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Perfect Remains: A Gripping Thriller That Will Leave You Breathless
Perfect Remains: A Gripping Thriller That Will Leave You Breathless
Helen Fields | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Very good, gripping crime novel based in Edinburgh. Recently arrived French detective Luc Callanach finds himself at the wheel of the force's biggest crime, while still trying to find his feet in his new city.
As the reader is made aware of the "murderer"'s identity from very early on, this feels more like an early Mark Billingham book than an Ian Rankin or Ed James. Not a true whodunit, more of a case of watching the story unfold, which is thrilling and you get to see the criminal and the detective's view of the events, but may put others off.
While the story is very well crafted, the pacing is top notch and the action exciting, a few aspects irritated me at times. Luc Callanach seems to have coped very well with his change in circumstances, and at times it is almost like he (or the author) has forgotten he is French completely! And also the attitude and conclusions of what was supposed to be a very experienced psychological profiler just didn't feel plausible. And finally, as so often happens with "detective x crime series" books - if the main character didn't see it, it didn't happen. This means that Callanach has to abandon his massive case and oddly decide to go off with another detective in order to discuss something, purely as a plot device - i.e. he has to be involved in it for it to be an important part of the story. In places this worked, and got to the point, but at other times his actions just seemed so unusual as to be ludicrous, just to meet a plot point. Why the lesser characters can't have a PoV chapter is beyond me. It works perfectly well in fantasy fiction, why not in crime?!
 However these were minor quibbles, an otherwise great book.

Lindsay (1693 KP) rated Infinity in Books

Aug 30, 2018  
Tabitha Lord | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Infinity by Tabitha Lord Infinity is the second book to Horizon. It times to return to Caeli home world. What is going on there and what is happening to her people? It is an adventure of it own. Will the Resistance win the war or will the  Dictator of Augestmast win.
Caeli and her small group of friends want to help. They will assist Caeli and her people and their group of resistance mean. Is there a spy along the way for Marcus and his army. You will need to read to find out. Caeli comes back to help her group of resistance friends like Jon. What are they keeping them and what are they doing to the children.
Will the people stand up and fight or will they let some tell them what to do? Will Derek and Cali love survive?  A world is torn between them too. Derek love Caeli enough to stay with her? There are so many surprises and twist along the way, you will be to wanting turn the page to find out.
Tabitha Lord give you adventure of your life and a book you will not want to put down. The plot is well written and done. You get a love story along the way. You get to know the crew as well as Derek and Caeli.
I believe this book is good for though science fiction but also I would suggest teens to read it from the age of 14 and up. The parent has the right to decide. It being rated PG 13 so it would be okay for 13 years old if you the parent this your child or children are mature enough for the book. That is up to you.
Dread Nation
Dread Nation
Justina Ireland | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read Dread Nation a few months ago and I thought it was just ok. I had been looking forward to it for some time before I read it so maybe because of my high expectations I didn't give it a fair shot, idk.

I did like the analogous way Ireland tackled the race and social issues for the most part but the plot was basically a mess. It just didn't flow well from the events in Maryland to being sent out west and some parts felt more like random filler than relevant to the plot. I'm generally a fan of longer books but this one could have easily been 100 pages shorter without really losing anything, at least in my opinion.

The world building wasn't anything special. I felt like she had the chance to do something truly original here but instead it relies on preconceived notions of the old south and the wild west as depicted in old westerns, just with the addition of zombies.

With the exception of Jane, I didn't really think the characters were as well developed as they could have been. Jane's sass was great, I enjoyed how clearly her personality comes through in the writing but I did find her kind of 'know-it-all,' smarter than everyone around her type of attitude a bit grating at times. I was hoping to see something more than just the enemies to friends trope with Jane and Katherine as well.

Overall, I was a little disappointed with Dread Nation. I expected it to be so much more original than it turned out to be as far as a piece of spec fiction. As commentary on slavery, racism, and social injustice issues I thought it was done well.

