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Cruel Crown: Two Red Queen Short Stories
Cruel Crown: Two Red Queen Short Stories
Victoria Aveyard | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Many thanks to the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

I went into Cruel Crown with an open mind - I haven't read Red Queen yet so I hoped that reading the prequel novellas to the best-seller would reveal quite a bit on the inner workings of Red's and Silver's.

In respect of Queen Song it was a pretty dark novella - a lot darker than I expected for a YA prequel. Coriane begins as a impoverished Silver with a hatred of the mundane and a love of the inner workings of machines.

Queen Song follows Coriane's rise from impoverished Silver to Queen of the Kingdom via her diary entries. The entries start off pretty mundane and childlike in their layout but over the course of her growth as a character they become much darker and they reveal that even royalty has flaws.

She comes across - as a teenager - as a bit of a spoiled brat even though she doesn't actually appear to be spoiled. She gives me the vibe of spoiled and irritating child for most of the beginning but after meeting Elara I'll give Coriane her due she's way more laid back.

As previously mentioned I haven't read Red Queen and hoped that the prequels would shed some light on certain things - what a Silver and a Red is, what a singer and a whisper is etc. I found that it didn't, without reading Red Queen first the prequel doesn't really make a whole lot of sense but it does shed light on what happens with royalty etc.

A couple of the characters (Elara I'm looking at you) were a hell of a lot more evil than I expected. Particularly at the end.

But there is a difference between a single candle in darkness, and a sunrise.

That is, without doubt, the best line in the novella. It's strikingly beautiful in contrast to the darkness of the novella.

Steel Scars on the other hand is a nice change of pace from Queen Song. Steel Scars follows a Red soldier - a member of The Scarlet Guard -as she aquires assets for the SG. It contains far more action and drama than Queen Song and it provides a better basis for certain aspects of the Red and Silver world.

It also sets up the introduction to Mare quite nicely as well.

As prequels go, they're good if a little bare of some details. The writing style flowed pretty well and most of the characters were not overly annoying or filler.

What an ending though. The Queenstrial sets Red Queen up incredibly well.

BookblogbyCari (345 KP) rated A Little Less Than Love in Books

Sep 4, 2018 (Updated Sep 4, 2018)  
A Little Less Than Love
A Little Less Than Love
Carys Smith | 2018 | Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good scene setting & description (0 more)
Feel of the book (0 more)
Book Review by Cari Mayhew. Rating 5/10.
Warning – this is not a feel-good book! And, to be honest, almost every single character got on my nerves! It’s a book about relationships and has several different themes regarding relationships.
When I read the blurb on the back of the book, I could see that Leece, the female central character, was suffering a dilemma as to whether to purposely rediscover past times that she had willfully forgotten. This is at times a dilemma for myself, which is why I decided to read the book.
Despite the focus being on 2 same-sex relationships encountered by, Lecce, her sexuality is by no means the only reason for the relationship complexities.
The storytelling begins with Lecce discovering a Pandora’s box of letters, handwritten notes, and diaries, that she had completely forgotten about. The first being from an infatuation and love affair with a charismatic older woman, Dian. Although the two were close and were together every week, Dian would never dream of leaving her husband for Lecce.
The second of these 2 relationships begins when the young, and perhaps somewhat troubled, Karin takes a shine to Lecce. What starts as friendship, turns into a dark and seedy secret, and quickly descends to an unhealthy and abusive relationship.
Knitted around these relationships are thoughts from other characters, which is where more complexity comes in. There is much insecurity, jealousy, and selfishness.
The meat of the story is in how the abusive relationship between Lecce and Karin comes to its end (no spoilers!).
In fairness, I have to say the author’s scene setting is above par. I came across this book at a meeting of my local library’s book club. Although we haven’t discussed it yet, I can see there are several points for discussion.
The style of the book is very fragmented – and not just because of the postcards, letters, and diaries entries, but also because it tells the story from several viewpoints and points in time. I often began to feel I had missed huge sections of the story, but it wasn’t I who had missed sections – it was the author! Oftentimes passages weren’t labeled “past” or “present” and I was left to guess where I was in the story.
Throughout the book, I felt compelled to read on. To be honest, the main reason for the relatively poor rating is that the book tended, overall, to bring me down. It’s given me some insight into what life may be like for some (not all) gay women.

