battles are actually FUN. I know I cackled gleefully in delight as I took down a pirate hunter man o'war battleship and followed it up with an epic battle taking over a fort. It was refreshing to be genuinely enjoying a game and just having a good time with it.

Epic battles at sea are the best!

The world of Assassin's Creed IV is massive; there's lots to see and do and plenty of areas to explore. Sail everywhere in the game because there are so many great things to find such as hidden Mayan temples, ship wrecks full of treasure, and much much more. There are plenty of side quests and side missions to do too and some of them add a bit more to the story of Edward and company. You can even upgrade the various towns and even find new sea shanties for your crew to sing while you're on your adventures. And of course there's the downloadable content and multiplayer to add even more things for you to enjoy in the game.

Discovering new locations like this one is grand!
You do have your time in the real world too with our old friends Abstergo of course, and this aspect while brief is also quite fascinating because you can learn some pivotal plot points about characters from the previous game and run into a few familiar faces as well. I was a little thrown off that it was in first person mode, but the camera was very steady and it's only for a short time; so my vertigo didn't kick in thankfully. There are some brilliant plot reveals too in the real world scenes and there are some mini games here where you can unlock some item trophies and more information for your Animus database.

Remember these jerks? Oh yeah, they're still around.
After finishing it, you can continue the game finishing up any side quests you missed or unlocking achievements with the various mission goals. Overall, Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag is not just an amazing game; it's a great time for anyone who loves the series and enjoys an honest to goodness game about pirates, assassins, and tons of incredible adventures. I know I will be playing through it again because it was that much fun for me. If you haven't picked it up yet, what are you waiting for? There's adventure and glory to be had!
Terminator Genisys (2015)
Terminator Genisys (2015)
2015 | Action
The Terminator franchise has been as relentless and unstoppable as the series namesake. The first two films written and directed by James Cameron are cinematic icons and made many of the ten best lists when they were released.

The subsequent two films that lacked any input from Cameron and as such paled in comparison with the most recent, “Terminator Salvation” failing to achieve the success of the previous films in the series.

Undaunted, the series is back with “Terminator Genisys”, the first in a planned trilogy before the rights to the series revert back to James Cameron.

The new film shows parts of the final battle by the human resistance as they finally defeat the deadly Skynet system but as fans of the series know, learn that a Terminator was sent back to stop humanities savior John Connor (Jason Clarke), from being born.

As fans known, loyal soldier Kyle Reese (jai Courtney) volunteers to travel back to 1984 to save Sara Connor (Emilia Clarke) and preserve the future but upon his arrival in 1984, Reese learns that the mission he has been sent on has changed.

Someone has sent a Terminator back to protect a younger Sarah when she was a child and as such, this Sara is not the naïve waitress Reese had been expecting, rather she is a battle hardened and strong willed woman with a Terminator protector she named “Pops” played by series icon Arnold Schwarzenegger.

This is where any similarities to the original films end as what initially sets up to be moments from the first two films revisited in a new timeline quickly changes and moves to 2017 where Sara, Reese, and Pops, learn that Skynet is about to go live and accomplish the start of Judgement Day which puts the heroes in a race against time and overwhelming odds to save humanity.
This time however there are several new wrinkles to the mix as well as some epic action sequences that have been sorely missing from the series since Cameron’s departure. The 3D effects are solid but note that they are converted from a 2D source and the film was not shot with 3D cameras.

What really worked well for me was the fact that the film is very respectful to the source material and while telling a new chapter to the story does not do much to undermine the impact and the legacy of the first two films. It was reported that James Cameron himself has endorsed this film and had called it the third film in the series.
The action is solid from an epic bus chase to intense firefights across the timelines the film grabs your attention the way the best summer films do and takes you on an epic thrill ride. Action and effects aside, what really makes the film work is the cast. The characters are strong and well portrayed and mix humanity, empathy, and self-sacrifice in the manner to which the characters have been established.

