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Blood Myth (2019)
Blood Myth (2019)
2019 | Horror
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – James Lincoln is a journalist, his latest case involves in trying to debunk folklore which he is finding all too easy, until he learns about this newest one, which he decides to use as his final part of the article, he takes his fiancée who is pregnant and he has cheated on before to investigate. He spends time trying to find his missing fiancée learning that not everything is a myth. Harriet is the pregnant wife that joins James on his journey, she does disappear, being the mystery about what is going on. Alexandra is the local woman that has been studying the myth for years, being the only person that helps James out. We do meet plenty of locals, with most just dismissing James cries for help.

Performances – Jonathan McClean is the star of the show, he is involved in nearly every scene, it is his work dealing with being tired of the investigations, which is clear how he is dealing with this story. The rest of the cast don’t get much time to do anything more than the basics required, not given enough time to do much more.

Story – The story follows a journalist that is investigating myths and folklores with the latest one being one that might have more truths behind it. The story is interesting because it does show how frustrated the journalist is doing this story, which is against the normal as we usually see overly enthusiastic ghost hunters trying to debunk them. The story flows as James learns more about everything, but just like him, we don’t learn much about what is happening until he does. We do get plenty of mystery, but like most films like this the story ends up going in the same direction.

Horror – The horror in this film comes from the unknown, this does leave us wondering just what is going on, with the darkness and noise being used to the strongest effects.

Settings – The film is set in a small British village, which does help play into the folklore because the small villages are always going to have them.

Special Effects – The effects are saved for big moments in the film, they are kept hidden more than thrown onto the audience.

Scene of the Movie – The day after the first night.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Too much searching though.

Final Thoughts – This is a horror that does ask plenty of questions, with what is going on, only to follow a simple instruction on how everything ends up unfolding.

Overall: Folklore horror 101

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Flames in Books

Feb 12, 2019  
Robbie Arnott | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Magical realism at it's most beautiful
This book is jam packed with magical realism. The imagery is beautiful, it is constantly surprising, and I couldn't get enough.
There are women who rise from the dead, seals who forge unbreakable bonds with swimming fishermen, Gods, Goddesses, and people borne of fire.
Tasmania is imagined as a fantastical landscape, steeped in beauty and folklore - it's a place I've never been to, but this book certainly piqued my interest. I can honestly say that each chapter is a surprise. I didn't see any of the storyline coming. There's no guessing at what's going to happen - and I loved that unpredictable journey through this book.
If I could give this book more than 5/5, i most certainly would!
Many thanks to ReadersFirst and the publisher for my copy of this beautiful book.
Little Knife (Grisha Verse, #2.6)
Leigh Bardugo | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is one of the companion stories to the Grishaverse novels, and I loved it.

I really respect when authors put together stories that would be in the folklore of the world they built. I can imagine Alina or Nina getting told this story when she was a kid.

I loved how this story was so much about girl power and a woman's rights to her own personhood.

I enjoy any kind of fairy tale, but I especially love one that takes place in a world I adore. The language used was very mysterious and lyrical, much like the Grimm Brothers or Hans Christian Anderson would use in their classic fairy tales.

I loved the twists and spins in the story.

Spoilers ahead. You have been warned.

Don't trust rivers, they may be FREAKING GODS IN DISGUISE!?!?!?!?

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Gun Island in Books

May 21, 2021  
Gun Island
Gun Island
Amitav Ghosh | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gun Island is a beautifully written story about a rare book dealer Deen Datta, and how his trip to a small island in the Sunderbans sets in motion a series of events that affect him deeply, opening his eyes to the world around him - a world far beyond his own experience. His journey takes in history, folklore, magic, climate change and ecological disasters. We see how climate change has an effect not just on animals, but also on people - causing the refugee crisis and the consequent reaction of Europe - especially those countries who feel they’re most at risk of being overwhelmed by the flood of refugees.