For more of my reviews, check out my blog: www.
Guarding His Melody (Enhacned World #1)
Guarding His Melody (Enhacned World #1)
Victoria Sue | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved this addition to this world!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is billed as book 1 in the Enhanced World Standalones series, but you don't need to have red the 3 books in the main series, before this one. I have listened to book one, Five More Minutes, and am currently part way through book two, Who We Truly are and will get to Beneath This Mask after that. Mild spoilers, is all. and a hint at what I have to come.

After getting meningitis as a child, Seb is left deaf. Throw in mark of the Enhanced that appeared when he was 12, and life has thrown him a double whammy. When there are death threats, Seb hires Gray as a bodyguard. But the Threat is getting worse, after the death of his previous bodyguard and that of his music teacher. If Seb could shake these crippling headaches, and just play his piano, he'll be happy.

I'm really enjoying these books! They are different and different is always good in my book!

Seb is pretty much housebound, but the first thing Gray does, is drag him out of bed at stoopid o'clock to do Tia-Chi in the garden. Helped him, so gotta be worth a try, right?? And that there, is what I particularly LOVED about this book.

The HINTS at what Gray suffered. You don't get the FULL story, not at all, just hints and clues along the way that make you put together a picture, a bigger picture at what Gray suffered, HOW much he suffered and how he got through it. But you just know, that someone else will put together a different picture, with the same clues. And I LOVED that!

Seb's threat isn't who I thought it was, but it was just as bad. I do love being proven wrong!

The chemistry between Gray and Seb bubbles along for much of the book, and I did, at one point, think we wouldn't get to the main event, but we do, and it is glorious!

Talon and Finn (Five Minutes Longer) pop up at the end, and the others are mentioned at various places in the book, so ties the books together.

The Enhanced status of Seb plays very much second fiddle to his deafness.
But I'm not left wanting to LISTEN to this book. Nick J Russo narrates the other books, and I hope he does this one too. I'm eager to see how Seb's voice comes across.

I originally wrote 4 stars at the top of the page (and yes, i do WRITE them up by hand before I post them!) but, actually, I can't find anything to knock that star off, so...

5 full stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Fifth Doll
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*3.5 stars, rounded up to 4*

I originally requested this after coming across it on Netgalley during a random browse thru the sci-fi/fantasy category. The description sounded interesting so I thought I'd give it a shot. It sat on my Kindle carousel for a good while (so many books, so little time…) so it was a few days after it was released before I actually got around to starting it.  I had seen The Fifth Doll mentioned in several posts and compared to Naomi Novik's Uprooted and Catherynne Valente's Deathless, two books that I love dearly. I decided to go back and check the Goodreads reviews to get an idea of the accuracy of that comparison and from there decided to read the first chapter or two to see if it hooked me like those two had. I was about 40% thru before I realized that it absolutely did have that “unputdownable” quality like the others and had to force myself to put it down and go to bed lol. After finishing it, I can say with certainty that the comparisons do indeed fit.

I have a weak spot for anything 'fairytale-esque’ and this definitely falls into​ that category, as it is a retelling of the origin of Russian matryoshka dolls. The mc’s name, Matrona, is a nod to this as well. This story is very well written and so imaginative. It definitely kept me guessing until close to the end when the truth about Slava, the creator of the dolls, is revealed. I liked that the Japanese nesting doll is where Slava found the inspiration to create his dolls, it's a small detail but one that ties this retelling to the real history of the matryoshka dolls.

I thought Matrona was developed pretty well but others, especially Slava, could have used a little more fleshing out. I would have also liked a little more backstory on Pavel and Oleg and the symbolism of the white horse. The writing style was solid and the pacing was just right in my opinion. The romance was subtle and didn't overshadow the main plot, which was nice for a change. The main thing I wasn't really happy with was the magic system. There's very little explanation of any of it or how it really works, only that it does. As a fan of fantasy and fairytales, I appreciate a well developed magic system as part of solid world building and that was sorely lacking here for me. Overall, it was an enjoyable read but I feel there was potential for it to be more.

**Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC! All opinions are my own.**

Lee (2222 KP) rated A Discovery of Witches - Season 1 in TV

Nov 8, 2018 (Updated Nov 8, 2018)  
A Discovery of Witches - Season 1
A Discovery of Witches - Season 1
2018 | Fantasy
Bit of a slow burn, some good potential though.
A Discovery of Witches is based on the first book of the 'All Souls Trilogy', by Deborah Harkness. We're in a world where witches, vampires and demons all live among us, carrying out normal human jobs and duties. Obviously these creatures are all aware of each other, and it becomes clear that there is a long, complex and very tense history between them all. While us humans remain blissfully unaware.

The show begins in Oxford, England with Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer), a witch working as a historian. While carrying out research in the local library she discovers a book which had long been considered missing, and mysteriously only shows itself to Diana. It's return triggers a lot of interest within the supernatural community and she finds herself attracting a lot of unwanted attention, beginning with Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode), a local geneticist and vampire. They eventually forge a romantic relationship and begin working together to try and solve the mysteries within the book.

My wife absolutely loves this show and looking at some of the reviews for it on IMDB I know I'm in the minority here, but I mostly found A Discovery Of Witches to be a bit dull. The whole thing is very stylishly done, highlighting Oxford as the beautiful city it is, and we also spend a lot of time in Venice, and various other exotic international locations. But it's the slow burn and the characters themselves that didn't really do it for me. The vampires are mostly moody, throwing their weight around and showing off their lightning speed and reactions along with their heightened senses. The witches are generally wise and supposedly more powerful, but rarely exhibit any more power than setting something on fire, rattling something, or making it a bit windy to the point where people get knocked off their feet. And the demons... well, the demons don't really seem to do anything at all, acting and appearing just like normal humans throughout the entire show. There's a lot of dodgy acting, and as much as I've loved Teresa Palmer in other roles prior to this, I don't really feel she's well suited here. It's all just slow burn and forbidden love. Twilight, but with grown-ups and less special effects.

It's just been granted another two seasons, so I'm definitely in the minority with my opinions. To be fair though, there have been some enjoyable moments, and I'm certainly interested in the direction the show appeared to be heading in. The finale cliffhanger definitely opened up some fun and interesting potential for next season too.

Sarah (7798 KP) Nov 11, 2018

I’m only 4 episodes in to this and am not particularly impressed. It reminds me so much of Twilight, I’m glad you’ve said this too!


Karica Truebenbach (156 KP) Nov 12, 2018

I didn't know they made the books into a show. I loved the All Souls Trilogy, so I think I might give this a pass. Thanks for the review.


Kelly (279 KP) rated The Passage in Books

Dec 4, 2018  
The Passage
The Passage
Justin Cronin | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
9.2 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
In depth, well thought out characters (2 more)
Intelligent plot
A nobody is safe story line!
Time jumps (0 more)
A ‘could not put it down’ read.
The passage is the first of three books which span centuries, covering before, during and after a vampire apocalypse.
I have to say, I was hooked on this novel from the start. Originally picking it up, without even reading the synopsis or reviews, I was surprised to find out that this is actually a novel about vampires (which I did not expect from the title). The build up to the vampire apocalypse is well thought out, flawless planned and written, demonstrating expert skill by Justin Cronin.

The characters are complex, and demonstrate both strengths and flaws, nobody is perfect in this novel not even Amy or Peter, who are the main characters the story centres around. We grow to love these characters, just as much as we grow to strongly dislike characters such as Babcock and Grey. I believe that the emotional connection that I was able to apply to these characters, is what drew me further into the novel. Equally all characters face hardships during the novel, some worse than others, but I found myself wishing that those characters I deemed to be good, would face better times, and those who I felt were bad individuals would soon face their comeuppance. Good or bad however, Cronins’ concentration on the back grounds of the characters does allow us to emphasise and understand why the primary characters within the novel act the way they did, even if this was in conflict with our own values and morals.

As the story unravels, Cronin does jump between different time periods (pre, during and post apocalypse). Although Cronin does give each period a fair amount of time within the book, I did find it difficult to leave the characters from one period behind, in order to move onto another, partially due to the attachment that I had created with the characters. Although the time jumps were carried out at deliberate timings and are not too frequent, I did find them a little distracting.