I'll most likely pick up the sequel though, as I believe this series will continue to improve.
Louisiana's Way Home
Louisiana's Way Home
Kate DiCamillo | 2018 | Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Louisiana's Way Home By: Kate DiCamillo
Candlewick Press
Published date 2 October 2018
Children's Fiction Middle Grade 240 pages
#LouisianasWayHome #NetGalley

I know that this book has already been out in the stores for a while but I just couldn't get my review up before now. I did get the book finished before the publish date though.
I have greatly enjoyed this book and a few others that she has written.
This book is about a 12 year old girl named Louisiana and her grandma, who leave the state of Florida at 3 in the morning. Louisiana doesn't know why just that her grandma woke her up and told her to get into the car. She had to leave behind her friends and pets. She has been told that a curse has been passed down from her great grandfather and that it was time to end the curse. The curse is known as a Sundering. The story goes on to explain how the curse was started and why it is called this name. They travel with no money or means on how to get where they are going. Grandma ends up needing some dental care and time to recover so she has Louisiana help pay for things by her wit and voice. She has a beautiful singing voice. During this time Louisiana meets some a boy who befriends and they are able to have some fun while grandma recovers. On her trip back from one of the visits her grandma has taken off and left her a note. This note explains somethings to Louisiana that changes her life and questions everything that has happened. What did the note say and what does she do?
I do recommend that you read this book or have your middle grader read it. It is a fun and adventurist book.
Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture
Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture
Roxane Gay | 2018 | Gender Studies, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is an important book.
This is such an important book. Most of the contributions are from women who have experienced sexual assault, but there are contributions from men, and trans women as well. Some are terrible, life changing stories, some are stories of numerous occurrences that chip away at the writers self confidence and feelings of safety. Actually, the upshot is that a vast majority of women do not feel safe anymore.
As I began reading this, I thought that I was one of the lucky that had never experienced any of these things, but as I read on, I realised that I actually had. I think that the cat-calling, touching and looks are something that we don't so much expect as that we are just used to them. The fact that in my younger years I was very outspoken and told someone who touched me to keep their hands to themselves, or told a commenter to keep their mouths shut, probably meant that I was more lucky than effective when they backed down or apologised. And I also think that British culture was very different 20 years ago, as was I.
What saddens me, is that the people who should really read this probably won't. And if they do, they'll probably brush it off as women who exaggerate or are out to attack men, are men haters. But these are all genuine experiences. This isn't fiction. It's heart breaking, raw and something that shouldn't have any place in our modern world. I've never understood the need of some people to control, manipulate and hurt others, but I think I'm probably naive. Or hopeful, perhaps. Somehow, we need to stop this cycle of abuse and hurt, and until then, stories like this will continue.
Love, Lace, and Minor Alterations
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was so much fun to read! Quirky and full of romance. I found myself grinning throughout most of the book, as well as giggling quite frequently. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of ups and downs to keep your eyes glued to the page. Alongside the light wit and humour you will find truth and Godly wisdom. Joy has infused this story with so many real emotions that hit pretty close to home. Trust is one of the main themes of this book. Trust in God and not in man. Trust that He will guide our paths and that He has the best plan laid out for us, even if we can't see the end result. Forgiveness is another thread that you can find throughout the book. Forgiving those that have hurt us deeply can be hard. But, if we forgive and let go, place our trust in God to heal us, the result is more beautiful than we could imagine. Written in first and third person with the two main characters, I found it easy to follow along and to feel like I was inside Izze's mind. I love the dynamics between Izze and Miles. Personally, I feel like I am a pretty good mash up of their characters! A bookish person who is a bit (ok a lot) of a nerd with a healthy dose of sarcasm. I can't wait for you to meet them for yourself. I am relatively new to contemporary fiction, but I would highly recommend Love, Lace, and Minor Alterations.
I received a free copy of Love, Lace, and Minor Alterations from the author in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
While I had heard (read) this described as 'the new Richard Sharpe', this is a novel that, if I'm honest, I was unsure of whether to purchase or not - those are some big boots to fill, after all, and I'd both read and later been disappointed in other books that made the same claim.

However, when I read the short prequel novella [b: Jack Lark: Rogue|23646134|Jack Lark Rogue|Paul Fraser Collard||43253728], that was enough to convince me to start in on the series proper.

having now read this, it is very obvious where the template comes from, even down to the evil Sergeant Slater who is really Hakeswill in all but name. As the first in the series, however (even before said prequels), I am prepared to make allowances.

The novel actually starts with Jack Lark leading his troops to cross the Alma river (in the Crimea), before moving back to six months before to show the events that led up to this: events that see Lark (who is from the East End slums) deciding to impersonate his officer when said officer dies on the way to his new posting.

As for the battle of Alma itself: while it is one that I had heard of, it's not one that I am overly familiar with; not one as famous as (say) Waterloo or even the Battle of Balaclava that would later occur during the same war (the Crimean). As such, and interwoven in the latter part of the novel - I actually find the history just as interesting as the fiction.

