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Hazel (2934 KP) rated Nowhere To Run in Books

Oct 24, 2021 (Updated Oct 24, 2021)  
Nowhere To Run
Nowhere To Run
James Oswald | 2021 | Crime, Mystery, Paranormal, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the third instalment in the Constance Fairchild series and yet another that doesn't disappoint. You don't have to have read any of the other 2 books but I would suggest you do because it gives insight into Constance's story and you won't regret it. Nowhere to Run provides some of the back story and history but it can only touch upon it otherwise it would be a tome!

I think I can safely say that I'm a fan of James Oswald's work and I particularly like his character DC Constance Fairchild, otherwise known as Con. She is one tough cookie and this is shown in all its glory here.

It starts off pretty sedately with Con recuperating in an isolated cottage in Wales but, as is the case with Con, trouble seems to find her regardless of whether she is in the centre of London or in the middle of nowhere! Here she is getting embroiled in a smuggling operation on the Welsh coastline - you just know from the very beginning that things aren't going to go well for Con but little do we know just how bad.

Once again, Mr Oswald creates fantastic characters even ones of the four legged variety; I absolutely loved Gelert the deerhound who embodies the phrase "[wo]man's best friend" and I guarantee you will want a Gelert in your life albeit without the flatulence!

With action from the start, numerous scenes of peril and suspense all wrapped up perfectly in a plot which mixes contemporary themes with Welsh folklore and a touch of the unexplained, this is a book that I have no hesitation in recommending.

Thank you Headline and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
Lost Graves (Boyle & Keneally #2) [Audiobook]
Lost Graves (Boyle & Keneally #2) [Audiobook]
S. A. Dunphy | 2022 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am always a bit wary of joining a new series without having read at least the first book however, I needn't have worried because this really works as a standalone and I am now hooked and eagerly awaiting the next instalment.

What we have here is a great story that mixes crime, mystery, serial killer, police procedural with Irish folklore, the supernatural, the travelling community and shady military operations. Now, you might think that's a lot and whilst it is, S.A. Dunphy brings it all together seamlessly and effortlessly.

A mass grave is found in Derrada Woods and the National Bureau of Criminal Investigations Team are sent in to investigate; made up of Jessie, Seamus, Terri and Dawn, they are definitely a team not to be messed with and they quickly recognise the local police have the wrong man.

The ensuing investigation is full of twists and turns with plenty of action and suspense all written at a great pace. With short chapters, this is one of those books that have you thinking you can mange 'just one more chapter before bed' but before you know it, another hour has gone by ... you just get drawn in and it's hard to tear yourself away.

I listened to the audiobook and was completely absorbed by the narration done by Shelley Atkinson; her soft Irish tone really brought the characters to life and the subtle changes she made in order to make the different characters distinguishable was perfect.

Overall, a great 'listen' and I will definitely be looking out for the next in this enthralling series and my thanks must go to Bookouture and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
The Wolf Man (1941)
The Wolf Man (1941)
1941 | Horror
8.1 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A classic Universal Monster Movie (2 more)
Lon Chaney Jr
Claude Rains
Even a Man who is pure of heart....
Even a man who is pure of heart, and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf when the wolfsbane blooms, and the Autumn moon is bright.

Heard that before in other werewolf movies, well this was it's origin. Created purely for the film, this poem even had some people believing it was an original folklore saying. If you have watched a handful of werewolf movies, then you will have noticed a lot of similarities;

- Silver bullets
- Wolfsbane
- Full Moon
- Not being able to retreat their acts from their loved ones
- Pentagrams
- Gypsies
- Gypsy Curses
- A Bite or scratch from the werewolf turns you

Some of these were originally created by the writers working on this film, and have become stereotypes that inspire many other werewolf films, TV Shows, Books, and Games etc.

The portrayal of Lawrence Talbot, by Lon Chaney Jr. is one that makes the classic Universal Monsters so special. Just like Frankenstein's Monster, the audiences of the 40's would have been frightened and horrified by these creatures, enough so that they wouldn't realise that they are in actual fact, suppose to sympathize with them, because when you watch the creatures being chased and hunted,the angry mobs fail to understand that these creatures never wanted this. Frankenstein's Monster never asked to be created, or to have the brain of a criminal mistakenly placed into his head instead of that of a civilized man. Larry Talbot never asked for the Wolf Man's curse, which he encountered whilst trying to save the life of a young female friend of his love interest.

With a great story and, at the time, revolutionary stop motion effects for the wolf man transformation, but of course the most important aspect, the beautifully crafted practical effects, the makeup that brings the creature to life, is incredible. My favourite of the classic Universal Monster Movies and one of my favourite movies of all time.
The Dark Divine (The Dark Divine, #1)
The Dark Divine (The Dark Divine, #1)
Bree Despain | 2009 | Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A couple weeks later and I still do not know how I feel about the book. I hated the writing, but it sucked me in. Nothing interesting happened for the first half of the novel, and yet I could not stop reading. There were so many cliches and cheesy parts, although it held so much potential.

I picked up this book for the beautiful cover. You think I would learn by now. Nothing of interests happens for about the first 150 pages. Most of it is filled with information Despain feels you should know about the world she has placed the story in and the characters who fill. It did not help that for some of the pages I felt like I was being preached at (literally). However, she keeps alluding to secrets, and non too subtly, that surround Daniel and something that happened years ago. After awhile, the not too subtle allusion becoming annoying because they are so glaringly obvious. I kept reading just because I was wanted to see how Daniel and Grace finally came together.

The fantasy and folklore that Despain portrays is interesting, but the way she went about it was kind of...well lame. All the secrets you were reading the novel to find out spill out in a matter pages at two separate times. You learn about the what Daniel really is in only a few paragraphs and what happened years ago in even less. It was so anti-climatic that I almost did not realize it had happened.

I cannot say I like the book, but it was a novel I could not stop reading. More than once I have put a young adult down after not even completing half of it because of how juvenile and ridiculous it is. While this was not a deep and thought provoking novel, I might rent the sequels to see how the rest of it plays out.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>

Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa brings Japanese mythology and folklore to life, taking readers on an exciting journey through feudal Japan, Kagawa weaves together three characters from different backgrounds all while introducing readers to a wide variety of demons the characters come across. The novel follows these characters as a new age approaches and the Kami Dragon is summoned, granting a wish to the one who holds the pieces of the Dragon Scroll.

Shadow of the Fox is primarily told in the two perspectives of Yumeko and Tatsumi, with the occasional addition of a third. Yumeko is a half-kitsune, half-human raised at the Silent Winds temple to hide her true kitsune nature, though she is forced to flee after everyone is slaughtered by a demon who wants to retrieve a part of the scroll. Readers interested in seeing kitsune magic coming to life on the page may find themselves disappointed as Yumeko shows little of her magic and hides her true nature from her companions.

One of those companions includes Tatsumi, a samurai from the Shadow Clan ordered to bring the Dragon Scroll regardless of the cost. Raised as a weapon, Tatsumi is taught from a young age to hide all of his emotions and thoughts from those around him as doing so would pose a danger. Not able to accomplish his mission right away, he finds himself in an unlikely alliance with Yumeko and begins to question his upbringing.

The first novel in a stunning new series, Shadow of the Fox is a magical adventure with an ominous feel throughout and will have readers wanting the sequel to the story.

<a href="">This review was originally posted on 60 Seconds Online Magazine</a>.