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Missing Pieces (The White Creek #1)
Missing Pieces (The White Creek #1)
Tori Fox | 2018 | Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
good start for a first time author
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I'm a bit in two minds about this book, and I can't figure out why but I'll try.

It's a Nice book. I know I hate using that word but it's the best I can come up with! It has drama, passion, love, hate, lots of different emotions with just enough of each to not be overpowering.

I will say this, only Harper has a say. In the first person AND present tense. And it took me til way past halfway to figure out it was present tense, so well done to Fox for making me NOT see something that might have made me dump it!

I did need to hear from Easton though. I think he would have had a lot to say, especially about what he's dealing with, with his sisters and his nutty ex.

And I found out after I'd read this, that this is a first time author! So very well done to Fox for this book, even if it wasn't quite my cuppa tea.

I enjoyed it, it didn't quite push any buttons for me, BUT! I would like to read the next one, just to see how Fox' skill is growing. And Easton's sister really could be an interesting character!

3 GOOD solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
A Silver Fox for Kinkmas (Naughty or Nice Season Three)
A Silver Fox for Kinkmas (Naughty or Nice Season Three)
Colette Davison | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"Washing machines and socks? It works here!"
A SILVER FOX FOR KINKMAS is part of the Naughty or Nice Season 3 and we meet Barney and Magnus. Barney is Kasper's best friend (Crazy Little Thing Cold Love, Destination Daddies Season Two) and comes to Manchester to spend some time with him and Jude. Plus, Cuff'd are having a week-long event called Kinkmas in Manchester that Barney wants to attend. He'd really like a silver fox for Christmas, nothing too serious, nothing too special. What he gets is Magnus, a silver fox who falls for bratty Barney and wants long-term.

There was so much about this story I loved. Magnus' memories of Leo were so sweet and I loved how Barney understood and let him have his moments, feeling secure in what was between them. Barney is the one with worries about their relationship which, to be fair to him, was completely understandable considering how his parents were. Anyone would have doubts after growing up with that.

Light on kink (unless you count washing machines and wearing socks!) but heavy on emotion, this was a wonderful book to read and I have no hesitation in recommending it.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Nothing (0 more)
Too much to say (0 more)
The Dark Phoenix??
Contains spoilers, click to show
I have to begin by saying is I am glad Fox is done with the X men. This bad excuse for a Dark Phoenix story was by far the worst of the lot. I thought the Apocalypse movie was bad. They made one worse! I know there is only so much you can do in a movie but to call this The Dark Phoenix was not the right movie title. Maybe it should have been called X Men: The Alien Invasion. That's all this movie was...a story about Jean Grey getting the Phoenix powers and Aliens trying to get her and steal the powers to rebuild their race. That's the storyline. It seems there wasn't even an effort to tell the story half way right. But at the expense of going on a rant, Fox is done so maybe now Marvel can do the X men justice. My recommendation...don'r waste your time on this abomination.
Grace is an American visiting the Lake District in England to research the Romantic Poets. She stumbles upon Peter Fox lying face down in the stream, but she revives him. Then the next day she is kidnapped. What has she stumbled upon? This is a fun and fast moving caper with a great cast of characters.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Um?? (0 more)
Structure (0 more)
Fox mess it up again!! If you watched this without knowing the dark Phoenix saga you would've been confused! Some villains not clear where they come from! Characters in the film just because the actors are contracted no real reason for a few of them! Action was disappointing weirdly found the make up on Jean grey was distracting (never had that before!!) Some new mutants might as well have been wearing red jumpers!!
Foxtrot, Assembled with Care
Bill Amend | 2002
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The 8th anthology contains plenty more laughs with the Fox clan. Covering Fall of 1999 to Summer of 2001, we get such great moments as Jason looking forward to the Lord of the Rings, Paige making high school flashcards, and Peter trying to get through Hamlet. This family always makes me laugh, and this book is no exception.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Bright Lights, Big City (1988)
Bright Lights, Big City (1988)
1988 | Drama
Michael seemed miscast
After rewatching this film recently, it seemed to me Michael J. Fox was trying to hard to show his dramatic range which worked well in Casualties of War, but not this film.

Michael stars as an alcoholic/drug addict who can't do anything right in relationships or his job.

Maybe if the story would've been more engaging I wouldn't have minded as much. Not bad, but kind of forgettable as well.
Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
An X-Men spin off, of a poorly received character from an earlier X-Men spin off... FOX must have had some major trust in Ryan Reynolds to give Deadpool the green light after the mess of X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

I've been a huge fan of Deadpool comics since as long as I can remember. When I was younger, the 4th wall breaking, the hyper violence, comedy, and self awareness that he is a comic book character, was always something that appealed to me.
So I, like many other Marvel fans, really hated what they did with the character in Origins, and it seems Ryan Reynolds did as well, pitching a rough sequence to FOX which convinced them to give this beloved characters another shot. God bless Ryan Reynolds.

And it paid off in spades. And it's easy to see why - Deadpool is a great movie.
The character himself is near perfect. He looks the part, he sounds the part, and it's great that the studio didn't shy away from an R rating.

The violence in Deadpool is frequent and messy, as is the cursing and crudeness, and the result is hilarious.

The story is told mostly in flashbacks before the big last showdown, and is nicely mapped out, and we're given a hugely likable cast.
Ryan Reynolds is of course , as is T.J. Miller and Morena Baccarin.
I even liked Ed Skrein's villain, Ajax.
Deadpool even manages to sneak in a couple of X-Men with a completely CGI Colossus joining the party, as well as Negasonic Teenage Warhead - the best superhero name ever, and coincidentally the films shining star after Ryan Reynolds - Brianna Hildebrand is a welcome addition to the film, and I genuinely hope that she makes in over to the MCU in the recent Disney Fox merge.

Deadpool is important for a number of reasons - it finally does the character justice. It's also shows that spin off films away from the main X-Men cast can be really decent, and it also shows that R rated superhero films can do the business at the box office.

It's certainly in the top tier of the FOX X-Men series.
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Fox is trying his best to have a normal life, but the bad guys just keep coming. Seconds from handing in his resignation letter, all hell breaks loose, and a virus found frozen in a glacier is set loose. This virus is wanted by several individuals for horrible purposes, and it's up to Fox to try and stop it from getting into the wrong hands, causing the end of the world as we know it.

I can definitely say that this novel held my interest all the way through. The characters are great, the premise is one that (horrifyingly) could happen in this day and age, and the pacing was superb. I will admit that I got a little confused trying to keep up with who was working for who, who was double-crossing who, etc., but that's how these things go in real life!! The ending is fantastic, and I'm certainly going to add the next one to my TBR list. Great job!

4 1/2 stars

AT (1676 KP) rated Rent: Live in TV

Jan 28, 2019 (Updated Jan 28, 2019)  
Rent: Live
Rent: Live
2019 | Musical
7.9 (17 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
I love Rent. The live version that just aired on Fox was fine, and fun to watch. Some pre-recorded parts were shown due to one of the main characters breaking his ankle right before the live show. It was a decent performance, but I still love the original Broadway cast. However!! They did bring in the original cast to sing Seasons of Love at the end, which I LOVED! Great move! Jonathan Larson was such a heartbreaking loss to modern theater!