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Fade Out (Morganville Vampires #7)
Fade Out (Morganville Vampires #7)
Rachel Caine | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Yet another good addition to the Morganville Vampires series, Fade Out is all about entertainment, but with a sinister twist. Eve wins a major part in the town's production of Tennessee Williams' A Street Car Named Desire and Claire's quirky boss, Myrnin, seems to have gained his sanity. But underneath this calm surface, rebellion is simmering while Amelie grieves, Ada-the-computer has it in for Claire, and the other goth chick in town, Kim, has less-than-honest designs for Morganville with a suspicious film project in the works.
Claire seems to have worked out a truce with her parents, which I liked since they just seem to get in the way. Her relationship with Shane is adorable and sweet, and I love their loyalty to each other even as they navigate the familiar territory of new romance. In contrast, Eve and Michael have hit a major bump in the road that I saw coming several books back - and I'm still a little annoyed that we don't get more details from Eve's perspective.
Myrnin has to be my favorite character in the series. Even as a sane individual, he is still incredibly unique - from his fashion sense, to the unexpected things he randomly spouts, to his mercurial behavior and unpredictable loyalties among the town's inhabitants. What develops with Ada's subplot in the book shows that beneath the vampire still lurks some humanity, and he obviously has many more secrets that have yet to be revealed.
Amelie grieves for the loss of Sam, and the way she randomly appears in Claire's day-to-day life during this period of stark vulnerability is equal parts mystifying and encouraging. While the downside of this is that the rebellious factions feel stronger, the upside is that the readers gets to see some of the characteristics typical only to humans show themselves in Amelie.
As for Claire herself, Shane makes an observation about her that I think sums her up quite nicely. Some people come to Morganville and disappear, but when Claire came to Morganville, she began to thrive.
Every time I pick up one of the books in this series, I simply can not stop reading until I've finished it - always the perfect blend of suspense, mystery, and supernatural elements to keep me hooked.
There are few pastimes that can compete with my love of books, but baking is one of them. The premise of this cookbook seemed rather unique, as it attempted to combine baking with fashion. There is even a delightful foreword by Isaac Mizrahi to further the theme. The author, Rachel Schifter Thebault, runs her own bakery, Tribeca Treats, out of New York City, and this is her debut cookbook.
The book opens with an explanation of Rachel's philosophy of baking. In the same way that a woman uses a little black dress as the foundation of her wardrobe, using accessories to dress it up or down, so too can a baker take a basic recipe for the base of a dessert and use simple alterations to create a complete "wardrobe" of desserts for any occasion. Chocolate chip cookie dough becomes white chocolate coconut cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies, snickerdoodles, or anything else a cook can dream up with a change in mix-ins. I used the oatmeal raisin cookie recipe and substituted in chocolate chips, cinnamon, and nutmeg, and they came out perfect!
The book is divided into three sections: Cookies, Cakes, and Confections. Each chapter in the three sections feature a basic recipe to build on, with names such as "The Crisp Oxford Shirt," "The A-Line Skirt," and "The Leather Jacket." Following the basic recipe of each chapter are several more example recipes of how to alter the base recipe to fit your needs. Vanilla Cake becomes Peanut Butter and Jelly Cupcakes, and Basic Tempered Chocolate becomes Cranberry Almond Bark.
The detail that Rachel goes into is also quite impressive. The beginning of the book teaches the basics of baked goods by reviewing all of the major ingredients used in baking - things like eggs, cocoa powder, and extracts - as well as essential equipment used, like a cake turntable. She then goes into the basic techniques of baking, simplifying them for even the most amateur of novices, and provides a pictorial guide for icing a cake and dipping things in chocolate. Each recipe is provided with very specific details on how to perform each step, as well as ideas at the end on how to dress it up further.
I loved this cookbook, and I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in baking, from the amateur to the experienced baker.
Burlesque (2010)
Burlesque (2010)
2010 | Drama, Musical, Romance
6.5 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Could Have Been Better
When Ali (Christina Aguilera) moves to LA to make it big, she decides to settle for working in a burlesque house instead. Oh my God, here we go…

Acting: 7

Beginning: 8

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 2
I guess this is as good a place to start as any. While there were some decent shots within the burlesque club itself, the film pretty much centers around this one location so there’s not a whole lot of room for expansion. Your eyes are supposed to be set on stage which would work if this were a play. I also thought they failed in capturing the sensuality of the burlesque genre. It felt extremely flat to say the least and I almost wish they had changed the title of the film to something else more relevant like, I don’t know, Pretty People Lip-Syncing? Huge fail here.