The story itself makes sense as a stand alone novel, but makes even more sense when read with the rest of the series. When read with the other two novels, The Passage is merely a scene setting novel, for the books that are to come, and as such, has a lot less of a biblical undertone than the series as an entirety (there are a lot of references to the Old Testament in the books that follow). Despite this, the book is a highly enjoyable read, and is not your usual vampire/ apocalyptic novel.
Undaunted Hope (Beacons of Hope, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When Tessa's hope and dreams are thwarted, she must face her deepest fears. Will she have the strength to overcome?

Tessa hopes to outrun her past by escaping to Eagle Harbor in the fall of 1871. There she becomes the new school teacher, even though the town requested a male teacher. Percival Updegraff runs the town like a king. No one dares to stand up to him for fear of what he will do. Tessa has vowed to never step foot into another lighthouse again. But then the local light keeper, Michael Bjorklund, and his assistant and brother, Alex, begin vying for her attention. Micheal's children long for a mother, and even though Alex would sacrifice anything for his brother, can he give up the woman he loves? As winter sets in and difficulties arise, will Tessa stay strong in the face of evil? Can she overcome her fears? Will she rely on God to direct her path and protect her and those she loves?

"I choose to have hope. Will you?"

Jody Hedlund has quickly become one of my absolute favorite authors! When I pick up one of her books, I know that nothing will get done until I finish! Although, this week I did manage to make Cornish Pasties. All thanks to a little inspiration from the book. Pasties has long been a family favorite recipe! Now down to business. I think it is safe to day that Undaunted Hope is my favorite book of the Beacons of Hope series. Tessa must face her fears and her past. How many times have we made a vow out of fear? Is God calling us to face that fear and overcome it? Know that He is with you every step of the way. And that you will come through it stronger. I could relate to Tessa very well! She stands up for truth and justice. Her heart aches for the people to be treated fairly and with respect. She is a brave woman. It was a pure delight to watch her discover her strength and find her true identity in Christ. This is an excellent book and one that I know I will read again.

If you have not read the first two books, I recommend you start with Out of the Storm it is the prequel to Love Unexpected. Undaunted Hope brings the story around full circle. I was also pleasantly surprised to find out that book four, Forever Safe, will be releasing later this year as well!

I received a free digital copy of Undaunted Hope from Bethany House Publishers through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Twelve Dice of Christmas
The Twelve Dice of Christmas
Gail Oust | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I adore a new book, and if it’s part of a series, that's great, as it means more books for me to read!

Welcome to Serenity Cove, a peaceful Southern community where the residents like to play dice, and when there is a dark mystery, play detective.

With Christmas fast approaching, Kate McCall and her retired friends get into the holiday spirit by agreeing to help the elderly Eula Mae Snow decorate her home, even when it means sorting through many of the older woman’s belongings. Intent on doing a good deed and uncovering a bright collection of seasonal decorations, Kate is stopped dead in her tracks when instead she discovers the skeleton of a man showing clear signs of foul play.

Many in Serenity Cove thought that Waylon Snow had run off and left town and his wife, Eula Mae, more than two decades earlier. But with the appearance of his skeleton and a whole host of clues pointing to Eula Mae as the murderer, Kate will have to put her sleuthing skills to work to figure out who could have committed the evil deed.

Kate and her retired friends, known as The Bunco Babes, are feeling festive and they are planning a cookie exchange and ugly sweater contest for their last dice game session of the season. As they plan their holidays, they decide to help their friend decorate her house for the annual charity Christmas Home Tour. The Bunco Babes get cracking, and in the process of hunting for the Christmas decorations, Kate discovers the skeleton in the root cellar. Kate now has a twenty-five-year-old mystery to contend with. Can she solve it?

This is my first novel by Gail Oust and I really enjoyed it. I love that it is an old mystery set in Christmastime. Although this is the fourth book in a mystery series, you do not need to have read the previous books in sequence to be able to follow the story properly.

I found many of the characters very funny and easy to relate to, particularly Kate herself, but also Eula Mae's granddaughter, Tammy Lynn and Bill Lewis, Kate's "significant other". Many of the other characters in the book were extremely amusing and unusual. Kate and the Town Sheriff, Sheriff Wiggins have history, Although he is not in Kate's fan club, can she use her powers of persuasion on him to allow the Bunco Babes into the house in time for it to be decorated for the Christmas Home Tour?
You’ll treasure this sweet Christmas mystery, as I did!