Reese and Sara are strong and determined and in a twist, have a more complicated relationship in this timeline than had been previously established. Of course the star of the film is Schwarzenegger and he knows this character inside and out. From the stoic and intense action sequences to the rivalry and distrust he and Reese share which grows into a solid respect. Arnold knows what audiences want and delivers it again and again. Despite the years, he still remains the backbone of the series and it is great to see him back in form.
While some may have issues with a rebooted timeline to propel future films, there were enough great moments in the film and plenty of entertainments for me not only to recommend the film, but to say bring on the next chapter.
Gloom of Kilforth: A Fantasy Quest Game
Gloom of Kilforth: A Fantasy Quest Game
2017 | Card Game, Dice Game, Fantasy, Roleplaying
Over 250 unique pieces of high quality artwork (3 more)
Solo play using one character
Massive replayability
An evolving story that's different every time
Can take 4-5 hours with 4 players (1 more)
Can be brutally hard if the dice roll bad
An Epic Narrative Adventure Game for 1 to 4 heroes
Gloom of Kilforth is an epic narrative adventure where you try to complete your saga and defeat the ancient evil bringing the land into gloom.

You start by choosing a character, class and a saga to tell. Your character and class give you your starting stats (combat, knowledge, sneak and influence) while the sagas are 4 chapters long and each chapter requires 2 (or 3 if only playing 1-2 players) keywords to complete. Completing a chapter levels up your character giving you more health and a new skill.
Keywords are found on the cards you encounter as you search the map and are colour coded to give you a hint to where they are most likely to be found.

The map is a 5x5 grid of cards with Sprawl City in the centre and a mix of Forests, Mountains, Plains and Badlands arranged randomly around it.
Every time you enter an empty location, you draw a card from the relevant terrain deck and interact with it.

Encounters are won by rolling a number of d6 dice equal to your skill in the stat list d on the encounter. Success is on a 5 or 6 so playing to your character's strengths is paramount.

Each player starts with 4 health and at the start of each round, you gain action points equal to your current health which makes strategy and stealth the key to early success.
It also means that the game starts slowly but starts to snowball as you complete the chapters of your saga and level up.

At the end of each round, you make camp and draw a night card which causes a location to fall into gloom and possibly trigger an event. A character ending the day on a gloom location will suffer 1 health point loss.
This is the game timer, so you have 25 days to complete your saga, gain more skills and equipment and confront the big bad.

Despite the random encounter draws and the size of each terrain deck (30+ cards each), every card has been carefully designed to fit into the game and let you narrate a unique story as you play.

If you want a unique narrative adventure game with a solid depth of strategy, look no further.

Jay Harris (1 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Fortnite in Video Games

Mar 30, 2018  
2017 | Action/Adventure
I've only recently started playing Fortnite (the battle royal version), and I have a very love/hate relationship with it. Fortnite itself is a fairly balanced game, when Epic Games nerf some of the weapons (like the most recent guided missile launcher), and if you have friends to go into a squad or a duo with, then it's totally worth doing. Fortnite has proved it's reputation as it's managed to best PUBG, with the amount of players on it. Generally speaking I think that as long as Epic Games constantly update it, make sure to patch the bugs, and add new features (whether that's new maps, or items) it will stay a pretty popular game.

My personal opinion is that it's good at times and bad other times.
When you are in a game with a squad, and you finally get to the end, and win, it's the best feeling. It's so relieving to know that all your time put into that game has in the end managed to get you to win (especially when you win a solo match). However if you're not willing to dedicate your time learning the mechanics, and playing casually, these wins don't come as often as you'd like.

As I said before, Fortnite is a fairly balanced game, but there are some issues that always need fixing. For example, new weapons introduced often have to be nerfed. Whenever they release a new update, there's often bugs that follow, like building issues, inventory issues and various other problems. And the microtransactions.
In the game you can (optionally) buy the "battle pass", or various skins, or emotes, or pickaxes that the game has to offer.
And the game forcibly encourages you to do this. The battle pass gives you some sense of achievement in the game, by completing the challenges you are awarded with new skins, emotes etc.
But the late players of the game that buy the battle pass are unable to complete the challenges in time, in a ten week season, to be able to unlock everything.
On top of this, it feels almost redundant when you rank up the battle pass week by week, and someone pays like £40/£50, to unlock the last skin in the game.
Although these are totally optional, I feel without the battle pass I probably wouldn't play.