Deen Datta certainly gets around on his journey. From New York where he lives, to the Sunderbans in India, then onto a California on fire and a more flooded than usual Venice. This could have been a book that preached about the perils of climate change, but it didn’t. It did lay the stark reality out for the reader, but this was just as much a part of the story as the relationships Deen has with the people he meets, and his friends. There is a real feeling that Deen doesn’t have a firm identity: he’s detached from his Bengali roots, and he doesn’t fit in to New York either. But I think he does feel a sense of belonging by the end of the book, with the help of his friends. Cinta, a Venetian, is an old friend, and someone who always seems to push him into doing what’s good for him. Then there are his Indian friends, Piya and Tipu who help him to learn new things about himself and the world he lives in.

I loved this book. It ticked a lot of boxes on my favourite themes list: the environment, India, history, folklore, the search for identity. It’s such a thought provoking, magical novel.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Pay the Ghost (2015) in Movies

Nov 4, 2017 (Updated Nov 4, 2017)  
Pay the Ghost (2015)
Pay the Ghost (2015)
2015 | Mystery
3.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Another terrible Nicholas Cage horror
I was bored so I decided to watch this film knowing that it has terrible ratings. And I can definitely see why.

It surrounds Cage's missing child who disappeared on Halloween. There emerges a rather unclear pattern of missing children and bizarre otherworldly messages. Given that it is New York, it's difficult to see how they established a sequence of missing children as there were far more than just three children going missing on this day every year. And somehow Celtic folklore gets drafted in, where a mother, who was burned at the stake with her three children, seems to be the one taking these kids in revenge.

The end battle is almost comedic, as Cage gets strangled by a burnt witch while hovering in the sky and rotating simultaneously. It's pretty ridiculous - there's nothing that threads the story together, going from all out supernatural to thriller back to supernatural. A flakey story no doubt.
The Hazel Wood
The Hazel Wood
Melissa Albert | 2017 | Mystery, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.4 (33 Ratings)
Book Rating
A little too over the top
I think I completely lost the plot trying to follow this fairytale within a fairytale. A modern day version of a Brothers Grimm-style folklore, the story follows Alice, who is trying to find her missing mother, and discovers that all is not what it seems.

The main thrust of the novel asks whether Alice is a character in a tale herself? And if she can escape her fate by running away from her story. And while I can appreciate the author's creativity, there's very little character development and there appears to be a fair few loose ends. The prose is heavy in metaphors to the point that the first half seemed far too long.

While many have described the book as a dark and creepy fantasy, I think it may have been a little overhyped - it's more of a weird version of Alice in Wonderland. Interesting, but not for me.
The Darkest Part of the Forest
The Darkest Part of the Forest
Holly Black | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Folklore (0 more)
The Knight is Young
Holly Black sticks with folklore for Faeries and still is able to make her own twist about a town called Fairfold where the townspeople coexist cautiously with the Fae. In this town there is a boy who is a changeling pretending to be human, a boy who wishes for love out of fairy tales, a girl who desires to be more than ordinary, and a horned prince in a glass coffin all of who are very important to the story because without one it is possible none of which is happening would be happening.

Ben and Hazel are on the hunt for their prince who's awoken from the glass coffin, but what is the cost of finding him when his freedom is the start of the town pointing fingers at Jack? Will these once duo in hunting the wild faeries drift further apart? Will Hazel be able to decide who she wants to be? Can she decide which side she must be on? Or will be betray those she loves, those who have confessed to her what they hold for her to keep her place? Will Ben betray his sister for the horned prince? Will he allow his jealousy for her to overcome him to ensure he is able to finally have what he wants? Will he ruin his friendship for all this?

And is anyone safe in town?