Conflict: 1
Much ado about nothing here as get a feel for exactly where the story is heading the entire time. The obstacles Ali experienced seemed staged, never natural, as if they were putting something in her way for the sake of it continuing the awful story. In the end, the film could never decide on where it wanted to create the conflict. Whether it was the club closing, someone wanting to take over the club, an awkward relationship triangle, or trouble on the big stage, Burlesque was all over the damn place.

Genre: 6

Memorability: 6

Pace: 4

Plot: 6
If I’m being honest, Ali’s drive was the only thing that kept me motivated to watch the movie the rest of the way. Her story is touching and, despite the Hallmark feel of it all, you want her to succeed. Other than that, I really couldn’t make heads or tails of much else. This movie is like a tree with crazy branches sprouting off into a bunch of different directions…but never really going anywhere important.

Resolution: 6

Overall: 56
Burlesque is the first film attacked in a podcast called “How Did This Get Made?”, a show that takes awful movies and rips them apart in deserved fashion. I started the movie thinking to myself, “Well, this isn’t so bad…” which became “Ok, what’s going on here?” which finally became, “Dear God, this needs to end!” Steer clear. You have been warned.
An Amish Heirloom
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a wonderful collection of stories! Amy, Kathleen, and Kelly are among authors that I love to read and read over again. An Amish Heirloom is beautifully written and collaborated, and each story brought something new to the table. As soon as I opened the book, I was hooked.

Amy, Kathleen and Kelly all wrote amazing stories for this novella. I loved the firefighter in Amy’s story! Of course, I’m married to one so I’m always partial to them. But, in trademark Amy fashion she creates a story that is believable and captivating, and full of second chances. Her characters, Leon and Susie, are chiseled perfectly and she always leaves me wanting more.

Kathleen’s story of longing and hope is stunning and also beautifully written. Shane and Lucy are sweet characters and I loved watching them interact! The connection they share over a Bible is felt throughout their story and I didn’t want it to end.

Kelly wrote a sweet story of a quilt and a baby bringing two people who have longed for each other together is another well rounded, believable story and I loved every second of it! Kelly, like Kathleen and Amy, is a well seasoned author when it comes to creating stories of hope, longing and inspiration.

However, despite me loving those stories, I wasn’t overly fond of Beth’s story in this one. For a while now, I’ve had a hard time getting into her stories. Something about her writing style has changed and I find it difficult to get into. But, I didn’t let that deter me. I read her story and pushed on and finished it, and while I didn’t care for this one, it still lent a nice piece to the collaboration.

That all said, this is a 4 star read for me! These ladies bring inspiring messages to the table for their fans and left me wanting more from them. Each story has something in it that is special to the characters, and really made miss my grandmother (she passed away in 2017), and how she would make everyone a quilt here, or give them something special there, to cherish and love. Well done ladies, and I look forward to another collaboration!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Nostalgia (1 more)
Video Games
This movie is based off of the book of the same name and matches it for most of the major plot points. In short, the story follows Wade Wilson, an egg hunter (Gunter for short), on the search for a virtual Easter egg that unlock control over the virtual reality known as The Oasis. In a scavenger hunt fashion, there are clues and trials that Wade must figure out and overcome in his attempt at such a coveted prize.
 The film follows the major points of the book, but does change the clues and trials so its not the same exact story, which I feel is the purpose of film adaptations. However, as with many sci-fi films, majority of interest here is of the world that is constructed which is quickly glossed over. To be fair, how much more do we really need to than people are addicted to virtual reality and want to have more power in it? But the issue is the sort of background that is left out that can leave the soley film consumers a bit confused or leave more questions. As for the actual content of the film, it is a real nostalgia trip for those who enjoyed 80's pop culture and tries to include more recent fandoms such as Overwatch and Halo. Sadly, the viewer doesn't really take part in the treasure hunt as mystery and adventure films try to do. The clues are obscure and related to the creator of the hunt, so there isn't much guessing at what a clue means until it is flat out explained.
However, with the audience participation aside, it is a good sci-fi adventure that utilizes a good blend of motion capture technology and cgi work. It explore a good variety of worlds, environments, and character models that make this film noteworthy of that aspect of production. It leaves quite the impression and I know I looked up how much virtual reality cost after I was done.
In short, it was a good overall production in terms of tools utilized, but lacked a little bit of story in an attempt to cram a different world and rule set while trying to make a complete adventure and story arc. I recommend viewing it at least once, but doesn't really need to be viewed more than that.
Wonder Woman: Warbringer
Wonder Woman: Warbringer
Leigh Bardugo | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Leigh Bardugo takes the fierce heroine you know and love - and makes her human. Warbringer is an origin story, taking Diana back to her roots and showing readers the less sure side of the Amazonian Princess. Yes, Diana is strong, loyal, honest and hard-working but she is also prideful, ambitious and unsure. She hasn't yet made a name for herself in the world of man and isn't sure what she is capable of.