Overall I would say Fortnite will always be a popular game and has quite a large audience for a range of different people.
I do recommend playing it, if you have a spare couple of hours, and it's free to play so you don't have to pay for it.
Genesis: Vision of the New World (Terra Nova #2)
Genesis: Vision of the New World (Terra Nova #2)
D. Ellis Overttun | 2019 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Following on from the events in Universe: Awakening, the first book in the series (which you need to read before this one), this picks up events on Arkos after some time has passed. Minister Odessa is still concerned about the findings of the DEUS probes, and when there is an astronomical anomaly and a disaster on the planet itself she realises that she needs her most trusted allies to determine the threat that is posed. Meanwhile there is a change at the head of the lower-status Gendu, both in terms of politics and religion, which aren't universally popular. Society may be under threat from within and without.

This is a long book, but like the first one it covers a lot of ground. There is a far more investigation of the Gendu, their politics and their religion. The succession of Darius as head of the Gendu, and the rise of a greedy and flawed priest in the religious sect provide the backbone of the story. The Celesti are frustrated by only being allowed to observe and not interfere, but are focused on exploring the anomaly. Odessa also starts a related project to enhance some of the indigenous apes.

This is not a book that can be read in isolation. As the middle of a trilogy it answers few questions from the first book and raises many that are due to be resolved in the final installment. It is clear that everything is converging, momentum carrying people and events along as much they are exerting their own control. The author has constructed a world where the plot is driven from a number of different directions and this ensures that each chapter has something to add.

The writing is very confident. Overttun has really found his voice as an author and uses it to show the reader all of his creation. From the clinical efficiency of Odessa's experiments to the dirt and grime of the seedier areas of Gendu society, the narrative weaves its way inexorably onwards. The prose is lean and efficient, lending impetus to the story. The exploits of the already known characters will entertain as they are old friends, the new characters are all interesting and nuanced.

This is building to be a fabulous epic trilogy, epic in depth, breadth and scale. It isn't science fiction, it isn't a political thriller, it isn't a philosophical treatise. It is all these and more. I really cannot wait to see what happens next. Stunning.
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
A journeys end
Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker never quite manages at any point to achieve anything I would consider epic or even memorable making it ultimately fall flat when it comes to thrill, excitement and unique moments that you would expect the last film in a trilogy to be full of. That being said while its not exactly a very engaging film its definitely a very entertaining scifi adventure its just lacking in a personality of its own instead serving us more of the same again. My biggest problem is mainly with the first 2 acts, the first felt extremely rushed with no time at all spent with any one character or location instead zipping from scene to scene like a quick montage making me ultimately care very little for anyone or whats going on. The second act fairs much better but becomes very slow with the film focusing more on fixing the last jedis problems rather than progressing its story. Luckily the third act is top notch and contains enough space battles, lightsabre fights and warm messages that you can almost forgive all the problems the first two acts bring and leave the cinema feeling if anything entertained at the very least. Its a story about how our actions no matter how big or small have an effect on other peoples lives be it in the form of motivation, inspiration or by our actions. It all matters and if we all stand together, keep each other positive with hope in our hearts we can fight even the strongest of evils united as one. I found there to be a lot about being appreciated too and towards the end characters felt like they had actually progressed as people which was nice. Current political refrences are also quite strong too and theres a surprising amount about the struggles of being an orphan also which I found intresting. Action wise its fine but I found the film really lacking in thirlls and excitment a lot of the time (this could be down to characters feeling invincible which significantly decreased the feeling of threat). While not a bad movie its definitely the worst for me out of the new trilogy and im in no hurry to see it again. Not quite the epic ending we all expected more of a correction piece for past mistakes made but without a doubt an enjoyable film that finally means we can move on and hopefully explore some more intresting parts of the star wars universe now.
    AlphaBetty Saga

    AlphaBetty Saga


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    AlphaBetty – a fun, new word game from the makers of Candy Crush Saga and Farm Heroes Saga -...