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Book Divas (227 KP) rated 7: The Seven Deadly Sins in Books

Dec 12, 2017 (Updated Dec 12, 2017)  
7: The Seven Deadly Sins
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I wasn't sure what to expect when I began to read this book as it is the first of its kind that I personally read and let me tell you that I was completely blown away by the talent of these amazing authors. I could not bring myself to put this book down. As I was reading it I was coming to my own conclusions but nothing prepared me for the revelations that this book had in store for me.

Reading Tom's stories through the lives he lived left me feeling angry, outraged and saddened but I was completely unprepared for the emotional destruction I would end up experiencing by the end. I had a hard time composing myself while reading this book and even at the conclusion and I honestly don't think I have ever cried so much and so hard. I still carry the story in my heart. This is a story that has forever changed me and my personal perceptions on life and I will forever be indebted to this female powerhouse uniquely talented and motivating women.

Each story which leads to the emotional conclusion was superbly crafted with strong and believable characters and the world building was beyond my imagination. Don't pass up on reading 7 as it will have you seeing things on a new perspective. I look forward to reading more books from these authors. I wish we could rate books higher because this is a 10 star read.
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
2017 | Sci-Fi
It's 2049 and bioengineered humans are a mainstream part of society, essential to keep the human race going. Newer models have been created to obey humans, and K works for the LAPD as a blade runner. K's investigation leads him to a farm where he retires an old model replicant. While searching he finds a box buried beneath a tree that contains the bones of a human body, a woman who died in child birth. When the lab investigates the remains they discover that they are in fact of a female replicant, which leads to questions as replicants aren't supposed to be able to get pregnant.

K is told to destroy the evidence for fear that the knowledge is too dangerous, but he continues to investigate the replicant through the manufacturer's head quarters. This leads him on a trail, but unbeknown to him he's now not the only one looking for the answers.

I've been searching the depths of my brain... it's pretty scary down there... but I'm almost certain that I haven't seen the first Blade Runner. But having seen this one I'm fairly confident that you don't miss anything if that happens to be the case. Obviously, with Harrison Ford in this one as his older self there are some moments that appear to reflect his past, but through the context of the scenes everything seems to make sense.

The film sits at around the 2 hours 45 minutes mark, and I was a little concerned that it was going to feel long. During movies I tend to check the time the first time I get a little distracted, and I went for my phone thinking I must be only an hour or so in... and there were only 30 minutes left. Honestly, it was a great movie. At no point did I really get bored and look off round the cinema, which is one of my usual habits.

As my Unlimited card has gone premium and I get 3D tickets for free I went to see that showing as it was the handiest one. Yet again, I'm left wondering what the point of the 3D was. I am really not sold on it at all, I haven't seen a film where I was wowed by it. My only reaction has been "this was terrible and unwatchable" (see Valerian) or when I get up to leave when it's over "oh yeah, I've got 3D glasses on. Huh."

Ryan Gosling... much to my friend's shock, I have worked out that I've never seen him in any film. And he doesn't really do it for me, I'm all about the other Ryan... the best one. He was good in this though, he managed to play the part well, even through the points where he was in crisis. I probably wouldn't say no to seeing him in another film... apart from La La Land.
Mary Queen of Scots (2018)
Mary Queen of Scots (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama, History
Mary (Saoirse Ronan), having lived in France where she was recently widowed, returns home to Scotland to claim her rightful place as queen. But she is not exactly welcomed with open arms in the world of men and when she also decides to set her sights on becoming successor to the crown of England, a power struggle ensues. Both at home, and with her cousin Queen Elizabeth I (Margot Robbie).

There's not very much that I enjoyed about this movie to be honest. An important and intriguing period in history, involving two extremely interesting and strong women, this should have been so much better. It tries to cover so much ground in its two hour runtime, barely focusing on any particular element for very long. Vast numbers of characters are introduced, none of which are given enough time for you to feel any kind of interest or emotional investment in and at times it drastically shifts between varying tones with confusing editing.

What the movie does manage to portray is that all the men are complete bastards. Scheming, plotting and murdering, all for their own gains. It's sad that, aside from the murdering (I hope), not much has changed in modern politics.

Both female leads, especially Saoirse, are actually very good in this, despite everything, and probably the best scene in the movie is when they meet alone towards the end (something which didn't actually happen in real life!). Sadly though, I was fidgeting in my seat up until that point just waiting for it to end.
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Lee (2222 KP) Jan 20, 2019

@Dianne Robbins this one was definitely relying on the costumes and the beautiful Scottish countryside but I'm hoping it was just down to a bit of bad directing as the characters and their story are just so interesting, such potential. I'm not usually a fan of period dramas but I really love The Crown, that is what period drama should be like in my opinion


Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) Jan 20, 2019

@Lee I haven't watched The Crown yet but it's on my list. I've heard wonderful things about it.

Planet Terror (2007)
Planet Terror (2007)
2007 | Action, Comedy, Horror
If you seek a movie so absurdly over the top in almost every regard, then look no further.

Planet Terror is a glorious throwback to practical driven and blood soaked video nasties of the 70s and 80s, is super stylized to the point of self aware stupidity, and boasts a fantastic cast - a roll call of who's who in the cinema of Rodriguez/Tarantino.
Of course, Planet Terror is one half of the duos Grindhouse project, and for me, slightly takes the edge over Death Proof. Both films are great and gleefully brimming with tributes to the exploitative sub genre of its namesake, but Planet Terror is just balls to the wall fun, a blast from start to finish.
Its has badass female leads - Cherry Darling, a former go-go dancer with a gun-leg, and Dakota Block, a nurse who shoots trigger functioning syringes full of sedatives at anyone who pisses her off - Rose McGowan and Marley Shelton and both brilliant.
It has Bruce Willis mutating into God knows what. It has Tom Savini and Michael Biehn as zombie fighting sherrifs. It has Sayid from Lost collecting people's testicles in a pickle jar.
And Jesus Christ it has so. much. gore. It must have been a hell of a sticky set to work on to say the least.
To top it all off, it even opens with the now infamous Machete "trailer", with Danny Trejo and motherfucking Cheech Marin.

Planet Terror is a ride as soon as the opening credits start. An absolute must for any horror or grindhouse fan.
Claiming Hope ( Hope 2)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
83 of 220
Claiming Hope ( Hope 2)
By Elizabeth Knight

So you guys remember the naked man in the alley?

Now he’s my mate along with one of his friends. I might also have my eyes on the other two as well because why not? Oh yeah forgot to mention, turns out I’m a werewolf, hence the mating thing. Not only that but I’m the only Alpha Female in existence, which makes sense why that asshole of a fake fiance wanted to keep me for himself.

*Girl you suck at explaining what's going on.*

Shut up I’ve got this handled. Managed to do it last time without you.


Thanks to the four men who came crashing into my life, I was rescued and kept safe. Now I’m on a plane to who the hell knows where while the guys keep alluding to the fact that I have an important role to play in their world. Am I ready to step into whatever they have waiting for me? I’ve only been a werewolf for two weeks and still have so much to learn.

That was so much better than book 1! Hopes wolf is just brilliant I loved it the first time round but this was better. The story had an interesting take I loved her different mates and the pack she now leads. The ending was a cliffhanger but a really good one. Definitely moving on to book 3!