This story focuses on the relationship between Diana and Alia, a New Yorker who finds herself on the island of Themiscyra, rather than the romance most readers have come to expect. Sorry Steve, but this story is all about girl power and friendship. The two girls learn from each other and what it means to have a sister.

<i>“Sister in battle,” murmured Diana, “I am shield and blade to you.”
“And friend.”
“And always your friend.”</i>

I really enjoyed the characters in this book and the diversity that Leigh effortlessly brought to the story. Each character is able to shine without seeming like they were only an addition to hit some invisible quotient. Alia and her brother Jason are New Yorkers, but they're also Greek and African American. Jason's best friend, Theo is Brazilian and a total technogeek. Nim is self-described as Indian, fat and gay, and while none of those things define her or are the most important aspects of her (obviously that award goes to her killer fashion sense) they are very important additions. The characters represent our diverse world today and give each one of us someone or something to relate to.

I have always loved Wonder Woman, so as long as Leigh Bardugo's story felt like the character I've grown to know and love - I was going to be happy, but she managed to raise the bar. She brought me a tale of the Diana that I didn't even know that I wanted, her true origin story and took her readers on a journey with Diana as she learned what it meant to be a true hero, an Amazon.

This book isn't just for fans of superheroes, but those looking for a tale of friendship, maybe a little betrayal and some pure gold lines coming from the Amazonian <s>Princess</s> Queen of comebacks.
I, Tonya (2017)
I, Tonya (2017)
2017 | Biography, Drama, Sport
Acting (2 more)
Skate or Die
A lot of us remember the day when Nancy Kerrigan's knee was smashed by a hired hit man. According to this biographical film it is told that it was supposed to death threat letters that were to be written to scare her off but, instead one of the hired men took a rod and smashed her knee. Kerrigan was slated as the top us skater to qualify for the Olympics and Harding was close behind being the only female who could land the triple axle.

The story told of Harding's life in this movie makes us feel horrible for her. The way she was brought up, her father leaving when she was very young, the abusive mentally and physically mother, the abusive husband who she had battered women's syndrome with. Her bad ass up brining that made the judges hated her for not being American enough. Her life was Shit that turned into to gold but back to shit yet again. She possibly could have made it on her own.

Harding's husband was behind the plot along with his dumb friend who was Harding's bodyguard arranged to have Kerrigan dismantled in some fashion. Of course these idiots were found and spilled their guts. Harding was named as knowing about the plot but, has denied up until her latest interview. As she said "I have said I am sorry enough, enough saying i'm sorry." So believe this story or the hundred others that are out there on exactly what happened. I truly believe she knew about the plot just not when it was going to happen.

Marggot Robbie shows her acting range in this movie. She has played along side Leo in Wolf Of Wall Street an shined. She played everyone's favorite woman villain as Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad and now doing real biographical role. She shows that she has no boundaries and can adapt to any role.

Allison Janney. Deserved the golden globe and has a dam good chance at winning the Oscar for best supporting actress. She has played almost every genre you can throw at an actress and succeed. She is so good that she made me believe that she could have been Harding's mother twin in an alternate universe from all of the interviews.

This is a great close to excellent movie

Louise (64 KP) rated Moonrise in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Sarah Crossan | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest opinion*

I have read the majority of Sarah Crossan’s work so picking this up was a ‘no brainer’.

Edward Moon was forced to sign a confession to a crime he never committed. Moonrise is told from Joseph Moon’s perspective some 10 years later as his brother has had his date set for his execution.

