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The Golden Braid (Hagenheim, #6)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A classic fairy tale, re-imagined like you would never believe! Experience the story of Rapunzel through new eyes.

Rapunzel is an accomplished artist and can throw a dagger better than anyone, however, she longs to learn how to read. When yet another young man proposes marriage to Rapunzel, Mother Gothel whisks them away to the city of Hagenheim. And her dream of learning to read might actually become a reality. When the handsome knight, Sir Gerek, saves them on the road, her opportunity to learn may be here at last! But Rapunzel has been brought up to fear everyone and everything in life. Especially men, claiming that none can be trusted. Despite this fact, Sir Gerek agrees to teach Rapunzel to read. As the story unfolds, truths are revealed, and everything Rapunzel has come to believe about herself changes. Will she find her "Happily Ever After?" Or will she allow fear to consume her as it does for so many.

The Golden Braid is not your typical "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!" re-telling of this classic fairy tale. There are deep truths and weighty lessons that resonate deep within your soul. We have all faced fears.
Have we allowed fear blind us to the truth that our Heavenly Father is protecting us and guiding us? Sometimes bad things happen, and we may never know why. But as children of God we must trust that He knows what He is doing and that He will guide our path. Love is another powerful aspect of this story. That human love, no matter how deep and true, will never be able to satisfy like God's love. While we need earthly love from our family and spouse, we must ultimately cling to the true love our Father love above all others. I had very high expectations for this book and Melanie Dickerson blew them all out of the water! I can not believe I have not read her books before now. I am thrilled to have found her books and am eagerly anticipating reading her next book: A Spy's Devotion.

I received a free digital copy of The Golden Braid from Thomas Nelson Publishers through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Maleficent (2014) in Movies

Oct 19, 2019 (Updated Oct 25, 2019)  
Maleficent (2014)
Maleficent (2014)
2014 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
A refreshing take on a beloved classic
Sleeping Beauty is one of the most famous classic animated Disney features of all time, and that is partly thanks to the villain of the piece - Maleficent.
When I think back to watching Sleeping Beauty as a child, Maleficent is the main aspect that sticks out.
A being of seemingly pure evil, who would curse a baby just because.

This live action re telling of Sleeping Beauty shifts the focus to Maleficent almost exclusively, and explores an untold backstory that gives the character a whole different aspect.
And I reckon it's done pretty well.
Angelina Jolie is obviously having fun playing the strong fairy Queen, who turns to the dark side after she's done over by King Stefan, and she plays both the sympathetic and evil parts of Maleficent with style, with sprinkles of dark humour here and there for good measure.
Stefan is played by Sharlto Copley, who I loved im both District 9, and Elysium, so it's interesting to see him do something different here.
Aurora is more of a side character this time around, but Elle Fanning does a good job of fitting in when the narrative calls for it.

The film looks great for the most part. The more colourful palette of The Moors is lovely and feels suitably magical, and the darkness of the thorned forest plays well with a more gothic athstetic, and it's all backed up by a terrific score (courtesy of James Newton Howard).

The CGI is still pretty passable considering the film is now 5 years old, only becoming more obvious in the flying scenes.

The only things I didn't like about Maleficent, was mainly the three fairy godmothers. I know that Disney need to fill a certain quota of silly humour, but they became quickly annoying and actually quite out of place with the rest of the film.
Some of the dialogue is quite cheesy (especially when Maleficent performs the curse on Aurora) but little things like this are to be expected from a Disney fairytale.

All in all, Maleficent is great fun, and pretty good twist to a well established classic story.
Lost in Wonderland
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<i>Lost in Wonderland</i> has got to be one of the weirdest books I’ve ever read, and if I’ve read a weirder book than this one, then this is the weirdest book I’ve read this year.

Okay, the book’s weirdness is what intrigued me to read the book in the first place. But let me say just how weird this book really is:

The book starts with a character named Mouse. Honestly, I thought the book started with a legit mouse (it really sounded like one as well). A flipping <i>mouse</i>! Who starts a book with a mouse?! Really, I just got so confused for awhile at the very beginning, so to save everyone else’s sanity, the main character is not actually a mouse.

It’s a reference to some of the characters involved in Lewis Carroll’s <i>Alice In Wonderland</i>. After that got cleared out, the plot actually made a lot more sense. (Let’s also keep in mind that I do not remember the synopsis of a book. I read it, I find it interesting, I get the book myself, and then actually read the book. Maybe I’ll remember the synopsis if I’m lucky.)

