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Oh Say Can You Fudge (Candy-Coated, #3)
Nancy CoCo | 2015
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rating ( of 5 stars)

***NOTE: I received a free review copy of this book from NetGalley***

Book #3 in the Candy Coated Mystery series

Allie McMurphy runs the historic McMurphy Hotel and Fudge Shop on Mackinac Island. Still seen by some as an outsider, she's worked hard to get onto the Star Spangled Fourth Committee to help plan the island's Fourth of July celebration. After missing several calls from her fireworks expert while working out a recipe for a new red, white, and blue fudge, Allie finally tries to return his call but gets no answer. Worried that something might go wrong with the fireworks show she is in charge of, she heads over to the warehouse where the fireworks are being stored and arrives just minutes before the building explodes.

With several recent fires and now an explosion, it appears that there may be an arsonist running around the Island. As if that wasn't enough to keep Allie busy, the committee is insistent that finding replacement fireworks at the last minute is her responsibility, since she is the one who wanted to hire someone new for this year's fireworks show. Allie has to make sure the fireworks go off without a hitch and stay out of the way of an arsonist who seems more and more determined to stop her from finding the culprit.

This was the third book in the series, but the first I had read. I was happy to find that the author briefly re-introduced returning characters so I had no trouble keeping up with the cast and their relations to Allie. The mystery kept me guessing until near the end of the book. It was suspenseful and humorous, with just a touch of romance thrown in for good measure. The heroine herself is a likable person, and her puppy Mal makes her that much more endearing.

There are several very yummy sounding fudge recipes included in the book as well. The recipes in this volume were all pie-flavor themed. I can't wait to try the Coconut Cream No Bake Fudge or the Strawberry Cream Pie Fudge, and to read more books from this series.
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

The magic continues in Charlie N. Holmberg’s latest novel <i>The Glass Magician</i>. It is three months since the ending of <i>The Paper Magician</i> and Ceony is still apprenticing under Magician Thane – now mostly referred to as Emery. Despite the near death experiences of both the characters in the previous book, Ceony is well on her way to become a Folder – a magician that uses paper.

When an explosion occurs at a paper mill that Ceony is visiting, she realizes that not all her problems have been solved. Her defeat of an evil Excisioner has resulted in two more wanted criminals on her tail. Mistakenly, Ceony believes she can tackle this problem by herself, putting those she loves in danger.

As well as the characters from the first book, <i>The Glass Magician</i> contains a few new names including Delilah, an apprentice of a glass magician, who is a similar age to Ceony. Through Delilah the reader is introduced to another form of magic using glass or more precisely, in the case of this novel, mirrors.

In comparison to <i>The Paper Magician</i> there is a more romantic theme running throughout the book. Events of the past have brought Ceony and Emery closer together causing Ceony to fall in love with him, however she is uncertain whether Emery feels the same way. Even so, fantasy or steampunk remained the key genre.

A criticism I had of the first book was that the characters felt far too modern for the time period it was set in. The case was the same in <i>The Glass Magician</i>, although this may be more to do with the author’s writing style and therefore was unlike to differ. On the other hand the events in this book were more plausible and therefore less confusing which ultimately makes this a slightly better story.

Readers need to have read <i>The Paper Magician</i> before starting this book, as it requires knowledge of previous events, which are vital to the story line. If you loved the first book it is almost guaranteed that you will love the second.
Blood &amp; Treasure
Blood & Treasure
2019 | Action, Adventure
7.4 (5 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Good Summer Series That Works Well
Blood & Treasure is an action/adventure drama series created by Matthew Federman and Stephen Scaia. It was produced by Propagate, Lake June Productions and CBS Television Studios and distributed by CBS Television Distributions.

