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Bad Feminist
Bad Feminist
Roxane Gay | 2014 | Biography
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A mixed bag of essays
Roxane Gay is a gifted writer no doubt, but like a lot of her more prominent work, there are huge amounts of autobiographical information that didn't seem completely relevant.

Her essays on the intersection of feminism with misogynistic pop culture was incredibly on point, exploring E.L. James' infamous BDSM novel Fifty Shades of Grey, as well as other popular novels such as Twilight. She briefly mentions rape culture and how all of the above feeds into this notion.

Similarly her discussion on how race is portrayed in major Hollywood motion pictures is accurately disturbing - showing how African Americans are used in plots as a way to prop up white protagonists (The Help, Django Unchained).

Some of her other chapters seemed disconnected as if they were put in the book because there was no other place for it. This appears in the chapter on Scrabble. (Playing Scrabble doesn't make you a bad feminist).

There were a lot of haphazard thoughts that didn't quite thread together with the rest of the book ie. abortion rights, and male politicians' views on body autonomy. Gay was pretty adamant on her views on this, which appeared to showcase her opinion that she truly is a feminist.

The underlying message was that you may have flaws by enjoying aspects of pop culture, but as long as you are aware of how important it is that women receive equal rights, you can be any kind of feminist. But the book does feel as if she's trying to prove it to herself and to the world which seems rather unnecessary. We believe you Roxane.
The Good Immigrant
The Good Immigrant
Nikesh Shukla | 2016 | Essays
9.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
An important read for modern Britain
Nikesh Shukla has done a phenomenal job in compiling various essays to highlight the voices of marginalised Britain.

From bloggers to actors such as Riz Ahmed, the writings show the experiences of growing up with dual cultures and how society continues to be colour blind instead of embracing these differences.

In Ahmed's story for example, he describes going to America because he was constantly typecasted in the UK film industry. As he headed to play a role in the new Star Wars movie, he was detained at the airport for the umpteenth time to be questioned. It shows no matter how much he strived, the prejudices remain.

And that's just one anecdote of many voices. It is riveting and engaging, finally giving the opportunity to hear about second generation, children of immigrants in Britain.

Anne (15117 KP) rated Little Weirds in Books

Nov 4, 2019  
Little Weirds
Little Weirds
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was an interesting read/listen a bit different. It was a quick and short read with some humor, reflection and memoir type stories. It reminded me a bit of a one-woman play of sorts.
The first 1/3-1/2 of the book was sort of random except I connected more to some bits but after the first half, I found more to connect with and then with the last few chapters, I found it enlightening and connected quite a bit to that part.
It's a bit like a collection of mini-memoir essays that talk about being a woman, a child, growing up, figuring things out and having an enlightening moment of rising above hard times, etc.
If you're looking for a short listen with some quirkiness memoir type stories and such then you might enjoy this.
The World of S.J. Perelman
The World of S.J. Perelman
Sidney Joseph | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"The funniest human being in my lifetime, in any medium – whether it's stand-up, television, theatre, prose, or movies – is SJ Perelman. The early stuff was a little wild, not nearly as subtle or as good. As he developed over the years, his stuff became relentlessly sensational. There are many collections of Perelman that are filled with great things. This one, which I wrote the foreword to, has a number of spectacular pieces. Because the editors did it chronologically, my own opinion is that the first four essays are weaker. Once you hit the fifth casual, as the New Yorker called them, he hits his stride and the rest of them are absolute comic genius. As funny as you can get. Those of us who grew up with Perelman found it impossible to avoid his influence. He had such a strong, inventive style."

The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo
The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo
Amy Schumer | 2016 | Biography
6.9 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amy Schumer's book comes out at a time when it seems like every celebrity in the world has a book out: some collection of essays about their life, showcasing how funny they are and what their life is like as a celebrity. In Schumer's, we hear about her life from childhood to her post <i>Trainwreck</i> success and nearly everything in between: her friendships, her relationships, her parents, and her growth as a comedian. And, of course, a lot about sex. The book is told in a series of chapters - essays if you will - each one covering a particular moment in Schumer's life. They don't go in any particular order, but cover the gamut of her range of experiences.

I found this book to be a refreshing and engaging celebrity book. It carried a surprising depth. I don't know a ton about Schumer, but loved <i>Trainwreck</i> and have had a crush on her for ages. That crush has only intensified upon reading her book, as I discovered several similarities between us: introverts who love hotdogs and have complicated relationships with their mothers, who both internalize stress to the point where it makes us sick. We're a match made in heaven! But, seriously, Schumer is an excellent writer, and her book is an easy read, with well-written and wonderful essays that range from humorous to serious (and often both).

Her book avoided all of my usual celebrity autobiography/memoir/essay pet peeves. In this book, we really learn about Schumer, instead of just a few token stories. I was fascinated to hear about her career trajectory: you get a great look into how hard she worked in her early years as a comedian. In addition, we actually get a lot of insight into her early life-- her childhood and teenage years. What I love is that she comes across as a real human being, instead of giving us a book that is simply full of polished, trite jokes and well-worn stories.