I think I will be picking more of these up :)
The Lone Warrior (Jack Lark, #4)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fourth entry in [a: Paul Fraser Collard|7024929|Paul Fraser Collard|]'s 'Jack Lark' series (that started with [b: The Scarlet Thief|18752323|The Scarlet Thief (Jack Lark, #1)|Paul Fraser Collard||24752025]), this sees Jack Lark caught up in the Indian Mutiny (or First War of Independence, depending upon your point of view!) of 1857, and is my pick for the best of the series so far.

The novel starts out pretty much as it means to go on, with Jack rescuing someone from her indentured lifestyle, then agreeing to accompany her home to Delhi, arriving just in time to get caught up in the mutiny.

Despite holding a British passport myself (well, Northern Irish ...) this is actually a subject that I don't think we were ever taught anything about while I was at school. Sure, I'd heard of it, but only through word-of-mouth, and only ever forming a general impression of it rather than having any real knowledge of the cause, or the effects. As such, and (I.M.O.) like all the best kinds of historical fiction, I actually learned something while simultaneously being entertained (by the general story, NOT by the rather graphic depictions of some of the more harrowing events).

Talking of that story, I also feel that the book could (almost) be split into at least three distinct sections: Jacks journey to Delhi, his involvement in the siege of the British magazine while within it, and the final - and longest - part his involvement in the siege and (partial) recapture of the city.

Like the best of the Sharpe books (a hackneyed comparison, I know, but apt), I also read through this one in only a matter of days - always the sign of a good book!
Zulu Hart (George Hart #1)
Saul David | 2009
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"The first in a series of books about the Zulu War, this is also the first fictional book that Saul David has written. While he may be a good historian (never having read his works, I don't know), I have to say: I'm not so sure about his ability to write good fiction.

Not that there's anything wrong with his knowledge of the battle(s) of Islandwhana and Rorke's Drift (there isn't, and I'm sure he knows more about it than me) - that part of the book isn't actually too bad - rather, that he seemed to be too clumsy in how he manoeuvred his characters into position to be involved in those battles. I've never been too fond of the use of the amazing coincidence device! I also wasn't keen on the fact that the characters seemed to feel the need to explain to each other things that they should already know, even if the reader doesn't. You know, like one military officer describing to another how to perform a fighting retreat by ranks (one rank firing while the other covers them)?

There's two main love interests in the book, but only one of them seems fully realised or in place properly: the other added almost as an afterthought, and the conclusion of that one seems pretty weak.

Like another reviewer, I'd have to say that while this certainly wasn't the worse book I'v ever read, it's a long way from being the best, or even the best 'new' book I've read this year (that would have to be Angus Donald's "Outlaw"). Quite glad that I got it as part of a 1/2 price offer: would be less impressed if I'd had to pay full price for it!"

Deborah (162 KP) rated The May Bride in Books

Dec 21, 2018  
The May Bride
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The May Bride is not, in fact, so much about Jane Seymour - although she is the first person narrator and was married in May (practically before her predecessor was cold.....) - as about her sister in law, Katherine Folliot, first wife of her eldest brother Edward (later Duke of Somerset and Lord Protector under Edward VI). Edward's second wife, Anne Stanhope, is probably better known to historians or lovers of historical fiction, but there remains something of a mystery around the fate of Katherine Folliot, which Dunn has chosen to take as the basis of this novel.

I realised I had read a couple of Dunn's previous works - The Queen of Subtleties and The Confession of Katherine Howard. Of the former, I remember thinking that Dunn must have done a lot of research into the history of confectionery, but I can't remember anything of the second book, other than it wasn't dreadful, but wasn't the best thing I'd ever read either. I feel a bit the same about this latest offering. There's a lot of detail in there about how a moderately wealthy Tudor family may have lived, but a couple of days after I finished reading it there is nothing that stands out for me. I think perhaps that Jane herself isn't very interesting and Dunn doesn't make her interesting. I think her point is that she's plain and dull and normal and gets on with things because it's just easier.... but it doesn't make for a very entertaining read somehow. Katherine herself, who is the focus of the novel also often doesn't seem very likeable, so it's difficult to like her story or to really feel sorry for her.

In summary, not a bad read and there are far worse out there, but someone it doesn't quite hit the mark for me - just a bit forgettably mediocre.