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The Paris Library
The Paris Library
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Paris Library tells the story of the occupation of Paris from a different point of view - that of the librarians. Historical fiction is one of my favourite genres, books are my favourite things, so it was a pretty safe bet that I’d enjoy this book!
In 1930’s - 1940’s Paris, we follow Odile, a young woman who wants to be a librarian in the American Library. She gets her dream job - much to her parents dismay. She meets and falls in love with a young police officer, but life begins to get much more difficult when the Germans invade France, occupying Paris. Odile’s twin brother is imprisoned in a camp after he is captured on the front, and her Jewish subscribers at the library are forbidden from going there. Odile’s wartime experiences are fascinating to read about, and I really enjoyed these flashbacks.
We also meet Lily in the 1980’s - Odile’s neighbour in the small Montana town that they both live in. They become good friends when Lily decides that she wants to write a school report about France during the Occupation. Odile teaches Lily to speak French, and they share a love of books. Odile becomes a grandmotherly figure in Lily’s life, and I loved the relationship between the two of them.
I found this book so interesting: when I was reading about Lily, I was desperate to know what would happen in the next Paris flashback, and when I was reading about Odile’s Paris, I wanted to know what would happen to Lily in her next section. I would say that this is the sign of a good book!
The Parisian sections weren’t gratuitously violent - in fact the Nazi heading the library department of the invading forces seemed to be a reasonable man. It’s made clear that the characters don’t like the Germans, and we’re told that Jews go missing, but the German’s themselves are very low key. This is about Odile’s experience, and Lily’s life in the 80’s. And the power of books.
The bravery of the Parisian librarians was admirable, especially as they could have been imprisoned or killed if their acts of resistance had ever been revealed.
I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this book - it was a pleasure to read.

Laetitia Sadier recommended Australasie by Astrobal in Music (curated)

Australasie by Astrobal
Australasie by Astrobal
2016 | Electronic
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is Emmanuel Mario, who I met in Toulouse thanks to Julien Gasc. Julien also does his own great records and is part of Aquaserge. I could have put Aquaserge in the list, because they would totally fall into this category of people who've been working very hard for many years and who eventually make a masterpiece. But they're all part of a group of people in Toulouse who I finally met. I say finally, because I left France absolutely appalled that I couldn't meet anyone that could mirror my taste and my desire to make music. So I immigrated to this country, for the music, and of course I had met Tim, so it made a lot of sense. In France it was impossible. But anyway in 2003 or 4 I came across this group of people who were all incredibly talented and sexy and good-looking and had no big egos, and with no shame about what they were doing, exposing their vision. There were a lot of complexes in the French music scene which got better later on, but to me these people were like, wow, I've found my brothers and sisters, it was absolutely wonderful. So Emmanuel became a long-time collaborator and he's very good at working with other people, but there was also a desire to do his own stuff. He was kind of doing it before he started working on this project, but then I guess he found his focus and made this incredible piece of work. From one track to another you're transported to very different countries, but it's also very familiar to Emmanuel, and I find that to be a real strength: to have such a variety of different styles, but still be familiar and to have some similarity. He reaches really far out to find certain tracks and to bring them back to a whole. I think it's a brilliant album musically and also for its variety. It also tells a story, about the Kerguelen Islands, which were discovered by this French captain. He was sent to go and find new islands and new places to conquer, and I think he was trying to conquer these islands but they're not conquerable. There's too much wind and it's too hostile. But he said that they were worth conquering; he lied about those islands and was treated like a hero, but eventually the truth came out."

The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc (1999)
The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc (1999)
1999 | Drama, History, War
Sprawling, episodic historical drama which brought the Hollywood career of Luc Besson to a firm stop. 15th century France is invaded by the English, but leading the resistance is a teenage girl who believes she can hear the voice of God. She may be able to defeat the invaders, but can she survive the snake pit of court and church politics?

So: Joan of Arc, an iconic, legendary, complex figure, is brought to the screen by Milla Jovovich, whose performance mostly consists of her rolling her eyes a lot and squeaking. No matter how distinguished the rest of the cast, or how well staged the various massed battle scenes, this is a problem which any film would struggle to overcome. Some other odd creative choices don't help much (Dustin Hoffman turns up as the embodiment of Joan's self-doubt). Still, there is a genuine sense of the medieval grotesque, and Besson is very much in his comfort zone during the battles. Certainly a brave and imaginative take on history, but the end result is too close to Monty Python and the Holy Grail for comfort.

Merissa (11805 KP) rated The Fear in Books

Mar 22, 2018  
The Fear
The Fear
C.L. Taylor | 2018 | Contemporary, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Fear by C.L. Taylor
The Fear tells the story of Louise, a schoolgirl who ran away to France with her karate teacher, thinking it was just for the weekend. Instead it turns into something a whole lot more, which leads to him going to prison for five years. Through a series of flashbacks you learn what happened, and also why Louise never testified against him in court. Told from three different perspectives, you are thrown into this story, and watch as the twists and turns unfold. Nothing is what it seems in this book, and you will question just what is going on - just like Louise does.

Very well written, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, this was a thrilling read that captured my interest from the very start. The way the story unfolds keeps your interest, and I adored the ending - although I won't say anything else about that!

Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jerry's Mystery
W.W. Rowe | 2016
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jerry's Mystery by W.W. Rowe is the 3rd book in the series. The book is about Jerry, who is now in 7th grade. This year there is a new kid in the school who is from France. The girls go crazy over his accent and good looks. Jerry has to deal with jealousy and revenge. Jerry's friend, Wilcox, helps him through the difficult time with meditation and looking for the Higher Self. Jerry soon realizes that not everything needs to be dealt with and to always be his better self.

A wonderful book for those in the middle grades having to deal with not being the popular kid anymore, or just dealing the jealousy. This book also helps to teach compassion, even when it is thought it should be given.

In this novel, jealousy, deception, revenge and betrayal are explored in this novel.. Advice is given that helps Jerry come to grips with his feelings. There is also more exposure to what the soul is. This story gives one the opportunity for the reader to think about what to do if in the situations that Jerry has.
I enjoyed this like no other mystery book. The main character Bruno, was someone I would enjoy reading more about. He seem content to help his town. This book could be read different ways as of a mystery, love story, adventure, or even a little of a guide about Muslim or even about a town.

It depends on how you would enjoy reading this book. To me it was more fun to read it as a Mystery. I feel like i was discovering along with Bruno. We also find out about Sami and how he got where he ended up. I really enjoyed read and learning a little more about France. We got about 3 story lines going on with this book.
It a sweet story about a family love for their son. It can even be a about a love story about Bruno and what going on with his community. If your children or child enjoy adventure and some action then this book is worth it. You even get to feel like a detective and try and solve and save lives. That will be up to you and decide how you like your book.
In times of war people have been known to go to drastic measures. Where will loyalties lie when the truth comes out?

Mr. McKinnon, or rather Rees Phillips, has been sent as a butler, a spy, into the house of Lady Céline Wexham. Céline is a French émigré who is most likely a spy herself. Although as he gets to know her his loyalty to his homeland falters. It is 1813 and word has it that Bonaparte will soon be conquered. The royalists long to reestablish the monarchy in France, however Lady Wexham is in favor of the republic. She has made enemies of the French and the British. Will Rees follow his country, his heart, or God’s call?

Moonlight Masquerade is an exquisite tale of love in regency England. Intrigue, espionage, masquerades and highwaymen fill the pages of this book from beginning to end. It is a very moving story filled with sorrow and joy. Ruth Axtell did a wonderful job detailing where our true loyalties must lie. First and foremost to God. Our path will become clear, if not easy, as long as we rely on Him to guide us.
The Blooding (Matthew Hawkwood, #5)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The most recent book (at the time of writing) in [a:James McGee|223959|James McGee|] Matthew Hawkwood series, this is primarily set during the 'forgotten war' of 1812 between Great Britain and the fledgling USA, with Hawkwood newly arrived in the country while trying to get home to London from his escapades in France in the previous novel ([b:Rebellion|11254850|Seeds of Rebellion (Beyonders, #2)|Brandon Mull||16181497]).

I say mostly as, for approximately the first half, the novel actually flits back and forth - almost chapter about - between current events and those of Hawkwood's childhood (also in the States).

I also have to say that, as the series has progressed, it has seemingly moved further and further away from it's original Bow Street Runner in the Regency period: moving closer, perhaps, in mold (IMO) to the classic Sharpe stories of Bernard Cornwell, and - as a consequence - becoming in danger of losing it's own flavour that originally made it stand out.

Having said that, however, this - I felt - was an improvement on the previous book, which I personally struggled somewhat to connect with.
Blood's Revolution
Blood's Revolution
Angus Donald | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Second entry in Angus Donald's Holcroft Blood series (that started with Blood's Game) and, in many respects, you could be forgiven for thinking that this had a different central character.

Since the events covered in that novel, the young Holcroft Blood has grown up, and is no longer quite as naïve, perhaps, as he was before. The 'Merry Monarch' (Charles II) has also passed on, with his crown passing to his Catholic brother James II, as his Holcroft's father Colonel Thomas Blood (who attempted to steal the Crown Jewels in the previous novel).

The majority of this novel thus concerns itself with Holcroft being caught up in the events surrounding James II increasing alienation of Britain's Protestant political elite, while being hunted by a brutal French spy for his time doing the similar for Charles II in France.

I'm interested in seeing where this goes, and how Holcroft gets caught up in the later events, especially since The Battle of the Boyne (in which William, the Prince of Orange, defeats King James II) is still remembered every July 12th here in my homeland of Northern Ireland!
Flying Colours
Flying Colours
CS Forester | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Chronologically the seventh (of eleven) of CS Forester's Hornblower series of books, this was actually the third published in the series, and follows on pretty much directly from the ending of 'Ship of the Line', with Hornblower and his men captured by the French after he had to surrender the HMS Sutherland at the end of that previous book.

Unlike the other entries, this one takes place largely on land, with the majority - a good two thirds, say - of the novel dealing with Hornblower's (and Bush, and Brown) captivity, escape from the same and journeys across France before a daring raid that sees him recapture and return home (where he has been presumed dead) with a (now re)captured British vessel.

As such, this is perhaps more character-driven than we have been used to so far, with large swathes of the book concerned with Hornblower himself and his mental state, riven with self-doubt and jealousy, and unsure of how his surrender will be viewed at home: a home where he is both unhappily married and awaiting the birth of his third child (after the death of his previous two to Smallpox).