In fact, while parts of the book make you laugh out loud, other places make you empathize with Schumer. The book is funny, but not too funny or fake funny. And it's serious without preaching. She covers topics such as sexual assault, gun control, her father's MS, her relationship with her parents, and other serious childhood experiences that molded her, with a realism that is refreshing. Sure, there are a few "woe is me" moments about how hard it is to be a celebrity, or what it's like to have money, but they are few and far between. By the end, I admired Amy even more as a person and a comedian, and my crush will continue on stronger than ever.
The Meaning of Human Existence
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book may not be very long, but it does leave you with a lot to think about. The title is somewhat misleading, as of course that answer isn't really provided. I can't say I expected it would be as that is possibly something we can't ever really "know". That being said, the essays within leave you with a lot of pieces of the puzzle to help you piece it together as best as possible for yourself. Much of the book focuses on the scientific reasons for our existence, meaning evolution, but not just of the physical variety, but also the sociological, which provided for many of the book's most fascinating moments. I don't know that I feel all that much closer to understanding the meaning of human existence, but I do feel I learned some interesting things about the very nature of humanity, and that's something.
The Beast Side: Living (and Dying) While Black in America
The Beast Side: Living (and Dying) While Black in America
Dwight Watkins | 2016 | History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A vivid account of survival and growth
Dwight Watkins, a seasoned writer and teacher with indisputable talent and skills, gives a detailed account of living on the 'Other Side' of Baltimore. The Beast Side is a socio-historical examination of black lives in the United States juxtaposed against his upbringing in the area. Through his account we discover a poignant and unadulterated story about the systematic way black lives don't matter and how the challenges for African Americans are much deeper and pervasive than people will admit.

What helps the arguments in Watkins's essays hit home are the sobering and enlightening slices of life and characters he weaves throughout. By the end, you're left with an advanced understanding of this man's love for the community that formed him, and how neighbourhoods such as East Baltimore fit into the national debate for social change. A must for those who care about social equality.
Loved the insight into the creation and muse behind the series and characters and the other perspectives given by authors and reviewers. (0 more)
A lot of the pronunciation (in the audio book version) wasn't correct and was a bit off putting. (0 more)
Good accompaniment to the series
Overall I think this is a great accompaniment to the shadowhunters series. It gives a view from the author on how she came to create and develop the series and its characters. The essays and reviews given by various authors provides an interesting view on how they perceived certain character behaviours, attributes or even just topics covered in the books.

In the audio book version however, a lot of words and names were (from my experiences and explanations within the series - from the books, film or show) are incorrect and that's a personal grate of mine so I would recommend only the physical copy if anyone else is slightly annoyed by things like this.
Kinsey and Me: Stories
Kinsey and Me: Stories
Sue Grafton | 2013 | Biography
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Short Stories and Essays
This book breaks down into two unequal sections. The first roughly 70% is made up of nine short stories featuring Kinsey Millhone, PI in Santa Teresa. She solves a murder with a disappearing body and a case of a man who fell off his roof. She also gets involved when an actor gets kidnapped.

The back section featuring thirteen vignettes as author Sue Grafton reflects on her life growing up with a functioning alcoholic father and a destructive alcoholic mother. While she admits they are autobiographical, she frames them around a character named Kit.

Fans of Kinsey will delight in these nine stories, all previous published, but decades ago so hard to track down outside this collection now. Personally, I found the back section depressing, but I suspect these stories were theopoetic for Ms. Grafton to write, and I can see others benefiting from them, too.

Overall, fans of the series will enjoy the collection. If you are new to the series, you can jump in here, too, and meet Kinsey without ruining any of fun of the novels.
Vesper Flights
Vesper Flights
Helen Macdonald | 2021 | Natural World
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Vesper Flights is Helen Macdonald’s latest book chronicling her relationship with nature. This is slightly different from her previous books in the respect it’s not a linear narrative but a collection of essays that also explores “The human relationship with nature”.

We are given more of an insight into Macdonald’s upbringing as she regales us with anecdotes of emotional journeys to her childhood home and dark episodes on a falcon breeding farm in Wales. Her passion for nature and the natural world comes across strongly, without sermonising. In one chapter she mentions Fox hunting and how she’s morally opposed to it, without admonishing those that do partake in it. A common thread throughout the essays is how we can be so involved with the conservation of nature yet still be so detached from it. Admittedly it’s something that I’ve never even thought about before, so I’ll be paying more attention to the way I interact with the world around me from now on.
One thing that seems to draw me in with Mcdonald’s writing is that there always seems to be an underlying sadness in the way she writes. Even when she’s partaking in a stunning bird-watching event, she never quite gives herself over to the joy and excitement of that moment. At one point after reading how she once covered herself in mud and twigs and stalked a herd of cows I just wanted to put my arms around her and ask if she’s ok. (Oddly enough in the same chapter there is a very dark incident with a dying Ostrich, but it was the incident with the cows that worried me most)
I’d be interested to read something Macdonald wrote before her father passed away. It is obvious that the death of her father did have a profound effect on her, and it would be curious to see if that is also what has influenced this mournful quality in her writing.

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a critique in any way I like the way she can convey the melancholy of a murmuration. As a perpetually positive person, I do need to be prodded with the emotion stick every now and again.
There is a line in one of the essays “I shouldn’t do it also because pulling at your heart on purpose is a compulsion as particular and disconcerting as pressing on a healing bruise” so maybe she gets some cathartic pleasure from heartache. I’m envious; I lost both my parents within a few years of each other and I find it very hard to engage in any strong emotions regarding this. I miss them, but I think my innate ability to detach myself from unpleasant situations has worked a little too well here and I can’t articulate exactly how that makes me feel.

Woah, so that was a major digression, let’s put that brick back and summarise the review, shall we?

After reading Vesper Flights, even if you don’t like the whole book, I defy you not to have a favourite chapter. It’s close but I think I liked ‘Goats’ the best, as not only is it a funny story, but you can practically hear the little smile as Macdonald reminisces about her dad