But anyways, <i>Lost In Wonderland</i> is extremely weird. As in, top of the notch weird. It’s disturbing and gruesome and twisted. But it’s such a good kind of weird, that I think this entire series would be a really cool TV show. <i>Lost In Wonderland</i> is basically Law &amp; Order, CSI - just think of any crime related shows - with a fairy tale twist. I just can’t get how awesome this would be on an actual screen, and I just want to see if Peacock incorporates any other fairy tales or just <i>Alice In Wonderland</i>.
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<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Cinderella (2015)
Cinderella (2015)
2015 | Family, Romance, Sci-Fi
7.9 (37 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Throw together two beautiful faces from a couple of popular TV shows, award-winning veterans of the big screen, a director who loves to immerse viewers in story in the most spectacular of ways and what do you get? Sweet, magical enchantment.

Cinderella is Disney’s latest live-action translation of a classic animated film and under Kenneth Branagh’s deft direction it is simply wonderful. Retelling a beloved fairytale and making it feel fresh, delightful and satisfying is no small feat but Branagh does it with engaging actors, charming sets, captivating scenery and gorgeous costumes.

Lily James, recently of Downton Abbey, plays the heroine with sweet, innocent strength. Showered with love by her parents, played by Ben Chaplin and Hayley Atwell, Ella knows nothing about discontent or malice. Even after she loses her mother, and even after her father brings home an uncaring stepmother and disdainful stepsisters, Ella remains faithful to her mother’s dying wish for her daughter to “Have courage. Be Kind.”

Everyone knows how Ella became Cinderella and we all know just how badly she’s treated by her stepmother and stepsisters. Cate Blanchett is wickedly magnificent as the stepmother and Sophie McShera and Holliday Grainger bring new meaning to gaudy and garish.

I have to admit I’m a sucker for any fairytale that involves grand, sweeping ballroom scenes like Beauty and the Beast, Enchanted and now Cinderella. Of course, the scene could not have been possible without the help of a Fairy Godmother. Helena Bonham Carter is simply delightful in her role as Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother. The special effects used to give Cinderella a stunning gown as well as a horse-drawn carriage and driver and footmen were flawless

We also know how the story ends, but that didn’t stop the audience from sighing, holding its collective breath, and cheering when the prince, played handsomely by Richard Madden, finds the maiden whose foot fits perfectly in the glass slipper.

Days after our screener, my husband and I were still discussing the movie, that’s how much we enjoyed it. And when you can get your husband to easily agree to watch it again when it’s released, you know it’s a great movie.
    Little Briar Rose

    Little Briar Rose

    Games and Stickers

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    A stained glass-styled adventure inspired by Sleeping Beauty. «Little Briar Rose is one of the...

    Shadow Land - Endless Tap

    Shadow Land - Endless Tap

    Games, Entertainment and Stickers

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    One day, the world suddenly lost its colour… All the colour in the world was taken by a monster...

Becky Bird | 2019
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thank you to NetGalley and Becky Bird for providing an e-copy of Slumber in exchange for an honest opinion.

Everyone knows that the market for fairy tale retellings is hot right now and, as such, is becoming saturated. However, Becky Bird comes at the story of Sleeping Beauty from a completely different angle: what if “true love’s kiss” which breaks the spell isn’t that between the Prince and Princess?

Slumber was a slow burner for me personally. Initially I agreed with previous reviews that the novel would be considered middle-grade rather than YA but my opinion did change about half way through the book. In my opinion, this was when the author ‘settled in’ to the novel and truly developed the characters into ones the reader could relate to and find themselves rooting for.

This was also the point where it became clear Becky Bird was challenging a number of stereotypes through her characters: the Cardinal is a man of God but this does not necessarily make him good; Lucy is an orphan but this does not make her weak; Jack is a boy but this does not make him brave and, finally, Thomas is a Prince but this does not make him charming! This humanised the characters for me and I found myself growing to really like them.

There are also a number of tongue-in-cheek references to fairy tales which I really appreciated. Phrases such as “bibbidi-bobbidi-boo” and Jack running for the trees every chance he got added an undercurrent of humour throughout the novel.

Unfortunately, there were moments where I got frustrated by the novel skipping between locations and characters- sometimes mid-event. Separating these by chapters or even page breaks would have made this an easier read. The start of the book especially also seemed to be a tad “over written” with references to a literal river of tears and a croissant described as a “creamy delight”.

Overall Slumber was a quick and easy read with a really great concept and endearing characters. It possibly could have benefitted from some suspense as all the Cardinal’s motives were revealed right at the start of the book but nevertheless it was an enjoyable read.