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Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)
2010 | Action, Romance, Sci-Fi
6.3 (21 Ratings)
Movie Rating
When so much often goes wrong with movie adaptations of video games, it is always pleasant when the occasional one takes you by surprise and becomes a well written, well acted, adventure of a movie. Prince of Persia, directed by Mike Newell, previously of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, captures much of the fun of the video game while telling a compelling story obviously written for the screen, and not pulled straight from the game itself.

Prince Dastan, played by Jake Gyllenhaal, does a fitting job of balancing the devious and dignified sides of his character. Gemma Arterton plays the role of Tamina with good chemistry with Gyllenhaal, and their dialogue always seems to have a spark of something extra. Ben Kingsley and the rest of the supporting cast do a fantastic job of rounding out the story and providing a degree of comic relief, tension, and reasons to use the special effects budget. The special effects are as expected, coming from producer Jerry Bruckheimer, excellent. Still, they don’t distract or otherwise draw too much attention away from the story itself.

The movie, obviously enough, revolves around Prince Dastan and a mystical dagger that can turn back time for short periods. Despite the plot twists and turns (and there are several), this movie kept me guessing and absorbed in the story, but never confused. If you’re looking for a fun time at the movies to start the summer season, look no further than this lively and fun film.
The Evil Dead (1981)
The Evil Dead (1981)
1981 | Horror
The Book of the Dead
The evil dead- is a dark, horrorfying, hack and slash. Comedic, phenomal, excellent, twisted horror film. This is sam ramini debut of directing films. He went on to direct "the spider-man triolgy and drag me to hell".

The evil dead as has bruce campbell as ash williams. He is the best part of this movie and this franchise as a whole. In this film, Ash is portrayed as being cowardly and incapable of dealing with the horrors presented to him. Over the course of the film, Ash gradually overcomes his fears and manages to fight off his possessed friends. Also, he is shown to take his predicament very seriously in the first film, rather than in a comedic manner, as in the subsequent films.

The plot: Ashley "Ash" Williams (Bruce Campbell), his girlfriend and three pals hike into the woods to a cabin for a fun night away. There they find an old book, the Necronomicon, whose text reawakens the dead when it's read aloud. The friends inadvertently release a flood of evil and must fight for their lives or become one of the evil dead. Ash watches his friends become possessed, and must make a difficult decision before daybreak to save his own life in this, the first of Sam Raimi's trilogy.

The evil dead- is one of the best horror movies of all time. I would highly reccordmend it if you havent seen it. And also watch the other ones as well.
Peter Rabbit (2018)
Peter Rabbit (2018)
2018 | Animation
Had they not attempt to make a movie based off a beloved children’s book

classic by Beatrix Potter, this film would be exceptional. Unfortunately,

they chose to deviate from the innocent storytelling and put a slapstick

comical spin on it. Peter Rabbit (James Corden) and his sisters, Flopsy,

Mopsy, Cottontail, and their cousin Benjamin are constantly trying to steal

vegetables from the unpleasant and always grumpy Mr. MacGregor’s garden.

Fortunately, the rabbits have one human on their side, MacGregor’s

neighbor, Bea (Rose Byrne), who reminds MacGregor, the animals were on the

land first and everyone should share.

One morning Mr. MacGregor (SamNeill) keels over after trying to save his garden from those pesky

rabbits. His straight-laced city boy grandnephew Thomas MacGregor (Dohmnall

 Gleason) inherits the property and is left with trying to maintain the

“rodent” problem. An all-out war ensues between Peter and Thomas!


What made Beatrix Potter’s books so appealing, was her ability to show a

vulnerability to where the reader could sympathize with such

mischievous rabbits.