Art expert Danny McNamara recruits an old flame, Lexi Vaziri, a professional thief, to help rescue Dr. Ana Castillo, his mentor, who after discovering the tomb of Mark Antony and Cleopatra was abducted by terrorists. The tomb was missing the sarcophagus of Cleopatra and also contained the remains of dead Nazis who were sealed in by a mysterious cult. Lexi and Danny track stolen antiques to an auction and kidnap the terrorists middleman, Aiden Shaw. Lexi let's him escape so they can follow him and they pursue him over the border. Shaw tries to sell his antiques back to Karim Farouk, the terrorist leader involved in the abduction of Castillo and explosion of the Pyramid. Farouk shoots Shaw and escapes while Lexi chases after and Danny rescues Castillo. Danny determines two things with Castillo's help: the cult that killed the Nazis are the key to finding the bodies and Farouk plans to weapons the curse of Cleopatra and Antony.

This show has been consistently really good. I am excited to see where it goes plot wise and it's overall story arc. Very enjoyable, really good acting and fast paced. Lexi is such a great character, she's beautiful, kicks ass and doesn't ask for permission. People complain about how it shifts perspective from past to present but no think it has become a staple of the show and makes it unique. It does have a familiar feel to it something like Indiana Jones meets Da Vinci Code but nothing supernatural yet. I hope that this show does well enough for a second season or at least is able to finish the plot of the first season. Critics are tearing it apart online but its a pretty decent show. I really like how they are constantly shooting in different locations that look beautiful from around the world. I give it a 7/10.

Ed Helms recommended Trading Places (1983) in Movies (curated)

Trading Places (1983)
Trading Places (1983)
1983 | Comedy

"Trading Places. Like most people, I don’t love the ending of the movie on the train with the gorilla costume, but I feel like even with that, it’s still a nearly perfect movie. What is it about that movie? Well, there’s a few things. For starters, when I was a kid, I watched Saturday Night Live from a very young age. I was obsessed with Eddie Murphy, and I don’t know why. He captured my imagination. I loved his energy, and he was always such an uninhibited performer on Saturday Night Live, and then later in his movies. I feel like Trading Places is a phenomenal performance by Eddie Murphy as he goes through this kind of metamorphosis, but also, it’s just an insanely funny movie. This image of Dan Aykroyd in a Santa suit, pulling a salmon steak out of his suit, which he’s hid, and he hid a salmon steak in his suit and stole it and ran out in the street, starts eating it, and he’s pulling his Santa beard hair out of the fish while he’s eating it because it’s all getting mashed… It’s genius. So, the physical comedy, the dialogue comedy is top-notch, but also, I think thematically it’s a piece of social satire that I’d love to see more of. I feel like it’s really what storytelling is at its best, where it’s kind of pointing out some social ills. In this case, it’s inequality, it’s corrupt influence, it’s corrupt power, it’s racial tension, racial disparity. It’s all baked into this hilarious comedy, and if you’re paying attention, you’re hopefully maybe learning a little something as well, or it’s just kind of seeping under the laughs, which is the best stuff. Dan Aykroyd’s character kind of… His performance is so great because it goes from really broad and silly to ultimately very humble and human, and it’s kind of like he and Eddie Murphy are playing these characters that have really great arcs that sort of crisscross right in the middle, right? It gets weirdly poignant, and as soon as it’s poignant, then Clarence Beeks will throw someone down on the pavement and just this explosion of physical comedy, and you’re laughing again."

Patriots Day (2016)
Patriots Day (2016)
2016 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
There are events in history that are burned into our memories. The attack on Pearl Harbor, JFK assassination, Challenger explosion, Oklahoma City bombing, and 9/11 stand out as moments when their respective generations ask “where were you when?” The same can be said with the Boston Marathon bombing of 2013. In Patriot’s Day we bear witness to the various people involved with the events that unfolded during that week. We are reminded of the tension and fear that the nation experienced as law enforcement tried to find those responsible. The film reopens a wound that has just begun to heal so that we are reminded of the vulnerability that everyone, from every walk of life has to terrorism and acts of violence.

Patriot’s Day stars Mark Wahlberg as a police officer and native Bostonian who is placed on duty for the Boston Marathon. The film is not about him or his personal experience. Rather, the film is more about the myriad of individuals who witness or fall victim to the attack that day. Unlike similar films that deal with the topic of terrorism, the film does not focus on the effect the events have on one or two people. The film is complex and demonstrates the circumstances of the attack, the investigation, the apprehension, and the personal experiences through a variety of voices and faces. The film makes the experience personal and does not depend on sensationalism to sell the story.

