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JT (287 KP) rated White House Down (2013) in Movies
Mar 17, 2020
Directed by Roland Emmerich who must have blown up and destroyed more landmarks than we care to remember, has another crack at dismantling the White House. Whereas Olympus was more of an attempt at a serious film, White House Down seemed to opt for a more light-hearted approach, and it was clear that it wasn’t taking itself to seriously.
Tatum plays capitol policeman Cale who, desperate to connect with his daughter, brings her along to the White House for a tour while he interviews for a job on the President’s secret service detail. Failing to make the grade due to a poor disciplinary record and disregard for authority he’s turned away, but as luck would have it is on hand to save the day in McClane-esque fashion.
The problem is its big-budget, overblown on a plot that has been done to death (not just twice in a year) the whole father trying to connect with his son/daughter, while at the same time dealing with his demons and back story is just Hollywood on repeat. Emmerich is a master for the visual, and CGI for that matter as he brings us as close to the chaos as is humanly possible, but in the end, the charge is going to run out and you’re left thinking “yea, give us something we haven’t seen already!”.
The on-screen relationship between Fox’s President Sawyer and Tatum’s head strung cop is pretty good, must be all the time they spent making that god awful Channing All Over Your Tatum music video. So the love between the pair is already there, and it was certainly a hell of a lot better than Gerard Butler and Aaron Eckhart.
The action is big and ballsey and there are one or two neat moments like the car chase over the White House lawn and the Black Hawk descent, but we’ve seen it all before especially from Emmerich, and you can see he prefers to favour action set pieces as opposed to neatly setting up the plot and constructing dialogue. James Woods is on hand for villain duties as the disgruntled head of the President’s secret service and is wanting vengeance for the death of his soldier son. It’s all pretty bog-standard stuff, and the list of mercenaries are forgettable, no real standouts there either.
It certainly not the worst but doesn’t quite pip Olympus for me, it’s Emmerich on autopilot doing what he does best but while it’s entertaining it’s not unique enough to set it apart from other blockbusters.

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DeathbyGlitter (2 KP) rated Persona 5 in Video Games
Sep 29, 2017
The characters are well developed and amazing, I fell in love with everyone, and even loved to hate the villains. I am normally not a fan of mascots but even Morgana won me over throughout the game. The music is epic and memorable, and really sets the tone no matter what is happening.
No gem is perfect, there are mild problems I had with this;
Time management is not a strong suit I have in real life, so maintaining it on a game (even with the help of knowing what others did) felt overwhelming.
In the same vein of saving time I felt rushed to complete dungeons in one day so I could move onto the grinding of skills and confidants.
I'm not saying these ruined the game, but I felt like I wanted to have a little more time in dungeons sometimes as opposed to the social aspects, which, while fun, seemed very heavy at times.
I always feel every game is worth a certain amount of money, the game retails (at release) for $60 and I honestly think it's a fine price. When a game honestly offers a 100+ campaign on the first play through, that less then a dollar an hour and it was worth the whole ride!

Molly J (Cover To Cover Cafe) (106 KP) rated The Room on Rue Amélie in Books
Feb 25, 2019
This book is not full of fluff and rhyme. Yes, there is a bit of romance woven in, but the author is taking the reader on a journey of self discovery. The reader is on a journey with the characters, feeling the heartache of the war, the pain, and sacrifice that went with running from the Nazi’s and helping with the escape efforts of the pilots.
Each page turn, Harmel gives something more to the reader. She intricately weaves a story that you become a part of. Ruby, Charlotte and Thomas all make their way into the reader’s heart. The depth of emotions is felt wholly, the detail to the history is vivid and clear.
Harmel’s THE ROOM ON RUE AMELIE is a novel that all historical fiction lovers should grab. It will consume you and keep you until the last page is turned. If I could give this book a thousand stars I would. But, alas, I can give it 5 stars. This is a book that I won’t forget and will be sharing with my friends many times over.
*This book was purchased by myself. All opinions, negative or positive, are my own.*

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Rachel King (13 KP) rated Fade Out (Morganville Vampires #7) in Books
Feb 11, 2019
Claire seems to have worked out a truce with her parents, which I liked since they just seem to get in the way. Her relationship with Shane is adorable and sweet, and I love their loyalty to each other even as they navigate the familiar territory of new romance. In contrast, Eve and Michael have hit a major bump in the road that I saw coming several books back - and I'm still a little annoyed that we don't get more details from Eve's perspective.
Myrnin has to be my favorite character in the series. Even as a sane individual, he is still incredibly unique - from his fashion sense, to the unexpected things he randomly spouts, to his mercurial behavior and unpredictable loyalties among the town's inhabitants. What develops with Ada's subplot in the book shows that beneath the vampire still lurks some humanity, and he obviously has many more secrets that have yet to be revealed.
Amelie grieves for the loss of Sam, and the way she randomly appears in Claire's day-to-day life during this period of stark vulnerability is equal parts mystifying and encouraging. While the downside of this is that the rebellious factions feel stronger, the upside is that the readers gets to see some of the characteristics typical only to humans show themselves in Amelie.
As for Claire herself, Shane makes an observation about her that I think sums her up quite nicely. Some people come to Morganville and disappear, but when Claire came to Morganville, she began to thrive.
Every time I pick up one of the books in this series, I simply can not stop reading until I've finished it - always the perfect blend of suspense, mystery, and supernatural elements to keep me hooked.

Debbiereadsbook (1321 KP) rated Obsessed: Meik and Sebastian in Books
Aug 18, 2018
SHORT!!! SO bloody short!
I did know that going in, that it was only some 70 odd pages, but those pages got eaten up so quickly, I blinked and the whole book was finished!
Not the story, just THIS part of it.
Meik is, by his own words, bored. Bored of his day to day life; of the endless supply of secretaries (both male and female) willing to get down on their knees under his desk for the chance of a pay rise. Wandering the streets, a few guitar notes pull him in, and Meik is obsessed with Sebastian. It really is the only word that fits!!
After a blow job in the alley, Meik wants more of Sebastian, but he can't find him, and the longer Meik can't find him, the more he MUST find him.
I'm gonna be incredibly frustrated with these books, I know I am. Here's why: if they keep coming in these short bursts, I'm gonna be so bloody impatient waiting for the next one, and I don't do patience when it comes to my books!
I loved this, it pushes all my buttons and then some. It's super sexy and super hot!
It does only come from Meik's point of view and this is the ONLY reason I can't quite stretch to 5 full stars: single person point of view. Because of COURSE I wanted to hear from Sebastian! I need to know what was going through his head in the alley, and later, when Meik takes him home. I NEEDED to hear that, and I don't.
At this moment, this is NOT a romance. This is simply about Meik first obsessing over, and then possessing, Sebastian. Whether that will change, I have no idea, I really don't care, to be honest. Meik is nothing if not honest about what, or rather, WHO he wants. But I have a feeling he might surprise us, maybe even himself.
Can't wait to see what these two get up to!
SO, because only Meik has a say, and even though its so bloody short...
4.5 stars (rounded up to 5 for the blog)
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**