Thanks to Netgalley and Beyond the Page Publishing for a copy of this book.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated What Light in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
What Light
What Light
Jay Asher | 2016 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Almost a decade after Jay Asher wowed readers with his debut novel, he returns to the literary scene with a brand new young adult romance. <i>What Light</i> focuses on the life of a good-natured girl living a complicated life. It is almost as if the teenaged Sierra is living two lives: eleven months on a Christmas tree farm in Oregon, followed by a month selling them in California. Due to the struggling business, this year may be the last time Sierra spends Christmas in California; however it is also the first year she meets the boy of her dreams.

Knowing that a romantic relationship is unlikely to survive the long distance between the two states, Sierra cannot help her developing feelings towards the handsome Caleb. Using his own money to purchase Christmas trees for families who cannot afford them, Caleb seems like the perfect guy; however rumours suggest he has a rather dubious history. Struggling to convince everyone that Caleb is a good person, Sierra suffers the consequences of strained relationships with her friends back home. The big issue is: should she continue to support Caleb even though in a couple of weeks she may never see him again?

As young adult romance novels go, <i>What Light</i> is fairly typical. Girl and boy meet; there are various issues to resolve; but things turn out all right in the end. If you are into those types of stories then this is the book for you, sadly, Asher does not bring anything new to the genre.

After reading several of these types of predictable novels, it becomes noticeable how unrealistic they are. The amount of youngsters in committed relationships is rather suspicious, especially the ones that seems to happen as if by accident or fate – although, from the readers perspective, are so obvious from the very beginning.

There is nothing deep or meaningful within this narrative – not a criticism of <i>What Light</i>, rather an observation of the genre – but it is sufficient for a quick read to pass the time, particularly over the upcoming Christmas period. There is nothing to disappoint the reader in terms of conclusion – it could be described as what some would call a “fluffy read”.

Overall, <i>What Light</i> is a novel that maintains the status quo of young adult romance, providing brief entertainment for those seeking a happy love story. With beautiful (in terms of personality) characters and settings, Jay Asher is likely to win back all the fans that had given up waiting for his next book to be written.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Wild Rose (2018) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Wild Rose (2018)
Wild Rose (2018)
2018 | Drama, Music
More singing! What a great month for this!

The camera work as almost the first thing I noticed watching this film. As I've said before, I can be a terrible cinema-goer as I miss a lot of things like this unless they're either end of the spectrum. In this instance everything was intriguing and well executed, from the letterbox right at the beginning to the use of light when Rose-Lynn sings... just brilliant.

Early on you realise that Rose-Lynn is basically still a child, she throws a tantrum and sulks at the smallest thing. Responsibility has passed her by despite the fact she has two kids. It's frustrating to watch but does allow for good character development as we progress through the story.

From the trailers I knew we'd be in for a treat with the songs, but the impact of the final one is just amazing once you have the context of it. The fact that Jessie Buckley sings them herself is even more incredible.

Buckley hasn't made a great impression on me, the only thing I'd seen her in was Beast and that... well... didn't leave me wanting more, of anything. She put in a great performance here though and was only scuppered y the fact that I had a huge dislike for her character.

Supporting her was Julie Walters, she was amazing as ever and another wonder mum role to add to the list of them this year. As Rose-Lynn's relatively patient mum she is a bit of refreshing sanity in the film and she's certainly the only one thinking about those two kids through most of the film. She's stern and would have had me cowering in a place of shame if I'd been Rose-Lynn.

Mum's character does soften and she helps her daughter attempt to follow her dreams, that leads to a great piece with Rose-Lynn in Nashville. The interactions she has and the reality of her situation hit leading us nicely into the conclusion.

Wild Rose has lots to make it appealing, a solid cast, an interesting storyline and some amazing music. It will definitely find an audience with those that enjoyed A Star Is Born. I have to hope that this isn't the last we see of Jessie Buckley and her singing voice on the big screen.

What you should do

As I said above, fans of A Star Is Born are likely to enjoy this. It's probably also worth seeing it on the big screen to get some great audio.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I would love to have a band spontaneously appear when I start singing at home.