The film will captivate those that see it in being able to learn more about the individuals involved or who fell victim. It is also remarkable in its ability to weave the storytelling so that each player has a strong development before their portion of the tale is fully realized. It allows for an appreciation of the individuals involved and demonstrates that they are more than just names in a report. Patriot’s Day is a film that will open wounds for those who witnessed and experienced the events first-hand, but allows for those who have little to no memory of that week to delve deeper into the way that the events played out and truly understand the manner in which the city of Boston went from hurting, to healing, to being strong.
Fire (Underground Encounters #2)
Fire (Underground Encounters #2)
Lisa Carlisle | 2012 | Erotica, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fire (Underground Encounters #2) by Lisa Carlisle
Fire is the second book in the Underground Encounters series, and is the first full-length book. This is Maya's story, and we start with her returning to Vamps a year after the explosion. We find out that Nike never returned, and is in Europe somewhere with Michel, leaving Maya with a nugget of resentment towards her friend, and the man who took her away. When she is in Vamps, she catches the eye of the new owner, who appears to have his own gifts that are different to Michel's. The spark quickly turns into flames when these two get together, but they both have secrets that they are hiding.

I think the thing I loved about this book is that Maya still kicks ass, even though she is hurting. Yes, she feels resentment towards her best friend, and yes, I would too. Things burn hot and fast between Tristan and Maya, helping to take her mind off Nike. However, things that burn that hot often burn out, as both Tristan and Maya find out, although in this case, it's because Tristan tries to do Maya's thinking for her, making decisions that affect her without getting her input.

For saying this is a paranormal book, there are many instances that are 'normal' - the lingering resentment (even when Nike turns up), taking the time to get to know someone, opposites attracting, friendship - I could go on. All of the things I have mentioned are completely natural and not covered up in any way.

I would say that you are best to read Nike's story first, as a big part of the storyline involves her and the circumstances around her departure. That is only a short read though, that will leave you wanting more. Fire fulfils that want, giving you more of Nike's story, as well as leaving plenty of Maya. Once again, no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and with a smooth pace, with plenty of heat. This was a great addition, and I look forward to reading more in this series. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Interactions between Rey and Kylo (2 more)
The special effects
The lightsaber battle against the praetorian guard
Poor storyline (2 more)
Completely irrelevant side story with Finn and Rose
Wasted main villain
Disappointing entry after a promising previous film
What hasn't been said about this film already?!

Having had high hopes for this based on a solid entry in episode VII this film simply didn't live up to the high expectations.

The special effects were, as normal, fantastic with the ship collision at light speed a major highlight. The interactions between Rey and Kylo and subsequent character development of the 2 is both interesting and welcomed and provides hope for episode IX. The scene with the 2 fighting side by side against the praetorian guard was also great to watch.

Aside from those parts the film felt like it lacked any real direction and the storyline is simply poor. With the film opening on a massive battle where the first order, once again, are made out to be utterly inept and farcically incompetent it seems as if the film wants to substitute substance for style.

Almost the entire film consists of the first order chasing the rebellion at sub light speed waiting for them to run out of fuel whilst we are given an utterly pointless side mission for Finn and newcomer Rose which does nothing to develop either character or the actual main storyline.

Luke, meanwhile, has become a hermit and whilst that in itself isn't an issue (after all so was Yoda) it is a disappointing change to the legends Luke who would have been a lot more interesting.

The princess leia bridge explosion scene was also very shortly done. Whilst it was a great development to show her with significant force abilities the special effects made it crying worthy and completely ruined it.

Then there is the bizarre decision to simply kill off Snoke in the most pathetic of ways. All the build up of what appears to be an exceptionally strong Darkside user and he is cut down far too easily. It will be interesting to see how episode IX addresses this as it was a very disappointing ending to the character.