Edward, Angela and Joseph didn’t have the best upbringing when they were kids, their mother was an alcoholic and neglected them. It was down to their aunt Karen to take the up the role of the parent but as a christian had very strict rules. When Edward was seventeen he left home, unable to tolerate the his aunts strict demands. His moment of freedom was short-lived as he gets incarcerated for the murder of a local policeman. 10 years on and Joseph is to make the journey to Texas to find out what really happened and to say his goodbyes as Edwards execution has been scheduled. Joseph moves in to a decrepit motel room and gets by doing chores for the local diner. His month-long stay in Texas is to get to know his brother again only to say goodbye.

This book was just OK, it deals with a topic that is not widely written about in YA books but I did prefer ‘One’ and ‘The weight of water’. In true Sarah Crossan fashion this book is written entirely in verse, it can be read as individual poems or as a story whatever your preference. This book was not as thought-provoking as her other books and whilst the topic is something that intrigues me, I felt it could have been more emotional and had more character development, the emotional side of things just wasn’t captured well in the writing and I think that’s what let it down for me. It’s probably my own fault, as I tend to go into these book with high expectations. I feel like capital punishment could have been addressed more and given the audience more awareness of executions.

Even though I thought this was only OK, I would still recommend trying it for several reasons, 1. the topic, 2. it’s written in verse. 3. Everyone else seemed to love it.

I rated this 3 out of 5 stars.

Gareth von Kallenbach (977 KP) rated the PC version of FIFA 14 in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
With the worldwide impact of FIFA at an all-time high, EA Sports has captured the majesty of the sport of Soccer with the amazing FIFA 14. The game is available for the PC, Playstation 3, and Xbox 360 systems and is due soon for the next generation consoles.

While I played Soccer in High School I will admit that my knowledge of the professional game is limited as names such as Pele, Beckham, and Donovan are the players that I would be able to identify the easiest. Regardless of your level of skill and experience, FIFA 14 has something for you from eye-popping graphics to the most realistic action and player options of any soccer game to date.

Some of the best changes are in the A.I. of your players as they now make much smarter and more tactical runs that allow players far more options when devising their tactics. Players also have better options to accelerate and shield the ball which is very good as the defense has improved and players will have to make sure to put some thought into their attacks and passing and not rely simply on blasting as many shots as they can on goal.

On the subject of passing this is my biggest frustration with the game as I found it often hard to be accurate and that passes were often slow which allowed defenders to get back in time to thwart my strategies.

Thankfully the improved shooting mechanics that allow players to adjust stride, approach, and angle combined with improved ball physics and you have far more options than before on how to attack the goal and in time, get your shots in the back of the net.

As in the real sport, the refs can be a pain as they can really raise your ire by calling fouls in a questionable fashion but that is simply part of the game.

Players can match up against another players online via the Seasons Mode or Custom Match to allow players to test their skills against other players online.

While fans are always going to find something to complain about or nit-pick in every sporting simulation, FIFA 14 is a step forward for the franchise and is well worth adding to your collection.
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime, Thriller
“John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum” literally hits the ground running as the film opens with the title star (Keanu Reeves) and his faithful dog running desperately through the rain soaked streets of New York. Wick is set to have every major player after him and 14 million dollar bounty in less than an hour and he is desperate to find a way out of his situation.

Picking up moments from the end of the last film, Wick is persona non grata due to his decision to conduct business on the grounds of the Continental which while providing services and sanctuary to those in his profession; is strictly forbidden.

As he gets closer to the appointed hour; the streets fill with assassins looking to take down the legend and this drives Wick to desperately call in a Marker with a figure from his past (Anjelica Houston) in order to get passage from the city.

Wick hopes that by meeting with the head of the Table he can get the bounty removed and stop running for his life. This of course requires him to deal with figures from his past such as Sofia (Halle Berry) who would sooner shoot him rather than help him due to the enormous risks associated with helping him in any way.

Of course the bodies pile up along the way as Wick dispatches countless foes in creative and brutal fashion showing his reputation is still very well earned.

The film also has a very clever secondary story that involves Winston (Ian McShane) being forced to atone for his willingness to give Wick a one hour head start at the end of the last film and this of course will bring things full circle as Wick must decide what is most important to him as he tries to find a way out of his deadly situation.

Toss in a master assassin (Mark Dacascos) and his army of rogues after Wick and the film never lets up once. It is an epic thrill ride and a symphony of bullets, blades, blood, and bodies and Reeves and the cast have never been better. While most series have run out of steam by the third film, this series has never been more enjoyable and I cannot wait to see what comes next.