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Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
2017 | Fantasy, Musical, Romance
I Wanted to Like It
The animated Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite movies to this day so i really wanted to like this film and tried to go in with no expectations.

I knew we were in trouble when Emma Watson started her first song of the film HEAVILY autotuned. The practice used to be that if an actor couldnt sing, they would lip sync and have someone else do the singing voice. This was also common practice for the animated films, one actor for singing and another for spoken lines. I wish they would've gone this route. The autotuning is just so heavy I found it cringey.

The film is gorgeous, a lot of pleasing visuals and effects but the Beast just looks, strange. Not really animalistic. Honestly more like if his face was carved out of a tree.

Despite the singing issue I do think the cast was well chosen. They all do a good job with what they have. Especially the actor playing Gaston. It seemed clear that they weren't 100% sure what to do with the character. At a few points it seemed like they were going to try to make him sympathetic but then they'd fall back on him just being awful. Still the actor did an amazing job and really sold it.

For the most part the plot sticks close to the original film though there are a few new elements, some background on Belle's mom, and new songs.

A few weeks before the film's release the director announced that there was definitely a gay character in the film. There are a few implications that there might be but that's it. I think honestly it would've come across better, he would've been given more credit, if he'd just let it be instead of making a big announcement and patting himself on the back. It would've seemed like a subtle nod to the lgbtq community instead of the false disappointing promise it turned out to be. He wanted the credit without actually putting in the work and it shows.

Overall I just didn't care for it. It's fine. Nothing spectacular. The animated film was definitely better. So I'd say stick with the classic however it is worth watching just to see the different interpretation of the story.

If you want a live action version I would recommend La Belle et la Bete, the 2014 French-Germanic version instead. It's a more interesting and visually stunning version of the story.
Funny Pages: A Comical Puzzle Game
Funny Pages: A Comical Puzzle Game
2021 | Comic Book / Strip, Deduction, Murder & Mystery, Puzzle
I have been intellectually burned by Enigma Emporium before. So it was with a bruised ego that I agreed to check out their next game, Funny Pages. Now, I don’t fancy myself a fool, but boy did their previous offerings knock me down a peg. But what about an innocently-titled game about (and containing) comic book panels? So far I have solved two of the seven provided to me. Here we go again.

Funny Pages is a puzzle game for any number of players and any gaming skill level. In fact, as there are so few rules, this may be a somewhat perfect game (game?) for non-gamers. Read on.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of the Promo Pack for the purposes of this preview. These are preview copy components, and I do not know for sure if the final components will be any different from these shown. You are invited to back the game through the Kickstarter campaign, or through any retailers stocking it after fulfillment. -T

To setup, open the envelope (or box, if playing the boxed final version) and display the cards. Done. Easy like Sunday morning.
Funny Pages is not a turn-based game, but rather an exercise in visual clue-hunting and some amount of Google-fu. In this Promo Pack, each card represents a day of the week, and some must be on Easy mode, because I was able to solve them pretty quickly. Others, I believe, echo the difficulty of the aforementioned Wish You Were Here.

In any case, the goal of this Promo Pack is to match up the puzzle with the correct day of the week. And while that sounds very easy, the puzzles certainly are not. Good luck to all who attempt!
Components. Well, these are large, oversized cards with linen finish and obviously amazing art. I am unable to speak on the final components, but have been assured that the game is 100% ready to go, so if it mimics the provided Promo Pack, these are a great size and feel.

I will be poring over these cards much much more until I absolutely figure every one of them out. I am still a bit away from that goal, but these puzzles are definitely more my speed than what I experienced previously. Some of the comics are actually funny, even when taken out of context of the game. I like the comic art style (naturally), and having clever puzzles embedded just makes them even more enjoyable.

I must admit that after solving a few of these I am feeling more confident in my ability to solve the others. I just need to take more time and think with alternate logic. Is alternate logic a thing? If not, I call dibs on coining the term. I very much enjoy these, and I think it is partly due to the fact that they look great and all seem to offer a different type of puzzle on each card. If this is something that piques your interest, then I recommend you check out the upcoming Kickstarter campaign to add this little gem to your collection. If nothing else, use it as a distraction for unwanted guests on your coffee table. Challenge them to solve the lot in a time frame and watch them go to town.

PS – Please do not ask me for hints. I may be wrong on some of my solutions.
Why Mummy Drinks
Why Mummy Drinks
Gill Sims | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Funny, relatable whilst dealing with some important themes of being a modern day parent! (0 more)
The perfect parent pick me up!
This little gem I got from a charity shop as I have had the sequel This Mummy Swears sitting on my TBR pile for yonks and decided to give it a whirl.
I do actually follow the Peter and Jane blog from the author and thought it would be very similar to other mummy blogger turn author books that I've read in the past such as The UnMumsy Mum diaries and Hurrah For Gin books.
I was quite surprised although it takes a diary format but does resemble more of a story than I imagined it to be.
I write a parent blog myself and I did really enjoy the ability to relate to alot of what was being discussed and I did enjoy the humour element (although a tad exaggerated and unrealisitc at times) but did leave me chuckling out loud a few times.
I devoured this book in two sittings, it would have been one but I myself have two moppets who did require some supervision and feeding at various points during the day!
Despite the laughs this book also tackles some fundamental darker parts of parenthood such as judgement from other parents, the guilt of being a working mum, the working mum Vs stay at home divide, resentment and balance of power in relationships and the monotony of motherhood.
It's so important to talk about these topics and it's brilliant that it can be done in a way that makes you laugh too.
After a long day of looking after my two boys and this is the perfect little pick me up to help you realise you aren't alone in this crazy parenting malarky and sometimes that's all you need! I cannot wait to pass it onto my other mum friends as I know they will find it relatable and funny too!


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