All in all there were just too many awful decisions and I left the cinema feeling massively underwhelmed. Perhaps in time, especially after its sequel, maybe this will be a film looked back on as a perfect midfilm in the trilogy.

Andy K (10821 KP) Jan 9, 2018

Although I agree with some of what you said, I think people are generally being too harsh on this film. For those of us who are old enough, I remember lots of unresolved issues when Han was encased in Carbonite and taken away by Boba Fett. We had to wait 3 years to know what happened.

Maybe (Hopefully) things have been thought out enough by the people in charge now and they give us a kick-ass Episode IX!


Dr Dystopian (526 KP) Jan 9, 2018

That's exactly what im hoping Andy. Whilst there are other issues in the film that bother me im hoping the storyline and progression makes sense by the end of IX and that it's a fantastic film that rounds off the whole trilogy well. Then when looking back it may be that XIII isn't a great film on its own but is well placed as part of the trilogy.

The Sound Of Glass
The Sound Of Glass
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Merritt Heyward has just inherited the home of her deceased husband's grandmother. A grandmother she never knew existed. Now she is packing her whole life and moving from her home in Maine to Beaufort, South Carolina. What secrets will she uncover about her husband and about herself?
Edith Heyward's whole world is turned upside down in July 1955 when on the same night, a plane explodes over small town Beaufort and her husband is killed in a car crash from watching the explosion. How will these events change her life.
These women have a very strong connection to one another. One that involves more than just Cal Heyward(Merritt's Husband). They both share a secret that they don't want the world to know.

I so enjoyed this book. This is the second book by Karen White I have read. The first being The Beach Trees. In this book, you were on the edge of your seat to see the way secrets were going to unfold. When I first started reading this book, I thought what a bitch Merritt was. But as the story unfolds you get to see what a sheltered person she is who has had to hide her emotions for so long, she's not sure how to act.
At the same time Merritt is moving to South Carolina, her step-mother and half brother are moving there as well from Georgia. Merritt has never met her brother,Owen and does not have a relationship with her step-mother, Loralee. But when they show up at her front door in a town where she is new to as well, walls start to come down and friendship and love is born.
Trying to find her way in a new town, find out who her husband was and why he kept so many secrets, and get to know family members she had no desire to know in the first place; Merritt is destined to learn more about the South, conquer her fears and become the woman she has always wanted to be.

This is an amazing novel with strong characters. You will find yourself, looking for a journal to write down all of the inspirational quotes and sayings. I highly recommend this book to all of my female friends.

JT (287 KP) rated Haywire (2012) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Haywire (2012)
Haywire (2012)
2012 | Action, Drama, Mystery
5.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
With all the acting talent that was on offer in this film how could Soderbergh give us such an overrated pile of rubbish and waste said talent in an instant. Thank the lord I didn’t purchase this on Blu-ray as I was originally intending to; otherwise it would have been in the box and back to the shop the following day.

There is nothing wrong with casting a female in the lead role for an action film, it worked for Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider, Wanted and Salt. Here though, Gina Carano, who had no acting talent at all and came from a Muay Thai background meant she would need little training in the fight choreography, but lots in the acting department. It was clear then that no one directed her to that department. Sharing the screen with the likes of Fassbender, Douglas, and McGregor she was well out of place.

Mallory Kane (Gina Carano) is a black ops soldier who has been double crossed and is now out for revenge. The plot that is so overdone it is boring with nothing new to offer at all. The film is told from Kane’s point of view to Scott (Michael Angarano), a customer in the diner who she escapes with. Looking at Soderbergh’s back catalogue he’s never really tackled a high octane action flick, and it shows right from the outset. The fight scenes are powerful and well put together but then I’m sure that is down to Carano’s skill and experience as a real life fighter.

Soderbergh tries to make it too slick and too involved. When all we are begging for is a decent car chase or explosion, something to get us off our seats and fist pump the air. This doesn’t happen, even if she does dispatch Fassbender with ease or leaves poor Channing Tatum with a broken arm.