The flow of this book was amazing. We're introduced to our key characters, minor ones, and even less important ones within the first few pages or throughout without any of the development taking from the story or plot. It takes off into the action without pause and even though one would think not skipping a beat would be bad to convey the story it works here as there is so much occurring to piece the puzzles pieces together. The relationship between brother and sister despite what is between them is wonderful as it shows you can care for someone no matter what you believe within your own mind. Their interactions are what makes TDPOTF so great. I believe without Hazel's and Ben's siblinghood this book would have not worked.
Midsommar (2019)
Midsommar (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
I'm A Believer
Midsommar is a modern day folklore fairytale masterpiece that's traumatizing, intoxicating, stomach churning & deeply hypnotic. If you've seen Raw or the Witch & enjoyed them Midsommar is easily on par standard wise & comparability wise to them. A tale of love, passion, grievance, trauma, connection, communion, religion, celebration, purity & punishment. Filled with folklore, depth, symbolisum, metaphores & small visual clues Midsommar is one giant puzzle box & for everyone paying close attention there are entire multiple layers hidden in everything. Be it the pictures hung on the walls in the background, dialog, music cues, camera angles, subbtle special effects, screen transitions, facial expressions & props. Most people watching this film will leave wondering what strange horror movie they just saw & while technically it is a horror as the film played out I began to realise its intentions thus seeing its beauty & messages clearly. For instance like how if we all united as one unity & learnt to love rather than hate we could live in perfect harmony with nature. Acting is jaw dropping especially from the lead actress & sound design realises that creating tension doesn't necessarily need any sound at all. Visually its vibrant & striking with subtle effects like things pulsing & warping as if reality its self is an illusion. Midsommar made me feel quezy, disturbed, intreagued & so happy with chills going up & down my spine frequently as I also couldn't shake this feeling of dread the entire time. When violence hits it hits hard & sickeningly rough but as the last scene played out & the perfect ending hit I was smiling the most I have during a film in a long time. What an intelligent, thought provoking look at how a trauma in life can make us more susceptible & easily lead, how guilt/trauma manifests in us, how innocence & purity thrives above deceit & selfishness, but most importantly how we could all live way happier & more for filling lives as if we all respected each other & the world around us experiencing both pain & pleasure as one. Go see it sit in the front row & let Midsommar embrace & absorb you in the best experience of the year so far by far.

Andy K (10821 KP) Jul 5, 2019

Really want to see this!


Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) Jul 5, 2019

Man you simply have to


**✿❀ Maki ❀✿** (7 KP) rated Lore in Podcasts

May 3, 2018 (Updated May 3, 2018)  
Society & Culture
8.8 (35 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
interesting stories (1 more)
amazingly atmospheric background music
can get repetitive (1 more)
"it seems"
I really like the premise of Lore. I'm endlessly fascinated by folklore, and the narrative structure of the podcast works for me. They're the perfect length to keep my attention, and the background music helps set the mood for the stories.

I only really have two small issues with Lore:

First, there's the somewhat repetitive nature of the subject matter (before every episode, my husband and I place bets on whether or not the episode is going to mention vampires, pooka, or H.H. Holmes - and lately - the Fox Sisters or Arthur Conan Doyle.) I do realize there's really only so many stories Menke can tell before he runs out of stories though, especially with the North American/UK-centric slant of the show.

And second, I don't mean to nitpick, but sometimes, it seems, Menke tends to overuse "it seems" as an interjection. It seems.

I apologize in advance if you can never unhear that writing quirk.
Never Let Me Go
Never Let Me Go
Kazuo Ishiguro | 2010 | Essays
8.1 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Grim reading, but completely unexpected
For readers of Kazuo Ishiguro's other books, this will come as another surprise. While Remains of the Day is a period drama, and the Buried Giant is folklore, this novel reads as a dystopian fiction. What this shows is the author's incredible versatility at writing different themes, each as good as the other.

The story follows Kathy H., a carer to dying patients, and her mysterious upbringing alongside her charges at a secluded boarding school. From the beginning, we are introduced to the concept of 'donors', and it only becomes apparent after some time what it truly means. As a child, her and her fellow classmates were urged to be overly health-conscious with a special focus on artwork, which is said to be taken away to a gallery if exceptional. But when the students begin to question about its necessity, they understand that not all is what it seems.

From cloning to transplants, this book is both daring and alarming - and perhaps one of my favourite Ishiguro novels so far.