 This film was chalked full of naughty behavior, jealousy, and entitlement

within the story line characters. As a film, it’s hilarious—Home Alone

type shenanigans with a little Dennis the Menace antics peppered in. Live

action mixed in with CGI effects is quite impressive—too good, you almost

think the rabbits were real. If you can deviate from the stories we’ve all

grown to love, this film is excellent, entertaining, and for the intended

audience-kids under the age of 10……… which all thought it was

“totally awesome!”
Murder Cuts the Mustard
Murder Cuts the Mustard
Jessica Ellicott | 2019 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder Adds Spice to Life
Walmsley Parva is facing yet another murder. It’s now June of 1921, and the body of Hector Lomax has been found in the graveyard. Hector was not a well-liked or respected man in town, and that holds true for Simpkins, Edwina’s elderly gardener. Simpkins was Hector’s brother-in-law, and they shared a house, so naturally, he becomes a suspect in Hector’s death. However, that isn’t the only surprise the day has in store for Simpkins and, by extension, Edwina and Beryl. It quickly becomes clear the pair of friends need to get to the bottom of what is happening for their own sake as well as that of Simpkins. Can they do it?

I love this duo. Edwina and Beryl complement each other perfectly, and with the book’s excellent use of limited third person, we get to know both of them. The growth in them continues here as well. The rest of the cast is just as strong. I did feel the plot got a little sidetracked in the middle, but I was always entertained and the book ramps up again for a logical climax. Since the story is set in 1921, we get an interesting look at the changes that were going on in the larger society at the time. I had never given these changes much thought, but I enjoy seeing how the characters are reacting to them. If you haven’t started this series yet, you really should. If you are already a fan, you’ll love our third visit with Beryl and Edwina.
The Little Dog (A Red Grouse Tale)
The Little Dog (A Red Grouse Tale)
Leslie W.P. Garland | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Thriller
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first of The Red Grouse Tales follows a working week for Bill, a forester who has drawn the short straw of being partnered with Blackman, an unpopular co worker. On the way to their remote work site on the first day they encounter a small white dog sitting at the side of the road. Bill is curious why it is sitting miles from anywhere. Blackman shows a complete disinterest, if not active dislike. As the week wears on Bill comes to ponder on who Blackman is and why he behaves like he does. The final day is one he will never forget.

The tense nervousness Bill feels working with Blackman through the week permeates the page, the writing creating an energy from the silence between the two men and the attempts by Bill to keep away from Blackman as much as he can. As Bill's thoughts turn to the nature of what makes people do bad or evil things the presence of his co-worker becomes almost unbearable. Neither Bill nor the reader can wait for the week to end. The final events of the week make Bill question not only good and evil but if such deeds can provoke divine retribution.

As with the other Red Grouse tales, there is a subtle paranormal thread running through the story, and a great deal of philosophy too. It works almost perfectly as a short story, with its limited week duration and building sense of suspense and drama.

An excellent introduction to the Red Grouse stories, setting up the series quite neatly
Pinocchio (1940)
Pinocchio (1940)
1940 | Animation, Classics, Family
An Actor's Life For Me
Pinocchio- was the second animated feature film produced by Disney, made after the first animated success Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937).

The Plot- When the woodworker Geppetto (Christian Rub) sees a falling star, he wishes that the puppet he just finished, Pinocchio (Dickie Jones), could become a real boy. In the night, the Blue Fairy (Evelyn Venable) grants Geppetto's wish and asks Jiminy Cricket (Cliff Edwards) to serve as the wooden boy's conscience. But the naive and trusting Pinocchio falls into the clutches of the wicked Honest John (Walter Catlett), who leads him astray to the sinful Pleasure Island.

Critical analysis of Pinocchio identifies it as a simple morality tale that teaches children of the benefits of hard work and conventional values. Although it became the first animated feature to win a competitive Academy Award – winning two for Best Music, Original Score and for Best Music, Original Song for "When You Wish Upon a Star" – it was initially a box office disaster, due to World War II. It eventually made a profit in its 1945 reissue, and is considered one of the greatest animated films ever made, with a 100% rating on the website Rotten Tomatoes.

All the songs are great and fanstastic, classics and you remember till this day. When You Wish Upon a Star, Little Wooden Head, Give A Little Whistle, Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee and I've Got No Strings. All classics and all excellent.

A must watch film.