The cast list is admirable, but in their own way they are used sparingly. Douglas’s government agent gets a little screen time, as does the shady contact Antonio Banderas who, like Douglas, is only around for a short space of time. The less said about McGregor the better as quite frankly he was crap! I personally didn’t rate this at all. Soderbergh is a good director but his foray into action was a bit of a let down and a great disappointment.
Skyfall (2012)
Skyfall (2012)
2012 | Action, Mystery
It has been four years since Daniel Craig graced the screen as James Bond, in large part due to financial issues with MGM studio. Thankfully the matters were resolved and Academy award-winning director Sam Mendes kept his schedule free to avoid any conflicts that would have kept him from filming the latest chapter in the series. “Skyfall” has a very satisfying and enjoyable plot that twist and turns yet is not difficult to follow as it takes the audience on an emotional roller coaster.

After being wounded in the line of duty, Bond has gone missing and is assumed dead by everyone at MI6. While recuperating, Bond is in no hurry to let the world or his former comrades know that he still alive, becoming very dependent on alcohol and medication to help him cope.

A list of all the operatives in deep cover operations has fallen into the wrong hands which places not only the agents’ lives, but the effectiveness of the British Secret Service, in grave danger. As a result, the head of MI6, M (Dame Judy Dench), is fighting not only for the lives of her agents, but for her very career as she is strongly encourage to ease into retirement by the new government minister named Gareth Mallory (Ralph Fiennes).

As if M’s troubles could not get any worse without her primary operative, an explosion rocks the MI6 headquarters as M returns from her meeting with Mallory. It becomes very clear that the person in possession of list has a personal score to settle with M, and delights in taunting her and her agents online as he executes a deadly plan of revenge.
Following the explosion, Bond resurfaces and demands to return to active duty despite having physical and mental issues as a result of his last mission. Mallory and others urge Bond to get out of the game and leave it for younger men, but Bond’s sense of honor and duty drive him to face the challenge.

With exotic locales ranging from Shanghai, Macau, Turkey, as well as London and Scotland, “Skyfall” captures the best of Bond with a gripping story that will have you hooked for the film’s entire 2 1/2 hours run time.

The introduction of Javier Bardem to the series was a masterful stroke as he plays a Bond villain unlike others. He is not a mega-millionaire bent on conquering the world, but rather he is a sympathetic and somewhat tragic figure that is a very kindred spirit to Bond himself.

The hallmark of the series has always been great action pieces and stunt work and “Skyfall”, does not disappoint in this category. I am very impressed with how computer generated effects were kept to an absolute minimum in the movie and how Craig and cast really went all out for their demanding and physical roles.

Mendes is to be commended for his work. Not only is the film wonderful to look at capturing the darkness of the world Bond operates in as well as the lavish beauty of the locales in which he travels. The stark contrast between light and dark in the film aptly portrays the psyche of Bond as he’s truly a person haunted by demons and the film even allows us greater insight into his character and past than has previously been seen before.

Naomi Harris and Bérénice Marlohe are the latest of Bond girls and they prove that they are more than just eye candy for the film, as they both are complex and strong women who complement the story well instead of being gratuitous sidekicks and obligatory damsels in distress.

The action-filled finale is very satisfying and the film concludes very well setting up the next chapters in the series very well. I had not been as big offensive glass to Daniel Craig films as I have of certain past Bond films. My biggest issue was that the new version of bond comes across more as a common thug rather than the suave, sophisticated, gentleman killer that I had grown to associate with bond.

This time around the film has much more of a balance in this regard as there is a quiet strength to Craig’s performance as he seems more comfortable in the role than he had in previous outings. We know that he can carry the physical demands of the role, this time around Mendes encouraged him to open up his emotional range which allowed for a more diverse and complex Bond than we had seen previously. I truly think that his work in “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” really helped Craig as he did a masterful job playing a complex character with flaws, and seemed much more comfortable in bringing more bonds demons to light.

I’m extremely happy with the film and especially love the movie’s dénouement which, for me, promises a very good and eagerly anticipated direction for future films.